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A Thrill of Hope

Page 4

by Marie Higgins

  Holly came to a halt and stared wide-eyed at him. “You’re serious?”

  He nodded. “I went to college and received my medical degree. I would have been a practicing physician by now if my father hadn’t died.”

  Her cheeks turned a dark red. “I didn’t know. Sorry I poked fun at you.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll forgive you this time.” He grinned.

  Quick footsteps from the other room pounded on the hardwood floor. Rafe looked away from Holly to see which one of his cousins was coming to see who he’d brought home, because he was sure they’d heard a woman’s voice.

  Luca rushed around the corner, and when his gaze landed on Holly, he stopped dead in his tracks. Shock washed over his expression as his attention switched between Rafe and Holly. The longer his cousin stared at Holly, the redder his face became.

  “Luca,” Rafe began, “this is Holly Kidman. She’s one of Georgia’s daughters. Holly, this is my cousin, Luca.”

  She smiled and nodded as she peered at Luca. “Yes, we saw each other in town the other day. It’s nice to see you again.”

  “What... What...” Luca stammered. “Why are you here?”

  Rafe felt sorry for his shy cousin. “On my way home, I found Holly’s car stuck in the ditch. The ranch was closer than her house, so I brought her here to ride out the storm with us.”

  Slowly, Luca’s mouth pulled into a wide grin. “I’m so glad you’re going to stay here.” He motioned his hand toward the kitchen. “I hope you’re hungry. Blake made steak and potatoes tonight.”

  “Uh, well, if you don’t mind the intrusion.”

  “You’re not intruding at all,” Luca answered quickly.

  She chuckled. “Thank you, Luca. I’m very hungry, and I would love to eat with you.”

  Briefly, she glanced at Rafe before walking with Luca into the kitchen. Rafe smiled and shook his head. His poor cousin acted like he’d never seen a pretty woman before. In fact, if Rafe could put a name to his cousin’s expression it would be twitter-pated.

  Rafe hung up his coat in the back hall, but before he could enter the kitchen, Blake hurried around the corner, nearly knocking Rafe over.

  “Why did you bring her here?”

  Rafe narrowed his gaze. “Because she was stuck in the ditch, that’s why.”

  Blake laughed softly. “It’s not because you’re dating her, is it?”

  Rafe rolled his eyes. “Of course not.”

  “Good, because...” Blake leaned closer to make their conversation more private, “Holly is the girl that Luca is in love with.”


  “Mom? Hi, it’s me.”

  Holly held Rafe’s cell up to her ear as she walked into one of the many hallways in the huge cabin the Montgomery family considered a house. Growing up, she’d only seen this place from the outside. But now that she had her first look, the house was like a museum of nothing but fine art and expensive, old-fashioned looking furniture made from wood. It was hard not to fall in love with the house. The spacious fireplace in the middle of the large living room kept the whole place warm. This was the kind of fireplace that women dreamed of as they cuddle next to a man and enjoy a romantic evening.

  She half expected to see trophy animal heads hanging on the wall, but thankfully, there weren’t any. She didn’t believe in killing animals for mere sport, and she was happy to see Rafe and his cousins weren’t like that.

  “Oh, Holly,” her mom gasped. “Thank the Lord you’re all right. I was so worried when you hadn’t returned home, and the snow kept falling harder and harder...”

  “Yes, Mom, I know. I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner, but my cell didn’t have service. I’m using Rafe Montgomery’s cell right now.”

  “I thought I’d recognized the number.” Her mother’s voice lightened. “He’s such a nice boy. He’s helped me so much since your father died.”

  “Mom,” Holly snorted a light laugh, “he’s not a boy any longer.”

  “Oh, really?” Her mother’s voice lifted in hope. “So, you noticed, huh?”

  Holly tightened her fingers around the phone. “Anyway, the reason I didn’t come home was because my car hit a slick spot on the road, and I went right into a ditch. Thankfully, Rafe drove by after that and noticed I was stuck. He took me to the ranch because it was closer.”

  “I’m so relieved. I’m glad you’re all right now.”

