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Mafia Daddy: Protect me (Please, Daddy Book 2)

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by Tina Little

  Jamie is a welcome and cheering sight behind the counter. I tell her, “There’s something I urgently need to know from you.” I pull out the loyalty card. “Is this still good here?”

  “Yours? Always.” Her smile perks me up more than any amount of coffee ever will. “What can I make for you?”


  She frowns. “I think we covered that in an earlier meeting.”

  “Things have changed.”

  She gets her two helpers to cover for her, so she and I can ease into the armchairs by the table in the far corner.

  She says, “I don’t know if I should ask…”

  “About Vito?”

  She nods.

  “His uncle Julius has him back, deep in the folds of his own family. Julius is very unhappy. I explained to him it was that or I’d keep him, but in a deep freeze. Julius knew he was beat and took the motherfucker in. So he’s off my family’s books and he can make headaches for someone else.” I sipped my espresso. “I have other news, though. News I hope will interest you greatly.”

  “Oh? What’s that?”

  “Nico will be coming to collect the last few installments of your debt. I passed the reins of the firm, all control, all the businesses, everything over to him.”

  Her cup of mocha stopped halfway to her lips. “You mean–”

  “I’m out of the mobstering business. Clean break, ties cut. All done. Now and for good. I sit before you, a formerly wise guy.”

  “I thought that was never allowed.”

  “Not many people really want to do it, except when they’ve fucked up in some big-league fuckup kind of a way. But when you’re the head of a family, like I was, the people you really have to be worried about are the guys who want to take it off you and maybe the guys who could be afraid of you taking it back.”

  “So. A change in your circumstances. How will you cope with your retirement?”

  “I thought I said. My plan is to make about a thousand babies.”

  She chokes.

  I finish the espresso. “That brings me round to why I’m here. I need to know one thing from you.”


  “Are you going to marry me willingly, or do I need to kidnap you?”

  Chapter 15


  He gets up from his seat with a look of a hunter. He takes my breath away when he drops down on one knee.

  “Jamie, the sexiest, most beautiful barista in the world, will you marry me?”

  I’m choked and unable to speak. My breath stops in my chest. I feel like the room begins to turn. Like the whole world is waiting for me to answer. I stand, looking around. Every face in the coffee shop is turned to mine.

  I can’t. With his past, how do I know that I can trust him? How can I be sure of his feelings? With a frown, my head turns and tilts down. I see the flame in his eyes.

  “Fuck, yeah.” He stays on one knee as everyone claps. “Yes, Angelo. My devil angel. I will.”

  He stands. Too big. Too old. Too rough. Way too dangerous. He gathers me into his arms. His huge, hard body wraps me up. The huge, hot length of his hard cock presses through his suit pants against my soft stomach, almost reaching my breasts.

  As he pulls me to him, the warmth of his body stirs me. Can he really be trusted? Am I making the most awful mistake? I can’t listen to my body and my instincts. They’re all caught up in my hormones and exploding with joy.

  I know that he’s what my heart wants. He’s definitely what my pussy wants. I guess I’ll have to just wait and see if my head can catch up. This is the point where I decide, you have to pick a road, Jamie, choose a path. Then stick to it. And he’s mine.

  ‘He’s mine’—that phrase. Now my knees shake and I really am soaked.

  He turns, looks around. He smiles at all the customers. “Jamie’s Rise and Grind is closed for the day now.”

  I slap my palm and hammer my fist on his chest. Craning round the side of his arms, I call out, “An hour. We’re closed for an hour. Tell all your friends to come then.”

  “Two hours,” he calls.

  “An hour and a half!” I shout after them. They’re leaving already. Partly because they’re all happy for me, for us. Mainly because none of them is going to argue with him. No way.

  The last customer leaves, smiling, and Angelo turns the sign. My angel. My angelic devil. He pulls down all the blinds, prowling deliberately around my little coffee shop. His hungry eyes stay fixed on me as he comes back to me, in the middle of the floor. I turn, “Not here. Not in the – ”

  He’s scooped me up like an ice-cream, carried me to the kitchen door. Out into the little back kitchen. Already, while he’s kicking the door shut behind him, he’s opening the front of my shirt. Taking hold of my breasts with a look on his face like a man with a rare, juicy steak.

  I open the buttons on his shirt, as fast as I can. “I want to get what’s in there,” I unbuckle his belt. Open his pants.

  Unzipping him, the weight of his huge cock pushes the fabric of his boxers out into the gap. His tang of testosterone hits my nose and I’m down on my knees, wrestling him out of his pants.

