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The WRONG Brother: A Friends to Lovers Romantic Comedy (Love You Forever Book 1)

Page 16

by Alexis Winter

  I look up. “What rain?”

  Preston busts out laughing as he holds up the Super Soaker. “This is too much fun,” he says with a shit-eating grin.

  Calvin sucks down the water in record time and ends up taking a little catnap in the chair. That gives me a little alone time with Preston to see what he really thinks about Calvin and me being together.

  “Are you upset by the news?” I ask, bumping my shoulder against his as we sit on the side of the pool with our feet in.

  “Nah. I mean, I was shocked, but after that wore off, I was actually kind of happy. I mean it. You’re the best woman I’ve ever known, other than my mom of course. And my brother is a great guy. He’s smart and hard-working. I know he’ll take care of you and treat you right. I really couldn’t ask for more.”

  I smile at his words. “And hey, maybe we’ll be doing this ourselves someday. Raising our kids together just like our parents did. We could live next door or across the street from each other. Deal?”

  He smiles and hooks my pinkie with his. “Deal.”

  The party starts to fill up with our extended family and our parents’ friends. Kids take over the pool and my dad and Mr. Young hold down the grill while the moms finish up with everything inside. Uncle Peter and Aunt Beth make it to the party. They walk out onto the patio and I nudge Preston and nod toward them.

  He looks up with a smile. “I couldn’t even imagine those two going at it. I mean, how’s it possible given that he’s so short and round and she’s so big and tall?”

  I giggle and shrug. “No idea. You’d have to ask my bed how that worked.”

  “They had sex in your bed?”

  “According to my mom. She promised that she changed the sheets though. Would that make you feel better?”

  He snorts. “Hell no!”

  “Agreed. Every time I see that bed, I get a mental image I’d rather not have.”

  When Uncle Paul sees me sitting on the side of the pool, he smiles and raises his hand to wave.

  I force a smile, but I’m already wondering if I’m going to get kicked out of my room so they can dirty up my bed some more.

  Calvin wakes just in time for the food and he’s starving, putting away three plates of ribs, baked beans, potato salad, deviled eggs, and every dessert his mom brought over. After all that’s done, he moves on to the Independence Day punch, replacing his high with a much more mellow buzz.

  Everyone has the time of their lives like they always do at this annual party. As darkness falls, my dad and Mr. Young go out into the yard to set up the fireworks. I pull on my shorts and curl up in the chair with Calvin. He holds me close and kisses my shoulder in the darkness. Around 9:30 p.m., the first firework is lit and it explodes loudly, lighting up the sky with red, white, and blue. Each one that follows is prettier and bigger than the last.

  I can’t help but feel like I finally have it all. I have my best friend at my side and the love of my life with his arms wrapped around me.

  “Let’s sneak off,” Calvin whispers into my ear.

  I smile over my shoulder at him as I stand up, still holding his hand. The two of us exit the fenced-in area of the yard and walk behind it, back where the woods meet the fence. He pushes my back against the wooden privacy fence and his lips find mine while his hands find everything else. With my legs around his hips, he slides into me just as the fireworks shoot into the air and light up the sky. Even though we’re on the other side of the fence where no one can see—and no one can hear thanks to the fireworks—the excitement is high just from knowing a yard full of people is on the other side of this fence.

  Just as I’m about to lose all control, he whispers, “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I say breathily around my release.

  He pounds into me until his own release rises to the surface. Quickly, he pulls out and his release hits the ground. He holds me against the fence while our hearts and bodies calm. With the fireworks going off overhead, he sets me on my feet where we both situate our clothing before walking back.

  Instead of going back to the yard, I lead him up to my room. I pull him into the connected bathroom and kiss him hard while we both work on pulling off each other’s clothes. He picks me up against him and steps into the shower, pressing my back against the wall as the water beats down on us. I release my legs that are wrapped around his hips and his hands come up to cup my cheeks.

  I break our kiss. “Let’s get cleaned up and go to bed.”

