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All the Wrong Places

Page 12

by Jerilee Kaye

  She heaved a sigh and looked away, but still she didn’t speak. She just swayed along with him, looking relieved that he had saved her from her awkward encounter with her ex-fiancé.

  Damn! When will I get her to say… anything at all?

  “Fine, if you don’t want to talk, let’s just dance.” His voice was low and sober. He did not disguise the irritation he felt. It was obvious, she was using him to get away from Patrick McAllister. Perhaps, making him a little bit jealous as well, because Patrick McAllister was still standing on the side of the dance floor, watching them with murder in his eyes.

  I would be jealous too if I saw her in the arms of another man!

  Then he heard his thoughts.

  Whoa! Hold up there! Why would I be jealous if this enchantress was in the arms of another man?

  I’m over her! I’ve spent years mourning because she broke my heart. And that heart does not exist anymore!

  Jin slightly pulled her closer towards him. She did not offer resistance. He closed his eyes and savored her scent for a moment. He could almost feel her heart beating wildly against his chest.

  She still feels and smells the same… like everything happened only yesterday!

  But he remembered, she still broke his heart—made him the beast he is now. And for that, she deserved to be punished.

  Julianne started to pull away from him.

  “Thank you,” she said in a weak voice. She lacked the feistiness she showed towards Patrick McAllister a while ago. She even refused to look him in the eye. And Jin didn’t know whether to feel good or bad about that.

  While she bit back at McAllister, she seemed calm, almost deadpan towards him.

  Don’t I stir any feeling within her? Don’t I deserve even a hint of strong emotions from this woman?

  Was she a total fraud? Was our past a total lie?

  Jin tried to keep ahold of his feelings. While Julianne remained unaffected by him, she was stirring unwanted emotions within him, driving him crazy like no woman has ever done in the past seven years.

  Many women had tried to catch his attention, did all sorts of tricks to get his affection. They had all failed. And yet, Julianne Sanders was slowly pushing him towards the edge of his sanity by doing absolutely nothing, not even uttering a word!

  “It’s getting late. I need to go back to my room now,” she said looking at his shoulder, then over it… anywhere other than his eyes.

  Jin looked around and realized that more than half of the guests have left the ballroom. Patrick McAllister though, was still standing in the table near the exit. He was with two other men, but Jin knew he was only half-listening to their conversation. He kept glancing over at their direction, watching Julianne’s every move.

  “I’ll walk you to your room,” Jin said.

  She shook her head. “No, no. That’s not necessary. I’ll…”

  “I’ll walk you to your room,” Jin repeated firmly. “That’s not negotiable.”

  She opened her mouth for a moment, as if she was going to argue. Jin waited with a raised brow. Finally, he was going to see a show of emotion from her.

  But she bit her lip and looked down on the floor again. Then she nodded slightly. Although he was glad that she agreed to him escorting her out of the ballroom, he was frustrated because he knew that she only agreed because she didn’t want an argument—or further conversation with him.

  She just wanted to do it and get it over with!

  Jin took her elbow gently and led her away from the ballroom. He deliberately went the way opposite to where McAllister was. He did not like the way McAllister was looking at her. The man looked like he wanted to hurt her. Like he wasn’t done with her yet.

  He couldn’t understand why, but Jin suddenly felt like he should be protecting her.

  He told himself that no matter what happened between them in the past, she’s now a part of his family. She was Justin’s flesh and blood.

  Adrienne would be devastated if something happened to her.

  They walked out of the ballroom and into the elevators in silence. Jin wondered what she was thinking about. He wanted to hear her thoughts, decipher her emotions.

  Funny because with most women he’d been with, he didn’t want them to talk at all. He couldn’t wait for them to shut up. But with Julianne, he wanted to pick her brain, know her thoughts. He wanted to know everything she was thinking about, hear her utter a word—any word!

  They reached the top floor and Jin led her to the last room on the end of the hall. A bellman was waiting for them. He greeted them cheerfully and handed Jin two key cards before leaving.

