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Kinda Hate You: An Enemies to Lovers College Romance

Page 20

by Allie Everhart

"I'm an actor. I mostly do commercials but I've had a few minor roles in movies. That's my ultimate goal. To be in movies."

  "Stone said you model."

  "Just to make extra cash. I model for print ads. Modeling is just a side gig until I make it as an actor."

  "So why are you here? Shouldn't you be in Hollywood instead of here going to college?"

  "It's a deal I made with my parents. If I didn't land a big acting gig by the age of 18 I had to go to college. I grew up here and my dad still lives here. My mom is out in LA. She moved there to support my acting career."

  "And she's staying there, even though you're here?"

  "She met a guy and they're living together. My parents divorced a few years ago." He moves his chair to be next to mine, then smiles. "Enough about me. Tell me about you. What's your major?"

  Here we go with the boring first date questions and this isn't even a first date. Or is it? Does Jared consider this a date? Sitting on lawn chairs in the back of the frat house? If so, it's not a very romantic date.

  "I'm a math major," I tell him. "But I'll be switching to actuarial science."

  "Is that something to do with birds?"

  I laugh, thinking he's kidding but his face is totally serious.

  "You might be thinking of an aviary," I say, "where they keep birds. An actuary is someone who analyzes data for insurance companies. They use the analysis to determine insurance risks and set premiums."

  "Shit, you're really smart," he says, sounding impressed. "I'm majoring in theater, but you probably already guessed that. So where are you from?"

  "Here. I'm going to school here so I can live at home and save money."

  Another boring first date question. There should be a form you fill out before a date to answer all the boring questions so you can skip ahead to more interesting conversation.

  "You ever been to a monster truck show?" I ask.

  His brows rise. "Are you serious?"

  "Yeah? Why?"

  "It's an odd question, but no, I've never been. Have you?"

  "Only about a million times. Well, not really a million but I go as often as I can. There's one coming up at the end of this month. You should go. You might like it."

  "Maybe," he says, but it's one of those maybes that means there's no chance in hell he'd even consider it.

  "What are you afraid of?" I ask.

  "I'm not afraid of going. I just don't think I'd like it."

  "I didn't mean about the monster truck show. I meant, what scares you?"

  He gives me a blank stare.

  "I'll make it easier. What's the scariest thing you've ever done?"

  "Gone on an audition. The first one I ever did I was so scared I threw up."

  "During the audition?"

  "Right before it."

  "Did you get the job?"

  "No. They said I looked too young for the part. The character was my age but they tend to pick older actors to play teen characters."

  "I've noticed that. It's really annoying. I remember in middle school thinking how hot the guys would be in high school because high school guys in movies were all really hot with big muscles. Then I got to high school and the guys were all skinny and scrawny with zits everywhere."

  He nods. "That's why they cast older guys for the role. I can tell you all kinds of Hollywood secrets if you're interested."

  Finally. A guy who can actually talk about something interesting. And he seems like a talker, unlike John who just stared at me, not saying anything. Jared might be someone I could actually date, although I'm still not sure if that's what he's thinking.

  "Is this a date?" I ask.

  He pauses, as though he wasn't expecting the question. "Um, it could be, although sitting in the back yard isn't really a date. I'd rather take you somewhere."

  I stand up. "Let's go."

  "I didn't mean right now. I need to study tonight. I have a test tomorrow."

  "You have tests for theater class?"

  "It's for English."

  "Oh. Then I guess I'll get going."

  He stands up. "Sorry, I should've told you that before. I didn't expect tonight to be our first date. I just wanted to meet you."

  "Stone said you met me at the party, although I don't actually remember meeting you. I was a little drunk."

  "We just said hi to each other. We didn't actually meet. I wanted to ask you for your number but you left before I could so I asked Stone to talk to you at class."

  "I'll give you my number so we don't have to keep sending messages through Stone." I hold out my hand. "Phone."

