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All the Wrong Places

Page 15

by Jerilee Kaye

  He reached for the door handle but suddenly, it wouldn’t budge.

  “Fuckin’ hell!” he cursed under his breath. He released her hand and gave the door handle a harder push. Nothing happened.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “The knob is stuck. I can’t open it from the inside.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “No. Because I like to joke about these things,” he said sarcastically. He fished his phone from his pocket. “Fuck!”


  “I think the whole city’s power is out. I can’t get a signal. Check your phone,” he told her.

  She shook her head. “I left mine in the room.”

  “Great!” he muttered. He reached for her hand again and gently pulled her towards one corner of the room. There was a telephone there. He checked if he could get a dial tone. But it seemed that the phone lines were also out.

  She stared back at him. Clueless of what they would do next. He was eyeing her from head to feet.


  “Are you warm enough?” he asked.

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “Because it seems we’re gonna be stuck here for a while.”

  “Are you freaking kidding me?” she asked in disbelief.

  “Yes, I am. I have a great sense of humor,” he said dryly. He sighed and checked his phone again. “We’ll wait until the power is restored.”

  “Don’t you have generators?” she asked.

  As soon as she said that, she saw the hotel structure light up.

  “Unfortunately, I had the generator connection to this place removed last week.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “I don’t know,” he replied with a bored expression. “Maybe because I was demolishing this garden and I failed to foresee that you and I will be stuck here when the power goes out tonight. Hmmm… I should really sharpen my rusting psychic skills.”

  “Would you stop that?” she asked.

  “Stop what?”

  “Stop annoying me!” She turned on her heel and went to the circle sofa in the middle of the garden. As soon as sat on it, she realized how fluffy the foam was. It felt soft, firm… comfortable.

  Jin approached her.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “I could use a drink though.”

  “Ahhh… alcoholic or non-alcoholic?”

  “Does it matter?” she asked.

  “There’s a bar at the back,” he replied. “I have water… and wine.”

  She stood up from the sofa and raised her chin to him. “Are you going to be nice to me?”

  “What? When…”

  “Are you going to be nice to me? At least while we’re stuck here?” she asked him again, cutting him mid-sentence.

  He sighed. “Ma’am, yes, ma’am.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “And do you promise not to kiss me again?”

  “Ha-ha!” he chuckled sarcastically. She raised a brow at him. “Oh, you’re serious?”

  “Hell, yeah?” she asked matter-of-factly.

  “Then… hell, no!” he replied.

  “What the…” she started protesting but he cut her off by brushing his lips against hers.

  Jin Starck may have been known to be rough, evil even, but the kisses he gave her had always been soft, gentle and… heavenly. And when he pulled away from her, it felt like she forgot where she was and what she was doing. He never failed to make her feel dumbfounded.

  “Hell. No,” he whispered against her lips. He stepped away from her. Then he reached out for her hand. “Follow me.”

  He led her towards the end of the garden. Though it was dark, she could make out a small counter, with two bar stool chairs. Jin went on the opposite side of the bar. He turned on the two hand-blown glass orbs sitting on the counter. They ran on batteries. It illuminated the surroundings a little bit. It was not bright but it was enough for them to see each other’s faces.

  Then Jin poured wine for her and whiskey for him.

  “Mademoiselle,” he said.

  “Merci,” she murmured.

  They drank in silence. Streaks of lightning frequented the skies, followed by bellows of lightning that seemed to go louder and louder.

  “How long do you think this is going to last?”

  “A couple of hours,” he replied.

  “Won’t any member of your staff look for you? I mean… they should notice when you’re not around, right?”

  “Maybe,” he said. “But I mostly keep to myself when I stay in my office. It’s private and no one can enter it except for me. No one comes in. They usually wait for me to come out,”

  “Won’t they check your room?”

  He shook his head. “I slept in my office last night,”

  “Why? Don’t you have a suite here?”

  “I do,” he replied. “But we were fully booked last night. I gave up my accommodations for our last arriving guest.”

  “Wow. That guest must be quite special. Who was it?” she took a sip of her wine.

  He gave her a long, measuring look before he took a gulp of his whiskey. Then he replied, “You.”

  She was taken aback. She realized that last night, she wasn’t planning on staying. But because of the storm she was forced to. She didn’t have prior reservations and the receptionist told her that they were fully-booked. She remembered Patrick complaining about her suite being more luxurious than his. Now, it made sense.

  I slept in Jin’s bed last night.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” she said. “I could have gone to the next hotel property.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “Did you think I would send you away in the middle of the night?”

  “Well, I was just another paying customer,” she pointed out.

  He took a gulp of his whiskey again. “Justin will kill me if he found out I sent you away.”


  She finished her wine. It was delicious. Sweet. And it was making her feel warm.

  Shit! I must be drunk now, thinking that Jin gave up his room because he was looking out for my comfort or safety. That’s crazy.

  “Do you want another glass?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “Why is there a bar here?” she asked as he refilled her glass.

