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Forgiving Keven: A Stand-Alone Second Chance Romance

Page 16

by Siobhan Davis

  “You think my cum is gross?” He feigns hurt.

  “When it’s gluing my skin to the comforter and strands of my hair are sticking together, hells yeah.”

  “I can’t believe he jizzed in your hair,” Kent says suddenly, looming above me as he leans over the back of my seat. My heart startles, and I clamp a hand over my chest, willing it to calm down.

  “Quit eavesdropping!” Kev shoves him back down into his seat. “This is a private conversation, douche.”

  “You think I wanted to hear that shit?” Kent spouts at the top of his voice. “Keep your weird kink to yourselves this weekend.”

  I stare straight ahead as Kev continues to berate Kent. Faye and Kyler are struggling to contain their laughter, and when I look across the aisle at Rachel and Brad, and Kade and Eva—who must’ve arrived when Kev and I were talking a stroll down nostalgia lane—I spot them trying not to laugh too.

  “He wasn’t purposely trying to come in my hair,” I say, feeling the need to explain, and they all collapse in fits of laughter.

  “Fucking A,” Kev says, plopping down into his seat and sighing. “Let’s hope this doesn’t set the tone for the weekend.”

  Chapter 19


  “I’d forgotten how beautiful it is here,” I say later that night as we stroll hand in hand along the shore of the private beach the Kennedys share with their neighbors.

  “Or maybe you were too busy drooling over me to notice those other times you were here,” he quips, darting in to dust his lips against mine.

  “Wow, I didn’t think it was possible, but your ego is even bigger than it was back in high school.”

  Without warning, he picks me up, flinging me over his shoulder and whacking my ass. “You’re going to pay for that,” he says, veering sideways and racing toward the ocean.

  “I know the weather’s warmer than usual for mid-April, but I definitely think a nighttime swim is out of the question,” I joke, trailing my hands down his back and over his firm butt cheeks.

  Hey, might as well take advantage of the situation.

  “Perhaps you should’ve considered that before insulting me.” He taps my ass again, sending a jolt of electricity firing through me.

  “What if I complimented you now?” I suggest. “Would that negate the perceived insult?”

  “It might if the compliment is on the same scale as the insult.”

  “You have the best ass I’ve ever seen on a guy,” I supply, lifting my head up a little as we approach the water. A chilly breeze lifts strands of my hair, swirling them around my face as I warily eye the water. He’s not really going to throw me in there, is he?

  “Lame,” he scoffs. “Is that the best you’ve got?”

  “I can do better,” I promise, running my hands over his ass again, squeezing and kneading his tight buns. “Yum. It’s just so squishy and hard at the same time, and every time I see you, my eyes are drawn to your butt like lasers.” I grab big handfuls of his ass, and a needy moan flies out of my lips, my panties dampening as my arousal roars to life. “I want to sink my teeth into your cheeks and bury my nose in your skin, and yeah, I could easily live there.”

  His body shakes as laughter rumbles through him. He stops at the water’s edge and, very slowly, hauls me back over his shoulder and down over his body. Grabbing hold of my hips, he pulls my pelvis into his. “I should probably be very alarmed at that admission, because that was kinda freakish, but I’m turned the fuck on.”

  I lean up, circling my arms around his neck. “Me too, and now I really want to eat your ass.” I make a gnashing sound with my teeth, and he throws back his head, cracking up laughing.

  “Thank fuck Kent isn’t around, or we’d never shut him up about this.” He swivels his hips, thrusting his erection into my stomach, and stars explode at the back of my eyes. “And I’m beginning to think his comment about weird kink isn’t too far off the mark.” He tweaks my nose. “At least in your case.”

  “I have a butt fetish,” I admit with a shrug. “Deal with it.”

  He lines our mouths up, and his warm breath fans my face as he speaks. “I fully approve as long as the fetish applies to my butt only.”

  “I only have eyes for your butt, I promise.” I say it in my most solemn voice but totally ruin it by convulsing into a fit of giggles at the end. Kev watches me quietly, and I can’t decipher the expression on his face. “What, too much?”