  He hands it to me and I put my number in.

  "Thanks," he says, taking his phone.

  "So you want to make plans for this weekend?"

  "I can't. I'm going to LA for an audition."

  "What about during the week?"

  "Weeknights won't work. I'm in a play and we rehearse almost every night. And on the nights when we're not rehearsing I have to study."

  "Doesn't seem like you have time to date."

  "I do, just not this week. Unless you want to meet for coffee. There's a coffee shop near campus."

  "I know. I work there, so it's not the best place for a date."

  "Then maybe we could try meeting for lunch."

  "Sure. Text me a time that works."

  We walk around the house to the street.

  "There's a party here a week from Saturday," he says. "I'd really like you to come if you're free."

  "I guess I could."

  He follows me to my car. "Thanks for coming over."

  "Yeah. Bye, Jared." I get in the car, not feeling hopeful this will go anywhere.

  The whole thing felt strange. Sitting in the back yard, talking. Jared making me think it was a date, only to find out it wasn't and that he had to leave to go study. Then after all that, we don't even set up a date? I guess lunch could be considered a date but he only suggested that after I asked when we could get together again.

  I liked him. He's hot, and we were able to keep the conversation going. I just don't know how we can date if he's too busy to go out with me.

  When I get home and go in my room, Cal calls.

  "Hey, Cal, I just got home and I'm exhausted. Can we make this quick?"

  "Yeah, I just wanted to ask a favor."

  "What is it?" I ask, collapsing on my bed.

  "It's not really a favor. More like a job. I'd pay you for it."

  I yawn. "Cal, hurry up and tell me. I'm falling asleep."

  "I flunked the stats test. And got a D on the homework. I'm already failing this class and we're only a few weeks in. I need your help."

  "What kind of help? I'm not doing your homework for you."

  "I meant tutoring. I've tried reading the book. Going over the lectures. None of it's helping. I can't even figure out what I did wrong on the homework. I really need your help, Birdie, and I'd be willing to pay you for it."

  "How much?"

  "Fifteen an hour?"

  "Not how much money. How much time? How often would we need to meet?"

  "Maybe twice a week to start? If my grades improve we could switch to once a week or even once every two weeks, depending on how it's going."

  "I don't know, Cal. With work and school, I don't have much free time."

  "Birdie, please. I can't flunk this class. I'll pay you thirty an hour if that's what it takes. We can meet before your swim lesson since we're already together then. And you can pick the time for the other study session."

  "Okay, I'll do it."

  "Thank you," he says, with a relieved sigh. "Could we start soon? There's a quiz next Tuesday."

  "I could do Saturday morning but you'll need to come to the house. My parents are going somewhere and making me watch Max."

  "Saturday morning. I'll be there."

  "Okay, bye."

  "Wait. Why are you home so late?"

  I almost tell him but then remember the deal I made with myself to stop telling Cal about my personal
life, specifically who I'm dating. I don't want him sabotaging any future relationships the way he sabotaged my potential relationship with Fake Steve. I doubt that would've turned into a relationship, but still, after finding out the truth, I'm not telling Cal about any of the guys I date.

  "I had to work late," I tell him.

  "The coffee shop closes at eight. It's after nine."

  "I stopped at Isla's on the way home. It's been a long day. I really need to sleep."

  "Thanks again for doing this. Oh, I got your dress back from the cleaners. It's been in my apartment all week. I'll bring it to you Saturday."

  "Okay. Goodnight, Cal."


  Tutoring Cal will mean spending more time with him, something I was hoping to avoid. I was thinking if I stayed away from him and didn't talk to him so much I'd stop having feelings for him. So far that hasn't work. When I gave him the silent treatment for a week I thought about him even more. And I missed him, which really pissed me off. Why would I miss Cal? Especially after he lied to me?

  Now I'll be seeing him at class, my swimming lesson, and tutoring. How do I get rid of these feelings I'm having if I'm around him that much? Just talking to him tonight made those feelings surface again, despite my efforts to suppress them.

