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All the Wrong Places

Page 38

by Jerilee Kaye

  Jin went to his father’s library to tell him what he did. He was preparing for his father’s wrath. He would take every punch, every blow.

  She’s worth it!

  But to his surprise, his father put a firm hand on his shoulder, and did not even allow him to speak.

  “You should have told me there was a woman,” Pierre said in a very calm tone.

  “I didn’t think you would find that reason good enough.”

  “Come on, what do you think of me? Heartless?” His father laughed humorlessly. “I have spent the last three and a half decades hopelessly in love with your mother. I still feel the same love, the same passion for her. Why didn’t you think I would understand?”

  “Because I thought nothing could break the Starck word. You gave your word to marry Mom when she was arranged to be married to you. You still married her even when she told you she had been with another man and had a child from that relationship. Even when she didn’t want you at first, you didn’t break your word to marry her.”

  “Why? Did you think that was because of the unbreakable Starck word?” His father laughed. “I had known I was going to marry Arianna since I was a teenager. I had been in love with her ever since I was fifteen. When she came back to Paris and finally agreed to honor the arranged marriage, I didn’t force myself on her. I became what she needed the most—a friend, an ally.

  “I went to the States with her to make arrangements with her ex-partner. And I helped her search for Adrienne for years. I did that not because I was honoring my word, but because I loved her. I would do anything for her—be everything she needed me to be.” His father sighed and stared at him soberly. “A woman can break that word. If you truly think she’s worth sacrificing all this for.”

  “She is,” Jin said without hesitation.

  “Well, I trust you. You’ve taken this company to heights not even our grandfathers have reached. I know that even if we got kicked out of Round Ten, you would find a way to make us stay ahead of the game, even without those advantages.”

  “I will. I promise you.”

  “So, what are you doing here then?” Pierre asked. “Go get your woman.”

  Jin nodded. He was speechless. He didn’t know what to say.

  “Just promise me one thing,” Pierre said.

  “Anything, Dad.”

  Pierre took a deep breath and in an almost teary voice, he said, “Bring my grandson home.”

  Jin could hardly believe what his father just said. He stepped forward and hugged his old man, biting back the tears that threatened to peer through his eyes.

  Since he arrived in the States, his mother kept pestering him with messages, asking when he would come back to Paris with Julianne and Jared.

  He planned on taking it slow. He didn’t want to overwhelm Julianne with the changes that would happen to their lives. He wanted her and Jared to adjust slowly, at their own pace. He already had their future mapped out. But of course, he would have to discuss it with Julianne first.

  He knew now that for years, Julianne had a difficult life. She had been banished from the luxurious lifestyle she was raised in. She lost the love and support of her parents. She had to fly to a different country, be with people who spoke a different language.

  She lost access to her funds, her jewelries, even her clothes. On many occasions, he noticed she was wearing some of Adrienne’s clothes, even borrowed her jewelries. She didn’t have a car and she had lived the last seven years at the charity of other people.

  No, life had not been easy for Julianne. She struggled. She suffered. Because of the choices she made since she met him… because she chose to love him. And she loved him enough to leave him so she could protect him. And in return, she suffered the unfortunate circumstances all on her own.

  Jin felt a twist in his gut when he remembered how angry he had been with her, how he treated her that night he went to her room to confront her. He had accused her of many things—even made her believe that he had no idea that Jared was his son. He accused her of having adventures before him even though he had always known she was a virgin when he made love to her the night Jared was conceived.

  He had wanted her to suffer the same way he had suffered. Even though he never had the courage nor the heart to hurt her and, in the end, his love for her was stronger than any will for revenge he may have had, still… he felt full of remorse for every single bad thought he had for her. She never deserved any of those.

  It’s over. Her days of struggle and misfortune are over. I promise… life will only be happy and good for her from now on.

  She belonged with him now. And he would do whatever it took to restore everything she had lost in the last seven years.

  She may have been banished by her parents, but he would more than make up for that. He would love her. He would take care of her.

