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Bad Boy Alphas

Page 76

by Alexis Davie

  Nyle was thrown off by the notion of a strange love for a human. It made him curious, wondering if maybe dragons could find happiness with humans as well. So many dragons didn’t have their mates because of the division of the clans, but maybe some of them were destined to be with humans. It would explain why Cassie would be so open to welcoming him back after twenty years—even after he left her to be a single mother with absolutely no help.

  “I was thrown off by it, too. Your mom has always come off as feisty. I figured if he ever popped up, she would chase him down the street with a baseball bat.”

  Daisy laughed lightly. “I thought the same thing.” There was a brief silence, and then Daisy asked, “What are we doing in the garden?”

  Nyle laughed heartily. “Took you long enough,” he said. “You’ve been trapped in your thoughts, haven’t you?”

  “Sadly,” she muttered.

  He rubbed her arm, “It’s okay. Just remember to take everything he says with a grain of salt if you talk to him again. Now, let’s go see my mother,” he sighed.

  Nyle had forced his feelings about his father’s death to the back of his mind, knowing he needed to focus on becoming king since it was such a pressing matter. However, his mother only had one thing on her mind: the death of her soulmate. Nyle knew she was living in misery since Thalydias’s passing, and he had promised his father he would look after her.

  They made their way back to the palace and found their way to his parents’ room. Giving a knock on the door, he pushed it open and stepped in with Daisy. Asalei was lying in bed, clutching her late husband’s pillow, weeping into it. Nyle’s middle sister, Maylei, was next to her and rubbing her back. He walked over to them, sitting down in the same chairs they had sat in just a couple days ago, having the last conversation they ever had with Thalydias.

  “Hello, Mother,” Nyle started softly.

  Asalei turned her cheek to face him, though she still clutched the pillow tightly. Her face was wet with tears, her hair still done in the curls she had for the funeral. She had climbed into bed after the pyre burning and hadn’t moved.

  “My son, I’m not well,” Asalei whispered, her voice hoarse from days of crying.

  “I know, Mother, I know,” he said, reaching to take her hand. “You need to eat sometime soon. I’m not going to force you, but you need to keep your strength.”

  “How can I eat when half of my heart is missing?” she asked him, a new wave of tears flowing down her cheeks. “I should have jumped on the pyre to be with him.”

  “Don’t talk like that,” Nyle scorned. “I can’t imagine the pain you are feeling, but you know you need to get better. Father wouldn’t want you talking like this. He would beg you never to utter such words again.”

  Asalei squeezed his hand. “I pray you never know the pain I am feeling right now. It’s as though my entire being has lost its will to go on. Your father is my only thought. He was my one love. I would give my life for his.”

  “You cannot dwell on that Mother; he’s already gone. You need to think about moving forward—to honor his memory, to make him proud.”

  Asalei didn’t reply, but looked at him in a way that told him he was right. Her eyes went to Daisy.

  “Maybe you should just leave him now so that neither of you have to feel this. Having a soulmate is a blessing, but also a dreadful, dreadful curse.”

  Daisy frowned deeply. “Isn’t it better to have known and cherish him for as long as you did, than never to have experienced it at all?”

  Maylei chimed in. “What a naïve thing to say. I think you should listen to Mother.”

  Both Daisy and Nyle were taken aback by his sister’s sudden, harsh comment.

  “Who asked for your opinion?” Nyle questioned his sister, his eyes narrowing at her.

  “No one; I’m just saying I agree. You know people are just playing nice right now because father just passed. But once things settle, and the wedding is over, people are going to hate her. Either you’ll die trying to protect her, or they’ll get their hands on her and kill her just to get rid of the problem. I just think it’s better to save everyone the heartache and just end it already,” Maylei stated matter-of-factly.

  “I think you need to watch what you say, Maylei. You are speaking about my mate, your future queen.”

  “What are you trying to say?” Maylei asked, crossing her arms.

