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Shifters Gone Wild: A Shifter Romance Collection

Page 33

by Skye MacKinnon

  She reared her head once more, extending her neck and giving me the opportunity I'd been waiting for. Opening my pincers as wide as I could, I reached forward and snapped them shut, clamping her neck between them.

  The gap between my pincers was too big to have done any damage, but with the size of her head, she was effectively trapped. All I needed to do now was get her in the right position to use my stinger to catch her. I wasn't completely sure it would do the damage I needed to her, but hopefully it would sedate her enough for us to get her to Osiris. He was the one she'd poisoned, he was the one who'd decide what to do with her. I didn't want that burden on me. Not with my heart complicating this. I might not love Kuket anymore but that didn't erase the past feelings I'd had.

  She thrashed around, trying to get me to lose my grip. If I hadn't been expecting it, then it might even have worked. Her tail crashed into another pillar, showering the room with dust as it crashed down, taking part of the ceiling with it. Not ideal but at least it would stop anyone venturing into the temple after we were done here. My secret name room would be safe. At least, I hoped so. If that was destroyed, I was done for. There'd be no coming back from that.

  "Sera, watch out!" Sed called.

  I almost jumped before noticing another pillar about to fall on me. I scuttled backwards, dragging Kuket with me. She resisted, trying to drag me back. No doubt her aim was to get me to let her go when it fell on me. I had to admit the plan was reasonably sensible. And would work if Sed hadn't said something.

  With all my strength, I continued to move backwards, only causing the snake to thrash more and more in my grasp. She hit another pillar, this one collapsing not far from where Sed was sheltering. I wished I could speak in this form and yell at him to get out of the temple before it collapsed on me completely.

  Kuket thrashed even more and I almost lost my grip on her. With a body full of muscles, she shouldn't be struggling to get free quite so much as she was. Perhaps she hadn't shifted in just as long as I had. That would make at least some sense to me.

  Another chunk of ceiling fell, this one crushing part of Kuket's tail. She let out a half-scream, half-hiss, unable to contain the pain she was feeling. I cringed, hating that she was feeling that way, even if she'd done everything she could to hurt me. No, not hurt me. Just destroy me. Maybe they were the same thing in essence, but to me they were on the same scale. Her heart really must have broken when we'd split up.

  Crashing sounded from deeper within the temple and worry started to assail me. The damage we'd done here must have cascaded through the place. If we weren't careful, it was going to fall on top of us and afford Kuket a chance to get away. As much as I didn't want to hurt her, I couldn't let her continue her vendetta against me and have it spread to other people. I wasn't under the false impression that I was special. There was next to no chance I was the only one she planned to do this to.

  From the corner of my eye, I noticed Sed scrambling towards the door. Relief flooded through me. If he was out of the way then there was less of a risk in the fight we were having. Though I suspected most of the danger came from the temple collapsing.

  Another pillar collapsed to the floor close to my head. We needed to get out of here ourselves. I didn't want to take my chances with a collapsing building, especially without my powers.

  Taking a big risk, I released Kuket's neck and shifted back into my human form. I held up my hands, hoping she wouldn't take the opportunity to strike. "We need to leave, Kuket. We'll be crushed."

  She only hissed in response and thrashed her tail, hitting a wall and creating a huge crack down the centre. I didn't wait any longer and dodged through the rubble now falling. It seemed a lot more daunting now I was in human form but I knew it had been the right move.

  Clinging onto the doorframe and looking in, I searched around for Kuket, hoping I'd find her stumbling towards me in human form.

  "Sera, we need to go," Sed said as he reached me, wrapping an arm around my waist and trying to pull me away.


  "I know. But we don't have to go far and we can come back for her once everything has settled a little bit."

  I grimaced. I knew he was right but that didn't quite marry up with what I wanted to do.

  "I know you don't want to leave her but we can't help if you're injured too."

  His words sunk in and eventually, I nodded. Using the ability to heal and help against me was a good move on his part. I didn't want to accept it was true but I knew he was right. I needed to recharge and figure out a way we could heal Osiris with the little magic I had. At this rate, I wasn't going to be any use. I just hoped I could do something about it. I didn't want to be re-remembered as the goddess who let Osiris die.

  Chapter 12

  Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. "Are you sure we're in the right place?" I asked Sed, secretly hoping he'd say no.

  "Yes, we're definitely in the right place."

  "Does he know we're coming?" I glanced up at the huge structure in front of us, trying not to think about what was coming. I had to tell one of the strongest remaining gods that I couldn't do anything about the poison wracking through his bloodstream and threatening to end his very existence.

  "Yes, he's expecting us."

  "Does he know about..." I indicated behind me and towards where we had Kuket, back in human form but bound and gagged. I'd been doing my best not to look at her since we'd left my temple. I didn't want to guilt that came with what we'd had to do with her. At least she hadn't been injured in the scuffle. That was something at least.

  "Yes, at least, he knows that we've discovered the person responsible for his predicament."

  I laughed. "That's an interesting way of putting it."

  "It wouldn't be good if people realised we could be poisoned."

