Book Read Free

Bad Boy Alphas

Page 93

by Alexis Davie

  Her heart quickened as she recognized August’s face on the screen.

  It’s a match! August Super Liked You!

  She stared at the words and began to laugh.

  Send message or keep playing? the screen asked her.

  Beth replaced the phone on the nightstand. She knew what she would do as soon as she woke up later.

  * * *



  One Wild Night

  The plane dipped through the stormy clouds as they continued their trip toward the Eastern seaboard. Megan, however, barely noticed, her eyes fixated on the computer screen. She gnawed on her lower lip, concentrating intently at the spreadsheet before her, but something wasn’t jiving as it was supposed to.

  What did I do wrong here? she wondered, cocking her head to the side. Her eyes were beginning to burn. She had been peering at the screen since take-off, and she began to develop a headache.

  “Champagne, miss?”

  The attractive air hostess paused at her side, a round tray of goblets perching over her hand as she smiled down at Megan. She blushed and shook her head, eyeing the man seated beside her at the window. She had been so lost in her work, she had almost forgotten about her travel companion, despite their closeness.

  I’ve been blocking out his nearness on purpose, she thought.

  “Uh, no, thanks,” she told the waiting flight attendant. “I’m working.”

  On her left, the man scoffed. “One glass of wine won’t hurt, Megan,” Will said, laughing. “And you’re not getting paid extra for working inflight, you know.”

  He reached across her laptop and winked jokingly, as if to take the sting out from his words, but Megan couldn’t muster a smile. She could hardly breathe as his suit jacket brushed against her.

  Thankfully, Will didn’t seem to notice as he accepted the glass of champagne and sat back, returning to his own work.

  “I won’t tell HR if you have one,” her boss whispered, and Megan managed a grin.

  “That’s okay,” she replied. “I’ll have one when we get to the hotel.”

  “Suit yourself,” he said, shrugging, and she exhaled slowly. Somehow, she felt like she had disappointed him, though she couldn’t exactly tell why.

  Megan had been an employee of Will Travis since her freshman year, working her way up the corporate ladder before she had even finished her degree in business. Her goal had always been to be aptly set up with a job when she graduated, and so far, her plan was going perfectly.

  At this rate, she would have a full-time position with Travis and Associates without question.

  If only my boss wasn’t such a distraction, she thought, biting on the insides of her cheeks.

  “I feel guilty all of a sudden,” Will announced, and Megan tucked a strand of honey-colored hair behind her ear to stare at him with wide, light blue eyes.

  “Why?” she asked in surprise. “Did you forget something?”

  He chuckled and shook his dark head, tinged with distinguished streaks of silver.

  How come men always age so seamlessly? she wondered, carefully studying his handsome physique. She supposed it was because men tended to take things less seriously.

  It seemed that Will became more attractive every time she looked at him, and Megan knew it had more to do with his easy-going personality than anything. For such an important man, he put her at ease without effort, a fact that both troubled and aroused her.

  I wonder how many trips he’s made to the Mile-High Club, she thought. She instantly turned crimson and tried to focus on his words, not his lips.

  “You’re on summer break,” Will said. “I shouldn’t have dragged you to New York with me. You should be home this weekend, enjoying your summer session frat parties.”

  Megan parted her mouth to protest immediately. “Oh, no!” she assured him. “There is nothing I would rather be doing than joining you on this trip. I like working.”

  And she meant it.

  Megan knew the offer to accompany Will to New York was a testament to her merits. The CEO would not have asked just anyone to join him, even for a moderately simple excursion like delivering budget cuts and proposals to the board.

  It pleased and honored her to know that she was considered a valued employee, given her age and experience with the company.

  To her surprise, Will scowled.

  “Did I say something wrong?” she asked, arching an eyebrow, her heart hammering nervously. She did not want to upset him after all. Not as her boss, and not as a man.

  “No—well, yes, you did,” Will grumbled.

