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Forgiving Keven: A Stand-Alone Second Chance Romance

Page 19

by Siobhan Davis

  “I’m scared of losing you, Cheryl.” I twist my fingers in her hair, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

  She curls her hand around my arm, peering deep into my eyes. “I don’t want to disregard or downplay your feelings. I completely understand where you’re coming from, and if the tables were reversed, I’d be the same. I love how much you love me, Kev. And I’m sorry that me wanting to do this upsets you so much, but not doing this will upset me. Is there anything I can do or say that will make this any easier for you?”

  “I want to put my foot down and tell you you’re not doing it, but I don’t ever want to be that man. The one who commands you to do things against your will, so, if you’re hellbent on doing this, I won’t stop you on one condition.”

  She kisses me softly and I just want to hold her against me forever. “Thank you. I know how much it takes for you to say that, and I’m not ungrateful. I’ve no problem agreeing to your condition if it’ll help ease your worry. Name it.”

  “That you do everything in your power to keep yourself safe. That means rigidly following the FBI’s instructions, staying alert, not taking any risky chances, and trusting your gut. If you feel like something’s wrong, it probably is, and you need to react to that.”

  She nods. “I won’t take any unnecessary risks. I want to catch the bastard and see him in jail. And then I want to move forward with my life, with you. Once we’re together, nothing else matters.”

  I haul her into my arms, crushing her to me. My heart is racing a hundred miles an hour, and anxiety tightens my chest. I don’t care what I have to do, but I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe and ensure she comes back to me.

  It’s two weeks since Cheryl agreed to put her life on the line, and I’m close to breaking point. I haven’t slept properly since she moved into Kade’s old place, and our nightly Skype calls just aren’t cutting it. I fucking miss her, and I hate this, but I also agree it’s necessary. She can’t be seen with me now she’s “dating” that asshole again. The bodyguard I hired is watching over her, as is Agent Higgins. Plus, Agent Wentward is still shadowing Stanten.

  All of them have assured me she’s safe and that he’s unaware of the FBI connection, but I can’t rest easy. I won’t until this is done. I have cameras all over her place and in her car, trackers on her cell and her shoes, and alerts set up, and I spend hours every night watching the feed, making sure she’s safe, but it does little to ease my anxiety.

  “You look tired, baby,” she says when we Skype later that night.

  “This is what I look like without you,” I proclaim. “I miss you so much, and I just want this to be over.”

  “I miss you too, and if you think this isn’t killing me, then you’re wrong. I hate it, but it’s working. He is so far up his own ass he honestly believes I’ve forgiven him.” She rolls her eyes, and I know that’s for my benefit.

  An awkward silence filters between us, like it does any time he comes up in conversation. I trust Cheryl, which is why we didn’t have this conversation before she moved out, but it’s different now I can’t see her in the flesh, can’t touch her or hold her in my arms. I have to put this out there for my sanity. “You’re not sleeping with him, right?”

  A flash of anger flits across her face, quickly replaced with understanding. “Of course not, baby.” She puts her hand up to the screen. “You’re the only man I’ll be sleeping with from now on. I promise.”

  “How is he accepting that?”

  “I’ve told him I need to learn to trust him again before we start having sex, and he bought it. More than that, it lends authenticity to the situation. Any woman that would jump back into his bed after what he did couldn’t be trusted.”

  Air whooshes out of my mouth in grateful relief. “Okay, and I’m sorry for asking, but it was eating me up inside.”

  “Well, it’s not going to be for much longer.”

  My eyes pop wide, my heart accelerating at the exuberant grin on her face. “What haven’t you said?”

  “He asked me to come over Friday night after work, and I convinced him to let me cook for him. Told him I’d cook us a special celebration meal and leave work early to get a head start.” She lifts up a bunch of keys, dangling them in front of her face. “He handed me back my keys without question.”

  “That is the best damn news I’ve heard in weeks.”

  “Thought you’d like that. Can you tell the boss man so he can put everything in motion? I’ll drive to the house at four, and you can meet me there.”