  “Seriously? Do you really feel like your words are appropriate in this moment?” he scolded, moving to sit on the edge of the bed.

  Asalei had her face completely buried in the pillow, once again unable to suppress her wails as her children fought in front of her.

  “Why don’t you and your human just get out of here? I had it under control before you showed up.”

  “Oh, clearly,” Nyle retorted. “She needs to eat, and she needs to get outside and get some fresh air. That’s what you consider having things under control?”

  “I’m letting her mourn, you asshole,” Maylei barked. “You can’t just come in here and demand for her to get over it and get out of bed. I mean really, you’re not going to allow her to mourn her mate’s death for more than two days? Does it interfere with your wedding plans, brother?”

  “You act as though we have any sort of say in the matter. We have to get married. Do you think I want to so soon after father’s death? No, I don’t. I’m doing what’s necessary for the kingdom.”

  “You’re doing what’s necessary for your agenda. Our people don’t want her and would love to see you cast her aside and pick a suitable bride.”

  “Are you really going to go against our father’s dying wish?” Nyle snapped, jerking up from his chair.

  Then the bedroom door closed. Nyle looked beside himself to spot Daisy, but she was gone.

  Nyle glared at his sister. “This isn’t over.”


  Daisy rushed through the corridors, making her way as fast as she could out of the building. She needed to get away from everybody and clear her head. Maylei had vocalized everything Daisy had feared, and to hear his mother suggest she leave him completely killed her spirit. What if they were right? What if Nyle would be killed because of their union? She wouldn’t be able to live with herself. She wished that they could have stayed in Virginia and lived out their life in peace. Daisy could have spent the rest of her life happily there.

  With tears rolling down her cheeks, she finally approached the doorway. Then, a hand clasped her bicep and pulled her back. Nyle turned her to look at him, his chest heaving with panic.

  “Daisy, baby, please don’t listen to anything Maylei said. She’s just bitter that she wasn’t offered the kingdom. She doesn’t know anything about how the kingdom feels about you or how strongly I love you. I beg you, forget everything she said and please don’t cry.”

  He brushed away her tears, but Daisy turned her cheek.

  “You’ve prepared to be a king your whole life. I just learned about dragons this year. This is too much for me right now, and I really need to be alone.”

  “Don’t say that,” he urged, his eyes showing his fear.

  “I’m not leaving you, Nyle,” Daisy clarified as her lip quivered. “I need space, though. Time to think without a dragon trying to get into my head.”

  He was silent, his expression pinched with worry and anxiety. “Where are you going? I need to know you’re safe.”

  She shrugged. “Probably to my mom’s.”

  “Probably?” he questioned.

  “Nyle…” Daisy groaned.

  “Okay, okay… I’m sorry. Please call me if anything happens, or if Forrest shows up.”

  Daisy nodded and then turned to walk away, but he pulled her right back in. His lips seized hers in an urgent, but passionate kiss, his hands cradling her face. When he pulled back from her lips, his forehead leaned against hers.

  “I love you more than anything, Daisy. More than anything.”

  Daisy’s hand went to one of his on her face, her thumb rubbing th
e back of his hand. “I love you, too. More than I can ever put into words.”

  He kissed her again, but then she pulled away and headed toward the door. Her heart ached more with every step. She hated that so much got in the way of them simply being together. Was love supposed to be this hard? Daisy moved to one of the town cars. The driver on duty opened her door for her. She managed to tell him her mother’s address while holding back her tears. As the car started down the driveway, she made the mistake of looking back. Nyle stood on the steps of the palace, watching her leave. It killed her inside that she hurt him by leaving, but it would be best for both of them. Daisy could wrap her mind around what a marriage to a dragon king entailed, while Nyle could start to work through the emotions surrounding his father’s death.

