Book Read Free

All the Wrong Places

Page 20

by Jerilee Kaye

  “I know. I know,” he said. He didn’t even let her speak. “Can we not fight about this? He loved it! And you have to admit, it’s practical and it’s safer for him. I don’t want to risk him going up and down the stairs in the middle of the night just to get milk.”

  “I know. But I don’t want my son to get used to these luxuries that I can’t afford!” she said.

  “I can afford it!” he countered.

  “I know you’re rich. You’re Jin Starck,” she said, slightly raising her voice. “But normal people like us do not have expensive fridges in our bedroom! He’s six, I don’t want him to think having these things are normal. I don’t want him to get used to the luxuries that normal people cannot afford to have.”

  “But Jared is far from being normal!” To her surprise, Jin sounded offended. His voice was slightly raised and he had an annoyed look on his face.

  “What?” she asked, blinking back at him.

  He took a deep breath and then he turned his back on her.

  “Jared is your son,” he said. “He’s Justin’s and Adrienne’s nephew. He belongs to this family too. You grew up to this life. Why won’t you allow him to have the same luxuries?”

  Julianne bit her lip. Guilt came to her in waves she wasn’t expecting. Was she really depriving her son the best things in life?

  “He did love the Rubik’s cube fridge. And now, he’s now asking for a Rubik’s cube bed, thanks to you,” she managed to say. “But this is the last time you’re going to buy him something behind my back, Jin. I mean it!”

  Then she turned around and walked away.

  In a way, she knew that he was right. She did grow up to a lavish life. She went to the best, expensive schools in the country. She had a nanny, a butler, a driver. Even in the university she had a chauffeur.

  But not anymore. She would do everything in her power to give Jared what he needed. She would work day and night to give him a bright future. Jared may not be an heir, but she would do everything to give him a comfortable life.


  The worst part of Julianne’s plan to move out of the Adams Mansion was actually telling Justin and Adrienne about it. As expected, they offered great resistance and a series of protests.

  “Unnecessary!” Justin said.

  “Ian, think this through,” Adrienne said. “We have a happy setup here that works. Why do you want to change it?”

  “It’s time I do this on my own,” Julianne reasoned. “I will always be thankful to you guys. Without you, we would’ve been nothing. And it’s time, I stand on my own feet.”

  “You are standing on your own feet now,” Justin argued. “But who said you need to remove your safety net? You can be as independent here as you want. But don’t remove us from the equation. Give us a chance to be there for you.”

  “You will always be. I will only be a few minutes away.”

  “Thirty-five minutes, to be exact!” Adrienne said, frowning while looking at her phone. Obviously, she googled the distance between the Adams Mansion and Hyde Park.

  “And how safe are you going to be there?” Justin asked, raising a brow.

  “Quite safe,” Julianne asked. “I’m no longer who I used to be, Justin. And my father refused to recognize my son. We hold no significant value to be kidnapped. I don’t have any such valuable possession that would make people want to rob us. I don’t even have expensive jewelry or trinkets. Don’t worry too much about me being in the real world. Let me shine out there on my own.”

  Justin sighed, giving her a hard look. “This is about your father’s visit here, isn’t it?”

  Julianne shook her head. “Justin, please. Let me be. I should have done this a long time ago.”

  “This is not just about you, Ian. This is about Jared too.”

  “I know,” she said. “And who said it’s bad out there? We’ve lived luxuriously all our lives, Justin. We were lucky. But who said that living like a normal person was bad? I’d like my son to be street smart too… to know the outside world and how to survive in it.”

  “He will know that too. Here. We will teach him how.”

  “Justin, please,” she pleaded. “Let me do this. If… if it gets too much for me to handle then… I’ll come back here. But please let me try.”

  Julianne looked at Adrienne with pleading eyes. She was asking Adrienne to take her side.