  He presses his forehead to mine, holding me tightly against him. “I’ve missed you so much,” he whispers. “I’ve missed this between us. Nothing has ever felt as right as you and me.”

  “You’re the other half of my heart and soul, Kev,” I whisper, peering into his eyes. “That’s why it was always so effortless between us.”

  He grips my face in both his hands. “I fucking love you, Cheryl. And I want this for us for always. Please tell me you want that too.”

  Tears pool in my eyes. “Kev.” I’m all choked up. “Of course, I want that with you.”

  He draws my face to his, closing the small gap between us, as his mouth latches onto mine. His kiss is tender and soft, and I hear everything he’s saying with it. My heart is so full, and any tiny doubts that were hiding in the back of my mind disappear for good.

  “Kev.” It kills me to break this kiss, but I need him to hear this. “I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you. No one has ever held my heart the way you hold it. The only man I’ll ever want is you. I know you worry that I have doubts, that I’m not sure, but I am. I don’t need us to be back together for months to know what I feel. What I’ve always felt.”

  Taking his hand, I place it on my chest, in the place where my heart thuds wildly. “You have always been in here, just like I’ve always been with you. One day back in your company was all I needed to know the truth. I may have refused to open my eyes and see it at first, but I’m not blind anymore. I want you. Only you. For all time. And I want to pick up where we left off and start living our lives.”

  His eyes glisten with so much emotion, and a choked sob travels up my throat when a single tear cascades down his face. “I know we have lots of shit to deal with, but this right here.” I clasp his hand more firmly to my chest. “This is the real deal. This is the culmination of what we’ve felt for each other in the past, what we’re feeling right now, and what we have to look forward to in the years ahead. And once we both never lose sight of that, we can ride through the storm and come out the other side smiling.”

  “Cheryl.” His voice cracks as he envelops me in his arms. “I promise to protect you and love you for the rest of my days. From the day I met you, my heart has only ever belonged to you. I love you so much, and I wish I could explain it better but—”

  I press my lips to his mouth, cutting off his sentence. “No buts, unless it’s the delectable one in your pants.” I wink.

  “You definitely have an obsession with my ass,” he murmurs, smiling as he runs his fingers along my cheek.

  “Do you have any objections?” I tease, sliding my arms around his waist and beaming up at him.

  “I have zero objections when it comes to you. You can live in my ass if you want. That’s totally fine by me.”

  “Although it might make it uncomfortable when you try to sit down,” I joke.

  He lifts me up, and my legs automatically wrap around his waist. “I have no plans to sit down right now. All I want is you and me, horizontal in a bed.”

  I feel like fist pumping the air. “Oh, God, yes.” My pussy clenches in anticipation. “Let’s go now.”

  We slip in the side entrance to the house, taking the long way around so we can avoid the kitchen and sitting room, where most everyone else is gathered. We’re like sneaky thieves as we take off our shoes and tiptoe up the stairs to our bedroom.

  Kev locks the door before stalking toward me with a dark, lust-fuel
ed glaze in his eyes. Butterflies race around my chest like it’s Derby Day. He backs me up to the bed, and I fall down on the mattress with him hovering over me. He braces his hands on the comforter, wetting his lips as his eyes drink me in from head to toe. It’s like a sensual physical caress and one I feel all over. Kev leans down, capturing my mouth in a searing-hot kiss that has me moaning into his mouth and frantically trying to pull him down on top of me.

  In a flash, he backs off, standing at the end of the bed, watching me. He pulls his T-shirt up over his head and tosses it aside. Saliva floods my mouth as I ogle his ripped eight-pack, bulging biceps, and the ink covering one arm, half his chest, and creeping up his neck. I’ve thoroughly explored his body from head to toe this past week, but I’m still mesmerized every time I see him naked.

  He’s magnificent. Like a chiseled sculpture begging to be licked.

  I push up on my knees moving toward him, but he steps back, out of my reach. “You trust me with your pleasure, baby?”

  “Always,” I rasp.

