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Forgiving Keven: A Stand-Alone Second Chance Romance

Page 2

by Siobhan Davis

  “Colin was part of the team at the warehouse the day of the shooting, and he helped escort your sister-in-law to the hospital.”

  Why the hell didn’t I know that? I’ll be having words with my brother. He should’ve told me the guy who showed up at our house Christmas Day was the same guy who assisted Eva the day everything came to a head in that abandoned warehouse.

  “I’ll talk to Eva. When do you want her to come in?”

  “Ideally, as soon as possible. We need to explore some new angles. Our undercover agents say it’s going to take time to infiltrate the highest levels of the organizations, so we need to explore all other options in the meantime. Cracking this case sooner than later is my priority. If we cover several bases, we stand a greater chance of success.”

  “Which is why I think we should put more effort into Stanten. Let me dig deeper. See if I can find the link that connects him to Garcia.”

  The phone rings on his desk, but he ignores it, looking contemplative as he stares at me. “Okay, Kennedy.” He nods with a resigned sigh. “Take a closer look at Stanten but strictly from the confines of your desk.” He narrows his eyes at me. “And you’re to have no contact with Ms. Keeland. That’s an order.” He picks up the phone, holding the cradle to his chest. “Have I made myself clear?”

  “Crystal,” I lie as I get up and walk out of his office.

  Chapter 2


  “Can I open my eyes yet?” I plead in a voice that betrays my excitement.

  Dan wraps his arms around my waist from behind, pressing up close to me. “You are the hardest person to surprise. Do you know that?” Amusement underscores his tone.

  “I know,” I readily admit, “because I get too excited and I’m way too impatient.” I laugh. “Please, Dan. I know we’re here. Let me see.”

  Since he woke me up this morning, telling me today was a big day and that he had a huge surprise for me, I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out what it could be. I know I drove him insane on the journey here. Especially when he put this blindfold on me and made me promise not to peek.

  All I know is we’ve left the city behind, and we were driving for about a half hour until he stopped. I heard little beeps as he punched in some code on a keypad and the creaking of gates. Then we were on the move again before coming to a complete stop a minute later. I’m guessing he’s brought me to some lavish hotel and I’m practically jumping for joy, too excited at the prospect of spending alone time with my fiancé, in luxurious surroundings, to worry about missing a few days of classes.

  Not that I need extravagant gifts, but Daniel Stanten sure knows how to spoil the woman in his life. I keep telling him to stop it, that he should be saving his money, but it goes over his head.

  Dan helps me out of the car with strict instructions not to remove the blindfold yet. I hop from foot to foot, impatiently waiting for him to put me out of my misery. It’s unnaturally cold out today, but I’m cocooned in my thick bubble jacket, so I only feel the sharp, icy sting slapping my exposed cheeks. A gentle rustling sound in the background is the only noise I can hear. Wherever we are, it’s unbelievably peaceful.

  “Welcome to your new home,” Dan says, sliding the blindfold off my eyes and hugging me from behind.

  I blink for several seconds until my eyesight has adjusted to the light, and then my eyes bug out of my head, and my jaw drops to the floor. “What?” I splutter, unsure if I heard him correctly.

  We’re standing in front of a massive modern two-story property with wide cherry-framed windows and a stylish cream brick façade. The roof is split into various sized triangular-shaped peaks, and a professionally landscaped lawn stretches along the front of the house. All around us are clusters of tall trees, some still snow-capped from the recent light snowfall.

  “I bought it for us. Surprise.”

  I twist around in his arms. “You bought us a house?” I squeak.

  He waggles his brows, grinning. “I did good, right?”

  I turn back around, staring at the huge house. “How could you even afford something like this?” I mean, I know Dan’s new business is doing well but not that well. He’s only been running it a year, and I don’t see how he has the money to make such an ostentatious purchase.

  “Business is booming,” he says in a clipped tone, his body turning stiff against me.

  “Baby.” I spin around and cup his face. “I’m not criticizing. I’m just blown away, and I don’t want you to get into debt when you’re only starting out. A smaller house would be totally fine with me.”

  He takes a step back, removing himself from our embrace, and a muscle clenches in his jaw. “Most women would be screaming and throwing themselves at their fiancé if he surprised them with this house.”

  “Dan.” I move toward him, but he takes another step away from me. I soften my tone. “I’m only thinking of you. I don’t want you to put yourself under too much pressure.” I grab his hand so he can’t move away from me anymore. “I love the house. It’s absolutely stunning. And I’m overwhelmed you’ve bought this for us, but I love you for you. Not the things you think you have to buy for me. I would be happy living in a shack once I was with you.”

  Dan doesn’t talk about his childhood that often, but I know they didn’t have much. It was just him and his mom, and they grew up in quite a rough part of Boston. He’s worked really hard to claw his way to where he is today, and I respect him enormously for his ambition, his drive and determination. But I don’t want him to kill himself working to provide for me. Or to feel like I expect the best of everything. He’s already working crazy hours, weekends too, and with his business trips becoming more frequent, I’m worried about his stress levels.