  The next morning I wake up and see a text from Jared. He sent it late last night.

  Thanks for coming over. You're even better than I thought you'd be. Can't wait to see you again!

  I smile and read it again. He can't wait to see me again? Does that mean we'll be going on more than a lunch date? If he really wants to see me, I'm sure he could squeeze in time for dinner.

  A male model wants to date me! This is crazy!

  I call up Taylor.

  "Hello?" she answers, sounding groggy.

  "Taylor, it's Birdie. Are you still in bed?"

  "Yeah. Why are you calling so early?"

  "Sorry. I didn’t check the time. But as long as you're up, I have some news."

  She yawns. "What is it?"

  "I'm going out with this really hot guy. And not just any hot guy. A model! He also acts and has been in commercials. Oh, but you can't tell Cal! Promise me you won't tell Cal."

  "Birdie, I'm not really awake yet. What am I not telling Cal?"

  "That I'm dating one of his frat brothers. Don't tell him I'm dating anyone. In fact, don't even talk about me."

  "I don't get it. Are you and Cal fighting again?"

  "No. I just don't want him knowing who I'm dating. Or IF I'm dating. I don't want another Fake Steve incident."

  "Yeah, okay. Can I go back to sleep now?"

  "Don't you want to ask about the guy? Did you not hear me? He's a model! I'm dating a model."

  "That's great," she says, still sounding groggy. "How many dates have you been on?"

  "Well, we haven't really been on a date yet but we're going out next week."

  "How'd you meet him?"

  "We met at that party I went to with Cal a few weeks ago. The one at his frat house?"

  "I thought you didn't like that guy. Didn't he try to force you to go up to his room?"

  "It's not Zach. This is a different guy. I'm not going to tell you his name in case you slip up and tell Cal."

  "If it's a guy in his house you won't be able to keep it a secret. Those guys gossip as much as girls do. Cal's going to find out."

  "Maybe, but it probably won't be anytime soon. He doesn't go over there that often."

  "Yeah, but he still talks to the guys. Birdie, I was thinking you really should reconsider the swimming lessons. I know you don't like Cal but if you could just—"

  "I'm doing the lessons. I told Cal I'd be there next week."

  "What changed your mind?"

  "Cal. Your stupid brother can be very persuasive when he wants to be."

  "He gets that from my dad." She yawns.

  "Go back to sleep. You're clearly too tired to talk. Must be all that sex you had last night."

  "It was amazing," she says in a dreamy voice.

  "Okay, I've heard enough. Talk to you later!"


  Looking at my phone, I read Jared's message again. I should text him back but I don't know what to say. Maybe I don't need to text him, but if I don't he might think I didn't get the message, or that I'm not interested.

  Can't wait to see you too! I text. Let me know when you want to do lunch.

  That's a horrible text. Boring and expected. I need to think of something better. I go to erase it but realize I sent it. Shit!

  Too late now. Oh, well, it could've been worse. Jared won't care. He's made it clear he likes me. One boring text won't change that.

  I'm dating a model. A hot male model wants to go out with me. I'm definitely not telling Cal about this. I'm not letting him ruin this for me.

  Chapter Twenty


  "You weren't at class," I say to Birdie from across the counter. She's working the register today.

  "My boss offered me a double shift so I took it. You want the usual?"

  "Yeah, whatever," I say as she rings it up. "So you skipped class for work? You sure that's a good idea?"

  "I get paid time and a half for the extra hours, so yeah. Stats is so easy I could skip half the semester and still get an A." She takes the money from me and gives me the change. "I'll bring your drink out when it's ready."

  I go sit down and watch her as she makes my drink. She looks so damn hot in that uniform. Those tight black pants that hug her ass. That shirt that shows off her large chest. I hope she wears something baggy to our tutoring session or it's going to be hard to concentrate.