  “Then strip. Nice and slowly. One item of clothing at a time.” He kicks off his jeans, socks and Vans, standing before me in tight black boxer briefs. My panties saturate as I fixate on the massive bulge straining against the material of his briefs. “Now, Cheryl,” he growls. “I need you naked now.”

  Staying in position on the bed, I peel my shirt off and throw it away to join his clothes on the floor. Then I draw my lace cami slowly up over my chest, my eyes locked on his the entire time. Fire blazes in his eyes as he watches me unclip my bra and fling it away. I caress my breasts as he watches, pushing my tits together and licking my lips provocatively. My nipples are like taut, hard peaks begging for his touch.

  “Jeans off. Now,” he barks, stroking a hand over his stiff cock through his briefs.

  I climb slowly off the bed, tossing my hair over one shoulder and biting down on my lower lip as I shimmy the jeans down my legs. Flouncing around the bed, I stand in front of him, almost completely naked, keeping my eyes pinned to his while I hook my thumbs in my panties and slide them down my legs.

  The dark look in his eyes sends a painful pulse throbbing through my core, and I sway on my feet as my knees buckle. He grabs my elbow, holding me steady. “Take my cock out,” he demands, and I happily comply, yanking his briefs down. He steps out of them, kicking them away, as I wrap my hand around his hard base and start slowly pumping him.

  “On your knees. Suck me off.”

  Oh fuck. The way he’s bossing me around is such a turn-on and at this rate, I’ll come before he’s even laid a finger on me.

  Sinking to my knees, I look up at his incredible body, trying to memorize this moment and the feelings surging inside me with the knowledge he’s all mine again. His dick stands rigidly to attention, and I lean in, gripping his base as I slowly ease him into my mouth. I lick up and down his length, flicking my tongue over his crown, before sucking him deep, well, as deep as I can manage because Keven is huge, and there’s no way I can fit all of him in my mouth.

  Shuttering his eyes, he curses under his breath while his fingers delve into my hair, holding me in place. I blow him enthusiastically while he thrusts into my mouth, and it’s a heady, powerful sensation. To have a guy like Keven at my mercy is the best confidence boost, especially when he groans or spews dirty words of encouragement.

  He pulls out of my mouth unexpectedly, scooping me up and depositing me on the bed. “That was so good, baby, but I want to come inside your pussy tonight.” He nudges my legs apart. “First, I’m going to make you scream.” He doesn’t waste time teasing me, and that’s how I know he’s eager to be inside me.

  He devours my pussy with his tongue, sucking on my clit and thrusting into my channel over and over again. The moans coming out of my mouth are purely animalistic as his magical tongue worships my body. When he pushes three fingers inside me, pumping them in and out superfast, my head spins. Then his tongue returns to my clit, sucking and licking, and pressure is building inside me, almost reaching a crescendo.

  The need to come has me whimpering and writhing like a woman possessed. Curling his fingers inside me, as deep as he can, he pinches my clit with his thumb and forefinger, and I detonate into a million exploding parts, my body arching off the bed as his fingers continue to milk me from inside.

  My hair is a tangled mess all over my face, and I’m only starting to come down from the high when the rip of a foil packet reminds me the night is just beginning.

  Kev crawls over me, and I push knotty strands of hair out of my face, opening my eyes and focusing on my man. He kisses me slowly and passionately. “I love you,” he whispers.

  “I love you too.” I run my fingers through his hair, pulling his mouth back to mine as he strategically aligns our bodies. Then he’s easing inside me, nice and gently, letting my body adjust to the hard, warm length of him. We continue to kiss slowly while he inches in farther.

  When he’s fully seated, he brushes hair back off my face, pinning me with the most adoring look. “Everything we’ve gone through has led us right here.” He pecks my lips. “You’re mine, Cheryl, and I’m yours. This is it.”

  “Prove it, baby.” I cup one side of his face. “Make love to me.”

  Kev starts moving, slowly, in and out, and we find an easy rhythm. Our mouths and hands explore, and there isn’t a part of my body he hasn’t touched. Our lovemaking is slow and tender, at odds with his earlier domineering instructions and his usual alpha personality, but I know this is his way of letting me know how much he missed me, how much he adores and loves me.