  Jin looked down at Julianne’s beautiful face, waiting for her to look up and look him in the eye. He waited for what felt like forever for her to slowly glance up at him. Finally, their eyes met.

  Damn! Why did she have to be so darned beautiful?

  And why does she have to be Justin’s cousin?

  “May I have the key cards please?” she asked.

  He handed it to her, still watching her expression.

  “Thank you,” she said in a low voice, devoid of emotions.

  Why does she have to be cold all of a sudden?

  This woman was warmth and sunshine when I met her.

  “That’s all you’re going to say?” he asked in a voice that matched her arctic demeanor.

  “I have nothing else to say,” she replied, looking away from him.

  “You have a lot of things to say to me,” he said. “You owe me a lot of explanation.”

  “I owe you nothing,” she countered. Even when she was provoked, there was no fire in her voice. At most, she sounded bored and Jin couldn’t help feeling even more frustrated.

  “That was Patrick McAllister. Your ex-fiancé. The guy you cheated on with me,” he said, hoping to get her mad enough so she would blow her top and show a little bit more feelings.

  But she fell silent again.

  “He looked like he’s still not over you. How long had you been together? Why did you cheat on him?” Jin continued provoking her.

  She took a deep breath but instead of answering back, she said, “It’s late Mister Starck. Thank you for your kindness in walking me up my room. But I need to retire for the night.”

  “Jin,” he said.

  “What?” She looked up at him. Her beautiful crystal blue eyes may be clear, but they still shaded any emotion she might be feeling.

  Or maybe she just feels nothing for me!

  “Call me Jin,” he said in a low, serious voice. He was slowly losing control of his own emotions. “Or maybe you should call me Jas, so you would remember what we used have.”

  She didn’t say anything, but her flawless creamy skin instantly turned red.

  Jin couldn’t hold it anymore. He was angry that she seemed so unaffected by him, while he suddenly realized that she was able to shatter every control he had on his emotions by simply doing nothing. He was angry at himself because he thought he taught himself to get over her and completely forget about her.

  But here he was again, feeling like she only left him yesterday.

  “Or perhaps I should just remind you,” he said to her.

  And without warning, he held her on either side of her neck, gently pulled her towards him and crushed his lips down on hers. The first shot of her lips against his stopped time. He stood there frozen, breathing in the sweet scent of her, feeling the velvet softness of her skin.

  It was one kiss but it felt like it lasted for an eternity. And maybe he was imagining it, but he felt her lips move against his. She was kissing him back. He let go of all control, all inhibitions. He deepened the kiss, like it was his sole mission to invade her soul, ignite her senses. He pulled her closer to him, afraid to break their connection, afraid that this temporary lack of judgment, this lapse of sanity won’t last for long.

  His hands went to her hair and he gently tugged at the black ribbon of her ponytail, releasing her soft blonde waves. He had always liked her hair dow

  No other woman could ignite his passion like this. No one could make him feel scared that this wasn’t real… that this wasn’t meant to last.

  Then suddenly, he felt her hands against his chest, and she gave him a strong push away from her.

  He reluctantly let her go. He stared at her beautiful face. Her eyes were a darker shade of blue and her cheeks were a shade of crimson red. She tried to catch her breath.

  “Please stop!” she said to him.

  “Stop what? Kissing you? Ravaging your lips?” he asked. “May I remind you that you were ardently kissing me back?”

  He saw her eyes flare. He was so distracted by it, that he didn’t see her right hand flying. It landed on his left cheek with a force that sent his face sideways.

  Jin didn’t mind the sting on his cheek. In his mind, he finally saw that fire that she was trying so hard to hide from him. He was finally able to stir strong emotions from her. And moreover, he could still feel the warmth that her lips left on his when she kissed him back.

  She wasn’t entirely unaffected by me like she wanted me to believe!

  “Please go!” she said, trying to control her voice. “It would be a shame for me to call the hotel security on you… here in your own hotel property!”