  I almost rolled my eyes but stopped myself as I realised how right he was. There'd be no way it would go down well if that got out and I suspected my scorpions would become a hot commodity for gods with grudges. I snorted. That'd be an awesome song title.

  "We need to go in, Sera."

  "I know." I just didn't want to. "I guess you can call me Serket for now?"

  "While we're here, I expect so, yes," he replied.

  "Okay, then I'm ready." I held my head up high and focused everything on staying calm. It didn't matter that I had to tell someone as powerful as Osiris that I didn't have the power to save him. That wasn't my fault and I had to accept that.

  "Let's go."

  We walked in silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts as we made our way through the hidden temple. I hadn't even known this place existed until Sed had brought me. Hidden in plain sight from the humans who knew nothing of our world. Others milled around in the corridors, joined by some of the demi-gods and even some of the other lesser ones. I had to wonder how people got invited here in the first place but my hurt pride needed to take a back seat for something far more important. If Osiris died then the rest of us would end up without any direction, any leadership, or any hope. Our whole system would fall down. Even more so than if Amun passed on and he was supposed to be higher up the hierarchy than Osiris. That was what we got for using a system based on how many people knew our names.

  "We're here to see Osiris," Sed told a god I didn't recognise. Not surprising there, with so many of us about, it was easy not to know people.

  "Follow me." The god beckoned us forward and down another corridor.

  I gulped down my nerves and followed him. Kuket shuffled along behind us, clearly not wanting to be here though I doubted that was to do with any potential punishment she might get. She didn't really know the meaning of the word anyway. Her scowl burned into my back, even though I knew that wasn't possible.

  "Enter," the god instructed.

  "Thank you," Sed responded.

  I just nodded, unsure of what else I could possibly say. The three of us made our way through the archway and into the room beyond.

  "Sed, you're back." There w
as relief in Isis' voice as she greeted the man who'd started to steal my heart.

  "I am, how is he?" Something different to normal rested in his voice. It was almost like authority.

  "He's worse," she replied and glanced away, her beautiful dark hair swinging over her face and hiding it from the world. Traces of her concern for her husband were written all over her. I'd never seen a goddess look so tired, especially not the magnificent and stately Isis. She'd always been something to behold and now...not so much.

  "Hopefully we'll be able to do something about that," Sed responded.

  I grimaced, hoping he wasn't about to promise something I just wasn't able to do. He couldn't fix my magic. We'd tried on our way here, hoping we'd be able to find a way of sharing power.

  "You found Serket?" Isis' eyes lit up.

  "He did," I acknowledged. "Pleased to see you again." I bowed my head in respect. Not something I technically had to do but she deserved it, especially with what she was currently going through. No one deserved that.

  "Can you help him?"

  I exchanged a look with Sed. This was what we feared would happen and if I couldn't help, we didn't know what the reaction would be. Not just from Isis but from the other gods around too. No one wanted Osiris to pass on. I didn't either.

  "We're going to try," I answered honestly. "But my magic is majorly depleted."

  Isis frowned. "How?"

  "Kuket took it upon herself to erase as many of my cartouches as she could find. I'm afraid she managed to get most of them." A little shame tinted my voice but there was nothing I could do about that. Not when it was shameful. I didn't want to be a forgotten goddess. I just hadn't done enough to protect myself from that fate. If I survived much longer, I'd be doing more to protect my name. The collapsed temple with my secret room should go some way towards helping.

  Isis just frowned at me, clearly trying to make some sense of what I was saying. "How is that possible when you still have priestesses?"

  I blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of what she was saying. "I don't?" It slipped out as a question without me even intending it to. I had no idea what she was talking about. With both my temples destroyed, there was no chance I had any priestesses left.

  "You have six high priestesses here."

  "I do?" My eyes widened. I had priestesses...but that would mean...

  "Yes. Come with me, we'll deal with the rest in a moment."

  I nodded eagerly but didn't act too happy about it. I didn't want her to think I was prioritising something other than her husband.

  "I'll be back soon." I went up on my tiptoes and kissed Sed on the cheek. I didn't want to leave him alone with Kuket but at this point I had to. If I could get my magic back under control then I'd be able to actually help Osiris and not just try and fail.

  "Be safe."

  "You too." I smiled up at him, unable to find the words for what I actually wanted to tell him. We might not have spent much time with one another but that small amount of time had forged a bond between us that I was sure wasn't going to break. And I'd had enough relationships with gods to know that for sure.

  "This way," Isis insisted.

  I turned to follow her, trying not to focus too much on just how much following I'd been doing in this temple. At least this time I'd be going towards a good end.

  "Why don't you think you have priestesses?" Isis asked after a few silent moments.

  "My magic has faded to the point it's almost non-existent and both my temples were completely abandoned," I answered honestly. "Partly my fault for not returning to them often enough if I'm honest."

  She glanced to the side as she walked and gave me a weak smile. "We're all guilty of that. I haven't left these temple grounds in a couple of centuries. It doesn't feel safe to. My other temples are completely abandoned."

  "It's a very different world to the one we knew," I replied.

