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Huntress Claimed

Page 42

by M K Masterson

  “I will admit that she is a little unpredictable,” Obscurus said.

  I scoffed. "Korina's not unpredictable. She's a bloodthirsty creature who has always been driven by her wants."

  Korina bared her fangs at me, pulling Jesse aggressively closer to her. “We can’t all be perfect like you.”

  “Diplomacy,” Zane’s breath warned me against my ear.

  I struggled not retaliate against Korina, as my gaze drifted back on Obscurus.

  He rolled already stiffened shoulders nonchalantly. “Yes, well, being Scelestus means being evil. She’s not doing anything wrong in our book.”

  The corner of my mouth tilted up in a smirk. "No, but killing two families in a single night can draw quite the attention to the Mundus Noctis. And killing your only form of bait would be harmful too.”

  There was an appreciative glint in his obsidian eyes. "And there is my other reason for being here. With your intelligence and innate power, you would be such an asset to me. You wouldn't have to hide who you truly are if you joined me. So I am willing to make an offer."

  Even if I did like the sound of not having to hide my Fae abilities, it wasn't enough to remotely consider going with him, and I couldn't contain the laughter at such ridiculousness.

  He cleared his throat, but let me finish before he continued. “My offer is this. Join me willingly today, and I will release your friend right now and completely dismiss the challenge.”

  My nerves jumped. It would be such a relief to not have to fight and to know that my friends would be safe. It was a slightly enticing offer. But for how long would they be safe? If I allowed myself to turn evil, would they be safe from me? I must have taken a little too long because I felt Zane’s fingers twitch on my arms, and Obscurus’ cracked smile returned.

  “No deal,” I asserted.

  “What if I threw in your mother’s soul? I would release her too.”

  My heart leapt into my throat, and I couldn’t help the involuntary breath I took. My mother would be free to rest in peace, my friends would be saved, and I wouldn't have to fight, and all I had to do was go with Obscurus. This offer was more than slightly tempting. It was all I had wanted at that moment. I mean, really, just because I went with him didn't determine that I would become evil. It was a person’s personality that made them decide between good and evil. Looking at Korina was proof enough.

  Zane's fingers didn't twitch on my biceps this time but gripped them tightly.

  “We will find another way,” he hissed in my ear.

  But it would be so easy. Obscurus’ glare lasered on mine. He knew his offer held weight.

  "Please don't," Nate pleaded, drawing my attention his way. His face implored me to refuse the offer, and it tugged at my heart, pulling me back to him and my friends.

  I shook my head. If I gave in and went down this path, I would lose my friends and everything that I had.

  “I promise you that we will find another way.” Zane put strength into his words this time.

  “No deal,” I croaked.

  Zane and Nate breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, Nate was so relieved that he almost ran to me and hugged me. He settled on a squeeze of my shoulder since Zane wasn’t letting go of me anytime soon.

  Ajax, now slightly set apart from us, didn't look pleased by any situation. He just had "pissed off" written all over his face. I couldn't blame him. He and Jesse had been pushed into a position that they wanted no part in, and two extremely evil vampires were holding his best friend captive.

  Obscurus straightened the cuffs of the black silk shirt that he was wearing and clucked his tongue. "Pity. I had hoped that you would come willingly. It would have been so much easier, and less painful for you."

  He held my eyes with gravity. “I have all the time in the world, and I will have you. Even if it will be by force. I won’t be able to spare you the pain next time.”

  Unfortunately, Obscurus did have all the time in the world. I had remembered what Zane had told me in the graveyard. Time stood still in the Mundus Noctis. Completely still if you were one of the Scelesti.

  “That’s it?!” Korina shrieked. Her fangs had grown beyond her control, and a red fire lit the pupils from within. When Korina was human and angry, it was annoying and whiny. As a Scelesta vampire, deathly pale, angry could have terrified the pants off me if I hadn't known what she was. In a sad and sick way, being part of the Scelesti side suited her.

