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Kinda Hate You: An Enemies to Lovers College Romance

Page 24

by Allie Everhart

  At three he finally texts. Can't do dinner. Sorry. I'm still at rehearsal.

  What time are we meeting tonight? I text.

  Eight. At the frat house.

  See you at eight!

  He doesn't text back. He doesn't seem very excited about our date tonight. He was so eager to meet me but now it's like he's losing interest. Maybe he's just tired. I've never been in a play but it sounds like they rehearse for hours a day, and then he has to study and do homework.

  I take a shower then put on my robe and go to the kitchen. I'm not putting on my dress until I'm ready to go. I can't risk getting it dirty or wrinkled before the party.

  "What time are you leaving?" my mom asks as I open the fridge. I'm so hungry I don't know what to eat. Everything sounds good.

  "Around 7:30," I say. "Do we have any leftovers?"

  "There's lasagna in there. And some mac and cheese your dad made."

  "Lasagna sounds good."

  "Finally done with the diet?" she asks.

  "For now. I might try it again in a few weeks."

  "I wish you wouldn't do that. If you want to take some weight off, just walk more. I don't like you starving yourself." She grabs her purse from the counter. "I have to run to the store but your dad's here to watch Max."


  She leaves and I heat up the lasagna. It's the same lasagna my mom always makes but it tastes a thousand times better when you haven't had food in days.

  As I'm eating, I call up Taylor.

  "Ready for your date?" she answers.

  "Yeah. I'll send you a picture when I have the dress on. You didn't tell Cal, right?"

  "No. I didn't even talk about you when he called because I was afraid I'd let something slip."

  "When did you talk to him?"

  "Last night. He told me he's not going back to professional golf."

  "He finally told you?"

  "Wait—you knew?"'

  "He told me a few weeks ago."

  "Cal told you before he told my dad?"

  "It was only because we were talking about the future and what we wanted to do."

  "Birdie, that's a huge deal! This was the biggest decision of Cal's life and he told you before anyone else. Before he even told his family."

  "Sometimes it's easier to tell someone else first. He was probably just practicing on me before he told your dad. He was really nervous to tell your dad. After he did, he called me that night and told me all about it."

  The phone gets quiet.

  "Taylor? You still there?"

  "Luke was right."

  "About what? What do mean?"

  "Cal likes you. He might even be in love with you."

  I burst out laughing. "Have you been drinking? Did you hit your head? Because that's completely crazy."

  "I'm serious."

  "Cal? In love with me? He hates me. And I hate him."

  "You say that, but I think you're both lying to cover up how you really feel. Last summer I kept getting the feeling he liked you but then you two would fight and I'd go back to thinking you were just friends. But Luke was convinced Cal likes you. He still is. He keeps asking when I think you two will get together."

  "Tell him never. It's never happening. I have a date tonight. With a guy who is definitely not Cal. I'm going out with a model. Can you believe that?"

  "Have you heard from him today?"

  "About an hour ago. I asked if he wanted to go to dinner first but he said he couldn't."

  "Birdie, I know you're excited about this guy but I'm not sure he's right for you."

  "You sound just like Cal. Do I need to start hiding who I'm dating from you too now?"

  "I want you to date. I just think this guy isn't ready for a girlfriend. He never calls you. Never texts you."

  "He texts me."

  "Only if you text him first. And he takes forever to get back to you."

  "He's busy. He's in a play. He goes to auditions. He has school. The fraternity."

  "Then maybe he's too busy for a girlfriend."

  "He's not. He just had a busy week."

  "Luke and I are both busy but we still make time to check in with each other."

  "How's school going?" I ask, changing the subject.

  "Would you just be careful with this guy?"

  I sigh. "I'll be careful."

  She always says this when I'm dating someone new. She thinks I rush into dating a guy before I get to know him. But how do I get to know him unless I date him?

  At eight I arrive at the party looking smoking hot in my new red dress, black heels, my blond hair down and straight. I spent extra time on my make-up and even put on fake eyelashes. I took a selfie before I left and sent it to Taylor.