  “There was a time when I came here often to paint,” he replied. “I needed refreshments.”

  “And you don’t come here to paint anymore?” she asked. “That’s why this structure has no more purpose to you?”

  It took him a long moment to respond. “This was the last hotel property we built in Chicago. I was the one who set this up. Now, it’s done. I will be painting in Paris more now.”

  He’ll stay less in Chicago?

  There was a twisted pain in her stomach that didn’t escape her attention.

  What the hell is wrong with me? He lives in Paris anyway! Why would I want him to stay in Chicago? I should be happy he’s leaving. I would be seeing less of him. He’s complicated!

  “Can I ask the questions now?” he asked.

  “Okay. But I can’t promise to answer all of them,” she replied.

  “Why do you live with Justin and Adrienne?” he asked.

  “I’ve lived with them in the past,” she replied. “All of us had rooms in the Adams’s mansion when we were growing up. Uncle Jac liked a full, noisy house.”

  “And your parents were okay with that?”

  Julianne bit her lip. She felt that familiar pain in her heart again at the mention of her parents. It had been more than six years since she last spoke to them.

  “Arabella,” he called. She realized that he asked her a question and she hadn’t answered yet.

  “Sorry,” she took a deep breath, hoping her concealed tears would not roll down her cheeks in front of Jin Starck. “My parents had been used to that arrangement.”

  “But shouldn’t that have changed now? Wouldn’t they want you to live in their house because of Ja


  How can I tell him that my father doesn’t even recognize his own grandson?

  She took a deep breath. “My father… was too busy running his company. I doubt that would make a difference.”

  And how can I tell him I’ve been disinherited?

  It was something she could not tell just anybody.

  “Jared doesn’t talk about your parents at all,” he said. “I can tell he was close to Justin’s parents. But he never mentioned yours.”

  She took a sip of her wine. His questions were getting harder to answer. She cleared her throat. “We live with Uncle Jac and Aunt Christine. My parents weren’t around. That’s just the way with kids. They talk more about the people they often see.”

  He drank his whiskey. He watched her expression without a word and Julianne prayed that he doesn’t ask another question about her parents.

  “Do you always work late?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “I work hard.”

  “Being the Head of Corporate Strategy of Adams Industries is a very taxing job,” he said. “I heard you were very good.”

  “I’m very dedicated,” she replied curtly.

  “Is that what you really wanted to do?”

  “What do you mean?”

  He shrugged, “Didn’t you study design? And once you told me you wanted to design furniture and décor pieces.”

  “I mainly studied Political Science and Business Management,” she replied. “I only took up short courses on design.”

  “That’s three different areas of interest that were not even connected to each other,” he remarked.

  “I was told I was smart,” she said wryly. “I liked to matriculate. I was good at it too.”

  “Hmmm… you would have been the perfect wife for Patrick McAllister. No wonder he was so disappointed with the broken engagement,”

  She bit her lip so she wouldn’t have to answer that.

  He noticed her silence. “Okay, sorry. I wouldn’t want to talk about an ex either.”

  He poured her another glass of wine, without her asking.

  “If you weren’t the Head of Justin’s Corporate Strategy, what would you be?” he asked as he poured himself another glass of whiskey.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I would love to design ornaments and decors,” she replied. “When I was a teenager, I thought I was gonna start my own empire. The House of Arabella, I used to call it. I would be the designer of bespoke furniture pieces like couches, and chandeliers and lamp pieces.”

  Damn! I haven’t thought about The House of Arabella in more than half a decade!

  “Wow. That is quite far from what you are doing now,” Jin said. “Why didn’t you do it?”

  She sighed and took another sip of her wine. It was starting to make her feel tipsy.

  “I can’t afford it,” she answered. She hoped he wouldn’t hear the sadness in her voice. “It will take a lot of capital to finance that dream. And a lot of time. And it’s too risky. I can’t take risks. I have a son to raise. His future is my priority.”

  Jin nodded. He didn’t speak for a long time. Neither did she. Outside, it started raining. The wind blew at a raging speed.

  “Are we safe here?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he assured her. “This glass was meant to withstand a storm worst that this.”

  She looked around the place again. She sighed sadly. “Don’t destroy this place, Jin. Whatever your reason was, I’m sure it’s not good enough.”

  She put her glass down on the counter. Then she stood up from the bar stool and walked towards the center of the house. Outside she could see the rain pouring non-stop. The leaves and trees were swaying violently with the force of the strong winds. But inside, she could still hear the peaceful sounds of the fountains. She felt safe and protected. And she thought this may be what it would feel like to be inside a snow globe. Magical. Surreal. Unaffected by the troubles and tremors of the outside world.

  “You know that this place has a name,” Jin said behind her. She could feel his presence behind her. He was standing not more than two feet away. She could almost feel the heat emanating from his body.

  “What is it?” she asked quietly.

  She heard his deep intake of breath and then he replied, “The Arabella.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment and repeated his answer over and over in her head. And she realized that just as she was hurting for him all these years, Jin Starck was hurting for her too.