  Sweat coats my body, and it glistens off Kev’s ripped abs as he picks up the pace, thrusting into me in long, deep motions. I wrap my legs more tightly around his waist and pivot my hips, feeling every movement as he fucks me harder and faster. I climax for a second time, and then he lets go, rutting into me until his orgasm hits and we’re moaning together, kissing to cover our mutual screams.

  After we’ve cleaned up, we creep under the covers, and I snuggle under his arm. “Don’t ever leave me again, Cheryl,” he whispers, running his hand up and down my arm.

  “I’m going nowhere without you, Keven. I promise.” I seal the deal with a kiss, and sometime later, after another round of lovemaking, we both drift off to sleep.

  Chapter 20


  I join my brothers for nine holes of golf the following morning while Cheryl stays behind with the rest of the girls to help Mom with dinner. Mom forced all the staff to take leave, wanting to cater to the family herself this time. It’s just another example of how much things have changed since she sold Kennedy Apparel.

  Kal, Lana, their son Hewson, and Lana’s parents arrived on a commercial flight from Florida late last night, so I was expecting him to a be a no-show this morning, but he’s here before all of us, grinning widely as he waits in the clubhouse.

  We take turns hugging him, but there’s little time for conversation so it isn’t until after we’ve finished our round that I get to talk to him. “How’s Hewson?” I inquire after my only nephew.

  “Ah, man, he’s the best. He’s got so many words now, and the nurse at his developmental checkup said he’s very advanced for his age.” Hewson will be two next month.

  “I’m not surprised,” I say, grabbing my coffee and following him to the table where Dad, Adam, and the rest of my brothers sit. “You never shut the fuck up, and I’m betting you came out of the womb babbling crap.” He grins, accepting it like a compliment. “I can’t wait to see him.”

  “You’ll be lucky if you catch a glance,” Ky pipes up as we sit down. “Faye called dibs months ago.”

  “She can’t monopolize him the whole trip,” I say.

  “Wanna bet?” Ky grins. It’s no secret that Faye is head over heels for that little boy. The rest of us have bets on how fast Ky will knock her up after they’re married in August. Be
ing a young parent isn’t something I want for myself, but I can see it with those two. While Kal and Lana have made it work, it’s no cakewalk, that’s for sure.

  I definitely want kids, but I want to enjoy my time with Cheryl before we start a family. I almost fall off my chair at the surprising turn my thoughts have taken, but it’s not an unpleasant or unwelcome surprise.

  “We should make a schedule,” Keaton suggests.

  “I like the sound of that, bro,” Kal says, winking. “Lana and I haven’t had any time to ourselves lately, so knock yourself out. Spend as much time with the little guy as you like.” He winks.

  “Let me get this straight,” Kent pipes up, and I stifle a groan. “You want us to devise a babysitting schedule so you can get laid?”

  “Damn straight, dude.”

  “That’s so very wrong.” Kent shakes his head while Kade and I arch a brow. It’s not like Kent to act all moralistic.

  “Wait till you have a kid, and you’ll get it,” Kal replies.

  “Ahem.” Dad clears his throat, eyeballing Kal and subtly gesturing toward Adam.

  Kal rolls his eyes. “I wasn’t suggesting he go and knock Whitney up,” he unhelpfully supplies as Adam’s face turns ashen. “I was just stating he’ll understand it when he’s a dad. Someday.”

  “Someday very far, far away,” Dad adds before poor Adam pukes.

  “In a galaxy far, far away …” Keaton’s voice is gravelly and deep as he attempts to emulate the opening line to one of his favorite movies.

  Ky bursts out laughing. “Dude, did you seriously just misquote Star Wars?”

  “This family is so fucking weird.” That’s Keanu’s first contribution to the conversation.

  “And you’re only just figuring this out now?” Kent slants an incredulous look at his triplet.

  “Boys.” Dad sends a warning glance around the table.


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