  I will give her the world.


  Jin attended an exclusive exhibit at a hotel near Julianne’s office. One particular painting caught his eye. The background was an abstract of different colors of blue, purple, black, yellow and red. The center was a face of a man. He had a devilish look on his face. His brown hair fell over his red eyes. He had fangs and though he looked evil, he also looked quite handsome. As Jin stared at it longer, he could make out the wings behind the man in the painting, making him look like fallen angel. Jin must admit, the artist had some skill.

  “Do you like it?” he heard a female voice ask behind him.

  He turned around and saw a woman with dark brown hair. She was wearing a pair of black pants, cream lace shirt and a black long jacket. He had seen her chatting around with the other viewers before.

  “Could you tell?” he asked back.

  “Well, by the way you were staring at it for a long time, you either like it or hate it. I’d like to know whether your feedback is positive or negative. Particularly on this one.”

  Jin looked over at her. When she looked up, he saw that her eyes were different colors. One eye was colored amber and the other one blue. Both were framed with thick lashes. She had deep dimples on both cheeks which appeared even though she was just talking. She also had a dimpled chin.

  “Hmmm... I heard about heterochromia before, but I haven’t seen one in person until now,” he couldn’t help remarking.

  “Oh. Yeah. I used to wear contacts to cover them. Until… somebody told me I shouldn’t be ashamed of them.”

  “Whoever that was, he or she was right. You shouldn’t,” Jin turned back to the painting. “So, who’s your inspiration in this painting?”

  “How’d you know I was the painter?”

  He shrugged. “You seemed eager to know what everyone thought about the paintings here. And this one seemed to be more personal to you.”

  She stared at the painting thoughtfully. Jin was trained to read people’s expressions. He could tell the guy she used as inspiration for this was very special to her.

  “It is,” she whispered.

  “It’s mesmerizing. Your fallen angel is good-looking.”

  She smiled up at him. “Don’t say that. He’s already got a big ego!”

  Suddenly, a figure stood behind her. He had light brown hair and piercing green eyes. Except for the green eyes, Jin could totally see his resemblance with the guy on the painting.

  He put an arm around the woman’s shoulder and pulled her to him, sort of in a possessive manner and Jin couldn’t help smiling to himself. He could almost see his possessive self in the guy.

  “Kyle!” she beamed.

  The guy leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “I’m sorry, I’m late, love.”

  “It’s okay,” she said. “I was just talking to…” she turned to Jin.

  Jin extended his hand to the guy. “Jin Starck.”

  The guy stared back at him and recognition crossed his face. He shook Jin’s hand and said, “Rafe Mckenzie.”

  Jin immediately recognized the name. Rafe McKenzie belonged to the family that own
ed McKenzie Group. Like Jin was the prize of Starck Corp., Rafe McKenzie was the gem of McKenzie Group.

  “I’m Jasmine Wright, by the way,” the woman beside him said.

  Jin gave her a slight nod. “Nice to you meet you, Miss Wright. As a painter, myself, I can say that you have great talent.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Umm, could you give us a moment, love?” Rafe told her.

  “Sure,” Jasmine turned to Jin. “Thank you for coming, Mister Starck.” Then she turned back to Rafe. “I’ll see you later, Kyle.”

  Kyle? Private nicknames?

  Jin noticed that the woman addressed Rafe McKenzie with a different name.

  Rafe leaned forward and kissed her cheek. He looked quite smitten with her, and Jin wondered if he sported the same lovesick look whenever he looked at Julianne.

  Rafe was still looking at Jasmine even when she left and approached the other visitors. Then finally, he turned to him.

  Jin held his hands up in the air. “Don’t worry, man. Not interested in your girl. I’m engaged.”

  Rafe raised a brow. “I thought you weren’t going to propose to Vanessa Bernard.”

  Jin smirked. “You heard about that, huh?”

  “Everybody heard about it,” Rafe said. “In fact, Arthur Bernard already formalized his complaint against you and called on a vote last night to revoke your membership in the circle.”