  Call the security on me? Seriously?

  But the look on her face told him she was dead serious.

  The nerve of this woman!

  Jin took a step back and composed himself. He took ahold of his emotions before he dragged her inside the room and finished what he started.

  “Alright, Arabella. As you wish,” he breathed. “I will leave. But first, you must enter your room safely. And never open it for anyone. No matter who knocks or tries to break it down, you do not open it for anyone. Do you understand?”

  “How dare you tell me…” she started protesting.

  “Do you understand?” he repeated more firmly. “While you’re here in my property, I am duty-bound to protect you.”

  “No one will visit me at this hour,” she said.

  “Your ex-fiancé looked like he wasn’t done with you yet,” he muttered under his breath. “I will not let him on this floor. I will be watching through the cameras. Unless you want him to…”

  “Finish that sentence, Mister Starck. And you will find my left hand imprinted on your right cheek this time!”

  “Jin,” he said. “I told you to call me Jin. Unless you want me to finish what I started barely five minutes ago.”

  She was livid, he could see it in her eyes. But she composed herself quickly. Then she turned around, swiped the key card and opened the door. She closed it behind her without another word.

  Jin stood outside her door, recalling the kiss they just shared.

  One kiss… was enough to make him remember the wounds of the past. It was enough for him to remember how he became a selfish, ruthless asshole. It was enough to bring back emotions he had long forgotten. It was enough for him to remember the heart he thought he no longer has.

  For the first time in years, he felt a twist in his stomach, and a pounding inside his ribcage.

  One kiss. It was not enough.

  In this head, he made a promise.

  I’m older and wiser this time! She won’t be able to twist my head with her stupid lies and false stories anymore.

  But damn!

  One kiss will never be enough!


  Julianne gathered her bags very early in the morning. Outside her window, wind, rain, thunder and lightning were having a showdown. It was pitch dark outside, like it was only midnight.

  Her phone’s signal slowly dwindled due to the thunderstorm. If only she had woken up earlier, she could have made it home. But it was already late, and the storm had hit town. If she sends for the car, her driver might get stuck somewhere.

  She had planned to leave early—before the sun was up. But as a result, she fell asleep and did not wake up until after noontime.

  This is all Jin Starck’s fault!

  He had the nerve to kiss me! Knowing now that she was who she was… Gian Sanders’s twin sister, Justin Adams’s cousin… Adrienne’s cousin-in-law. He dared ravage her lips…

  Julianne sighed in frustration.

  How dare I kiss him back?


  While Jas Mathieu was everything she dreamt of in a man, Jin Starck was a completely different person.

  And who knew what was going on in that mind of his?

  From what she heard about him, he was known to be thoughtless when it came to women. He was only after one thing from them. Pleasure.

  He was known to possess, to conquer. Never to love and protect. He only knew playtime or business advantages. Not commitments or relationships.

  She felt a twist in her stomach as she realized one thing.

  My Jas Mathieu never existed in real life.

  He only existed in Jin Starck’s creative imagination. And now, in my vivid memories.

  Julianne dialed her driver’s number again. This time she was able to get through.

  “Hello, Ma’am,” he said on the other line. “There’s a hailstorm now. News reports are saying that we have almost zero visibility on the streets. And the worst is yet to hit by evening. We will get stuck on the road if we drive back.”

  “Oh my God. So, I need to stay here until tomorrow?”

  “Hopefully, this storm only lasts a day,” he said and his voice didn’t sound so optimistic, much to Ian’s frustration.

  “Alright. Keep me posted,” she said glumly.

  “We will do, Miss Sanders. Stay safe. I will inform Mister Adams of the situation.”

  “I will call him as well.”

  But instead of calling Justin, Julianne decided to call Adrienne.

  “This weather is terrible!” Adrienne complained. “They cancelled all classes. Jeffrey was sent home as soon as he reached school.”

  “Adrienne, I hate to ask you this again. I’ve already asked you this favor a hundred times before.”