  I nod buoyantly. “I’ll call him immediately and oversee the plans myself. I’m going to double-and triple-check everything so there is no margin for error. We’re ending it this weekend.”

  “I love the sound of that, and I’ll be on a countdown till Friday.” She places her hand back on the screen. “I need your arms around me so badly.”

  “I know, baby. Me too.” I raise my palm to the screen, as if I’m touching hers. “I can hardly wait.”

  Chapter 23


  Being back in this house again makes me sick, but I remind myself why I’m doing this, visualizing Camila in my mind’s eye and allowing her image to bolster my courage. I trust Keven’s prepared for any eventualities, but I’m still on edge, terrified something will go wrong and Dan will figure this out. Having to spend another second in his company will feel like a lifetime. These last few weeks have majorly tested my acting skills, but Dan’s superiority complex works to my advantage. Any normal guy would be suspicious of my sudden U-turn, taking his time inviting me back into his life, but not Dan. His arrogance and misplaced self-confidence will be his downfall in the end.

  A twisted part of me has enjoyed pulling the wool over his eyes, and I hope I’m there when the penny drops. I want to catch his expression the instant he realizes I’ve fooled him.

  Glancing at the clock in the kitchen, I stick the pot roast I made last night in the oven on a low heat and hurry to set the table. Kev was adamant it needs to look like I’m in the throes of making dinner in case Dan shows up. Hopefully, he’s too preoccupied with the planned distraction—a carefully controlled explosion at one of his warehouses in downtown Boston— to worry about being late for dinner, thereby giving us enough time to search the house from top to bottom.

  The doorbell chimes just as I’ve finished setting the table, and I rush to let Keven in, my heart doing cartwheels at the thought of seeing my love in the flesh for the first time in weeks. I rein my excitement in, opening the door slowly and greeting him with a pleasant but disinterested smile, like I would any cable guy who materializes at my door.

  Although he’s in disguise, my heart is still careening around my chest as I drink in the welcome sight of him. Already, I feel my anxiety levels steadying, knowing he will protect me no matter how this goes down. He’s dressed in workers pants and a high vis jacket, carrying a metal toolbox in one hand. I work hard to contain my mirth at the state of the longish dirty-blond wig and matching fake moustache which makes him look like a reject from the nineteen sixties. “I believe you have an issue with your cable, ma’am,” he says, keeping up the façade in case any of the men at the barn are watching from a distance or the camera is picking up our conversation.

  “Oh, I wasn’t aware. My boyfriend didn’t mention it to me.” I purposely frown.

  Trying hard not to scowl at my use of the BF word, Kev pulls a piece of paper from his back pocket, thrusting it at me. “You can inspect the order right there.” He points at the falsified paperwork.

  I pretend to inspect it before smiling casually at him. I step aside, ushering him in, discreetly checking the grounds outside for evidence of any prying eyes, but all looks quiet out the front.

  The instant the door is closed, he pushes me up against the wall, and his lips descend on mine. I moan into his mouth, grabbing hold of his waist as our lips move punishingly together
. I allow myself to enjoy his kiss for about ten seconds before I reluctantly shove him away. “The cameras,” I rasp.

  He grips my hips, pulling me into his hard, hot body. “I’ll disable them in a minute.” He leans his head down, lining up our mouths again, but I shove him back more forcefully this time.

  “Shut them down now, Kev. We can’t take any risks.” I plant my hands on my hips. “Your rules, remember?”

  “Fuck.” He adjusts the bulge in his pants. “I want inside you so bad.”

  I send him my best school ma’am glare. “We need to focus, Kev. There’ll be time for that later.”

  His lips kick up in a smile. “I’m going to fuck you so hard, all night long, so you won’t ever remember being apart from me.”

  My core throbs with need at his filthy promise, and saliva pools in my mouth. I’ve missed being in his bed. Missed having him fill me up, eliciting earth-shattering pleasure from my body on a nightly basis. Every part of me hums at the prospect of having that again.

  Walking swiftly toward Dan’s office, he throws one last remark over his shoulder. “And that’s a promise, sexy. Just you wait and see.”

