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Untamed- House of Berserkers

Page 8

by Lacey Carter Andersen

  “Can I touch your breasts?”

  My eyes open. His gaze is locked on my chest. “You can touch anything you want.”

  He reaches up and cups each of my breasts. I hold myself still, watching him, wondering what he’ll do. His fingers run along the sensitive skin of my chest, then slide across my nipples. I gasp in pleasure, and he moves back to my nipples, rubbing them again.

  I moan, and he looks completely fascinated as he rubs them harder and harder, and then pinches them. Unable to help myself, I begin to rub myself against his length once more.

  He leans up after a moment and takes one of my nipples into his mouth. I cry out, and completely lose myself to this man, who seems to be obsessed with my breasts. He tastes each nipple. He sucks both deeply, grasping them as he does so. And I can’t seem to think as he lavishes them with attention.

  When I know that I’m going to lose my mind if I don’t have him soon, I lift up from him and grasp his dick before lowering the head of his cock into my channel.

  He groans beneath me, and holds my gaze as I lower myself inch by inch down on him, wincing as my body holds him too tightly at times. If I wasn’t dripping, soaking wet, I don’t think for a second I could fit him. But still, the fit is tight. Deliciously tight.

  When I hit his hilt, I grab one of his hands and push it between us, showing him how to stroke my clit. It only takes him a moment for him to get it, and then I’m wild with need. This man’s hands were built for pleasure, they touch me in all the right ways, and his lips return to lavishing my breasts.

  When I start to ride him, taking him in and out of my tight channel, we both begin to swear. The pleasure…it’s unimaginable. So good that all thoughts have left my mind. So good that the world outside of our bodies fades to nothing.

  We fuck harder and harder until he’s forced to stop sucking on my breasts, because I’m riding him so damn hard. His name slips from my lips as he pinches my clit, and then I go wild. Now his name isn’t a moan, it’s a scream of pleasure, a prayer, and when he comes, I orgasm, exploding over the edge, riding him as our slick bodies smack together over and over again until I collapse on top of him.

  I’m pretty sure sex has never been this good before.

  Hell, I know sex has never been this good before.

  This Adam has filled my “sex pot” so full that I don’t think I’ll ever need to be fucked again. And yet, I feel him harden inside of me.

  “I can touch you anyway I want?” he asks softly, running his lips against my hair.

  I nod, still spinning with pleasure.

  He rolls on top of me, and before I have a chance to say a word again, we’re fucking once more.

  Hell, was I worried he’d only have the energy for one round? Now I was pretty damned sure I’d be his fuck-toy all day long.

  And I was finding it hard not to love that idea…

  Chapter Thirteen


  Where was she? Where was Kiera? And why the hell was she down here in the first place?

  And did she hear it all? Did she know the truth about me?

  My mind spins as I race through the fucking tunnels beneath the school. When Mario and his friends had grabbed me, I’d thought this day couldn’t get any worse. Not only was I in a reform school, where not “reforming” was a death sentence, but I wasn’t even out of my brother’s grasp. Something that I thought would be the only benefit of the damned place.

  I guess I was wrong on that account too.

  I’d told Mario whatever the fuck I had to say to get out of his underground lair. Things I would never want Kiera to hear. Later, I could pick off Mario and his crew one at a time, freeing myself from my brother’s grasp and making my time at the reform school at least bearable. Then I’d have nothing to worry about except surviving each day.

  Unless I got out at the end of my sentence.

  But I couldn’t bring it in me to care about what would happen if I ever got out. All I cared about was protecting Kiera. I needed to keep her out of my brother’s grasp, no matter what it cost me.

  And then I’d spotted Kiera in the tunnels.

  For one terrible moment, I’d wondered what the hell I was supposed to do. The second they found out who she was, they’d have the numbers to drag her off to my brother. But if they didn’t know who she was, she’d be killed as a spy.

  It’d seemed like a no-win situation. All I’d known is that I had to reach her first, and do whatever the hell I had to in order to protect her.

  Except then she’d gone and disappeared.

  “Fuck,” I mutter, stopping for the first time since seeing her.

  I was pretty damned sure I’d searched all the tunnels down here, and I could hear Mario and his men scrambling through the tunnels too. But the fact that they were still searching too meant none of us had found her. And the only way that was possible was if she’d gone back to the surface, or found a place none of us could reach.

  Breathing hard, I look up and spot a grate, the ladder in the wall just barely visible. If Kiera disappeared, I had to assume she knew the tunnels beneath the school better than we did…somehow. And if she did, she was bound to leave.


  So I release a panicked breath, and I start up the stairs. Beneath my skin, I can feel my other side rolling. There and ready to be let free, should I need it. I practice deep breaths until the feeling eases. Going berserk right now is the last thing I need.

  Pushing open the grate, I climb out.

  Leaning against the wall is a man I recognize, one of my brother’s men from a lifetime ago. A guy my brother had sent here as a young boy. My jaw drops. He sure as hell has gotten bigger, but he’s got the same red hair and dark freckles.


  He doesn’t smile. “Emory.”