  "That's true. I don't even recognise some of it anymore." She sounded sad but that might not have been anything to do with the state of the world and everything to do with the fact her husband was on his deathbed.

  "At least there are still some believers around." I thought of all the humans I'd seen around and about. There was a surprising amount given everything that was going on.

  "I know." Her tone didn't warrant a response. At least not that I could really tell. "This is it," she said suddenly, turning towards a new archway.

  "Thank you," I responded and steeled myself for what I'd find beyond the door. As much as I knew priestesses and followers were necessary for my survival, I also hated having to deal with them. I'd never figured out the best way to do it without sounding like an ass.

  The room immediately opened out and I gasped as I took it in. On the opposite wall hung a huge golden cartouche with my name engraved into it and a scorpion framing it.

  "Hello? Can we help you?" a young priestess asked. She felt like a demi-goddess to me but I couldn't be sure without seeing her lineage. Or being around her for longer. Either would work if I was honest.


  "Mistress, you've returned," a second priestess exclaimed, falling to her knees before me.

  The younger priestess gasped and followed suit. "I'm so sorry, mistress, please forgive my transgression..."

  "There's nothing to forgive." I kept my voice as soft as possible, hoping none of my words would spook her. "You couldn't have known who I was. Please, rise. Both of you." I didn't like the way I felt with them on the floor. I'd never felt like so much of an imposter until this moment. Why had I been born a goddess when so many better people were born mere mortals?

  I pushed the doubts to the side. While I'd entertain them for the rest of my life, there really was no place for them.

  "Thank you, mistress," the older priestess responded, getting to her feet. "How may we serve you?"

  I stared at her, not sure how to respond to that. I could already feel my magic getting a little bit stronger within me. What more did I want from them? What could make it stronger?

  "Do you have any scorpions here?" I asked softly. It was an off chance but the only thing I could think of to make me stronger.

  "Of course. Would you like to see them?" the older priestess asked.

  "Yes, absolutely. But then I must return to Osiris. I'll be back afterwards though," I promised, meaning every word. I didn't want them to think this was just a flying visit, even if it had to be at this stage. After recharging, I needed to go back to doing what I came here for.

  "We'd love to have you back here, mistress."

  "Please don't call me that," I requested. "Serket is fine. Sera is better." Over the years, that's what I'd gotten used to being called and I liked it.

  "Thank you, Serket, that is the greatest honour you could bestow on us."

  I smiled, not quite believing what I was hearing but knowing it was better if I just accepted it. "Please, lead the way."

  I was going to see my scorpions, recharge my magic, and undo the damage Kuket had done.


  Chapter 13

  I rushed back through the temple, hoping I could get back in time to help. I knew Osiris was getting worse by the moment and I didn't want to arrive late. I could have spent more time with my scorpions and recharged further but the moment my magic felt strong enough to heal a god, I knew I couldn't wait any longer. It just wasn't a risk I was willing to take.

  I stopped the moment I saw Isis' tear stained face.

  "Can you help?"

  "I don't know," I answered honestly. "But my magic is stronger now. I can try."

  She nodded and gestured towards the bed. Osiris lay far too still for my liking, his green skin paler than it should be. I didn't waste any more time and fell to my knees beside the bed. Placing one of my hands on his forehead, I reached inside him and searched for the poison lurking within. If I found it, I'd know what to do.

  Magic bubbled just below the surface as I tried to focus. A blackness lurked within him, a stain in
his blood and making its way through the rest of his flesh. The poison had spread through his system like wildfire and I could sense just how much damage it had done. Hopefully, he'd be able to come back from this once I'd gotten the poison out but it would take time.

  Tugging on the poison, I drew it out of his body and into myself. It wouldn't have worked if it belonged to any creature but my own. Not with the amount of it that was in his system. However Kuket had put it into him, she'd done a good job of ensuring it did the most damage possible. I tried not to admire what she'd done. Not when it had caused so many problems. I still didn't quite understand how Osiris fit into this at all. We hadn't had much to do with each other until now anyway.

  There was an irony in that given he'd owe me his life if I could pull this off. I hoped I'd be able to, and not so he owed me.

  The poison spread through my body but instead of destroying me, it only built up my magic. Maybe I should have just tried this right from the start, though I doubted it would have had the same effect if I hadn't had the base magic first. More and more of it flowed into me as I kept up the call into me. The poison slowed down as it entered me and I reached out into Osiris, breathing a sigh of relief when I found his system blissfully clear of the infection spreading through him.

  I pulled back, leaving him to fight the rest of the damage on his own. I might be able to do more to help but I needed the poison in my own system to process first. It wouldn't hurt me in the slightest but it was still there and I could feel it within me.

  Brightness assaulted my eyes as the room came back into focus. Osiris had gained some colour, reassuring me that I'd managed to save him. It would be touch or go for another couple of days but at least things were looking up now.

  "Thank you," Isis whispered from where she sat by the bed. "Thank you," she repeated instantly.

  "It's the least I could do," I responded, placing a comforting hand on her back. It felt weird to be touching her like this. She was a higher god than me, one who was still remembered more than all the others. And I was a nobody.


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