  “You said that I could torture her. You said that Nate would be mine.” She was oblivious to the fact that she was shaking Jesse back and forth with force, her rage focused on Obscurus. Her skinny fingers were clenched tightly in the shoulders of his shirt, but they had lost any bodily contact.

  There was a tear and Jesse pitched forward. My world slowed to a crawl. This wasn’t what happened in my dream, but the sense of foreboding and déjà vu was strong, as all of us clambered toward him, hoping to pull him away from Korina. I felt like I was stuck in molasses as I tried to push myself forward. Ajax barely reached him first before Korina put her hands back on her bait.

  “I’m not going back,” Jesse said with conviction in his voice as he grabbed the dagger from Ajax’ belt before being pulled back.

  All of us were too slow. Ajax hadn't even realized that Jesse had grabbed his dagger before it was too late. We were all reaching for Jesse as he plunged the blade into his own chest while being pulled back. The shouts of "no" echoed the cafeteria, even as Obscurus made a sound of disgust.

  Korina embraced him as he fell back. Not in a matter of compassion, but rather predatory as if her meal was about to be taken away. Her fangs were still elongated, but instead of a face of rage, they dripped with saliva. Her nose kept twitching, likely from the smell of Jesse’s blood that pulled around the dagger down his shirt.

  The tension was thick in the air as we were ready to pounce on her to get our friend back, and she kept taking steps back, hugging Jesse tightly.

  Obscurus cleared his throat. It didn’t stop us from trying to get our friend back, but it was slightly enough to pull Korina out of her hunger lust. She glimpsed quickly at him.

  “My dear, this is the part where you drop him and run because you won’t live beyond this moment if you don’t.”

  She glanced between Obscurus, us, and Jesse a couple of times before she did drop Jesse, and fled. Ajax ran to him, cradling him in his lap as Jesse's face was twisted in agony and taking shallow breaths. Ajax was fighting through his emotions. His body was stiff with anger, but grief took over his appearance.

  “This wasn’t at all what I had planned,” Obscurus responded, annoyed.

  My anger rose. “Isn’t it?” I spat. “This was all fated to happen. Someone was always supposed to die. That was always the intention.”

  A glint sparked in Obscurus’ eye, proving that my statement was true. “I told you that I will find a way to have you. I also said that it would happen painfully. Next time I may just find the person that you would barter your life with.”

  A smirk appeared on his face before black smoke engulfed him and pulled out of Blaine’s body and zipped down the hallway, leaving Blaine’s dead body to fall stiffly to ground.

  Harsh wheezing broke my attention away from Blaine to Jesse lying in Ajax’ arms, dying.

  “I can still use my magic to save you,” Ajax rasped.

  Jesse's smile was sad and painful. "I'm done. You gave me a life longer than I would have imagined. Find happiness." A sudden pain wracked his body once more, making him shudder and suck in sharply. He closed his eyes tightly and took a few shallow breaths before his body relaxed, and he found peace.

  Now that Jesse was gone, pure unadulterated anger lit Ajax’ face and his magic pulsed out beyond his form. He didn’t bother to conceal it as a green light lit his body and eyes from within. His hands were clenched in front of him. They pulsed with magic that was green and living before he directed a blast at me. His power threaten to pull me apart. I could feel it attacking my cells from wi

  “This is all your fault.” Anger laced Ajax’ voice.

  I was gasping as his magic kept pushing deeper, trying to find my core and unmake me. I couldn’t see Nate and Zane as my eyes were closed shut, trying to fight off his magic, but I heard them as they yelled at Ajax to stop. Nate was trying amicably to convince him; Zane was issuing threats

  Ajax' magic hit my core, and most of me was immediately shoved out of my body. I still seemed to be connected, merely by some invisible thread. I saw everything from the outside. Nate was pulling on Ajax' arm, while Zane had him by the collar, ready to deck him.

  I looked at myself, and gold light engulfed my body and pushed out, pulling everyone apart and knocking them to the ground. The golden magic was cold like dry ice, and crystal shards started to form on surfaces. The air had turned arctic.