  And unlike her, it wasn’t his choice they lost each other. She was the one who left. He was the one she left behind.


  Julianne slowly turned around to face Jin. He was standing too close. She could feel his warm breath against her face.

  “I named this place The Arabella when I was building it,” he continued. “And that’s also why I have to tear it down.”

  She bit her lip as tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt his hands on both sides of her cheeks. His face descended towards hers as he took her lips in one chaste kiss.

  “Jin…” she started saying.

  “Arabella…” he whispered against her lips. His voice was low, but thick with emotions. “Just this once. Please… choose me.”

  He sounded sincere… and desperate. And it broke Julianne’s heart even more. She remembered the time that she would have given everything to stay with this man. If she had the freedom then… if she hadn’t been scared of what her father or McAllister would do to him… she would choose him. Over. And over.

  He raised her face towards him and then he kissed her once again. She offered no resistance. She let him kiss her… gently at first. And then slowly, his kisses became demanding. He kissed her with a raging passion that matched the wrath of the storm outside the glass house.

  His arms wrapped around her waist as he pulled her to him, trying to get as close to her as possible. He continued pushing her towards the sofa. He never released her mouth. He was exploring her, entering her soul. She was mesmerized, drowned in the pool of desire he was pushing her in.

  It was getting warmer inside the glass house. Outside, the storm was getting stronger. His kisses were getting more demanding. And she was slowly getting lost in the abyss.

  “Ma belle…” he whispered against her skin as he nuzzled her neck. “You are driving me insane.”

  He gently peeled off her coat. He took off his jacket. He kept kissing her as he continued to unbutton her sweater. Slowly, he undressed her, kissing every bit of skin he exposed.

  Piece by piece.

  Kiss after kiss.

  Breath by breath.

  Moan after moan.

  Oh my God! Am I really going to fall for this?

  Her mind was screaming danger signs all over. She knew Jas Mathieu. She trusted him. She knew he would take care of her. He wouldn’t break her heart.

  But this is Jin Starck!

  The wolf in sheep’s skin. The devil disguised as an angel.

  Jin stared back at her, his eyes blazing with desire. His face descended towards hers and he whispered, “Tu es ravissante. Restez avec moi… ma belle.”

  The minute his lips touched hers again, all doubts, all warning signs flew out the window. Her mind went blank. All she could think about was him and his mouth devouring hers… and the electricity radiating from his skin.

  “Jin…” she moaned in a voice she couldn’t even recognize.


  He left a trail of kisses from the base of her neck, to the slope of her shoulders and then he returned to her lips again, tracing it with his tongue, gently goading her to open her mouth, asking for entrance. An entrance which she couldn’t help but grant.

  He gently pushed her towards the sofa. She landed on the soft cushions and he landed on top her, caging her, preventing her from escaping him, not that she would want to escape him at the moment. She wasn’t herself anymore. She was lost.

  He nudged her knees apart as he pressed firmly against her
. She could feel him against her core. He was rock hard. They were only separated now by the thin material of her cotton panties, and his boxer briefs.

  He nuzzled her neck once again. She felt his hot kisses trail down her chest. He sucked on the skin of her breast. She almost screamed when she felt his mouth on one of her peaks, gently nipping, then eagerly sucking.

  “Oh my God, Jin!” she breathed.

  “You like that, baby?” he asked in a hoarse whisper.

  He sucked on her nipple again.

  “Oh God, yes!” she heard herself say. She was completely surrendering to this.

  She felt his hand between her thighs. He touched her most intimate part.

  “Fuck!” she cursed softly.

  He kissed her lips again. His kisses were much more invading and demanding than the last ones.

  “Soon, ma belle!” he whispered. He pulled her underwear to the side so he could touch her without barriers. She could feel her own wetness through his fingers. “Fuck! It’s gonna be sooner than I thought! You’re so ready for me, baby! I can’t wait to have you again.”

  “Jin… please.” She couldn’t take the feeling of his fingers on her. It was pure torture. He caressed her bud and she felt fire ignite from her core. “Oh God! What are you doing to me?”

  “I’m gonna make you scream, ma belle!”

  She felt him nudge her thighs so she could open them wider, give him better access to the treasure between them. Then she felt a finger invade her.

  “God!” she moaned.

  At the same time, she felt his thumb on her button, rubbing her in gentle circles as he touched her sensitive spot from inside.

  “Jin!” She could feel more wetness coming out of her, she must be drenching the fabric of the sofa. “Please!”

  It had been a long time since she felt pleasure like this. She hadn’t had sex again since her first time. And now, she couldn’t believe she was about to give herself again to the same man she gave her virginity to.

  He kissed her savagely. His tongue invaded her mouth with as much urgency as his fingers were invading her sweet core.

  “You like that, baby?”

  “Yes…” she breathed. She could barely find her voice.

  “Give it to me, ma belle,” he commanded. “Come for me. I want you to be very ready to take me.”


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