  “Daddy,” I don’t even look up. His huge beast pulses in my hand and I’m pulling it to my open mouth, “Daddy, may I suck your cock now? Please?” I’m holding the buzzing shaft, looking at the huge beast.

  He groans.

  I tell him, “Before you say ‘no,’ remember I’ve got your balls in my other hand.”

  I close my grip just enough to let him know I mean business. If he wants to stop me swallowing his thick sword of flesh now, he’s going to have a fight on his hands. Or, on his dick. Up to him, really.

  “Yes,” his voice scrapes like metal.

  I stretch my lips, saliva gushes into my mouth, I run my tongue around my lips to wet them first. Then I pause. Make the fucker wait for a moment, at least. As soon as I hear him sigh, I slide him across my tongue, pull him in and close my lips around him.

  His shaft shudders and straightens across my tongue. The bulb slides against the roof of my mouth and saliva gushes when he reaches the back of my tongue. My lips close around his hot flesh and I push my mouth as far along it as I can. Push until I feel him scrape the back of my throat. I move my head forward, sliding out my tongue, reaching for his balls. I want my lips against his pelvis. I want all of him. I want to work and pump his cock with the wet muscles in my throat. I want to drink him dry.

  Pushing and shoving, finally I get my nose against his abdomen.

  He moans, long and sweet. I feel his balls tighten and his cock starts to jump.

  He grabs my hair in a bunch and yanks me back. Pulling me off him, he says, “Nu-uh. Not yet, little missy, little barista. I’m going to get you fucked first.”

  “I want to drink your cum. I want to taste you and swallow you.”

  He pulls me up, and he slaps my ass before he starts to work my silky pants down. “You can do that, you bad, bad little barista,” he slaps me again, “When we’ve got you nice and pregnant.”

  His hand plunges into the back of my lacy red panties. He pushes down my ass. It reminds me of his juddering me in front of the construction workers. My stomach zings like it’s hollow. I feel like I’m ready to come right away.

  His strong fingers press into my channel. Up against the back of my clit. Then he’s inside me. His hand is dripping wet and I’m clinging, squirming and moaning. I lift my leg but he slaps my thigh.

  “First, we need to get all these clothes off you…”

  He pulls down my pants and panties and I shrug off my bra. He moans appreciatively as he takes hold of my breasts. He kisses me long and deep. My bare flesh against him, I wriggle and push to be closer, to get more of me connected with more of him. He lifts me with tender strength.

  He holds me up, cradling my ass in his hands. He looks into my eyes and I feel like I am actually melting inside like a collapsing glacier. “You're really mine, beautiful barista. Jamie, I love you so much,�
� and he drops me, impales me on the massive spike of his cock

  I’m stretched wide. It’s a rush like cold fireworks and hot showers exploding inside me. I’m catapulted. My stomach flips over and over. I fling my arms tight around him, hide my face in the crook of his neck. Gasp and groan as I ride him like a jockey.

  His pelvis rolls and tilts, driving his shaft into me like a machine, like a road drill. I’m convulsing. All my muscles flex and contract. Clenching and stretching.

  The ripping ache of his cock stretches me so hard, so wide, and the blasting sensation of him filling me so deep, makes me squeeze and whimper, bounce and stretch.

  Pushing and pulling.

  Needing and wanting.

  He cannons into me, leans me against the wall, grips my ass, holds my thighs.

  When I look up, his eyes fix onto mine. I can see he’s almost at the point of coming, too. I hammer him as hard as I can. He saws into me. Ruthless. Merciless. Unstoppable.

  Exploding sparks inside me drive me to a high plateau. I feel like I daren’t fall. Like I’m on a precipice. Like the earth will rush up at me. Like a tsunami, poised at the point before the splashing crash.

  We both stop. I tremble as we look into each other’s eyes. Both ready. Both knowing. This it it.

  I implode, collapse, splash into cascades as he slides the whole length of his pulsing rod inside me. I feel his shaft swell. A ring of thickness starts at the base, then bolts to the crown. Hot, thick, sticky jizz fills me, then more. And more.

  My teeth sink into his neck. My ass rises and falls. My walls grip and flutter on his cock. His fountain and my gushing juices mingle.

  He presses, drilling into me and blasting more hot spunk into me. I'm clenching, clawing, trembling. Helpless.

  “Fuck me, Daddy,” I shout. “Harder. Don’t stop.” He bends his knees, slaps my ass cheeks and rocks into me, again and again. I’m bursting like a waterfall.



  I’m in the shop when I tell him on the phone, “It’s what I do, Angelo. Besides, it’s my baby. It wouldn’t be Christmas if I didn’t stop in to give it some TLC. I’m just opening up until lunch, okay?” Over the phone, I know he can hear the tinkling of the little bell. He knows it’s too late to argue.