  “Yes, I’m fine, but are you going to be okay tonight without me to help you? I’ll have Rafe dig out my car tomorrow, but I don’t know when the storm will stop long enough for us to do that.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I have crutches, and I know how to make TV dinners.”

  “Okay, Mom, but don’t do anything else. Wait until I get home.”

  “Yes, dear. I promise.”

  “And if you need me, just call Rafe’s cell.”

  “I will, dear.”

  As Holly ended the call, ease settled over her knowing her mother would be all right. Now, if only the storm would stop tonight so that by tomorrow morning, she could get home. It was too awkward being at the ranch with Rafe Montgomery... and his creepy cousin.

  She stepped softly toward the main room where the men were setting the table for dinner, chatting about something she couldn’t hear. Blake had fixed dinner, and the heavenly aroma made her stomach growl.

  As she moved toward the table, Rafe noticed her and quickly stood. He was odd, only because she didn’t believe men like him existed. Her father had used the old-fashioned manner where they respected women, but she had yet to find a man who acted like her father. So why was Rafe doing it and not his cousins?

  “Holly, you can sit right here by me,” Luca motioned to the empty chair next to him.

  She held her breath, hoping to think of a way to deny his request without hurting his feelings. Since she’d been in town, she’d seen him everywhere she went. Now she wondered if he was stalking her. By now, she could recognize the face of a man who was infatuated with her, and Luca’s over-dramatic expressions let her know how he felt. He smiled a lot, and he tried to make small talk. He was being nice, but... Luca gave her the creeps.

  In high school, Luca was in the class one year younger than her. He was known throughout junior high and high school as the King of the Nerds. She didn’t know why the other kids had given him the king title, unless it was because he came from money, being a Montgomery, and all. Or maybe it was because he was the smartest boy in the school... and the nerdiest.

  As she walked closer, she met Rafe’s eyes. His narrowed gaze made her wonder if he’d been studying her. Of course, that made her more uncomfortable, especially since she couldn’t stop thinking of their kiss every time she looked at him.

  “Actually,” Rafe said in a calm voice, “I thought Holly could sit at the head of the table. That way, we could all enjoy her company.”

  She gave him a polite smile. “Thanks, Rafe. I would like that.”

  Once they were all seated, Rafe offered a prayer on the food. Not prepared, she quickly folded her arms and closed her eyes. She’d been away from home for so long, and all of her new friends in California were not religious. She’d forgotten that most everyone in Timberland went to church every Sunday, and said prayers on the food.

  While she ate the most delicious steak she’d ever tasted, the conversation moved around the table. Rafe and Blake discussed the ranch and the repairs they’d soon have to fix, but Luca didn’t talk much. Instead, he kept sneaking peeks at her. She kept her gaze on her plate, not wanting to encourage Luca in any way.

  When there was a space of silence, she lifted her gaze to Rafe who was looking at her. He smiled.

  “Did you get in touch with your mom?” Rafe asked.

  She swallowed the mouthful of food before answering. “Yes. She’s fine and relieved I’m out of the storm.” Holly nodded. “She knows I’m in good hands here. Apparently, you’ve helped her a lot since Dad died.”

  “It was my privilege to he
lp her.” He learned toward her, his gaze zeroing in on her goose-egg. “How is your head?”

  “Still hurts, but not as bad.”

  “I have some Aspirin if you need it.”

  “No, I’m good.”

  “Holly, you really should let me look at it—”

  “Drop it, Montgomery,” she said harshly, tightening her fingers around the fork. “I’ll let you know if I show any symptoms of having a concussion.”

  He nodded, but didn’t answer. The tenderness he had on his expression disappeared, and his jaw hardened. His gaze dropped to his plate as he cut a piece of his steak.

  Awkward. Perhaps she shouldn’t have been so snippy, but she didn’t want him to fuss over her. And she really didn’t want him to start liking her. She knew exactly how the town would gossip about it, and she wouldn’t be able to handle it.