  Megan stared at him nervously as she waited for him to finish his thought.

  “What is it?” she asked while he continued to research her face, his brow knitting.

  “What do you do for fun?” he suddenly asked.

  “For fun?” she echoed. “Well… I…” Megan swallowed to dampen her suddenly dry throat. “I mean, I—”

  “I knew it!” Will declared, snapping his fingers like he’d just had a revelation. Before Megan could ask him what he meant, he continued speaking. “You need to enjoy your college years,” he told her, shaking his head. “You should be going to parties and meeting guys and…”

  He trailed off then, his gaze meeting hers for a moment before they both looked away from each other.

  “I go to parties,” Megan insisted. “All the time.”

  Will chuckled. “Why do I find that hard to believe?” he asked, glancing into her guileless blue eyes with a smile on his face.

  Megan felt the need to convince him that her life wasn’t as boring as he was probably making it out to be. “I live in a sorority house, so something fun is always happening.”

  Will seemed shocked by the words. “What? Really?” he gaped. “Which sorority?”

  “Kappa Mu Pi.”

  “Well,” he said, straightening himself up in his chair. “I would never have guessed that.”

  Megan was almost offended by the words. Does he think I’m that boring? she wondered, resisting the urge to ask him.

  “How do you know about my sorority?” she asked instead.

  “I dated a girl who was a member, many years ago. She was a wild one…”

  His dark eyes seemed to glaze over as he recalled the girlfriend he’d had.

  Megan suddenly hated her unknown Kappa Mu sister. Choking back her indignation, Megan forced herself to stare intently at the screen, hoping the conversation was over.

  My boss and the hottest man I know thinks I am boring. Great, she thought bitterly. She pushed the thought of Will Travis out of her mind, trying to ignore his closeness. What difference does it make how he sees me? It’s not like I ever had a chance with him.

  * * *

  They landed at LaGuardia near dinner time, and rush hour made it impossible to reach their hotel at a decent hour.

  With Megan’s stomach growling so loudly, she was certain that Will would hear it from across the town car limo. His tablet was in his palm, and from what Megan could see, he was scrolling through it.

  How does he do that? she wondered, shaking her head. He’s a multi-millionaire who never sleeps, and yet he manages to always look as if he’s doing nothing.

  Megan knew that this was what made Will such a successful businessman: others did not see him coming. His charming nature and genuine smile were disarming enough for any man, and certainly for any woman.

  “I’m starving!” Will declared, as if reading her mind.

  Megan nodded. “Me too,” she agreed, her heart fluttering nervously for a moment. Would he ask her out for dinner, maybe?

  He’s not going to ask you out, she immediately chided herself. And even if he did, you can’t say yes. He’s your boss. Your sexy, gorgeous boss… Megan sighed. I guess one dinner won’t do any harm…

  “Don’t worry,” Will told her. “The Ritz has room service.”

  Disappointment almost knocked her back against the seat, and Megan had never felt more unattr
active in her life.

  The sentiment was ridiculous, though. Few women could claim to have Megan’s appeal—it was more than just her bright blue eyes and soft blonde hair. She possessed a quiet intelligence, which added to her sensual look.

  But in that instance, Megan’s self-esteem had taken a blow, and she was annoyed at herself for feeling so low for such a silly reason.

  I had no right to hope he would ask me to dinner, she thought, infuriated with herself. My mind should not have even gone there.

  A small part of her wondered if she had agreed to accompany Will on the trip because she had hoped something would happen between them. A hot flush colored her cheeks as she realized she had not-so-secretly been fantasizing about a passionate affair with her older boss.

  You’re acting like a child, she thought sullenly, but it didn’t change the fact that she was suddenly grumpy, the understanding that she had no chance with the man settling in like a slap to the face.

  “Are you all right, Megan?” Will asked, and Megan put on a plastic smile, nodding enthusiastically.

  “Of course!” she replied brightly, turning to peer out into the dusk-filled New York skyline.

