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Kinda Hate You: An Enemies to Lovers College Romance

Page 11

by Allie Everhart

  "Cal, I should go. I need to study while the house is quiet."

  "Your family's not home?"

  "No. My parents took Max out to breakfast because his friend decided he didn't want to come over. It wasn't really his friend. Just some kid my mom invited over. Anyway, he didn't show up and Max was really upset."

  "That sucks."

  "I wish I could find a way to help him make some friends. I know he's a little strange being into photography and bugs and whatever, but a lot of kids are strange. He should be able to find at least one kid to be his friend."

  "It's probably the weight thing. He gets teased for being overweight and then other kids don't want to be around him."

  "I was an overweight kid and I still had friends."

  "Because you gave everyone the death stare." I laugh. "You could be fucking scary."

  "Hey, it worked. Kept me from being picked on."

  "You should teach it to Max. Might work for him too."

  "I tried but he just looked weird doing it. It wasn't scary at all. I think it only works for certain people."

  "People you don't expect it from, like cute little girls with blond hair and heart-shaped faces with little red lips."

  "I was pretty adorable, wasn't I?"

  "Which is why the death stare worked so well for you. People thought you were all sweet and innocent and then you gave them the stare and scared them to death."

  She laughs. "Those were good times."

  "You should've used the death stare on Zach last night."

  "He wasn't worth it. I've already forgotten about him. I have other options."

  "You do?"

  "Yeah. Cal, I really need to get going. I want to study at least a little before I have to be at work."

  "Yeah. Bye."

  What other options is she talking about? Is she dating someone? Or just interested in someone?

  Luke is right. If I wanted to start something with Birdie I'd have to make a move soon. She won't be single for long. Either some guy will ask her out or she'll do the asking, but either way, it wouldn't surprise me if she was dating someone by the end of the week, which means I'm running out of time.

  What the hell am I thinking? I can't date Birdie. Why was I even considering it?

  My phone rings but I don't recognize the number. I answer it anyway.


  "Hi, Cal."

  "Who's this?"'

  "Lara. We met last night?"

  I pause to think. I met a lot of girls last night. I can't remember which one was Lara.

  "Dark hair. Orange scarf. You said you liked my scarf?"

  I nod. "Yeah, I remember. Sorry, I'm not great at remembering names."

  But I do remember her scarf. It's what caught my eye when I saw her across the room. It was the same orange as Birdie's dress so when I caught a glimpse of it through the crowd I thought it might be Birdie. Lara saw me staring and came over, probably thinking my eyes were on her and not the scarf. We talked a little but I don't remember what she said. I was too focused on trying to find Birdie.

  "What are you up to today?" Lara asks.

  "Not much. Probably just study. Maybe go to the driving range."

  "You're an amazing golfer," she says, but I'm not sure if she means it.

  Girls are always telling me what a great golfer I am, but if they'd really seen me play in tournaments they wouldn't be saying that. The only reason they do is to get me to go out with them. They know I have money and know my family is kind of famous.

  The Tuckerman name is well-known because of my dad. Since retiring from golf, he's done a ton of commercials so even people who don't follow golf know him because of that. I've been in some of his commercials, which upped my fame, along with my time playing professional golf. But I haven't dated a girl yet who has actually seen me play, or has any real interest in golf.

  "Would you mind if I came with?" Lara asks.


  "To the driving range."

  "You play golf?"

  "I'm not great at it but I try. My dad taught me. He's a huge fan of your father. He even replays old tournaments just to watch him." She pauses. "I probably shouldn't have said that. Makes him sound like a stalker."

  "Not at all. A lot of people watch old tournaments to try to copy a player's form. It's totally normal."

  She laughs a little. "Okay, good. I always thought it was kind of strange but I'm not that into golf. I mean, I like to play but I wouldn't watch it for hours. Not that there's anything wrong with that," she hurries to say.

  "Not everyone likes watching golf," I tell her. "But it's cool you know how to play."

  "So would you mind if I tagged along to the driving range?"

  "Not at all. You have clubs?"'

  "I do. What time should I be there? And which driving range?"

  "How about I just pick you up and we go together? Maybe around three?"

  "Great! I'll text you my address. See you soon!"

  Moments later I get her text. I don't remember giving her my number last night. Maybe she got it from one of my fraternity brothers.

  Just before three I arrive at her apartment. Turns out it's only a couple miles away from mine. The place was just built last year and looks like a resort with three pools and sand volleyball courts.


  I look over and see Lara walking toward me. She's really hot. I didn't get a good look at her last night at the party because the lights were dimmed and it was hard to see. She's short, barely five feet, and has long dark hair, which is a first for me. I always date blondes. It's not like I plan it that way. It just happens.

  I jump out of the car and go up to her. "Hey, Lara. Good seeing you again."

  "You too." She smiles. She has a great smile.

  "Let me get this." I take her golf bag and put it in the back of my SUV. She has expensive clubs. She's either a serious golfer or just likes buying expensive things. From the way she's dressed, I'm guessing it's the latter. Her clothes and sunglasses are all designer. So is her golf bag.