  They finished their dinner without much talking. Holly knew she was to blame. But how could she stop her memories from reminding her that she didn’t want to do anything to cause another scandal with Rafe? Fourteen years ago, he’d been able to handle it. He was older and already had a fan club. But the rumors had ruined her social life.

  Within minutes, the men set their forks down, wiped their napkins across their mouths and hands, and stood. She really didn’t want to follow, mainly because this food was so good she wanted to stay until she was finished. But then she didn’t want to stand out, either.

  Rafe moved to the fireplace. He took the poker and broke a few burning logs apart before adding more dry wood. Luca sat on one of the large couches in front of the fireplace, and Blake sat in one of the brown leather recliners.

  “Come in and join us,” Luca said, patting the spot on the couch next to him.

  Being rude was not part of her persona, and yet, she’d been acting this way since she kissed Rafe in the prop room. Again. As for his cousin, she didn’t want to comply with his request. She stood and started stacking the dirty dishes. “Actually, I thought about cleaning up. I could wash the dishes—”

  “Absolutely not.” Blake jumped to his feet, shaking his head. “You’re a guest here. I don’t want you lifting a finger to do housework.”

  Rafe motioned toward the heavily cushioned recliner. “Why don’t you sit with us and tell us what you’ve been doing since you left Timberland.”

  It was hard for her to believe that all three men wanted to hear about her life, but... at least it allowed her to do something to pass the time.

  Instead of sitting by Luca, she picked the chair Rafe had pointed to. The three men asked questions, and she told them how she went to Denver to attend college, and right after that, moved to California to pursue her dream to be a movie producer. The men asked about some of the movies she’d helped with, so she told them. All three appeared to be stuck on her every word as if she was some big-time movie-star. Hopefully, one of these days she’d be known for her own work.

  From out of nowhere, a loud thud shook the floor. The conversation stopped and all three men jumped to their feet as their gazes darted around the room. Within seconds, Rafe dashed to the window, and the other two ran to other windows.

  “Oh, wow! Look at that,” Luca muttered.

  Curiosity got the best of her and she moved off the couch and headed toward a window. Rafe grumbled and fisted his hands.

  “This isn’t good at all.”

  “What’s wrong?” she asked as she came near him.

  Blake turned away from the window as his face pulled into a frown. “The snow is heavy and wet. That noise,” he jerked his head in the direction of the window, “was a clump of snow falling on the porch.”

  Rafe stuffed his fingers into his pants pockets. “And I’m quite sure, because of how loud it was, that we’ll have a porch to repair in a few days.”

  Blake nodded. “I think so, too.”

  The closest window happened to be the one Rafe stood next to. She cautiously moved beside him and peeked outside, but all she could see was white. “It snowed a lot in just a few hours.”

  “That’s Montana for you,” Rafe said. “But then you haven’t had the privilege of living here for a few years, right?”

  “Right.” She nodded as she met his gaze for a moment that seemed to have lasted entirely a bit too long. Why hadn’t she realized he had gorgeous brown eyes? In fact, they looked almost amber. Nah, it must be the way the light from the fireplace touched his eyes. And why, for goodness sake, did she think they were gorgeous? She’d definitely have to sidetrack the path her thoughts were headed.

  For some odd reason, she couldn’t stop staring at him. His expression relaxed as his gaze left hers and moved up to her forehead. She’d almost forgotten about her goose-egg.

  “The swelling has gone down.” His voice was soft and low as though he said it only for her ears.

  “Yes, it does feel better.”

  Warmth filled her, even though they weren’t standing very close to each other. And yet, his manly scent of cedar and vanilla enveloped her, trapping her mind into a daydream she shouldn’t be entering. Look away, Holly! But even though her mind screamed at her to move, her legs wouldn’t budge, and her gaze was securely locked to his as if the key had been thrown into the fire and melted. She was lost, and drowning quickly in his eyes. Her heart raced, but she didn’t know if it was from anxiety or fear.

  When his gaze dropped to her mouth, she couldn’t breathe. What was wrong with her? Obviously, she needed a doctor – but definitely not him. Instead, she needed a psychologist to clear her head of thoughts of Rafe Montgomery.