  And through the thin tendril that was still connected to my body, the magic was alien, primitive, ancient, and incredibly hungry. Hungry for power, and hungry in general. It was desperate to fill a void with anything. Magic from Ajax started being stripped from him by force to fill that void. It was slow at first, but the more it filled me, the fuller I became and the more my body wanted it.

  Ajax started to pale, lying on the ground, looking up at me.

  “Stupid boy,” my voice resonated sharply with power throughout the cafeteria. I didn’t recognize it nor had I any control over the primitive magic that had decided to take over.

  “The moment you brought Jesse into our world, was the moment when it became your fault,” the Fae magic said. She continued to suck away at his power.

  Ajax was looking more ashen than pale at this point, and I worried that she was going to kill him. I was hoping Nate or Zane were trying to knock me out of this state, but Nate was on his knees bowing and looking up at my body enthralled. Zane couldn’t push past the power that the magic was emanating, and every time he got close, crystals started forming on his skin. I tried to push myself back in, but the magic was too great.

  “That’s enough!” A familiar and powerful shout behind me sounded, punctuated with a pulse that was similar to an EMP, but toward magic. Everyone dropped again, and I was sucked back into my body.

  Apparently, my body had no resistance to the arctic air. I sat up shivering with my hair in my face. And the magic that had been expelled left me feeling sickly and exhausted. I carefully looked over my shoulder to see Finn.

  If it weren’t for the thinning of his lips and blazing gold-ringed eyes, I wouldn’t have thought that he felt anything about this encounter since the rest of him was at rest and relaxed.

  I was relieved when his anger wasn't directed at me when he marched over to Ajax and effortlessly picked him up by the collar of his shirt.

  “You must have a death wish,” he spat.

  Ajax smiled lazily. “Perhaps I do.” His voice was soft and full of grief.

  “Then ask me to take care of it. Don’t ever manipulate her.”

  Even from his back, I could see the golden glow from Finn’s eyes reflected on Ajax’ face.

  With what energy he had, Ajax’ features tightened in anger and his tone was acrid. “You, Fae, don’t belong here. Go back to your world.”

  "Perhaps we don't. But Caden is half Terrabreith, so she does belong here. And where she goes, I go." Finn's fist tightened on Ajax' collar, bringing him closer. And the golden glow became more intense and engulfing. Crystals sharper than anything I had created began to freeze on Ajax’ face, making his skin blue and his lips purple.

  “Stop!” I tried to shout, but it came out in a croak. I cleared my throat.

  “Stop,” I repeated, a little clearer.

  Finn didn't release Ajax, but the magic ceased, and Ajax began to thaw back to normal.

  I looked around to see the aftermath of what I had caused or what my own magic had caused. Nate was unconscious on the floor, and I could still feel a presence within, so I knew he was still alive. And Zane hadn't moved from where he fell, but he was sitting up, looking at me. His concern was a raw emotion on his face that was unmasked for the first time and tugged at my heart. He was leaning my way but hadn't moved. I wouldn't have either with all the magic swirling around the room.

  "Let Ajax go," I replied. Apparently unconvincingly because Finn didn't, and from the side, I saw a muscle clench in his jaw.

  “Finn,” I pleaded.

  “This little sgid has no idea the damage that he just caused. Now the Fae will be looking for you for sure.”

  "And we will handle it," I cajoled. "Perhaps we can use Ajax to establish a stronger ward. Your magic. His magic. Perhaps even Meredith's magic."

  Ajax' face softened at the mention of her name. "She's practicing?"

  I nodded. The conversation was putting an additional strain on me.

  “I will help,” Ajax relented in discomfort.

  Finn loosened his grip and let Ajax drop to the floor. And with very little strength left, he fell like a rag doll and landed with a thud.

  “Are you okay?” Finn cautiously approached me.

  Again I nodded.

  Finn bent down and tilted my face toward him and examined my eyes. He released a sigh of relief.

  “I don’t think you have any magic left for a while. It looked like everything was expelled.” His tender eyes were locked on mine.

  “How did you know?”

  “You were sending out a beacon of magic more powerful than I would have ever thought or have I ever felt possible outside a couple of Fae.”