  She texted back, You're going to set the place on fire!

  Isla said something similar when I sent it to her. So yeah, it's confirmed. I look hot.

  When I get to the door I'm not sure if I'm supposed to ring the bell or just go in. I doubt anyone would hear the bell with the music blaring so I decide to let myself in.

  Just as I'm about to open the door, it swings open. Standing there is the one person I was hoping I wouldn't see tonight.

  "Hey, Cal. I thought you weren't coming."

  He stares at me, his mouth slightly open, not saying anything.

  "Excuse me," I say, trying to go around him.

  His large body blocks the door, his eyes moving over me. "Holy shit, Birdie. You look amazing."

  "Thanks! I thought so too. Can you move, please?"

  He doesn't. "What are you doing here? You said you're going to a movie."

  "I changed my mind."

  "And decided to come to a frat party? By yourself?"

  "I'm not answering your questions. I can be here without your permission."

  "Who invited you?"

  "I'm not answering that either. Now move or I'll just go around back."

  "Birdie, just tell me. What's going on?"

  "Why are YOU here? You said you weren't coming tonight."

  "I said I might. I hadn't decided."

  "Are you staying?"

  "I am now."

  I glare at him. "I don't need a damn babysitter so don't think for one second you're going to follow me around all night."

  "I can do what I want. It's my fraternity house. You're just a guest. I could tell you to leave."

  "But you won't, because if you do, I'll kick your ass."

  "Birdie?" I hear Jared's voice, then see him behind Cal.

  "Hey, Jared." I wave at him. "I'm trying to get in but having trouble getting past your security guard."

  Cal turns to Jared. "What the hell's going on?"

  "She's my date," Jared says with a smile.

  With Cal turned to the side, I'm able to slip past the door over to Jared.

  "You want to grab a drink?" I ask him.

  "Birdie, could I talk to you?" Cal says through gritted teeth.

  I smile at him. "Not now. I'm on a date."

  "Drinks are over here," Jared says, leading me away.

  When I look back I see Cal is gone. He either left or went somewhere else in the house. I'm hoping he left.

  Why does he think he can tell me who to date? I don't tell him who to date. I didn't like Lara, and I hated Alecia, but did I tell him that? No! Okay, maybe I dropped some hints but I didn't tell him to break up with those girls.

  "Want to start with shots?" Jared asks.

  He's really good looking. Almost too good looking. It's like he's not real. I don't see a single flaw on his face or a hair out of place. He has a thin layer of stubble that's perfectly trimmed. And his tan is so perfect it has to be fake.

  "Birdie?" he says.

  "Yeah." I take the shot glass from him. "Bottoms up!"

  We do the shot and he pours me another.

  "I think we need to slow down after this one," I tell him.

  We down the shots and I hand him the glass.

  "How was rehearsal?" I ask.

p; "It was okay. You sure you don't want another?" He holds up the liquor bottle.

  "I'm good for now."

  "How about a beer?" He smiles. "You don't have to slam it."

  "Okay." I follow him to the keg and we fill up our cups.

  Stone appears beside me. "Agnes, glad you could make it."

  "Agnes?" Jared says.

  "Stone can't seem to remember my name," I say, glaring at Stone.

  "I'm just joking around," he says with his phony smile. "You kids have fun tonight." He pats Jared's shoulder before walking away.

  "You like that guy?" I ask Jared.

  "Hate him," he says before swigging his beer.

  At least we have that in common. I suddenly like Jared more, knowing he hates Stone.

  "You want to go out back?" Jared asks.


  We make our way through the crowded room to the sliding door that goes out to the back yard. Cars have filled the side parking lot and some are parked on the lawn. I see Cal's SUV parked way in the back.

  He's still here, but hopefully he's in the house.

  "Follow me," Jared says, walking between cars.

  "Where are we going?"

  "Away from the music," he says. "I can't hear."