  We stare at each other, tension crawling between us. He and I had never been enemies before. We’d simply been two boys being tortured by a psychopath. My brother would trip him, pin him onto the ground, and pee on him. He killed his pet mouse and made him eat it while he cried.

  With me…his punishments were no less twisted, but some of them were different. Two berserkers had once tried to escape his lands. Both children. He’d told me I could choose who would live or die, and if I couldn’t, he’d kill them both. He told me he was teaching me why I should be grateful to never be our people’s leader.

  Instead he taught me how to hate.

  “I didn’t know where you ended up when you left.”

  His hazel eyes narrow. “I’m not surprised. You never seemed to know what was going on.”

  I shrug. I knew more than I led on.

  “Or maybe you didn’t want to know.”

  “Maybe,” I say quietly.

  More silence.

  “So, you leaving the tunnels? That means you’re either a mutant lover or one of Mario’s men.”

  “Mutants?” I tense, imagining the crazed beasts finding Kiera alone.

  He smirks. “If you didn’t know about the mutants, then you must have been there for Mario.”

  “I wasn’t given much of a choice,” I say.

  But I don’t say more. I don’t know where Jasper’s loyalties lie, and if anyone suspects that I’m not loyal to my brother, my life is over. Inside the reform school or out of it, it didn’t matter.

  “You didn’t enjoy spending time with your brother’s lackeys?” he asks, his face expressionless.

  “Do you?” I ask instead of answering.

  He stands up straighter. “Be careful, Emory. A lot of people around here hate Maxen. They might not exactly appreciate his bastard brother being here.”

  “Good to know,” I grate out.

  He starts to walk away, then pauses. “Did he turn you into the man he wanted?”

  Something in my chest twists. “I hope not.”

  He gives a sharp nod. “Good,” he says, and leaves.

  I stare after him for a while, then position myself far enough away from the grate t
o be able to watch for Kiera. Hours pass. I see Mario and his men leave, but no Kiera. The sun begins to set. Still nothing.

  A horrible feeling washes over me. What if she’s been back in her dorm room all along? What if his men found her there instead?

  I decide the hell with it and head back toward the berserker house a guard had pointed out to me. But along the way I run into a group of berserkers being led by a huge man.

  “Dinner time,” one of them says. “And we get to eat with the others today. How nice.”

  “But my friend—“

  “The berserker house is empty. Go eat.”

  Could she already be at the cafeteria?

  I fall in line with the others, but instantly notice Kiera isn’t among them, or with any of the other supernaturals all drifting toward the cafeteria. Maybe she’s in the cafeteria already?

  My gaze runs over a couple of mermaids, two women with bright pink hair. One of them laughs, and I drag my gaze away from them. Kiera should be somewhere safe, laughing with her friends.

  If only I’d stayed far away from her.

  My stomach twists. She could be anywhere in this damned place.

  We enter two doors that are thrown wide and fall in line, entering a huge cafeteria room. Each of us is given a tray and decent-looking food is set out, some kind of stew, mashed potatoes, and jello. I walk through the line, barely aware of what I’m doing, my gaze searching for her in the crowd.

  “Keep going,” someone snarls behind me.

  I startle when I realize I’ve reached the end of the line.

  What do I do now? Go back to the tunnels? Search her dorm room? Or wait and see if she arrives?

  I turn and spot Mario and the other berserkers. I feel a huge rush of relief to know she’s at least safe from them. But I also decide to stay as far from the bastards as I can. The last thing I want is people associating me with Mario and his crew, or getting a knife in the back for being Maxen’s brother.

  I sit down at a table with one other big man, but completely ignore him, searching for any sign of Kiera. But she’s still nowhere to be found.

  “You’re a berserker, right?” the man across from me asks, and the arrogance in his voice makes me think he’s a fae for the briefest moment before I remember just how big he is.

  Definitely not a fae.

  I finally look at him. He sits in the center of his side of the table, a giant of a man who holds himself like a damned king. He’s got the polished look of an aristocrat, with light brown hair neatly styled and one of those pretty-boy faces. I glance at his muscular arms and realize that he doesn’t wear the branding of a berserker. So what is he? Definitely not a vamp, a phoenix, or a Nephilim.

  That left a shifter. A very big shifter.

  “Who’s asking?” I say, studying him.

  He huffs, and I swear there’s a little smoke when he does so. “Drake, you insolent little prick.”

  I reach for my fork and start eating. Insolent little prick? Well, maybe I don’t have any answers for the asshole.

  “You know all the berserkers?” he presses.

  I keep eating and ignore him.

  He leans forward, crowding my space. “You know a female berserker with long, white-blonde hair and big boobs?”

  I swear the food in my mouth turns to ash. Did he seriously just ask me about my Kiera? Did he really talk about her boobs? “Watch it, asshole.”

  “You know her!” he says, triumph in his voice. “Where is she?”

  “I wouldn’t tell you if you were the last god damn goat shifter on the planet.”

  “I’m no goat,” he growls. “You, berserker, have met a dragon. You, berserker, better change your tone before you’re nothing but burned meat.”