  It’s official then. We’re out!

  Damn! But I’m still happy, nothing could dampen my spirit!

  “I’m not marrying Vanessa. I’m marrying the woman of my dreams,” Jin said.

  “Well, I suppose as a revenge, Arthur got all the other seven members of the group to concur with him.”

  “And of course your father voted for it too,” Jin said dryly. “It’s an unspoken rule to concur with the majority.”

  “Oh, is it?” Rafe asked, feigning an innocent look on his face. “I guess nobody told me.”

  “Ask your father.”

  “That’s too bad because my Dad is no longer the CEO of McKenzie Group. I am.”

  Jin was a little surprised. Rafe was not the first-born son of the McKenzie family. “And Rick McKenzie was okay with that?”

  “My big brother doesn’t want the job. He’s an ops guy. He remains the COO.”

  “Good to know,” Jin remarked.

  “Arthur Bernard needed our vote to kick you out, you know.”

  “I know.”

  They both looked at the painting in front of him for a moment.

  “How do you think she wanted to portray you in this painting? Devil or angel?” Jin asked.

  “Both,” Rafe replied with a smile. It was obvious on his face he had so much affection for Jasmine. “What about you, Jin Starck? What do you think I am?”

  Jin stared at the painting thoughtfully. “A businessman.”

  “I suppose,” Rafe said thoughtfully. “And a devious businessman would jump at any opportunity to get his competition out of the game. But I have a feeling it wouldn’t make any difference to you anyway. You are, after all, the Jin Starck, who started managing half of your hotel properties at the age of seventeen. In the circle of Round Ten, there were only two prodigies.”

  Jin smirked. “So, I heard. And they’re both standing here right now.” He turned to Rafe. “So, what are you saying?”

  “I’m saying Arthur Bernard failed in his campaign to kick you out,” Rafe replied. “True, my father or my brother would have concurred with the rest. Unfortunately for Bernard, I’m the one who casts the vote for McKenzie Group now. And I voted no.”

  Jin’s eyes widened at the other man.

  Is he out of his mind?

  “Why did you do that? We’ve been neck to neck even before either of us were born. This was your chance to get me off your back.”

  “I suppose. But where’s the fun when you don’t have a bit of competition going on? And besides, I admire you for sticking up for your woman. I can’t say I’m not in a similar position. I know what it felt like to be forced to a fate that your heart could not accept.”

  “You should have taken me out when you had the chance,” Jin said. But he smiled at Rafe, as tons of load had been lifted off his chest.

  “I heard you were great, Jin Starck,” Rafe said. “And I’m always up for a good challenge. How could I prove myself if I got ahead of this game by taking my competition out just because he didn’t choose to marry some bratty heiress?”

  Jin didn’t say anything. Rafe McKenzie was gaining his respect—fast. And respect was not something he gave easily.

  “I would rather lose to the great Jin Starck than become number one without going up against him at all.”

  “What can I say?” Jin turned to Rafe and extended his hand to him. “Thank you. See you out there on the battlefield.”

  “Make this chance count, okay?” Rafe said, shaking his hand. Then he gave Jin a slight salute and turned to leave.

  “Hey, McKenzie!” Jin called. Rafe turned back to look at him. “Someday, you will make a mistake and don’t forget, I’m always breathing down your neck. So, watch your back, okay?”

  Rafe nodded. “Always. And I expect an invitation to your wedding.”

  “You and Jasmine are there already.”

  Jin turned back to the painting in front of him. He pulled his phone from his pocket.

  “Gatwick,” he said to his assistant. “I’d like you to make a generous offer for a painting on Jasmine Wright’s exhibit here in Chicago. Plus, call her agent and find out if we can commission her artworks for the boutique hotel we’re building in Rome.”