  After our shower, in which we took turns washing each other, we go straight to my bed. He slides his arm under my pillow and I curl into his chest. I’m out within minutes.

  “What the fuck?” Preston says, causing me to jump awake and see him walking into my room the next morning. “Is this how it’s going to be from now on? You two always sneaking away from the party to have sex?”

  I groan and turn my head into Calvin’s neck to hide my eyes. “Make him go away,” I beg Calvin.

  “Pres, leave,” Calvin says, rolling into me and wrapping me up tightly in his arms like he’s trying to shield me from the weapon that is Preston.

  “Sorry, big bro. No can do. It’s going on 10 a.m. and we need to hit the road.

  Calvin takes a deep breath. “He’s right.”

  I groan and whine. “I’m too comfortable . . . too warm. Let’s just stay here forever having sex and sleeping.”

  “Ugh,” Preston says.

  “I could live with that,” Calvin replies, running his hands up and down my thighs, ass, and back. “I’ll make you a deal. If you get up now and get ready, we’ll stop wherever you want to have breakfast.”

  “No, man! You know she’s going to get that stinky banana nut muffin. I need real food. Not baked goods.”

  I lift my head up and stick my tongue out at Preston. “Fine, I’ll get up. But, um, Pres, you need to go. I’m naked under here.”

  Preston gives me a wide smile as he slides his hands into his pockets and leans against the dresser. “Oh, I think I’m right where I should be. I’ll have the best seat in the house.”

  I laugh. “Well, Calvin is naked under here too. So unless you want to see his Maglite . . .” I tease.

  Preston pushes up off the dresser. “See you at the car,” he says, racing toward the door and leaving Calvin and me to laugh at his quick exit.

  Calvin looks over at me and kisses my jaw. “I’m going to pull my clothes on and run off to pack and change into something fresh.”

  “I’ll meet you there,” I agree, leaning back on the bed and watching his glorious body as he puts on his clothes.

  I pull on a pair of black running shorts, a sports bra, and a tank top. I slide my feet into a pair of flip-flops, just wanting to be comfortable for the long ride home. I pull my hair up into a high ponytail and throw everything into my suitcase before making my bed and leaving the room. I drop my things by the door and head into the kitchen where Mom and Dad are both sitting at the table, looking tired and hung over.

  I motion toward the Youngs’ home. “The boys are ready to go.”

  Mom nods. “Okay, dear. Safe travels.” She stands up slowly to give me a hug. “I’m getting too old for these Fourth of July parties. You need to hurry up and get married so we can pass it down to you.”

  I smile. “But you do it so well. And don’t hold your breath on me getting married. I love you.” I kiss the top of her head before pulling away and heading for the door.

  I walk across the street and find Preston leaning against the car. Calvin’s just walking out. He’s wearing a pair of khaki shorts with a blue fitted T-shirt. Just seeing him has me licking my lips. He smiles when he sees me and holds out his arm for my suitcase.

  “You’re looking sexy in those shorts, babe,” he says as he leans in for a kiss.

  I laugh. “You’re sweet, but I look like crap and feel even worse. That damn punch gets me every year! How are you feeling?”

  Calvin shrugs. “I feel great.”

  Preston push
es himself up off the car. “I’d feel great if I’d taken a three-hour nap yesterday too.”

  I snort. “You didn’t get stoned, Preston,” I point out. “Why did you smoke anyway?” I ask Calvin as he loads our things into the trunk.

  “It felt like some kind of welcome into their club. I couldn’t turn it down. But fuck, I wish I had. I was so stoned I thought I felt my hair growing.”

  I laugh. “You also wondered why your tongue was so thick and how it could be raining on you when it was sunny.”

  Preston laughs.

  Calvin shakes his head. “I’m never smoking weed again.”

  The three of us pile into the car with Preston volunteering to sit in the back now that he knows Calvin and I are a thing. Once we get on the road, Calvin reaches over and holds my hand. I love these little things I didn’t even notice were missing before. But finally having this secret out feels great. There’s no more hiding or lying or having to act differently when my best friend comes around. Calvin and I can finally be totally together now and I can’t wait to see where we end up.