  Snap out of it, she ordered herself. You are in the coolest city in the world, all expenses paid. Just because your crush doesn’t like you does not mean you can’t still have some fun while you’re here.

  Besides, there was no reason Will needed to see her acting so foolish.

  * * *

  Like it always did, Megan’s dark mood passed quickly, and after having a steamy shower, she reached for a towel and dried herself with it.

  Her suite was beautiful, and it was hard to be upset in such surroundings.

  You’re in New York, she reminded herself, grinning as she wrapped the towel around her slender body as her damp tresses dripped against her shoulders. And you’re here because you’re the best at what you do.

  Sauntering toward the balcony, Megan opened the ornate door to step onto the terrace. Below her, the lights of Central Park illuminated the night while throngs of people walked by.

  It was Megan’s first time in the Big Apple, and she refused to waste a minute of her precious free time sulking about.

  First stop, the hotel bar, she decided, digging a little black number out of her luggage and slipping it over her long, firm frame.

  She pulled a brush though her tresses as she dried it, fluffing it around her face. Megan needed little make up, but she applied some lipstick to accentuate her sweet mouth and a bit of mascara to pop her bright blue eyes.

  When she stood back to examine herself in the full-length mirror, she pressed her lips together and nodded in appreciation.

  Will Travis be damned, she thought. The night is mine to embrace.

  He didn’t know what he was missing.

  Confidently, Megan grabbed her hotel key and made her way toward the door, grabbing her purse as she passed the entranceway.

  I’ll have dinner and a drink at the bar like some elusive stranger from out of town, she thought, grinning. I’ll pretend my name is Sasha and meet a tall, dark, and handsome stranger.

  She sashayed into the Star Lounge and slipped onto a bar stool, smiling politely at the bartender.

  “Do you have your ID, miss?” the woman asked, sizing up the pretty but fresh-faced blonde before her. Her nametag read “Jennifer.” There seemed to be a glimmer of suspicion in her green eyes as she waited for Megan to dig through her purse.

  She’s a New Yorker, Megan thought wryly. They all look skeptical.

  Still, she nodded and retrieved her Colorado driver’s licence.

  “Okay, Megan,” Jennifer said loudly. “What will it be?”

  Megan tried not to scowl, looking around to see if anyone heard. Why did she have to be so obnoxious about it?

  A sprinkling of patrons were in earshot and Megan felt her shoulders sink in dejection. So much for being Sasha tonight, she thought, reconsidering room service and pay-per-view.

  “A glass of pinot noir,” she sighed, placing her purse on the bar and spinning around to stare at the other customers.

  I’m here now, she reasoned. I may as well enjoy myself if possible.

  Most of the men eyed her appreciatively, and while Megan wasn’t genuinely interested in meeting anyone that night, it was nice to be noticed, to be the center of attention, if even for a little bit. If anything, it helped to alleviate the blow to her ego from Will earlier. As much as Megan tried to dismiss it, she could not deny that she was still harboring some resentment about it.


  She spun her head at the unexpected greeting and saw a young woman smile at her.

  “Hey,” Megan replied, offering her a small smile.

  “Can I sit here?”

  Megan nodded, gesturing at the seat beside her.

  “Sure,” she agreed, taking in the lovely brunette. Like Megan, she wore a stylish black dress and high heels. Her skin was a luminous olive, and her dark eyes seemed to glitter beneath long eyelashes.

  “I’m Bree,” the woman said, extending a perfectly manicured palm.

  “Megan.” They shook hands in greeting just as the bartender returned with Megan’s wine.

  Bree turned her head slightly to survey the room.

  “What’ll it be?” the woman behind the bar asked in a crisp tone. Megan glanced up at her in surprise.

  Why is she being so hostile? She didn’t pursue the question, simply chalking it up to a big city personality.

  “Vodka tonic,” Bree replied without turning around.

  The server scowled at Megan and skulked off.