  A dragon? It takes everything in me not to look at him again. I’ve never met a dragon shifter. The shifters were like kings of the sky and the earth… far more powerful than the rest of us. If it wasn’t for the fact that they typically only had one child, it would’ve been impossible to hunt them to the point of near extinction. In another time and another place, I’d have a million questions for him.

  But not when he was asking about Kiera.

  I smirk at him, hiding the awe that creeps up inside of me. I’m used to fucking bullies, even a damned dragon wasn’t going to intimidate me. “If you think I’m telling you a thing about Kiera, you better go clean your scales, or count your treasure, whatever you lizards like to do.”

  Instead of reacting, he smiles. “You know her name. You’re defensive. You know her.”

  I hate that he figured that out. I glare, digging into the mashed potatoes that have an unpleasant watery texture.

  “I want to know more about her.”

  “I’m sure you do,” I mutter.

  “Life can be easy for you, berserker, or hard. The way you answer my questions can help determine that.”

  I lift my gaze to meet his. “Why do you want to know anything about her? You think you’re the first guy to see her and want to bang her?”

  “It’s not that,” he says.

  I glare. “Then what is it?”

  He leans in closer and lowers his voice. “I’m pretty sure the female is my mate.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I stroke Adam’s chest, glad that the light from the crystals growing from all over the cave might not be enough for him to see me blushing. After our fifth round, the big man seemed to finally calm. He’d gathered me close, and covered me with his oddly soft, woven blanket. At first he’d held me so tightly it felt like he’d been afraid I’d run away, but slowly his grip had loosened until things just felt…comfortable between us.

  Which was about the time I’d started thinking about everything that had happened.

  I still didn’t understand it. One minute I’d been whirling, realizing that the stranger who saved me was my childhood friend, and one of Lord Maxen’s lackeys, and the next I’d been in the arms of this man. I’ve never felt attraction like this in my life. Like it overpowered all logic.

  Even now the attraction was still there, although calmer now that I was satisfied. I was finally able to think clearly. What had I done? I’d slept with this Adam. This Adam who was a virgin, who seemed to have lived a horrible life. I needed to go back to reality and face my new life at this reform school, and Maxen’s allies, but how could I just leave this man?

  I had no idea.

  “Why were you sent here?” Adam asks, his deep voice rolling through me.

  I shiver, not wanting to think of Lucy and the vampires. “I killed some men.”

  He doesn’t react. “Oh.”

  “Why were you sent here?” I ask, trying to imagine what could be so bad that hearing about me killing a bunch of people didn’t even make him flinch.

  “I killed the scientists that made me. At first the Enforcers said that I wasn’t human, that I should be destroyed, but a man argued that I was a living being, one capable of understanding what I’d done. They chose this reform school rather than death, which is the fate of the others of my kind. It was lucky.”

  It’s hard to keep my mouth shut when I want to tell him that doesn’t sound lucky at all. If a berserker was tortured and tested on, and we killed our captors, there wouldn’t be a trial. There wouldn’t be anything. They would say our captors got what they deserved.

  But mutants have never been seen as our equals.

  “I’m glad you killed them,” I say.

  This time he does stiffen. “Why?”

  My gaze moves up to his. “Creating lives just as test subjects is wrong in all kinds of ways.” When he looks confused, I add, “Hasn’t anyone ever told you that before?”

  He’s quiet for a minute. “There was a cat…”

  “A cat?”

  He nods. “They brought a cat in…one they stole off the street and tested on. They never noticed anything special about him, but I did. After a while, he could talk to me…in my head. He told me everything they did to u
s was all wrong.” He strokes my hair. “When I killed them and broke us out, it was for him, for Princess. He wanted to get back to his girl. The girl who he’d lived with every day before they took him. I had nowhere to go, so I just waited until the Enforcers came.”

  I don’t cry easily, but hell, it takes me a long minute to push down my tears. “That was…nice of you.”

  His hand stills. “I just wish he found his girl.”

  I look up at him, at the sadness in those startling gold eyes of his. “He didn’t?”

  I swear tears reflect in his eyes before he blinks them away. “He tracked me down here. The girl was gone when he got back. Not moved. Something about cancer.”

  Oh, hell. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I am too. Even though I like having Princess here.”

  I’m too sad to even comment about him having a male cat named Princess. “At least you’re the proud owner of a cat.”

  He looks startled. “I don’t own him. He’s my friend.”

  I smile and kiss his lips lightly. God damn, this Adam is too sweet for his own good.

  “He does what he wants, but I’m going to introduce him to you the next time he’s around.”

  “I’d like that,” I say, and then I sigh and sit up.

  He sits up with fast movements. “What are you doing?”

  I comb my fingers through my wild hair, trying to tame it. “I probably need to go back.”

  He shakes his head. “No, you don’t, Kiera. The men you saw are bad men. They’re going to want to hurt you.”

  “I don’t care,” I say. “It’s reform or die, right? I can’t even imagine what will happen to me for missing my classes today, but I’m going to take the punishment and deal with it. Because I need to get out of here. I need to graduate and get back to my family.”

  “Kiera,” he says my name very slowly. “I’ve never seen a berserker graduate.”


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