  “I can’t believe my brother and best friend are going to Hawaii for a whole week and I don’t get to go,” Preston whines as he throws himself down on my couch while I double-check our hotel room reservation.

  “It’s our first trip as a couple. Would you want your little brother going?”

  “If he were as cool as me? Yeah!”

  I roll my eyes.

  “Can’t I come, please? I promise I’ll leave you guys alone.”

  “No, Preston. I have something very important to do on this trip and you cannot come.”

  He looks at me with annoyance written on his face. “It’s a vacation. What could you possibly have to do?”

  I give him a smile before pulling a small black box out of my pocket. I open it and show him the ring. “You think she’ll like it?”

  His mouth drops open as his eyes take in the large diamond. He leans forward and takes the box to inspect it closely. “Like it? She’s going to love it!”

  I smile as I take the box and put it back in my pocket to resume confirming our reservations.

  “I can’t believe my best friend and brother are going to get married.”

  “Don’t jinx me. I haven’t asked her yet. She could still say no.”

  He snorts. “She’s not saying no. You’ve ruined her with that Maglite of yours. She couldn’t be with anyone else if she wanted to!”

  I reach over and slug him in the shoulder. “Fuck off.” I take a deep breath. “But seriously, you think she’ll say yes?”

  He looks at me seriously now and says, “She’s going to say yes, man.” I can see the honestly shining in his eyes.

  “And how do you feel about that? I know us getting together was a little hard to swallow at first.”

  He waves his hand through the air. “Piper was right, of course. I was just feeling lost, I guess. She hadn’t been around much and I was feeling lonely. But now that you’re keeping her off my back, I’ve had a lot of time on my hands. I’ve been dating a few different girls.”

  “Yeah, any of them going to stick?”

  “There’s one I really like. She reminds me of Piper a lot. She’s funny and gets these wild ideas in her head. Plus she’s adventurous and playful. Hopefully things work out.”

  “Good. I’m glad to see you moving on.” All of our reservations seem to be in order, so I close the browser and stand up. “Time to pack.”

  “Does Piper know where you’re going?”

  “Of course she does. She’s packing now.”

  “But she has no idea you’re going to propose?”

  I laugh. “No, and don’t spoil it by telling her. I want it to be a surprise. I have the whole thing set up. Our room has a balcony that overlooks the beach. I have a romantic dinner planned for tomorrow night. Right when the sun goes down, I’m going to get on one knee and ask her.”

  “So you’re asking her on the first night?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  He shrugs. “What if she says no? That will ruin the rest of the trip, won’t it?”

  I offer up a grin. “She won’t say no. I’m asking her at the beginning so we can spend the rest of the trip tangled up in each other.”

  He shakes his head. “I can’t wait until the doing-it-all-the-time phase ends for you guys. I’ve seen you two fucking more than I’ve watched porn this month.”

  “Well, knock before you walk into a damn room and that won’t happen again.”

  “I would if I were walking into a bedroom. You don’t think to knock before walking into a fucking kitchen!”

  “You should if it’s not your kitchen!” I point out.

  “It wouldn’t be bad if I walked in and saw Piper, but no, I always walk in to see your fucking ass.”

  I laugh. “Yeah, I always make sure she’s pointed away from the doorway. You’re welcome.”

  He holds up his middle finger.

  Preston helps me get everything down to my car and we both make the drive over to Piper’s. He’s going to ride with us to the airport and drive my car back home so it doesn’t have to sit in the parking lot for a week. We walk into Piper’s place and she’s nowhere near ready. There are clothes thrown all over the bedroom, her suitcase is open on the bed, and she’s running from room to room like a chicken with its head cut off.

  I grab ahold of her wrist and pull her to my chest. I cup her face with my hands as I look into her eyes. “Calm down. It’s just a trip. Whatever you forget, we can buy when we get there.” I close the distance between our lips.