  “Quiet night in here tonight,” Bree said, finally turning her dark head back toward Megan. “We’re going to have to make our own fun.”

  Megan eyed her speculatively for a long moment, giggling.

  “Maybe,” she replied.

  Bree peered into her face. “You’re not from here, are you?” she asked, and Megan shook her head.

  “No, just here on business,” she replied. “You?”

  Bree smirked slightly. “Same.”

  The bartender returned, depositing the drink in front of Bree.

  “That’s twelve-fifty,” she demanded.

  Bree and Megan blinked at her in unison. Jennifer had not asked Megan to pay her tab.

  “I want to run a tab,” Bree said tightly, but the bartender shook her head.

  “No tabs,” she replied flatly. “And if I get one whiff of trouble—”

  “You know what? Screw your drink!” Bree snapped in brash voice. “If this is how you treat your customers, then I don’t want to be here anymore!” She rose from the bar, raising her head haughtily, and turned to Megan. “Come on, Megan. Let’s go some place where we’re treated like people.”

  She stormed off as if she expected Megan to be on her heels.

  Helplessly, Megan stared after her. Damn. She had not even had a chance to take a sip of her wine.

  Leaning over, she drank as much from her wine as she could in one gulp and grinned apologetically at the irate employee.

  “Sorry!” she cried. “Can you just put this on my suite? 1202? Travis?”

  The bartender’s face contorted into a twisted look of confusion.

  “You’re staying here at the hotel?” she asked, but Megan glanced back toward the door where Bree had wandered off.

  She’s probably the best offer I’m going to get all night, she thought worriedly. I shouldn’t let her get away.

  “Yes,” she answered. “And put that girl’s drink on my room, too. Thanks!”

  Megan didn’t wait for a response, hurrying to catch up with Bree while all eyes followed her out the door. As she rounded the corner into the lobby, Bree laughed and grabbed her hand.

  “There you are!” she chuckled. “Come on. I have an idea.”

  Bree’s energy was infectious, and so Megan ran after the girl toward the exit of the hotel. For a fleeting moment, she felt like she was back at home, hang
ing out with her sorority sisters, and not in a big, lonely city.

  “Where are we going?” Megan asked as Bree flagged down a cab, brushing aside a doorman with an annoyed flick of her hand.

  “You’ll see,” Bree giggled as a yellow taxi appeared before them. “Get in.” She barked off an address to the driver and grinned at her new friend. “The Ritz sucks,” she said as the driver made its way through the upper west side.

  “Does it?” Megan asked in surprise. “I always thought it was one of the best hotels in the city.”

  Bree scoffed. “That’s what they want you to think, what with its cool name and all,” she told Megan, “but where we’re going is much nicer.”

  As the words left Bree’s lips, the cab driver steered his vehicle to the curb of Park Hyatt, and the brunette tossed him a couple bills before jumping from the car.

  “Come on!” she exclaimed. “Wait until you see what they have here!”

  Megan hurried to follow her, her heart thumping. For the first time since meeting Bree, she felt a spark of apprehension deep in her chest.

  “What are we doing here?” she asked as she caught up with Bree through the revolving doors.

  “You’ll see,” Bree laughed teasingly.

  As they approached the elevators, Megan looked around nervously.

  “Are you staying here?” she questioned. “If not, we shouldn’t be—”

  “Are you always such a goody two-shoes?” Bree asked, eyeing her with reproach. “If you’re going to play in New York, honey, you better toughen up or you’ll never survive.”

  Megan swallowed her nervousness. She’s right. I need to relax and have fun.

  They exited the lift at the spa level and Bree grinned wickedly.

  “What’s down here?” Megan asked.

  “The pool,” Bree replied, slipping through the corridor and ushering Megan inside.

  It was late, and there was no one around. Megan wasn’t even certain that the pool was open to the guests anymore, let alone open to two castaways.

  “We can’t go swimming!” Megan protested. “I don’t have a bathing suit!”


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