  She watched as the trees transitioned to houses and then buildings as they drove into the city. The drive seemed to take forever. She wanted to be away from all dragons and cry in her mother’s arms. Daisy wasn’t sure how much of help her mother would be since she had just discovered dragons, but she knew her mom would try her best to help. If nothing else, she would be a good listener.

  When the car finally came to a stop outside of Cassie’s house. Daisy quickly exited the car without waiting for the driver to open her door. She asked him to leave, but the driver insisted on waiting for her.

  Daisy didn’t bother to knock on the door and just let herself into the house.

  “Mom,” she called weakly, tears starting to slip down her cheeks again.

  Cassie popped her head through the kitchen door. “Daisy, what’s wrong?” she asked when she saw her daughter in such distress.

  Before her mother could even reach her, Daisy broke down sobbing. Cassie guided her daughter to the couch, sitting down and letting Daisy lay her head in her lap. For several minutes, Daisy couldn’t even speak through her sobs. Her entire world had been turned upside down so many times, she couldn’t bear it anymore. It all came flooding out, every tear she had ever held back.

  “Why are you crying so much? You need to calm down and breathe,” her mother pressed as Daisy started wheezing.

  Daisy couldn’t stop. Her gut feeling told her that her relationship with Nyle would end badly. Either they would be forced apart, or one of them would end up being hurt.

  Her mother ended up turning her on her side, rubbing her back to try and help calm her. After a while, Daisy’s crying finally eased enough for her to speak.

  “All I want to do is be with Nyle. I love him so much. Yet, everyone wants us apart and no one approves of us—not even his sisters or his mom. All I can think about is how happy we were in Virginia when we were away from all the drama and stress of his family and kingdom. His people need him, and I know that. I’d be okay with the thought of ruling with him, but they don’t want me. He keeps trying to tell me everything will be fine, but I can’t get over the feeling that it won’t be. If we go through with the wedding, something is going to happen. I haven’t done anything for them to hate me. They are just judging me based on my genetics. It isn’t fair at all.”

  Cassie’s hand combed through Daisy’s wavy locks and listened to her daughter’s grievances.

  “Well, I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but maybe there’s a reason everyone is against it,” her mother said timidly.

  “What?” Daisy exclaimed. “I thought you liked Nyle.”

  “I did like Nyle, but I love you. I need to look out for you, sweetie. You’re blinded by your love for him and can’t see past it,” Cassie sighed. “Forrest told me some things about Nyle and his family; things I don’t think you even know or else you wouldn’t be crying over him. He’s not a good man, Daisy.”

  Daisy sat up, rubbing one of her eyes with her wrist. “What are you talking about? He is a good man. He just took you on vacation for your birthday. He treats me well. He’s affectionate, loving, gentle, and kind. I don’t think he’s ever even raised his voice to me. Why are you letting Forrest get in your head? You don’t even know him.”

  “Because when it concerns you, I’m not taking any risks,” Cassie stated firmly. “Nyle has used people all his life. He said that Nyle himself has killed several of Forrest’s people. Nyle’s father was even worse. I can’t even begin to describe the atrocities he committed.”

  Daisy stared in awe at her mother. Her confusion turned to hurt and anger. “Why are you siding with him over me? I know Nyle better than anyone. You should trust me more than the stranger who impregnated and left you.”

  “Don’t you talk to me that way!” Cassie hollered at her daughter, jumping to her feet. “Everything is going wrong around you, and you’re blaming everyone else. You have to stop and ask yourself if you are the problem. There has to be a reason that no one wants you two together.”

  “They are all judgmental assholes!” Daisy yelled right back.

  “Are they? Or are they looking out for their best interest and yours?” her mother asked.

  Daisy felt herself on the verge of hyperventilating. What if her mother was right? She had always been a voice of reason for her, but it was impossible to tell since Forrest had been getting into her head.

  “I have to go,” Daisy whispered, darting to the kitchen.

  “Where are you going? Daisy get back here. Let’s talk this out,” Cassie called after her, but Daisy was gone.