  She nods with her eyes still closed from our kiss. “I know. You’re right.”

  Our flight isn’t until 2 a.m., so we have plenty of time to get her packed up since departure isn’t for another five hours. I walk into the living room to find Preston on the phone, ordering a pizza.

  “Good idea. Get cheesy bread,” I tell him, knowing Piper will never forgive me if I don’t add it on.

  Preston rolls his eyes but adds it to the order. Piper finally hauls out her suitcase and leaves it by the door. I take a moment to look her up and down. She’s wearing a pair of sweatpants that hug her hips and ass nicely. She’s wearing a pair of Ugg boots and a baggy sweatshirt. Her honey-blonde hair is piled high on her head in a messy bun, and she has a dark pair of sunglasses up there as well. It’s clear she’s going more for comfort than fashion on this late-night trip. But even in baggy sweats, she still steals the breath from my lungs.

  She comes and sits down on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “Preston ordered some pizza and cheesy bread,” I tell her.

  “Yum, good. I’m starving.”

  “Me too,” I whisper in her ear.

  Preston didn’t hear, but his head whips around and he gives me that don’t-even-think-about-it look. I shoot him a smile as he rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

  The three of us sit on the couch and watch TV while we wait for our food. It’s finally delivered and we kick back to eat while watching an episode of Reveal Your Secret. I can’t help the smile that forms on my lips. This is what got us to where we are now. And this episode is even better, because they used a scene from Piper and Preston’s show in their introduction.

  “I can’t believe they did that!” she says, mouth hanging open.

  I laugh and Preston shoots her a glare. “I’ll never forgive you for taking me on that shit show.”

  She laughs. “You know you already have. Plus imagine the stories we’ll be able to tell our future kids about our weird little threesome relationship. Wait . . . on second thought, I don’t think we should call it that.”

  “We definitely shouldn’t call it that,” I agree. “Any threesomes we have will not include my brother.”

  “Oh, come on. You got your chance to bump uglies with Pipes. When’s my turn?” Preston asks.

  Piper giggles but drills him in the th
igh with a solid punch.

  “Dammit, I’m going to be black and blue by the time I leave the two of you. Did you know that Calvin punched me just because I saw you naked before he did?” Preston rats me out.

  Piper looks from him, to me, and back. “Yeah, he said he was going to do that.”

  Preston’s mouth drops open. “And you let him?”

  She shrugs as she takes a big bite of cheesy bread. “I mean, it only seemed fair.”

  “How in the hell is that fair? Maybe if he hadn’t been such a stick-in-the-mud growing up, you two would’ve hooked up a long time ago instead of you wasting all that time chasing after me.”

  She knocks her elbow against his. “Everything worked out just the way it was supposed to, Pres.” She leans into me and I kiss the top of her head, thankful that she was finally able to see me and the love I have for her in spite of her screwed-up relationship with my brother. I don’t know what I would’ve done if that show had gone any differently. I thank God every day for finally nudging her toward me.

  When the time comes, we all load up in the car and make the drive to the airport. I give Preston a hug before he runs off. “Thank you . . . for everything. I have a feeling that this is all because of you.”

  He looks at me, confused. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, if you were any smarter, you would’ve snatched Piper up before I even saw her. But luckily for me, you’re a dumbass and she’s all mine.” I offer him a wide grin and he holds up his middle finger behind Piper’s back as he hugs her.

  “Remember, Pipes, if you get pissed off at my brother on this trip, just kick him in his Maglite.” He shoots me a smile.

  “No way, I love that Maglite . . . until it’s going down my throat, that is.”

  Preston fakes a vomiting sound from too much detail.

  She points at him with a smile. “That’s exactly what I sound like!”

  I laugh and he shakes his head. “Get out of here before you make me sick.”

  I hold out my hand and she takes it, allowing me to lead her through the airport and onto the plane, where we sit in first class. She sits down, puts on her seatbelt, and pulls her legs up to turn toward me. “This is going to be so much fun.”


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