  Speakers are set up on the patio, pumping music to the back yard. But the party hasn't moved out here yet. It's just Jared and me.

  "That's better," Jared says, sitting down under a tree.

  "We're sitting HERE?" I ask.

  "Yeah? Why?"

  "I just bought this dress. I don't want to get it dirty."

  "You could sit on my lap," he says with a smile.

  "Could we just sit on the patio? I know it's loud but at least we'd have chairs."

  "How about I get the chairs and bring them over?"

  "That works."

  I watch as he goes to get the chairs. But instead he goes in the house. Moments later, he comes back out, grabs the chairs, and meets me by the tree.

  "Is this better?" he asks, setting the chairs down.

  "Yeah. Thanks."

  As I take a seat, he pulls a bottle from his back pocket. "In case we get thirsty."

  It's a bottle of whiskey. How much does he think I drink? I haven't even finished my beer.

  "I'm good with this," I say, holding up my beer.

  "You don't drink?" he asks.

  "I've already had two shots and some beer. I got really drunk last time I was here and threw up all night. I'm not doing that again."

  "You have to drink more than one beer all night."

  "I can't. I have to drive home."

  "I'll take you home."

  "You'll be drunker than me."

  He nods. "True." He turns to me. "So tell me about yourself. What's your major?"

  "I already told you. You asked me when I came over here that day."

  "That's right. Something to do with math?"

  "Yeah." I sip my beer, annoyed he couldn't remember. "So tell me about your audition."

  "It sucked. I didn't get the part."

  "Do you have another one coming up?"

  "Not until October." He drinks his beer, finishing the entire cup, then reaches over and holds my hand. "I really like you, Birdie."

  "You just met me."

  "I liked you when I first saw you. Then I talked to you and liked you even more."

  "We only talked for a few minutes."

  "That's all I needed." He gives me a drunk smile. "I think you're really great. And pretty."

  Something doesn't feel right about this. What are we doing back here? Sitting under a tree with cars parked in front of us? Why would he take me back here? There's a street light behind us but otherwise it's dark. We're all alone. And Jared keeps pushing me to drink.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I yank my hand from Jared's. "What's going on here?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Why'd you take me here?"

  "So we could talk."

  "That's all you wanted to do? Talk?"

  "Yeah. What'd you think I want wanted?"

  I don't answer, not sure if he's telling the truth or not. My gut tells me he isn't but I don't always trust my gut, especially after I've been drinking. I set my beer on the ground.

  "You don't want it?" he says, pointing to my cup.

  "Not right now."

  He gets the whiskey bottle out and offers it to me.

  "I don't want it," I say.

  "Just one little sip?"


  He opens the bottle, takes a big gulp, and tosses the bottle on the ground.

  "I really like you, Birdie." He leans over to kiss me but I turn away before he can. "Baby, c'mon. Let's do this."

  "Do what?" I snap.

  He reaches over and grabs my breast.

  I jump up. "What the hell?"

  "I just wanted to touch them," he says, stumbling as he tries to stand up.

  "Touching these is a privilege you're never gonna get! I'm leaving!" I storm off.

  "You're not leaving till we're done!" Jared yells.

  I hear a ripping sound and feel air on my back. He ripped my dress!

  I whip around and see Jared there, breathing fast, his eyes pleading. "Just do it. I promise it'll be fast."

  "You asshole!" I draw back my arm, fist my hand, and hit him right in the nose.

  "Birdie!" Cal's running toward me. "Are you okay?"

  "She hit me!" Jared says, holding his nose.

  "Cal, I've got this. Just go."

  "What the hell happened?"

  "The asshole took me out here to have sex."

  "You little fucker!" Cal raises his arm to punch Jared.

  "Cal, don't!" I grab his arm. "I took care of it! Just stay out of it!"

  "After he did that? Hell, no!" He goes to take a swing at Jared but Jared drops to the ground, cowering and shielding his face.

  "It wasn't my idea!" he yells.

  "Get your ass off the ground!" Cal orders.