  When I get in the driver's seat, she's taking a selfie.

  "What are you doing?" I ask.

  "Documenting my day," she says, flashing me a smile. "My followers like seeing me do different things." She puts her phone down. "This should be fun!"

  "How many followers do you have?" I ask as I drive out of the parking lot.

  "A few thousand. Mostly friends from home."

  "Where are you from?"

  "Palm Springs."

  "You're here going to school?"

  "Yeah. You haven't seen me on campus?"

  "I don't think so. Are we in a class together?"

  "No, but I've seen you around." She turns to me. "I've really wanted to meet you."

  "Oh yeah?" I glance at her. "Why is that?"

  She shrugs. "We both like golf."

  "That's it? That's the only reason?"

  She smiles. "I also think you're hot."

  My phone dings. I glance at it and see a text from Birdie. I open it and see a photo of her in what I'm guessing is her new uniform. A burgundy polo shirt with a logo on it and black pants. She has the Birdie smile that says she thinks the uniform is lame. I know all her smiles. Her fake smile, real smile, annoyed smile, sad smile. I know them all.

  "Cal," Lara says, sounding annoyed.

  "Yeah?" I set my phone down.

  "That wasn't a girl, was it?" Lara asks.

  "Yeah. Why?"

  "You're on a date." Lara faces forward and folds her arms over her chest. "It's kind of rude to text some other girl while you're on a date."

  "I didn't text her. And I didn't know this was a date." I look over at her but she stares straight ahead. "I thought we were just hitting golf balls."

  She's quiet, then says, "You never said you had a girlfriend."

  "I don't. The girl who texted is Birdie. She's just a friend."

  We arrive at the country club and I park the car. I'm about to get out when I hear
Lara talking.

  "Cal, I just have to say this."

  I turn to her. "Go ahead."

  She looks at me. "I like you. And I was really hoping this was a date. I thought I made that clear but apparently I didn't."

  "You did. I mean, I considered it might be a date but I wasn't sure. I don't normally take a girl to a driving range for a date. And it's usually not spur of the moment like this."

  "I like being spontaneous. And I don't like waiting around for what I want. I wanted to go on a date with you so I asked. Does that bother you?"

  "Not at all. I'm actually used to it. Girls ask me out all the time. I'm not bragging about that. I'm just saying that's what happens."

  It happens because I'm rich and have a well-known name. I wish that didn't matter. I'd like to be the one to ask a girl out sometime instead of always having the girl ask me.

  "I'm considering this a date," Lara says.

  "Okay, then it's a date." I smile. "Ready to hit some balls?"

  She smiles back. "Let's do it."

  We get out to the range and she's actually really good. She wasn't just saying she could play golf to get me to go out with her. She can actually hit the ball.

  "I'm impressed," I say as we're walking back to the car.

  "Good," she says with a smug smile. "I was hoping to impress you."

  "So when do you want to hit the course?"

  She glances at me. "How about tomorrow?"

  "I have class in the afternoon." I put the clubs in the car. "Maybe next weekend?"

  "I don't know if I can wait that long." She pulls me toward her and kisses me.

  I kiss her back, surprised she wants to do this in the parking lot, but I'm not complaining. She's hot and her golf skills made her even hotter.

  "Let's go back to my place," she whispers over my lips.

  Damn, this girl moves fast. I was thinking we'd go to dinner, then maybe make plans to go out later this week. I wasn't planning to have sex with her tonight.

  "How about dinner?" I say, backing away.

  "Sounds great!"

  I take her to a restaurant by my apartment. A trendy modern place with a huge menu. She orders a martini and a burger. I like that she actually eats. Other girls I've dated would order a meal but then not eat it. They were too worried about gaining weight. Lara isn't as skinny as them but she's not heavy either. She's just average. She has a good body but not as good as Birdie's. I still can't stop thinking of her in that bikini. Or the sight of her naked in the tub.

  She looked cute tonight in that photo of her at work. It made me miss her.

  Why do I miss her? I'm out with a beautiful girl who seems nice and is actually good at golf. I should be loving this. I should be having fun. I shouldn't even be thinking of Birdie. So why does my mind keep going back to her?

  Chapter Eleven


  "How was the first day?" John asks as I meet up with him at the counter.

  "Exhausting," I say, pulling my hair back in a ponytail. "I never like the first day of a new job. All the training and watching videos and being tested on stuff. It's like being in school."

  "Did you have a chance to eat?"

  "No. I didn't have time."

  "How about I take you out? I didn't have dinner either."

  I look around at the nearly empty coffee shop. "Why didn't you eat? It's not like we're busy. There's nobody here."

  He turns to me, smiling. "I might've purposely waited so I could take you out. Or at least offer."

  John looks cuter than he did the other day. Maybe it's his beard. It's not quite a beard yet but it's getting there. It makes him look older and not so geeky. I'm finding him more attractive the more I look at him.

  "Dinner would be great," I tell him. What time are you off?"

  "Five minutes. Same as you."

  "How convenient," I say with a smile. "I'll go finish up with Katy and be right back."