  His handsome face relaxes, and he reels me back into his arms. “You have a good heart, Cheryl, and sometimes, I forget you’re not like most women I’ve known.” He grabs my ass and squeezes. “But you have to stop worrying. Trust I have everything under control.” He slaps my ass firmly before taking my hand and leading me toward the house. “And get used to this, because this is only the start.” As he winks at me, I try to ignore the anxious churning in my stomach.

  I walk around the opulent living room in a bit of a daze, unable to take it all in. The whole interior of the house has been professionally designed and decorated. It’s literally like stepping into a showhouse. There isn’t a single thing left to do—it’s in pristine walk-in condition.

  A fluttering sensation takes up residence in my chest, and I’m even more uncomfortable than I was outside. This must have cost a fortune. And, while it’s tastefully furnished and decorated, it doesn’t feel like a home to me.

  “It’s killed me keeping this a secret from you,” Dan gushes, tugging me into the massive well-lit kitchen. “But the place was a wreck when I first bought it. It’s why I got it for such a good price. I demolished most of the original structure and hired contractors to rebuild it, and then I hired one of the leading interior designers to create the perfect family home for us.”

  Next, he drags me into an exquisite dining room with a long walnut table that seats twelve. A massive chandelier hangs overhead, and the room overlooks the sprawling back yard with a wraparound deck, patio, pool, and manicured lawns.

  Dan draws me back into his chest while we both stare out the window. He rests his chin atop my head. “I wanted to have it ready to walk into before I brought you here. I know you’re busy with college, the studio, and your volunteer work, so I didn’t want to burden you with this. You’re not mad, right?”

  I kind of am, but I don’t articulate that sentiment. I don’t want to appear ungrateful or dampen his obvious delight, so I keep my thoughts contained this time even if I am disappointed that he didn’t allow me any input into the project. I would have loved helping with the design and overseeing everything, but he didn’t give me the chance. “I’m not mad. It’s beautif
ul. Thank you, Dan.”

  His lips latch onto my neck as his hands slide up under my sweater. “Want to christen this room first?”

  “He bought you a freaking house?” Hayley’s shriek is so loud that several heads in the auditorium swivel in our direction.

  “Shh. Keep it down! I don’t want half the class to know.”

  “Where is it, and do you have any pics?” she asks, fiddling with her new Tiffany bracelet.

  “It’s in Lexington, and no, there wasn’t time this morning. I got a quick tour, and then Dan drove me back to the apartment to collect my car.” I don’t mention the quick fuck because I’m not one to divulge details even if Hayley doesn’t hold back in telling me about her conquests. Girl has an insatiable sexual appetite. I’m no prude, but some of her stories make my ears burn they’re that hot.

  “You’re such a lucky bitch,” she pouts, slapping her notepad down on the desk in front of her like it’s personally insulted her or something. “First, he buys you a brand-new Audi A3, and now a house?” Her lips curl into a sneer. “And you don’t even appreciate it.”

  “I do appreciate it,” I protest, quietly opening my notepad as the professor gets ready to start the session. “But I don’t need extravagant gestures, and it’s a little unnerving at times.”

  “Dan strikes me as the type who likes to spend money on his woman. If you’re not careful, you’ll lose him to someone who lets him indulge his generous nature.”

  My brow wrinkles as I turn to face her. “Why the hell would you say something like that to me?” It’s both hurtful and bitchy, and I’ve noticed Hayley making a lot of snide remarks lately that I don’t like. I’m not sure if I’ve done something to upset her or if she’s jealous of my relationship with Dan, but she’s been off with me the last few months, and I can’t figure out why. And, it’s not as if she even knows him that well. They’ve only met one time.

  When I first met Hayley, the first day of class last September, she was a Godsend. Transferring to a new college for the last year of my degree was hugely daunting. I’ve left all my family and friends back in Delaware, and having lost touch with most of my old friends from Wellesley, I was very much alone when I initially moved back here. Making a friend the minute I stepped foot on the MassArt campus was more than I could have hoped for. But Hayley literally barreled her way into my life.

  We ran into one another outside the auditorium that first morning, both of us tumbling to the ground, the contents of our book bags spread out on the floor around us, and an instant friendship was formed in between our laughter. We gelled, instantly, and we were super close those first few months.

  But something has shifted in our relationship recently, and I don’t understand it. I’ve asked her what’s wrong, but she constantly tells me everything is fine, almost leading me to believe I’m imagining it.

  “I’m just looking out for you, Cheryl.” She pats my hand, and the gesture strikes me as condescending. “I know Dan is the catch of the century, and I’d hate anything to come between you. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t try to warn you?”

  Chapter 3


  My brother Kaden is waiting in the lobby of my Chelsea apartment building when I return home from work. I’d messaged him earlier, asking him to meet me. “Hey.” I jerk my head in acknowledgment at the security guard in the lobby at the same time I greet my brother.

  “Hey, man. How are you?” Kade slaps me on the back, almost dislocating my shoulder, but I pass no comment. Since Kade decided to bulk up, a subtle competitive rivalry exists between us, and he loses no opportunity to try to remind me of his physical strength.

  All my brothers work out, but since that shit went down between Cheryl and me senior year of high school, I’ve thrown myself into the gym, and lifting weights, as a welcome distraction. It was that or continue with the self-destructive path I was on.