  Adrienne sighed and then she reached out for her husband’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

  “Justin, she has a point,” Adrienne said gently. “I mean, if Ian feels she should give it a try, then let’s give her that. I grew up in the ordinary world. It’s really not bad. Who knows? Jared will grow up to be a better man because of the experiences this will teach him.”

  “Jared is far from being spoiled,” Justin argued. “He’s the same as my sons. He’ll grow up just fine right here.”

  Adrienne reached forward and wrapped her arms around Justin’s waist. “But it’s not our decision to make, remember? Ian knows what’s best for her son. Like we are the ones who know what’s best for our children, right?”

  “I’m not a child anymore, Justin,” Julianne said. “Please trust me on this. Let me give this a try. I promise, I will ask you for help the very first minute things get out of my control.”

  Justin sighed in defeat. He wound his arms around Adrienne and kissed the top of her head. Then he looked at Julianne. There was still uncertainty in his eyes. But he said, “The very first minute, okay?”

  Julianne smiled at Justin and Adrienne. Tears welled up in her eyes. Then she walked up to them and gave both of them a hug.

  “Thank you, guys. You’ve done so much for me and Jared. I will forever be indebted to you,” she said.

  When they pulled away from each other, Julianne saw that Adrienne was crying too. Then she said, “We love you. You know that. You can always come back here. This house will never be the same without you.”

  “We will always come back,” Julianne promised. “We’ll sleepover once in a while. And you’re also welcome to visit our place. Let me work on it first.”

  “I’m sure you’ll work your magic on it,” Justin finally said. “I know you like designing stuff.”

  “Yeah. If my father allowed me to follow my own dreams, I would have been designing home furnishings by now.”

  “I can’t say I’m not happy about it. You’re one of my best employees,” Justin said, ruffling Julianne’s head like she was still a little girl.

  “Well, someday, when I’ve saved enough for Jared’s future,” Julianne said thoughtfully. “I would still like to try to pursue that dream.”

  “Let me arrange for moving services at least,” Justin said. “And I suggest, we bring Jared over only after you’ve fixed everything in your new house. That will make the transition much easier for him.”

  Julianne nodded. “Thank you, guys.”

  Julianne was relieved that finally she convinced Justin and Adrienne. She would tell Gian soon. He might protest, but he would be much easier to sway. It would not make a difference to him anyway since they did not live together. He can drop by and visit them anytime.

  By four in the afternoon, Julianne and Jared were waiting up the steps for River to pick them up. Jared was ecstatic when Julianne told her that her friend, River Jefferson, was offering to teach him how to ice skate.

  “Is he here yet?” Jared asked impatiently.

  “Not yet, sweetie. He said four. It’s only three forty-five.”

  “I can’t wait to play hockey!”

  “You need to learn how to skate first. Hockey will be for later, okay?”

  “Okay, Mommy.”

  They heard the sound of an engine revving from the gates.

  “Maybe that’s him!”

  The gates opened and a familiar green Ferrari drove towards the driveway. Julianne’s heart pounded in her chest. This always happened around Jin Starck and she doesn’t know how to stop it.

  Keep cool. Keep cool.
br />   Yesterday, they hadn’t parted ways nicely. She had told him to stop buying stuff for Jared.

  He has a right to do that! He can give Jared the moon if he wants to!

  But Jin Starck did not know that Jared is his son yet. As far as he knew, they weren’t blood-related. He shouldn’t be giving Jared expensive stuff and spoiling him with things he didn’t really need.

  Jin stepped out of his car, wearing jeans, white shirt and a leather jacket.

  “Uncle Jin!” Jared called.

  Jin went up to him and carried him in his arms. Jared gave him a big hug.

  “I’m going ice skating!” Jared said excitedly.


  “Yes!” Jared said. “Mommy’s friend is going to teach me!”

  “Mommy’s friend?” Jin echoed.

  Julianne looked ahead towards the gates, refusing to look Jin in the eyes.

  Jin put Jared down.

  “Who is this friend?” Jin asked. Julianne knew the question was meant for her.