  She ran through the backyard and quickly got through the back gate. Making her way into the small wooded area behind the house, she was out of sight before getting her phone out. Her finger hovered over Nyle’s contact. Should she call him? What was stopping her from hitting the call button? Instead, Daisy called a taxi.


  Nyle didn’t stop pacing the halls, unable to keep still while he was away from her. Something didn’t feel right, but he didn’t know what it was. She was just at her mother’s house. Surely, she would only stay for a couple of hours and come back feeling better. Daisy just needed some time away from all the pressure, and it was understandable. She was raised as a human her entire life and was days away from becoming queen of a kingdom of dragons that she believed despised her. If only she understood how serious Thalydias’s decrees were, no one would dare disrespect them. Except, of course, for his sister. Oh, how he longed to ring Maylei’s little neck.

  Hours ticked by. With each moment that passed, Nyle’s nerves frayed more and more. What if Forrest had been there and told her more lies? Or even worse, what if Forrest had managed to kidnap her?

  Just when he felt he couldn’t take her absence any longer, his phone rang. He was so excited, he didn’t bother to glance at the caller ID before answering the call.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  “What?” a male voice said.

  Nyle’s brow creased, peeling the phone back to look at the number. It was one of the palace drivers.

  “Sorry, I thought it was someone else. What’s going on?” he asked.

  “Is Miss Maddow spending the night at her mother’s? She didn’t say anything about it, and I haven’t seen her. Her mother even left the house a while ago.”

  Anxiety choked Nyle. What if something had happened to her? Daisy was extremely courteous, especially when it came to his staff. The uneasy feeling in his stomach grew exponentially.

  “Don’t move. Keep an eye on the house. I’ll be right there.”

  Nyle hung up the phone and ran as fast as he could out of the palace. He wished he could just fly there, knowing it would be much quicker, but he knew better than to draw attention to himself. Jumping into his fastest car, the tires squealed as he gunned it down the driveway, not bothering with the standard safety precautions. When he pulled onto the main road, he recklessly weaved between cars to get down the street as fast as possible.

  He made record time on his trip into the city. When he got stuck behind traffic, Nyle punched his steering wheel wildly, his horn blaring each time his hand collided with it. Nyle was practically crawling out his skin, the forty-five-mile-an-hour zones felt as if
they were specifically put in place to torture his soul.

  When he finally approached Cassie’s house, he noticed Cassie’s car pulling into the driveway. Throwing his car into park, he jumped from the car.

  “Where is Daisy?” he yelled over to Cassie as he jogged over to her.

  Cassie turned in surprise and took a couple of steps back. What was that about?

  “I thought she ran off to be with you,” she replied.

  “She ran off?” he questioned.

  She nodded, “We had an argument, and she bolted out the back door.”

  Nyle was momentarily dazed by anger. “And you didn’t think to go after her?” he snapped.

  “She was mad. I thought she needed time to cool off,” Cassie replied defensively.

  “What did you fight about?” Nyle asked, taking a few more steps toward her.

  She backed up with every step he took. His eyes narrowed. Something was definitely up.

  “About you,” Cassie said coldly.

  “What about me?”

  She averted her eyes, awkwardly shuffling the shopping bag she had in her arms. “I don’t think you two should be together, and she didn’t want to hear it.”

  “Why shouldn’t Daisy and I be together? We’re in love.”

  “Haven’t you ever heard the phrase ‘if you love something, set it free’? That’s exactly what you should do,” Cassie snapped, finally marching toward her house.

  “Forrest got into your head, didn’t he?” Nyle scoffed.

  “You can’t blame Forrest. He told me about who you and your family really are. I’d be a terrible mother to encourage my daughter to be with a monster like you,” Cassie hissed.

  “You don’t know whether the things he told you are true or just words to get you wrapped around his little finger. You’re playing right into his hand. He and the Elementals are the ones that should frighten you.”


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