  I also took up running a couple years ago, and I jog at least five miles a day. It served me well during my FBI physical. They place huge importance on fitness, and if I ever want to move to a special agent role, I need to maintain peak physical form.

  Kade started working out seriously about a year ago, and he’s more obsessed than I ever was. As the eldest, he likes to think he’s better at everything, and I know it kills him that this is one area where I excel. In every other way, my brother is a far better man than me, but I’m not handing over this crown to him too. This one is mine. So, yeah, he can keep snapping at my heels, but he won’t win this battle.

  We don’t speak as we ride the elevator to the top floor, but this isn’t the type of conversation you have in an elevator. Once we enter the penthouse I now call home, I dump my duffel bag on the floor in the hallway and head straight for the kitchen. “Beer?” I inquire with my head stuck in the fridge.

  “Just the one. I’m driving.”

  I smirk as I uncap both bottles, handing one to him. “Look at you. All responsible and shit.”

  “Says the FBI agent,” he retorts with a knowing smile, clinking his bottle against mine. “How’s that going?”

  “It’s okay.” I walk into the open-plan living area, and he follows me. We sit down across from one another on the new leather couches.

  “Not what you were expecting?” he asks, crossing one leg over the other.

  “I thought it would be more hands on, but they have me stuck behind a screen all day.”

  “Because that’s your skillset.” He tips the bottle into his mouth. “And that’s what they recruited you for.”

  I shrug, not really wanting to get into it with him.

  My entire family was shocked speechless when I told them I’d agreed to join the FBI. I guess it’s ironic. I pulled tons of illegal shit in the past. Was mixed up in lots of shady stuff before I copped on to myself. So, it’s funny that I’m now on the other side of the law. I understand why it was surprising. But they don’t know the real reason why I joined—they don’t know I’m doing this for Cheryl.

  “Mom did a good job with the place.” Kade casts an appreciative glance around the stylishly decorated room.

  “And Mrs. McConaughey,” I add, because Mom and Brad’s mom set up the interior design business together. I bought this penthouse before it was built, seeing only the blueprints, and hired them to furnish and decorate the place while I was training at Quantico.

  Brad is my younger brother Kyler’s best friend and practically a surrogate Kennedy. He’s grown up with our family, and my parents took him in when shit hit the fan and his family had to leave the country without him. He’s had his fair share of crap to deal with in the last couple of years, but things have turned a corner for him now his family is back on American soil and he’s with Rachel. They’ve been good for one another, and I’m glad to see both my friends in a happy place. God knows, Rachel is well overdue it too.

  “I hope their new business venture works out,” I say, because I know how much they’ve both put into it.

  “I’m sure it’ll be a success with Mom at the helm. If she could run a successful multi-billion-dollar fashion empire, she can run a boutique interior design business.”


  We both sip from our beers. “How’s college?” I ask. “And plans for your new business?” Kade and Eva are in the process of setting up an online golf business.

  “Senior year is tough. You’re lucky you had enough credits to graduate early. I’d kill to be finished now.”

  I am lucky I had enough credits, because if I didn’t, I would have walked away from Harvard without my degree, which would’ve sucked. The FBI pulled some strings while I was at Quantico, and Harvard allowed me to graduate early. Now, I’ve got a nice framed certificate on my wall and a new potential career path.

  “I just want to focus on the business,” Kade continues. “Eva is making great progress, and I really want to be doing it al
ongside her.”

  “You only have a few more months until you graduate. It’ll pass before you know it.”

  He nods, and I scrub a hand along the back of my neck as awkward silence trickles between us. While it’s great we’re back on speaking terms, I hate the formality of our conversations these days.

  Things are still a little strained between Kade and me.

  We had a falling out during a family vacation to Ireland the summer before last, and we didn’t really speak for the best part of a year. But since he got together with Eva, and in the aftermath of the shooting, we resolved our issues, and I got my brother back, but it hasn’t been quite the same, and I wonder if we’ll ever truly reconnect.

  Perhaps it’s just he’s moved on with his life. He’s married and thinking about starting a family, and I don’t even have a steady girlfriend. Our lives are moving in different directions so maybe losing the closeness we once shared is inevitable.

  “What was so urgent I had to drop by?” he asks after a few beats.

  “My boss wants Eva to come in. I thought it best to ask you first because I know how much Eva hates talking about her prior life.”

  He puts his beer down on the coffee table, sitting up straighter and resting his elbows on his knees. “Why do they want to speak to Eva now? She already gave a statement after the shooting.”

  My brother and his wife have a complicated history. Eva was Kaden’s professor for a while, and they had a short-lived affair behind her gangster husband’s back. Eva broke things off to protect Kade, not that he knew that at the time. They spent years pining for one another before eventually caving to their feelings last year. In November, Kaden and Eva attempted to flee the country together. He was going to sacrifice everything for her because they both knew the monster she’d been forced into marrying would never stop looking for them. But my brother has loved that woman from the moment he met her, and he was prepared for a life on the run if it meant being with her. Only her husband found out about their plans and kidnapped and tortured both of them.


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