  “You didn’t have to ask me, Ian,” Adrienne said softly. “Jared is like a son to me too. I will take care of him. Don’t you worry.”

  “Thank you. I will make it up to you someday.”

  “Are you kidding me? Having Jared to myself all day? You’re actually doing me and my kids a favor.”

  “You’re a great mom, Yen,” Julianne breathed. While she was so thankful for Adrienne, she also couldn’t help but feel envious that she could afford to stay home all day and take care of the children before she does anything else.

  Julianne had to work doubly hard for Jared’s future. Adrienne, on the other hand, could shower her children with as much time and attention as humanly possible. Justin had already secured their children’s future. Julianne wanted to do the same for Jared. But she had to admit that she had a very, very long way to go. She even lost all her trust funds, which she could have passed on to Jared in the future. But her father was not a forgiving man.

  “You’re a wonderful mother too, Ian. Don’t you feel bad about yourself. Because apart from being the best mom to Jared, you’re doing a great job being a father to him too,” Adrienne said encouragingly. “I’m sure Jared is very proud of you. And someday, when he’s old enough to understand all this… he will know what a wonderful, strong woman his mother was. And he’ll be even prouder.”

  A tear ran down Julianne’s cheek but she refused to let a whimper escape her lips, so Adrienne would not realize that she was crying.

  “Thanks, Yen,” she said in a low, weak voice.

  “I will tell Justin what happened there. And I will ask him to ensure he brings you back home as soon as it’s safe to travel.”

  “I’m sure he’ll do that without you telling him. But thanks anyway.”

  “I’ll tell Jin to ensure that his staff treats you nicely, make you feel comfortable there.”

  “No!” Julianne almost wailed. Too late, she realized that she sounded so guilty and defensive. She prayed
that Adrienne does not suspect anything.

  “What? You don’t want me to tell my brother to offer you excellent customer experience during your stay at our hotel? We do the same for all our guests. Why not you?”

  “No, silly,” she tried to disguise her nervousness with a giggle. “I don’t need special treatment. I’m fine. I will just stay in my hotel room and work. I don’t want to go out.”

  “Why? That hotel is luxurious. There are only a couple of rooms being rented out to provide a homey, cozy experience. It’s a shame if you will only stay in your hotel room,” Adrienne said. “You should go out.”

  “Well… I don’t want to run into some people,” Julianne murmured.

  Shit! Why did I say that? Can I still take that back?

  “Who?” Adrienne asked.

  Too late! Damn!

  “Um… Pat-Patrick McAllister,” she replied.

  Good! Quick thinking!

  “Shoot, he’s there?”

  “Yeah. We ran into each other last night. He didn’t sound too happy to see me.”

  “What do you expect? He was really looking forward to the wedding.”

  “I wonder why. It was arranged. There was nothing between us!”

  “Oh my dear Ian. You haven’t spent a lot of time looking at the mirrors, have you?”

  “No. The mirrors in our house all had Gian’s name on them. He’s kind of a narcissist.”

  “Well, that is true,” Adrienne giggled. “But seriously, Ian, we all know Patrick McAllister is into you. He was not entirely against the arranged marriage. And rumor was, he didn’t take your broken engagement well. Justin and your brother weren’t the only ones who wanted to know the identity of Jared’s father. They all wanted a piece of that guy. I guess you were right in keeping his identity a secret from everyone.”

  Julianne’s heart jumped again at the mention of Jared’s father. She wondered how they will all react when they find out the truth.

  “I guess I am,” she said. “I don’t think he would be interested in knowing about Jared anyway.”

  It is true! He hasn’t asked about Jared, which meant he had no clue about his paternity.

  Well, I can’t blame him. I had only known him for two weeks. I didn’t even give him my name. He wasn’t even aware that I was a virgin when he touched me. He thought I went on a sexcapade in my European travels. And he touched me only once! What were the chances that he could be Jared’s father, right?


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