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Forgiving Keven: A Stand-Alone Second Chance Romance

Page 22

by Siobhan Davis

  “You sure you’re all okay with this?” I ask the men, and they nod.

  “C’mon.” Sinead brushes past me, ascending the stairs. “Let’s go get your girl and nail this Stanten bastard to the wall.”

  Chapter 27


  A metallic taste coats the inside of my mouth as I gradually come to. The room spins as I lift my head up, and my eyes fight to stay open. My arms ache and I try to loosen them, but they’re tied firmly behind my back. My butt is numb from the hard chair I’m seated on. I gasp as I’m slapped in the face with ice-cold water, rivulets trickling down my hair, over my face, and seeping under my clothes.

  “Wakey, wakey, baby.” My head is yanked back forcefully causing me to cry out in pain. I blink my eyes open, shivering as I stare into Dan’s harsh glare. He prods a gun into my temple, his eyes raking over me in disgust. “I had such high hopes for you, but you had to go and ruin it all.” He moves the gun lower, along my neck, trailing it through the crease in my breasts, and down over my stomach before jabbing it into my crotch.

  I’m still fully clothed, but he might as well have the cold steel pressed against my naked flesh. Inexplicable terror rips through my body, and I’m trembling all over. His lips kick up sadistically. “I could fuck you with this gun,” he says, pressing it in hard. The denim rubs against my pussy, hurting me, but I force my scream back down my throat, focusing on glaring at my ex instead. “Ruin that tight cunt for Kennedy.”

  I’m not fast enough to hide my surprise.

  He smirks again. “I’ll admit you almost had me fooled.” He twists the gun against my crotch, and I cry out as pain ricochets through my body. “I was naturally suspicious when you changed your mind about us, so I had one of my men follow you. I’m impressed at the lengths Kennedy went to in order to hide his presence in your life, and I’m pissed that I didn’t find out in time to stop what happened at the house.”

  His nostrils flare, and he backhands me across the face. “That’s for betraying me with him.” Removing the gun from my crotch, he slips it in the band of his pants and leans into me, digging his knee into my pussy and sliding one hand up under my shirt. His fingers slip into my bra, and he tweaks my nipple so hard my eyes water. “And that’s for setting me up.” He leans into my face, and the look of pure evil in his eyes scares the shit out of me. He straddles my lap, gripping my chin and forcing my eyes to his. Then he licks my face, in long slow licks, like a dog, and a chorus of laughter breaks out behind him. I’m only now noticing the group of armed men standing at the back of the room with their arms folded looking at me like I’m their next meal.

  I gulp over the panic wedged in my throat just as Dan shoves his tongue into my mouth, kissing me forcefully. I thrash about, but it’s a feeble effort as I’m strapped to the chair with his full body weight on top of me. He grinds his disgusting erection against me, and I try not to think of what he has planned for me.

  Without warning, he lifts off me, brushing has hand across his mouth. “How are you getting on?” he asks, glancing sideways as he strokes the bulge in his pants.

  “I’m in fucking heaven, man,” a familiar male voice says. I turn my head in Jesse’s direction, and my stomach sours at the sight before me.

  I know from stuff Eva’s told me that Jesse—an ex-colleague of hers from when she worked at Harvard—was always sleazing on her and making inappropriate suggestions about the things he wanted to do to her, so the fact he’s taking advantage of her now, when she’s vulnerable and not in a position to defend herself, kills me on the inside.

  “No!” Tears leak out of my eyes as I look at Eva, similarly restrained to a chair. I knew she’d been taken from the coffee shop as well, but they drugged me, and I lost consciousness until a few moments ago. They clearly gave the same treatment to Eva, except she’s still unconscious, her head drooping forward, her chin resting on her naked chest. Jesse is fondling her bare breasts while stroking his exposed cock. Another man stands behind her chair, licking his lips as his hand moves underneath the waistband of his pants.

  Nausea swims up my throat, and I turn my pleading gaze on Dan. “Please tell him to stop. Please don’t hurt her. You can do whatever you want to me, but leave Eva out of this. This is between you and me.”

  Jesse grunts, his hand movements increasing, and he emits a primal roar as he comes all over Eva’s bare flesh. Unfortunately, she starts to wake up at that exact moment.