  "Are we still on for Saturday?" I ask Birdie when she drops off my coffee.

  "I'm planning on it. But it's going to be hard to teach you stuff with Max running around."

  "We could lock him in his room."

  She swats my arm. "Cal!"

  "I'm kidding." I laugh. "We'll chain him to the dining room table so we can keep an eye on him."

  She rolls her eyes, smiling.

  "How's Max doing? Did he make any new friends?"

  "He's been talking about some kid at school. He said they've been playing together at recess."

  "That's good."

  She shrugs. "If he's telling the truth. He's lied about that in the past. Told my parents he has friends when he doesn't so they don't worry about him not having friends."

  "Your parents need to back off and let him figure it out himself."

  "I know, but you know how parents get. They always worry about their kids." She looks back at the counter. "I have to go. I'm not supposed to leave the register."

  I watch as she rings up an order for two guys, smiling and talking to them like she's flirting. She's not. It's just how she is. She smiles and talks a lot.

  The guys get a table while Birdie makes their drinks. When she takes them to the table, I hear the guys talking to her but can't make out what they're saying.

  "I already have someone, but thanks," she says, passing by my table on her way back to the register.

  Already has someone? Meaning she's dating someone? I don't know what else she would've meant by that. She didn't tell me she was dating anyone. Taylor didn't mention it either.

  "Right on time," a girl says.

  When I look up I see Lara sitting down next to me. She gives me a kiss.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I said I'd meet you here at three. Didn't you see my text?"

  I check my phone and see it. "I missed it."

  "You need to check your phone more." She scoots her chair closer to mine. "Cal. Kiss me."

  I give her a quick kiss, then sit back in my chair.

  She huffs. "What was that?"


  "That kiss. It's like how you'd kiss a friend."

  Not if that friend is Birdie. When we kissed, it wasn't a quick touch of the lips like I just did with Lara. It was a long, lingering kiss that I never wanted to end. And that was j
ust the first one. The second one was even better. And hotter. It was the kind of kiss that would normally lead to more. But it didn't. It couldn't. Because she's Birdie and I'm Cal. It isn't meant to be.

  "You know I don't like making out in public," I tell Lara.

  "We're not making out. It's just a kiss."

  Checking up front, I don't see Birdie anywhere. Not that it matters. I shouldn't care if Birdie sees me kissing Lara, and yet I do.

  "Cal?" Lara says.

  I turn her toward me and kiss her. This time it's a real kiss, but I keep it shorter than if we were alone.

  "That's better," she says, smiling.

  When I look up I see Birdie's back at the register, taking an order.

  "So what do you think about tonight?" Lara asks.

  "What about it?"

  "Going to see that band. You didn't see that text either?"

  "I was in class. I didn't check my phone. The professor gives us shit if we check our phone during his lecture."

  "The band is at that park by your apartment. I thought we could go hear them play and then I'd stay over."

  "Can't tonight. I have a test tomorrow and I haven't studied."

  She pouts. "You never want to do anything."

  "We do stuff all the time."

  "It's not enough." She checks her phone. "Shit, I forgot to get back to her."


  "This girl from class. I told her I'd send her my notes from the lecture she missed yesterday."

  "If you have to go, that's fine."

  "I can stay. I have the notes on my phone. I just have to find them."

  While she's doing that, I check my texts and see at least ten from Lara, all from the past hour. She sends me way too many texts.

  "That's totally her," I hear a girl say. She's sitting behind me with two other girls. "Did you see her ass when she brought those guys their drinks? I'm surprised she didn't knock something over."

  They all laugh, then one of them says, "I can't find the photo anymore. Did they take it down?"

  I glance behind me and see them all looking at the one girl's phone. The girl is skinny and blond and looks like Alecia, my ex. The two other girls have dark hair and way too much makeup.

  "I think it's gone," the blond girl says.

  Turning back around, I see Birdie leaving the counter to go refill the napkins.


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