  “Who wants to play a card game?”

  Blake’s voice was the key to snapping her out of the hypnosis Rafe had put her under. She turned away from him so fast, both Blake and Luca’s gazes snapped to her. She quickly plastered on a fake smile and tried to cool the heat from her face as she moved toward Blake. “I love card games. Which one do you want to play?”

  As she walked toward another table located against the wall, she didn’t dare look at the men. But they would have had to be blind not to see her red cheeks, and completely stupid not to know what just happened. She prayed her acting skills would help hide her feelings – at least until she could figure them out herself.

  RAFE DRUMMED HIS FINGERS lightly on the table as he studied Holly. She’d been ignoring him for the past hour. She chatted with Blake and a little with his love-stricken cousin, Luca, but whenever she had to talk to Rafe, the sharpness in her voice made him curious. If he didn’t know better, he’d think she was mad at him. And yet, earlier this evening when they stood by the window, she dreamily stared into his eyes with that look of longing women have when they want the man to take them into his arms and kiss them passionately. So, if she felt that way for a few seconds, why was she being rude to him?

  Unless... she didn’t want to have those feelings for him.

  He tapped his finger on his chin. That must be it. Her feelings must be confusing her, and she was fighting the attraction she had for him. Well, two could play at that game.

  His mind skidded to a halt as his thoughts cleared. Why did he want to play this mind game with her, in the first place? He had a girlfriend... although the image of Katie’s face was getting harder and harder to picture, especially the longer he stared at Holly.

  She really was a very beautiful woman. Her long, dark brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail, which showed more of her oval face and slender neck. Her nose was small and perky. And she had the prettiest green eyes he’d ever seen. They were mesmerizing, especially when she observed him as she’d been doing when they stood by the window.

  But now those enthralling green eyes held disdain, but only when she turned them toward Rafe.

  Playing cards had been fun, especially those occasions when she laughed. Her face brightened, and her eyes sparkled like gems. Holly’s adorable laugh was contagious, and Rafe couldn’t stop the smile from tugging the corners of his mouth upward.

  Rafe dealt a card from the stack on the tabl
e, but he didn’t get one that would help his game. No doubt he’d lose this round. He laid the cards face-down on the table and stood.

  “Does anyone else want more hot chocolate?” he asked, picking up his empty cup.

  The single word no echoed around the table. With his cup in hand, he walked to the stove where the kettle was placed. The package of hot chocolate mix stood next to the packet of tiny marshmallows.

  Using a spoon, Rafe scooped the chocolate mix into his cup before pouring steaming hot water inside. As he stirred, he dropped in a few marshmallows. He peeked over his shoulder at the others around the table. Immediately, he caught Holly staring at him, but within seconds, she quickly dropped her gaze to her hand of cards.

  He couldn’t shake the feeling that she was interested in him, and yet, it was hard not to see how upset she became when he tried to be nice. One way or another, he needed to get her alone so they could talk.

  The clock on the wall showed that it was nearing midnight. Maybe he should break up the party and tell everyone to retire for the night. He’d show Holly into one of the guest bedrooms, close to his room, of course.

  Rafe moved toward the table, stretching his arms over his head – careful not to spill his drink – and gave his small audience a fake yawn. “I’m ready for bed. Am I the only one who’s tired? Tomorrow we’ll be busy fixing the porch.” He directed his gaze to Holly. “And pulling your car out of the ditch.”

  Finally, she gave him a smile, although it was brief. Her head turned back toward the table, but her cheeks reddened quickly. Rafe tried not to grin.

  “Yeah, I’m getting tired, too.” Blake set his cards down on the table.

  “What about Holly?” Luca asked. “Where is she going to sleep? There’s a guest room by my bedroom.”

  Rafe really didn’t like the enthusiasm in his cousin’s voice. And he definitely didn’t like the frightened expression that was in Holly’s expression.

  Rafe shook his head. “I’ll leave that decision up to Holly.” Her attention swung to him again. “You can sleep on one of the couches in here, or we have several guest rooms to choose from.”


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