  He has no right to know anything about my life.

  “His name is Mister River Jefferson,” Jared replied. “We’re waiting for him. He’s coming at four. What time is it, Uncle Jin?”

  Julianne could feel the weight of Jin’s stare on her. She hoped that he couldn’t see her pulse hammering from the base of her neck.

  What’s the matter? We have no relationship. We have no commitment to each other. We enjoyed each other’s company the other night and we agreed it was a one-night thing.

  But why do I feel like I’m cheating?

  “Uncle Jin, what time is it?” Jared repeated his question.

  “It’s five minutes to four, sweetheart,” Jin replied. “If you wanted to learn how to skate, you should have told me. I could have taken you.”

  “Aww. I didn’t know. Will you take me next time?”

  “Anytime, sweetheart,” Jin replied. “Just give me a call. I will come immediately.”

  “Oh no, I can’t do that,” Jared said.


  Jared shrugged. “I don’t know your number.”

  Jin chuckled. “I’ll tell you later.”

  “I can only use Mommy’s phone to call you. You should tell Mommy your number.”

  Oh God, this is awkward!

  Thankfully, a white Porsche SUV came through the gates, getting both Jared’s and Jin’s attention.

  “Mommy, is that your friend now?”

  “Ummm-hmmm,” she said, still refusing to look Jin’s way, afraid that she couldn’t bare the weight of his stare, and the questions he held in his eyes.

  River parked behind Jin’s car and then he walked up to them. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a white knitted sweater.

  “Hello Ian,” River greeted.


  River bent down to look into Jared’s eyes. “You must be Jared,”

  “Hello Mister River Jefferson,” Jared greeted him. He extended his hand towards River. “I’m Jared Adrien Sanders.”

  River chuckled and shook Jared’s tiny hand. “Nice to meet you, Mister Sanders.”

  Then River turned to Jin. “Hi, we haven’t met yet. I’m River Jefferson.” River extended his hand to Jin.

  Jin had a grave look on his face while he watched Jared and River shake each other’s hands. Julianne was afraid he would snap any minute and she couldn’t understand why he found the scene before him so offensive.

  Jin gave River a hard, measuring look before he shook his hand. “Jin Starck.”

  River nodded. “You must be Justin’s brother-in-law. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Adrienne talks about you all the time.”

  “And Julianne never mentioned you at all,” Jin said meaningfully, looking over at Julianne.

  But Julianne refused to take the bait. Jin didn’t need to know about her affairs.

  “Shall we go?” Julianne asked River.

  “Sure,” River said. “Nice meeting you, Mister Starck. We’ll go ahead.”

  “Where are you going?” Jin asked icily.

  “Warren Park,” River replied.

  “Make sure you take care of Jared. Return him to me scathe-free,” Jin said to River. His voice was firm. And there was a hint of threat in it.

  Julianne was surprised with what Jin said, and how authoritative he sounded. She glared at him but Jin only raised a challenging brow at her.

  Who does he think he is?

  River cleared his throat, fortunately, cutting through the tension. Julianne wanted to murder Jin Starck with her looks alone.

  “No worries. Both Julianne and Jared are safe with me,” River said. “If you want my background checked, you should just ask Justin.” There was a trace of amusement in River’s voice, like he enjoys taunting Jin Starck.

  “I don’t need Justin’s obviously biased opinion of you, Mister Jefferson. I have assassins on my beck and call. I can dig the skeletons you keep in your closet within fifteen minutes.” It was obvious that Jin would not back down.

  “Oh, please. Have your assassins clean up my closet while they’re at it,” River quipped. “Some of those scandals just won’t go away on their own.”

  “I would be glad to do that,” Jin said coolly. Then he gave River a grave smile and added, “But how else could I blackmail you into doing things for me? Like stay away from things I consider to be—mine!” He raised a brow at him.