  “Too late.” Dan’s hungry gaze drops to Eva’s chest, and he rubs at his crotch, not concealing his lust. “And you’re wrong if you think this is just about you.” He tears his gaze from Eva as she moans, trying to open her eyes, her head lolling back and forth. “She’s the reason I was denied the pleasure of killing Garcia. He killed my best friend. Johnny had infiltrated the DeLuca family, risen to second in command, and he was ready to hand the whole business over to my father, when that asshole took him out in cold blood. I wanted to be the one to slit Garcia’s throat, but that bitch robbed me of the opportunity.”

  “If you wanted to kill Jeremy,” Eva croaks, finally opening her eyes, “you only had to ask. I’d have gladly let you do it.”

  “Hello, baby,” Jesse says, grabbing her chin and forcing her gaze to his. “Miss me?”

  “About as much as I’d miss a cockroach.” She drills him with a vicious look, deliberately ignoring his limp dick.

  “Careful, bitch,” he sneers, tugging her head back. “Or I might come in your ass next.”

  A pounding on the door claims Dan’s attention, forcing his focus away from Jesse and Eva. One of his men checks through the peephole before unlocking the door.

  An older man in a loose-fitting black suit steps into the room flanked by two younger men wearing jeans, cowboy boots, hats, and shirts. Jesse pulls up his pants, tucking his hideous cock away. The man in the black suit removes his shades and steps up to Dan. “I’ve come for my order.”

  Dan nods his head at one of the armed men, and he exits the room. I surreptitiously scan my surroundings, trying to focus on anything but my mounting hysteria.

  We’re in a house, in an open-plan living area, with scuffed wooden floors, wooden walls, and overhead beams. A rudimentary kitchen resides on the far left-hand side of the room with a rustic log table and two long benches positioned in the center of the space.

  “What about her?” the man in the suit asks, skimming his eyes over Eva.

  “She’s not for sale,” Dan coolly replies before grinning at me. “We’ve much more exciting things planned for this one.” He rubs his hands together. “I thought you liked them young and innocent, and that one’s a fucking slut.”

  Eva looks over at me, and we share an unspoken communication, silently agreeing to stay strong, to stay alive, and to do or say anything we need to until our guys show up, because they will—there is no truth more assured.

  “Pity. She has nice tits,” the man says, ogling Eva with a predatory gaze.

  The sound of sobbing fills the room as the guard returns with a scantily clad girl flung over his shoulder. He plants her on the ground in front of the man in the suit, and she cowers away from him, her lower lip wobbling. Her eyes are bloodshot and red-rimmed, her skin all blotchy, like she’s been crying for days. She’s young, no more than fourteen if I had to hazard a guess. Dan steps up to her, gripping her shoulders and pushing her in front of the buyer. “This one’s yours.”

  Knots twist in my stomach, and bile floods my mouth. I have no words to describe what I’m witness to. Extracting a knife from his pocket, the man snips her bra straps and cuts her panties off her, leaving her naked, vulnerable, and shivering in a room full of vultures. Her sobbing turns into full-blown cries, and she tries to cover herself with her arms, but the man slaps her in the face, shouting at her to shut up. A lone tear slides down my cheek, and I’m thoroughly sickened.

  The two men in the cowboy gear take hold of he
r arms, and one of them nudges her legs apart. I look away, too sickened to watch anymore, when the man in the suit invades her body with his fingers. “Tight. She’ll do.”

  I look over at Eva, and my jaw pinches tight. That asshole Jesse is rubbing his cock up against her cheek, grinning as he tweaks one of her nipples. She looks straight ahead, displaying no emotion on her face, and she’s so strong, but I realize with a heavy sadness this isn’t her first rodeo. My entire body quakes as I think of all the horrible shit they can do to us, and I silently pray that the guys aren’t far away.

  The front door closes behind the men, and I try to drown out the pitiful cries of the girl. I dread to think what plight lies in store for her. Dan looms over me again, smirking, and I want to scratch my nails down his face and gouge out his eyeballs. He sickens me to no end.