  “I want you opening up here. At home. With me. I got something needs your TLC.”

  “Later, my devilish angel.”

  “I’ve got a surprise for you to unwrap.”

  “I bet you have.”

  I have a surprise for him, too. But I won’t tell him yet.

  I’ve decorated the place. I think I’ve pushed it just beyond the edge of tasteful, but not too far. I’ve got a pot of mulled wine on. Just enough cloves and cinnamon to make it a little spicy. I’ll give a glass to anyone who comes in and wants it. Nice Scandinavian songs play in the background on the stereo systems when Summer comes in.

  “Happy Christmas,”

  We hug.

  “Happy Christmas.”

  She says, “I love what you’ve done with the place.” It’s ages since we’ve had a chance to chat and be together in the same room.

  It is nice to catch up. A few of the regulars stop in, some just to say, ‘Merry Christmas,’ and that makes me feel good. They’re all glad for the mulled wine, whether they take coffee or not.

  “You know,” I tell Summer, “we’re a little family here.”

  And that’s about when Angelo shows up and he’s brought his buddies. He still looks like the hottest Capo. Maybe it’s the Italian suit, but I think it’s more the look in his eye. Like a cultured killer.

  I have mixed feelings about seeing Nico and H, but I give them each a glass. Nico is super charming. He’s brought holly, cake and he’s wrapped a really nice box of chocolates for me.

  I know that Angelo still sees them. And that they ask him for advice and guidance. But he tells me he’s not involved in anything and I believe him. I can’t really expect a leopard to turn into a house-cat. Not overnight, at any rate.

  When Aggie stops in, the strawberry blonde with the pink streaks, she stays around a short while and she’s brought a wedding and Christmas gift for Angelo and me. A little snow globe.

  Everybody straightens when Julius arrives. Even I know it’s Julius. Not only from the size of him and the scar down the side of his face, but also the fact that Vito trails in behind him.

  Julius gives me a hug and wishes me Merry Christmas. He has a nice piece of Italian cheese for me, which is lovely, but I’m still wary. Then, without too much encouragement from Julius, Vito steps forward with a wooden crate.

  Putting the crate on the table he says, “I want to hand it to you, Jamie. You’re one tough fucking lady. Give you your due. No fucking lie.” Julius throws a scowl like thunder at him. He’s about to apologize, but I hold up a hand.

  “It’s okay, Julius. It’s good of Vito to come by and say that.”

  “No,” Vito says, “That ain’t it. I come to say that I’m sorry, okay? I was wrong, I shouldn’t have given you all of that shit.”

  And he blinks and flattens his chin. “So, I brought you a case of wine to say sorry, and Happy Christmas.”

  I’m touched. I move forward and give him a hug. We chink glasses of mulled wine.

  “I hope you can put it behind us,” he says, “But I’ll understand if you can’t.”

  “Vito,” I tell him, “I can’t say that we’ll be close friends, but we don’t need to be enemies.” And he even thanks me nicely.

  I’m about ready to close up when I see Massimo at the door.

  “I just wanted to say how badly I felt about what happened,” he tells me. I give him mulled wine and tell him not to worry.

  He tells me, “The company’s giving a bottle of Grappa to all of what it calls its ‘best customers.’ They sent one for you,” he says, “I kept yours.”

  “Oh,” I laugh, uncertain what to make of it.

  “Yeah. That shit they’re handing out, it tastes like fucking engine oil. I don’t know what I’ll do with your bottle. But I brought you something better.” He puts a bottle on the counter. “This is the real thing. I bought it myself in Tuscany.”

  We all toast with the last of the mulled wine.

  As I’m closing up the shop, Angelo urges me. “We have to get back to my apartment, like now. Our home, baby.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “If you think I’m going to let Christmas go by without you unwrapping a hot surprise, I’ve got news for you, little bad barista.”

  “Well, I’ve got news for you Mr. Mobster. There are three of us here, so you’d better be careful. By next Christmas, in fact a little sooner than that, there are going to be three of us out in the light.”


  “Yup. One of us is staying hidden for the winter. And some of fall.”

  He hugs me so tight I feel like he’s going to crush me. Then, immediately he lets go.

  “Woah!” and he takes my packages and holds my arm at the elbow.

  “I’m pregnant, you idiot, not senile or geriatric.”

  “Well, whatever. You really are going to have to let me take care of you now.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  I really hope you were thrilled by Jamie and Angelo’s story, and by their Christmas finale.

  Ready for another? Here’s another hot read with a hot older man and a curvy girl in need…




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