  River opened his mouth to say something but Julianne cut him off. “Don’t!” she said pointing a finger at him. Then he turned to Jin. “You’re welcome to kill each other with your egoistic remarks—when my son is not around.” She turned to River and said in a firm voice, “We’re leaving.”

  River simply nodded. He gave Jin a nod before he turned away and guided Julianne and Jared towards his car.

  River opened the car door for Jared. Julianne made sure he was properly buckled in before she went into the front seat. Jared put on his headphones and listened to the music from his MP3 player. As they backed down, she saw that Jin was still standing on the front steps of the Adams Mansion, watching them like a hawk.

  River was looking at Jin too as he backed down and turned his car towards the gates.

  “In about fifteen minutes all of my deepest, darkest secrets will be exposed to Jin Starck,” he mused.

  “Do you have deep, dark secrets?” Julianne asked.

  “Everybody has one,” he replied in a teasing voice.

  “Did I make a mistake in getting in this car with my son?”

  “You’ll know when you hear the sirens on Warren Park. I’m sure Jin Starck will not hesitate to call the police the minute he finds something fishy in my file.”

  “You really believe he will look you up?”

  “I have no doubt about it,” River replied. “Speaking of which, you didn’t tell me that he’s still not over you.”

  “What do you mean he’s still not over me?”

  River raised a brow at her. “Come on. You have to know. The guy is still pretty much hung on you.”

  Julianne looked out the window to hide her blushing cheeks. “I… don’t know. I don’t care.”

  “Well, you should. Moreover, he considers you to be his,” River said. He looked at Jared in the rearview mirror. “Are you sure he has no idea?”

  Julianne shook her head. “He didn’t even ask me about him. He assumed that my ex-fiancé left me and Jared because he found out I was cheating on him. He thought I went on many adventures before my last stop in Paris. He was thinking that I get kicks from attracting men, making them fall on my feet. Maybe he even thinks that I have no idea who my son’s father is.”

  “Why would he assume that?”

  Julianne shrugged. “He’s trying to make sense of his foolishness for falling for me. If I had to guess, I think his ego was hurt more than his heart.”

  “And you did not set the record straight?”

  Julianne shook her head.

  River’s eyes widened. He looked appalled.
  “And why the fuck not?!”

  “Did you say the ‘F’ word, Mister Jefferson?” Jared suddenly asked behind them.

  “Umm… yeah. I did.”


  “Ummm… because I thought you were using your headphones and couldn’t hear me?” River replied innocently.

  “You were loud, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to listen. Mommy told me never to listen to adult conversations,” Jared said.

  “Okay, tell you what. I owe you an ice cream. Each time you hear me swear, I owe you a scoop. Deal?”

  Jared clapped his hands. “Deal.”

  Julianne giggled. “Okay. Now, put your headphones back on, sweetie.”

  “K, Mommy. I love you,”

  “Love you too,”

  River stared at her for a moment and only spoke when he was sure that Jared had his headphones back on.

  “Okay, why the hell did you not correct Jin Starck with his wrong notions of you?”

  Julianne breathed. “What difference would it make? It’s not like I want him to change his mind about me so we could get back together. We have no future together. So why should I bother explaining myself?”

  “People could talk down on you, think less of you. You’re okay with that?”

  “People will think whatever they want to think about you. Only the thoughts of those who matter to you should count. I don’t want to waste my energy convincing people to change their opinions of me.”

  “Sweetheart, with all due respect, Jin Starck is not like other people,” River said. “He’s… well, you know. And it’s important that he sees you for who you really are! And you are not a harlot like what you’ve made him believe.”

  “Why does he need to know that?”

  “So, he won’t use that false information against you when… you know… that time comes,” River replied, carefully choosing his words.

  “Adrienne would never let him do that,” Julianne said. “I’m sure there would be people who would back me up when he goes down that road.”

  “But still… you’re okay with anyone belittling you?”

  She shrugged. “My own parents thought nothing of me. Why would other people’s opinion matter more?”

  River sighed. “Well, now, I know where this is coming from. Your father.”


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