  “What’s the matter, darling?” He grips my chin, digging his nails into my flesh. “Does that offend you? Or are you turned on?” He pops the button on my jeans, sliding his hand into my panties and roughly inserting one finger inside me. Tears threaten, but I force them aside, refusing to let him see how scared and vulnerable I feel.

  “Not turned on,” he murmurs, pulling his dry finger out. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

  The men laugh, and my eyes blaze with anger. I want to scream at him that he’s a despicable excuse for a human being and a lousy, selfish lover, but no good will come from antagonizing him in front of his men, so I don’t retaliate, letting the insult die in the air. A line of sweat rolls down my back, and tiny beads of moisture form on my brow. Now that the water has dried on my skin, I’m realizing how hot it is in this room.

  “Let me fuck her,” Jesse says, walking toward me with his erection on full display. “I’ll get her so wet she’ll think she’s drowning.”

  “Fuck off,” Dan says, shoving Jesse back. “And put your cock away. You’ve had your fun.”

  “I haven’t had nearly enough.” He leers at me, stroking his cock as his gaze rakes over me.

  “I said put it away,” Dan grits out, whipping out his gun and pointing it at Jesse’s hard-on. “Or I’ll fucking blast it to bits.”

  Jesse tucks himself away, frowning at Dan. “I don’t get it. Why can’t we fuck them up?”

  Dan taps the gun off Jesse’s temple. “Engage your brain, you imbecile.” He rolls his eyes. “Kennedy will never agree to the plan if she’s damaged in any way.”

  “You need to give him incentive,” Jesse argues.

  “And you need to shut the fuck up.” Dan slams him back into the wall. “You are starting to get on my last nerve. Either shut the fuck up or leave.”

  Jesse holds up his hands. “Fine. Relax.”

  “What plan?” I ask when Dan comes back around to me.

  “Still no patience when it comes to surprises.” Leaning down, he tweaks my nose, and I growl at him. He laughs. “At first, I was going to sell you both, but then I discovered you were fucking Kennedy and that he’d joined the Feds. As much as I’d enjoy seeing the look on your face if I’d sold you to some pervert, a rat inside the Feds is a much more interesting proposition.” He glances at his watch. “I’m expecting your childhood sweetheart to show up soon, and then we’ll see how much you mean to him.”

  I stare at him as if he’s completely lost his sanity. “You’re an idiot if you think Keven’s going to agree to that.”

  He takes off his suit jacket, folding it neatly and placing it on the table behind him. Slowly, he rolls his sleeves up to his elbow. “Kennedy will do anything to save his woman, and he’s not opposed to illegal activity. Your boyfriend has done some shady shit in his time, so I doubt it’ll take much to persuade him.” He glances over at Eva, and the devilish look in his eye twists my stomach into knots. “But I do have an incentive lined up in case he needs proof of how serious I am.”

  Rolling the bottom of his trouser leg up, he removes a dagger strapped to his ankle and stalks toward Eva. “Leave her alone!” I roar, thrashing about in my chair.

  Dan moves behind Eva, tugging her head back and exposing the elegant column of her neck. He places the tip of his dagger underneath her chin, and goose bumps sprout on my arms. Eva has a neutral expression on her face, and I can’t tell what she’s thinking. Dan glides the dagger across her neck, slowly, barely touching her skin. A tiny trickle of blood oozes out, and a loud sob rips from my throat.

  “Please, Dan. Please, don’t hurt her. Kev will never agree if you kill her.” I plead with my eyes. “I’ll do anything you want. I’ll marry you and never speak of this again. I’ll do anything if you just spare her.”

  “Take over.” Dan hands the dagger to Jesse. “Don’t touch her until I tell you,” he commands, giving him the evil eye. Jesse takes Dan’s place, holding the knife to Eva’s throat.

  Dan crouches in front of me. “What makes you think I’d want you back? You’re a lying, cheating whore who doesn’t know the meaning of loyalty. The only thing you’re good for now is collateral.” He stands, grinning. “Kennedy will agree or you’re dead. It’s as simple as that.” He nods at Jesse. “And he’ll agree when he arrives and discovers his sister-in-law’s lifeless body. He’ll know I mean business.” Dan puts his face right up in mine. “Eva’s death will be on your conscience too. Just like that whore Hayley.” He jerks his chin up, pinning Jesse with a wicked grin. “Do it. End the bitch.”