  Katy is the manager and the one training me. She looks like she's my age but John said she's actually 30 and married with two little kids.

  "Great job today," she says to me as I return to the break room where we did the training.

  "Thanks!" I pick up the binder that has recipes for all the drinks I have to learn how to make. It's my homework. I have to study it and be quizzed on it later.

  "See you tomorrow," Katy says as she leaves.

  I check my phone. Taylor left me some texts and I have a couple from Isla but I didn't get anything from Cal. I thought he'd text me about the picture I sent him of me in my uniform. I expected to get one of his insults or at least a funny comment.

  I text him. Hey. Are you alive?

  He doesn't text back. What the hell? Maybe he really is dead.

  John walks in. "Ready to go?"

  "Um, yeah," I say, still staring at my phone.

  "Everything okay?"

  I look up at him. "Everything's fine. So where do you want to go for dinner?"

  We decide to go to a sports bar down the street. There's a baseball game on and John can't seem to keep his eyes off the game.

  "You like baseball?" I ask.

  He doesn't answer. I think he forgot I was here.


  "Yeah, sorry." His eyes revert back to me. "I get distracted when the TV's on."

  "Then we probably shouldn't have come here," I say, looking at the giant TVs all around us.

  "You've got my attention now," he says, smiling at me. He has a good smile, although it's starting to get hidden by the beard. "So tell me about yourself."

  "What do you want to know?"

  "Where are you from?"

  "Here. I went to college in Tucson last year but it cost too much so now I'm back going to school here and living at home. How about you? Where are you from?"

  "Boston. I came here to get away from the cold. But I kind of miss having seasons."

  "You think you'll go back there?"

  "Maybe. Depends on where I get a job."

  We just got here and I'm already bored. Why are dates so boring? Everyone always asks the same questions. Where are you from? What's your major? What do you want to do for a job?

  "What's the scariest thing you've ever done?" I ask, hoping my question will make the date more interesting.

  John's brows draw together. "What?"

  "The scariest thing you've ever done. What is it?"

  "I don't know."

  "C'mon. If it scared you it had to be memorable. So what was it?"

  "I really don't know. I can't think of anything. Why are you asking?"

  "I'm just trying to find new questions to ask besides what your major is and what you want to do for a living."

  "Those are good questions."

  "If you're interviewing someone for a job. But on a date it's kind of boring."

  He nods. "Sorry."

  "I wasn't criticizing you. We all do it. We all ask the same questions. I'm just trying to mix things up."

  His eyes go back to the TV above my head. I've lost him. His attention is back on the game.

  Checking my phone, I still don't see a text from Cal. I'm starting to get worried. Why isn't he responding? If someone asks if you're alive, you should text back! Everyone knows that.

  He makes me so mad.

  "Cheeseburger with fries," the waiter says, setting it in front of John.

  Why do waiters always assume burgers are for guys? Girls eat burgers.

  "That's mine," I say, taking the plate.

  "And a Greek salad." The waiter sets it in front of John. "Anything else?"

  John is still focused on the game so I say, "I think we're good. Thanks."

  The waiter leaves.

  "John, the food is here," I say, annoyed at how distracted he is by that stupid game. Why did he invite me out if he was just going to watch baseball the whole time?

  "How long has it been here?" he asks, picking up his fork.

  "Ten minutes," I say, biting into my burger.

o shit?"

  “I’m kidding. It just got here." I take a drink of my soda. "So is this supposed to be a date or what?"

  He was about to take a bite of his salad but stops. "I thought it was. Why? Did you think it wasn't?"

  I shrug. "It just seems like you're more interested in baseball than you are me."

  "Sorry. I'm easily distracted. Next time we'll go someplace that doesn't have TVs everywhere."

  "About that. I don't think we need to do this again." I dip my fries in the ketchup.

  "You don't want to go out with me?"

  "I think you're a nice guy. I just don't think we're a good match."

  He reaches across the table and puts his hand on my arm. "Birdie, I'm sorry about the TV thing. It won't happen again. And if it does, feel free to kick me under the table to get my attention."

  "But I shouldn't have to do that. If you were really interested in me, I shouldn't have to work that hard to get your attention."

  "Just give me another chance, okay?"

  I hesitate, not sure what to do. Like I told Taylor, I'm not feeling anything for this guy so why would I go out with him again?

  He's staring at me, waiting for an answer. Maybe I should give him another chance. We're both tired from work and the first week of classes. We should try this again when we're not exhausted.

  "I'll go out with you," I say, "but only if you answer the question."

  "What question?"

  "What's the scariest thing you've ever done?"

  He pauses to think. "Kill a spider?"

  "A spider? Was it poisonous?"

  "No. It was just a regular spider but I have a fear of spiders so to me it was scary."

  I was hoping for something more interesting than that but at least he answered the question.

  "What about you?" he asks.

  I pause to think. "The first time I asked a guy out."

  "You asked a guy out? When?"

  "When I was 14. I wasn't supposed to date at that age but I'm not great at following rules. Anyway, I asked this guy from my algebra class if he wanted to go out."


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