  "Don't hurt me!" He's crying now. Sobbing. I didn't hit him that hard. "I don't even like her that way!"

  "What do you mean you don't like her?"

  "I'm gay!" Jared cries.

  Cal and I look at each other, then back at Jared.

  "Then why'd you do it?" I ask. "Why were you trying to have sex with me?"

  "They made me," he says, whimpering. "It was a hazing thing. I had to have sex with a fat girl." His eyes lift to mine. "They picked you."

  Tears well up in my eyes but I refuse to cry. This guy isn't worth my tears. No one in this whole fucking fraternity is worth my tears. I hate them all!

  But it still hurts. It hurts so bad. I really thought Jared liked me. I was so excited for tonight. I spent hours searching online for this dress. I spent way too much money on it. Starved myself to fit into it. Spent hours getting ready. And for what? To be part of some stupid joke.

  "Who did it?" Cal asks, yanking Jared up by his shirt. "Whose fucking idea was it?"

  "Who do you think?" he spits out.

  Cal lets go of Jared and storms to the house.

  "Where are you going?" I say, racing to catch up with him.

  The sliding door opens and Stone walks out, followed by a group of guys. They're all clapping and smiling.

  "Great performance," Stone says. "Got it all on tape so we can watch it at the next meeting."

  "You fucking asshole," Cal says, charging toward him, fist in the air.

  "You hit me, I'll sue. My dad's a lawyer."

  "My dad's got enough money for a hundred lawyers." Cal smiles. "Fuck, this is gonna feel good." He punches him and Stone falls to the ground.

  The other guys back up a little, fearing they might be next.

  "I'm done with this shit," Cal says. "I quit." He turns to me. "You okay?"

  I take off, around the side of the house to the street, heading to my car. My eyes are burning as I fight back tears.

  "Birdie, wait!" Cal yells, running afte
r me.

  I'm slow in my heels and he catches up to me.

  "Just go!" I say. "Get away from me!"

  "Why? What'd I do? I was trying to help you."

  I stop and turn to face him. "I didn't need your fucking help! I punched him! I took care of it!"

  "You're pissed at me for helping you?"

  "You didn't help me! You made it worse! After I punched Jared I just wanted to leave but then you had to make a big scene with all your frat brothers watching to humiliate me even more!"

  "What the hell was I supposed to do? I couldn't just let Stone get away with it!"

  "This wasn't about you! It was about ME! And I asked you to stay out of it!"

  "It IS about me! It's about Stone and me! The guy has fucking hated me since the day I joined the fraternity. He's jealous of my money. My golf career. The fame I got from being on TV. The girls I date. He even fucked Alecia just so he could tell me he did it."

  "What does that have to do with me?"

  "He knows I—" He looks away.


  "It doesn't fucking matter." He shakes his head. "It's over. I'm done with that asshole. He got what he wanted."

  "Tell me what you were going to say. What does this feud between you and Stone have to do with me?"

  "Let's go. I'm driving you home."

  "Cal, answer me."

  "There's nothing to say. It's over. I'm done with Stone and done with the fraternity."

  "But what does that have to do with me? Why'd they pick me over someone else?"

  "Let's go." He takes my hand.

  "I can drive. I only had two shots."

  "Two shots? You're not driving. I'll take you home."

  "What about my car?"

  "You can get it tomorrow."

  It's just after nine when we get back to my house. I spent all afternoon getting ready for a date that lasted about ten minutes. I should've known it was a setup. Something felt off about it from the very beginning. But I ignored my intuition because I wanted Jared to like me.

  "Call me tomorrow," Cal says as we stand by the door. "I'll take you to get your car."

  "I'll just have my mom drive me."

  "Birdie, I'm really sorry about this. If I could punch every one of those guys, I would."

  "You have to stop doing this, Cal."

  "Stop doing what?"

  "Acting all protective of me. I'm not your sister. Or your girlfriend." I pause. "I'm just the girl you grew up with. It's not your job to protect me."


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