  I stand dazed in the empty hallway for a couple of seconds until my head clears. Then I race after him in time to see him picking the lock and breaking into Dan’s office. The instant his butt is on the chair and his fingers pound the keyboard, he’s all business, flirting forgotten, for now. I stand over him, anxiously watching as he hacks into the camera system and shuts the feed down in mere seconds. He’s a freaking genius when it comes to computers.

  “Let’s go.” He jumps up, the chair making a screeching sound as it slams back against the wall. “Higgins and Wentward are keeping watch outside, and the team is on standby, a short distance away, ready to move in as soon as we have concrete evidence we can use against him,” he explains before crushing his lips to mine. I cling to him, devouring his mouth the same way he’s devouring mine.

  Our tongues tangle, delighted to be dancing once again, but it’s a frantic, fast-paced tango and one laced with an air of urgency and a dangerous undercurrent. All too soon, his lips are gone from mine, and I feel like crying.

  “I could kiss you all day long, but you’re right. We have a job to do.” Taking my hand, he leads me out to the hallway. “Let’s make this fast.” He pecks my lips. “Call me if you find anything and I’ll do the same.” He swats me on the ass as I spin around, heading toward the stairs. “Stay safe, babe.”

  “You too.” I walk backward, blowing him a kiss. “I love you!” I shout as I disappear out of sight, taking the stairs two at a time.

  Per the agreed plan, I’m checking upstairs while Kev checks downstairs. If we can’t find any hidden tunnels, then we’ll have to venture outside, which is where it’ll get tricky. Three heavily armed men guard the barn, and trying to snoop within proximity to them is risky as hell. I never remember Dan venturing outside, so I’m convinced there’s an entry point to the tunnel, and the barn, from inside this house. I’m determined we’re not leaving until we find it.

  I examine every square inch of the master bedroom, opening and closing doors and cupboards and inspecting all the walls in the walk-in closet, coming up empty-handed. I move onto the guest bedrooms and bathrooms, one at a time, growing more and more agitated as my search reveals nothing. I call Kev, and he confirms he hasn’t discovered anything either.

  Sweat rolls down my back as I head into the second last guest bedroom, glancing at the time, starting to panic. By now, Dan is aware of the explosion at his warehouse. His cryptic text telling me he’s running late confirms it, but I can’t shake the nervous feeling that something’s gone wrong.

  I’m pulling out a pile of boxes stored in the closet of the gray guest bedroom when Kev races into the room, his eyes darting wildly about. “The asshole’s pulling into the drive,” he exclaims, his voice gruff. “Get down to the kitchen and pretend to be fixing dinner.” He grabs my shoulders, steering me toward the door.

  “What? How? He’s texted me to—”

  “Something must’ve spooked him. Go, Cheryl. Wentward and Higgins are watching, and they’ll intervene if necessary, but you need to distract him. He can’t find me here.”

  “What about—” I gesture toward the boxes I was in the process of removing.

  “I’ll fix it.” He nudges me toward the door. “You’re still wearing your wire, right?” I nod, as bile swims up my throat. “Good, I’ll be listening, and I’m not going to let him hurt you.” He cups my face tenderly. “You got that? He’s not going to lay a finger on you.”

  “I love you,” I whisper.

  “I love you too, and if I hear anything I don’t like, I’m coming to get you. I don’t give a fuck.” Removing a gun from his toolbox, he hands it to me. “The safety is on, but use it if you need to.”

  My hand shakes as I take the gun, slipping it under the band of my pants.

  Kev presses his finger to the hidden device in his ear. “Go, Cheryl. He’s getting out of his car. Play your part, baby.” He plants a fierce kiss on my lips. “Be safe.”

  I race down the stairs, flying into the kitchen and turning the heat on under the pans on the stove. I’ve just tied the apron strings around my waist when Dan enters the kitchen.

  “Oh my God, you startled me,” I shriek, planting a hand on my chest as a smile forms on my lips. The only way I can do this is to imagine he’s Kev. I walk toward him, fluttering my eyelashes and smiling coyly. “I thought you said you’d be late. Not that I’m in any way complaining.” I giggle, circling my arms around his neck and stretching up on my tiptoes to kiss him.