  “Like you?” I questioned, remembering that blast of power that knocked everyone to the floor.

  A wry smile softened the severity of his features. "You are definitely your father's daughter."

  “Is Nate going to be okay?”

  Finn glanced off to the side before standing up and walking over to him. He bent down again and checked his vitals.

  “He’ll be fine. The pulse I sent out wiped out his own brand of magic.”

  “I think we need to get out of here.” I suddenly realized the precarious position I was in. I was weakened, and it would be an ideal time for Myles, Obscurus, or any other Scelesti to come after me.

  Zane approached me carefully and offered his hand. I took it readily and gingerly stood on my feet, allowing myself to lean into him a little for support. He wrapped an arm around my back.

  Finn picked up Nate effortlessly and came back to us.

  “I will be in contact,” Finn said to the lump that was Ajax, who was still sitting raggedly on the floor.

  “How?” I whispered, since Finn didn’t have his number.

  “My magic can summon him, after tasting his.”

  “You better hope that I don’t learn your name,” Ajax barked out as we turned to leave.

  “Why?” I whispered again.

  Finn ignored me this time, still walking toward an exit as we followed.

  Zane lowered his head down to my ear. “Fae may have extraordinary power, but they do have weaknesses. And knowing a Fae’s true name can enslave a Fae.”

  Certain nerves made me feel jittery. I was part Fae, and I was learning my own weaknesses just through accident. What if this was one of them?

  “Do you think that works on me?” I asked after a while, cautiously, as we exited the building through a now shattered window that was once a floor to ceiling panel.

  Zane snickered softly beside me. “Caden, you very rarely ever do anything I have demanded of you, and I know your name. I don’t think you share that Fae weakness.”

  My nerves calmed, and I allowed myself to slouch into Zane’s side more as we walked back to Underhill.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Once we reached Underhill, Meredith had the door open before we even set foot on the front step. She looked down at Nate, unconscious in Finn’s arms and sucked in a breath.

  “He’s okay,” I assured her with exhaustion, my body feeling strained from the push and pull that it took. “Something unexpected happened, and Finn
had to shut it off with a force of his magic. It apparently wiped out Nate.”

  She took a few steps back to allow us to enter the house. “What happened?”

  “Your friend, Ajax, happened,” Zane grunted, slogging me over the entrance and down the hallway toward the family room, following Finn who had still not responded.

  Looking up, I was surprised to see Anahita lounging on a decorative couch in the foyer. She had a bored expression on her face, and her body was in a relaxed pose, but I saw the thinness of her lips. I was starting to notice that the more relaxed Zane, Anahita, or Finn seemed to appear, the more anxious or dangerous they actually were. I was pretty sure it was supposed to be a deceptive tactic, but it wasn't really deceiving me anymore.

  “What does that mean?” Meredith asked, closing the door behind us and followed us into the family room. She stood next to the couch that Finn softly put Nate down on.

  Even though I was assured that Nate was alive, it still made me feel relieved to hear him groan. He brought a hand up to his face and rubbed his eyes, blinking slowly a couple of times.

  When Zane and I reached the opposite couch, I let go of him and tried to slouch gracefully onto it. My stomach still felt sloshy, making the rest of my body confused about whether I would throw up or not.

  “What does that mean?” Meredith demanded again, twisting her hands.

  “It means your friend is a druid,” Finn replied coldly, looking up. His eyes glowed softly, reflecting the power within. “They are no friends to a Fae.”

  “He attacked you guys?” Anahita questioned, surprised.

  “Just me,” I answered softly, raising a hand.

  “Why? Why would Ajax attack you? We’re friends,” Meredith pleaded.

  “We lost Jesse.” Nate’s voice was hoarse as he finally sat up, and stared grief-stricken at the floor.

  Meredith sucked in another sharp breath.

  “Your friend, Jesse, sacrificed his own life.” Zane’s tone was no-nonsense. “The druid took out his anger on Caden, and the Fae part of Caden struck out. She would have killed Ajax if Finn hadn’t stopped her.”

  There was a low whoosh sound and mumbling from Anahita and Meredith.


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