  I scream from the top of my lungs, and the steel glints as Jesse lowers the knife, positioning it midway across Eva’s throat. My body floods with rage and adrenaline, and I rise, with the chair strapped to my body, and lunge at Jesse. He twists around to confront me, and a ray of light streams through a side window highlighting his form. I throw myself on top of Eva as a bullet whizzes through the window, instantly shattering the glass, embedding in Jesse’s forehead. He falls back as the front door bursts open, and Keven charges into the room surrounded by FBI agents.

  Eva and I fall to the floor heavily, the splintering of wood echoing around us as our chairs crack apart. Gunfire immediately breaks out in the room, and I keep myself pinned to Eva as we cling to one another on the floor. I offer up silent prayers, beseeching God to keep us all safe.

  Eva trembles underneath me, and I see she was way more terrified that I realized. I don’t blame her. This is the second traumatizing experience she’s suffered in less than a year, not to mention all the abuse she suffered, for years, at the hands of her sadistic ex-husband. Locating her hand, I squeeze her fingers, relieved when she squeezes back. The gunfire seems to be easing off, but I don’t look up, too afraid of being caught by a stray bullet.

  “I’m going after him,” Keven shouts, and it takes everything in me not to look around. “Get the girls!”

  “I’m with you!” a female hollers, followed by the sound of multiple retreating footsteps.

  The room is quieter when gentle hands land on my arm. “Cheryl. It’s Kyler. Can I help you up?”

  “Can you give me your shirt?” I ask, and he hands it over without question.

  I slide it underneath me as he lifts me up, covering Eva’s bare chest. Her eyes glisten with gratitude.

  “Eva!” Kade’s panicked shout bounces off the walls.

  “Over here, Kade,” Kyler hollers, helping me to stand.

  Kade races by me, tears streaming down his face as he drops to his knees and pulls his wife into his chest. Eva is clutching Kyler’s T-shirt to her chest and using her other arm to hug her husband. Both of them are sobbing, and tears prick my eyes.

  “Can you walk, or do you want me to carry you?” Kyler asks, carefully inspecting my face.

  “I can walk,” I say, taking a tentative step forward and promptly collapsing. “Shit.” I clutch onto his arm as Brad comes up, wiping sweat off his forehead. “I’m still weak from whatever drugs he gave me.”

  “I’ll take her,” Brad says, putting the safety on his gun before sl
ipping it into his gun belt. He holds out his arms. “May I?”

  Tears pool in my eyes as I nod in agreement. Very carefully, he scoops me up, and I lean back against him, exhausted as I come down from the adrenaline high. I survey the damage in the room as he walks outside. Several bodies are slumped on the ground, eyes glassy, bodies motionless, and blood pooling under wrinkled shirts. I loop my arm around Brad’s neck and look behind me to see if Eva is okay. She has Kyler’s shirt on now, and Kade is rocking her in his arms, whispering in her ear. A guy in an FBI vest is talking animatedly on his cell over in the corner, but other than that, there is no one else in the room.

  Scorching-hot sun beats down on us as we step outside, and it’s like stepping face-first into a giant hairdryer. “Where are we?” I inquire, lifting my hand to shield my eyes from the glare.

  “West Texas,” Ky says, pulling a ball cap out of the back pocket of his jeans and offering it to me.

  I smile at him as I pull it on, tucking my hair underneath. “Holy shit.” I had no idea we’d even left the state of Massachusetts although the stifling heat in the house should’ve been a clue.

  “Cheryl,” James says, coming up to us on the dirt road outside the house. “Are you okay?” I nod, opening my mouth to speak when a row of blacked-out SUVs bearing the FBI logo come tearing around the corner, screeching to a halt. Doors swing open, and armed agents pile out of the vehicles. They split up—some going into the house while others race off down the road.

  “Fucking A,” Kyler says, a big grin spreading across his mouth as his gaze travels in the direction of the agents on the road.

  I crane my neck to see and immediately burst out crying.

  “Hey,” Kyler’s voice is intentionally soft, and Brad hugs me a little tighter. “He’s okay, Cheryl. He’s safe.”


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