  “What did you do to the cameras?” he barks, turning away from my kiss and glaring at me.

  My heart pounds in my chest, and it takes everything I possess to force my anxiety aside and act as expected in this situation. I frown, removing my hands from his neck and staring up at him in confusion. “What cameras? What do you mean?”

  He grabs my face roughly, and the cold, harsh glare in his eyes sends shivers up and down my spine. “If you’re up to something, I’ll end you.” He grips my chin, digging his fingernails into my flesh while his eyes flare menacingly. Terror has a vise grip on my heart, and bile swirls around my mouth.

  “Dan, you’re hurting me,” I whimper, praying Kev doesn’t come racing down the stairs yet. “And you’re scaring me. What do you mean if I’m up to something? I’m making you dinner.” I let a tear slip out of my eye, and he glances over my head, scanning the pots on the stove. Yanking me forward by the elbow, he stalks to the oven, aggressively pulling the door open. I rub my sore jaw as I silently coach myself to remain calm, hiding my free hand behind my back to hide my trembling. Dan is crouched down in front of the oven, staring absently at it, as if lost in thought.

  When he straightens up, he releases his iron grip on me, smiling as if he’s a different man. The dark, inhumane glare is gone from his eyes, replaced by a soft, adoring look that I now know is completely fake. He moves into me, but I step back, feeling off-balance. I start untying my apron with trembling fingers. “I think I should go.”

  “Darling, don’t. I’m sorry.” Slowly, he steps toward me, and I take another couple steps back.

  “I don’t even know who you are right now.” I hold up my hand, keeping him at bay. “This was a mistake.”

  “No.” He pulls me to him, hauling my hands up to his chest, and I feel nauseated. “I’m sorry I scared you. I’ve just had a really bad day, but I didn’t mean to take it out on you. I love you, Cheryl. You know that.”

  Lying asshole.

  His cell pings, and a flash of annoyance flares across his face. “Dinner looks delicious, and I’m starving.” He rubs his thumb across my lips, and I shake all over. Thankfully, he mistakes it for desire, his eyes darkening with hunger this time. “That’s not the only thing I’m starving for.” He grabs my ass, pu
lling me flush against his erection, and I puke a little in my mouth. “How long are you going to make me wait?”

  He leans in to kiss me, but I push him off. “I’m still mad at you. And if you truly love me, you’ll wait.”

  He grinds down on his teeth as his cell pings again. “I’ve got to take this.” He storms out of the room with the cell to his ear, walking toward his office with urgency. I collapse against the island unit as unrestrained panic consumes me. What if he figures out Kev picked the lock? I can’t remember if he shut the door to his office after we left.

  My cell pings, and I almost drop it on the ground as I scramble to open up the message from Kev.

  I covered my tracks. Relax and stay calm. You’re doing great.

  A strangled sob escapes my mouth before I can stop it. I’m literally shaking with fright, and I’ve got to get a grip before he returns. I walk slowly to the stove, stirring pots and pretending like I give a damn about dinner.

  Dan storms back into the kitchen five minutes later like a tsunami hellbent on destruction. “I’ve got to go out again.” He presses a kiss to my cheek. “But I’ll be back.”

  “Maybe we should leave this for another time,” I say, playing along but silently hoping he won’t call my bluff.

  “No, babe. I promise I’ll be back. Just make yourself at home, and I’ll text you.”

  I wait an anxious few minutes after I hear the front door close before I break down. Then Kev is there bundling me into his strong arms, whispering words of reassurance and consoling me. I look up, glad to see he’s removed the hideous wig and fake stache. I kiss his lips in one slow, lingering kiss, feeling my resilience return as his emotion and his strength pours into me. “Are you okay?” His face is creased with concern. “No one will blame you if you want to bail.”

  “I’m not bailing.” I swipe at the moisture under my eyes, removing all trace of it. “I’m fine. The look in his eye just frightened me. He looked like pure evil.”


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