  Jin usually paints for all their hotels. But he’s building at least three hotels this year alone. And with Julianne and Jared finally in his life, and his wedding being just around the corner, he had a feeling he wouldn’t have enough time to paint for all of the hotels that Starck Corp. would be opening in the next six months. He could use some help. And a promising artist like Jasmine Wright could also use some boost. It’s also his very subtle way of thanking Rafe McKenzie for the favor he did for Starck Corp.

  Jin turned around towards the exit, whistling as he walked towards Adams Industries building.


  That afternoon, Jin walked with Julianne towards the gazebo in the Adams Mansion.

  “Are you ready?” he asked Julianne.

  She looked up at him. “Are you?”

  He caressed his jaw with his fingers. “Yeah, I think I can take a few more punches. As long as you take care of me tonight.” He winked at her naughtily.

  She laughed. “I don’t think Justin will beat you up in front of Adrienne.”

  “Even if he does, I don’t care. Right now, I’m the King of the World! I have everything I ever wanted.”

  They reached the gazebo where Justin and Adrienne were, drinking wine. Justin had his arms around his wife, and he was whispering something in her ear that made Adrienne laugh and blush to the roots of her hair.

  Jin cleared his throat so they would notice them standing in front of them.

  “Oh my God! Jin! Ian!” Adrienne exclaimed in surprise.

  Jin saw tears in Adrienne’s eyes as she pulled away from her husband and walked over to them. He saw Justin’s face harden at the sight of him.

  “You two have so much explaining to do!” Adrienne said, in a slightly raised voice. Jin’s lip slightly curved upward. He knew his sister well. Although she was trying her best to sound angry, he knew that she was ecstatic about this new development in their lives. She loved Jared like he was related to her by blood. Now, she knew that he really was.

  “I’m sorry, Yen. I couldn’t tell you. I was scared that this would cause havoc in our families,” Julianne said tearfully.

  “But how did this happen?” Adrienne asked. She turned to Jin. “You! You knocked her up and left her!”

  “Whoa! Chill, sis!” Jin said. “You know, I looked for her all over the world! I searched for her. I couldn’t find her.”
  “That was her?” Justin asked, raising a skeptical brow. “The woman you searched for, for years?”

  Jin nodded. “All I had was a sketch of her face.”

  Justin raised a brow at him. “You had her name. I’m sure anyone could have connected her to me.”

  “I… I gave him a fake name,” Julianne murmured.

  “You what?” Adrienne asked in disbelief. “But surely, you would have heard that I’m related to the Starcks.”

  “I… didn’t tell her my real name,” Jin said.

  There was silence for a few moments. Then Justin said, “So you two were looking for a good time. Had a fling. Fake named each other. Boom! Nine months later, Jared was born.”

  “It wasn’t like that,” Jin said. “I loved her, you know that.”

  “You loved her but you didn’t think she was worthy to know that you’re the Jin Starck?” There was accusation in Justin’s voice.

  “No, Justin!” Julianne said. “I never gave him a chance. We barely had two weeks together in Paris. I gave him a fake name because… that was my agreement with Gian and Patrick so I could go on that vacation alone! I didn’t know I would fall in love during one of my travels. And of all the wrong places I could have been… I ended up in that novelty shop in Paris and met… the man of my dreams.”

  She took a deep breath, composed herself and continued, “But you know I was already promised to another man. Well, not just any man. A man with a powerful family—who had the ability to call a hit on anybody who stood in their way. I got scared. After spending one night with Jin, I fled. I was scared that if I stayed, my father or Patrick would come for me, bring me home no matter the cost. I thought Jin was just a struggling artist. He was a wonderful man, with bigger dreams. I couldn’t destroy his life.”

  “And when you found out you were pregnant, why didn’t you look for him?” Justin asked.

  “I tried. But I didn’t even have the right name.”

  “You could have come to me,” Justin scolded her.

  “You kept telling me you would murder whoever knocked me up in Paris. Why would I ask for your help to find him?”

  “She’s right,” Adrienne quipped. She smiled apologetically at her husband. “I kept telling you not to scare her off.”


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