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Shadow of the Coalition

Page 14

by Jamie A. Waters

  “This type of thing has happened before, hasn’t it?”

  She nodded, thinking about all the times she’d seen faces or images in the ruins. Alec inhaled sharply. “We should discuss this in my office. It may change some of the training I had planned for you.”

  Kayla followed Alec to the elevator and Brant stepped in behind them. The security officer pressed the button to take them to the executive offices, and the doors closed. Alec was quiet, and she could sense several conflicting emotions coming from him. There was no doubt her words had troubled him. Apprehension filled her, and Kayla wondered if something was wrong with her.

  “There’s not,” Alec said quietly.

  “If you’re going to be sifting through my thoughts, the least you can do is tell me what the hell you’re thinking in return.”

  He nodded. ”Fair enough. I just need a few minutes to sort all of this out. I’ll explain as soon as we get to my office. There’s something you need to see.”

  Kayla frowned. The doors to the elevator opened, and they stepped out into what she recognized as the executive offices. Alec had brought her here the last time she visited, but he turned down an unfamiliar hallway this time. “You moved your office?”

  “Yes. I’ve taken over the High Council leader’s office.”

  That made sense, even if it was a little weird. The last time she was here, it was Alec’s father, Edwin, who had been the leader of the High Council. The difference between father and son was astounding. Although Alec seemed to possess a regal composure and nearly unflappable control, he wasn’t cruel and power hungry. There was compassion and temperance within him, qualities Kayla couldn’t help but admire. She wondered if part of that was Seara’s influence.

  A middle-aged woman with brown hair sat behind a large desk and rose at the sight of Alec. She offered him a brief bow. “Good morning, Master Tal’Vayr. Your messages have been transferred to your desk unit. As you requested, I made arrangements for our lead designer to meet with you this afternoon. The appointment is on your calendar.”

  He nodded and turned back to Kayla. “I’d like to introduce you to my assistant, Sheila Tousel. If you ever need anything, please let her know.”

  Kayla smiled at the older woman. “Nice to meet you.”

  Sheila beamed back at her.

  “Brant, wait here,” Alec instructed and led Kayla inside. Her eyes widened in astonishment. In addition to a regular office area, there appeared to be an expansive bar area, conference table, and living room. Large screens lined one of the walls in the office area. On the adjacent wall, a shelving unit displayed a vast selection of exquisite artifacts. The desk in the center of the office area was massive and looked as though it had been hand-carved centuries earlier. The entire office was almost as big as her entire ruin rat camp.

  “Wow,” she murmured, strolling through the office. After finishing her perusal of his new digs, Kayla sat down on the edge of his desk. “It’s a lot bigger than I was expecting.”

  “The size has come in handy. I’ve spent more than a few nights here since I took this position. It’s going to be a while before things are running smoothly again.”

  “That bad?” Kayla’s voice was filled with concern. “Seara mentioned it’s been difficult since you took over.”

  Alec waved off her concerns. “Any time there’s a major shift in power, some people try to test the limits and push boundaries. It’ll settle down soon enough, but we’ve had to remain vigilant.”

  Kayla frowned. Although he made light of it, she could sense his worry. “If this isn’t a good time to do this, I can come back some other time.”

  Alec shook his head and walked over to her. “Not a chance. Having you here right now is the one bright spot in this entire mess.”

  Uncomfortable with the direction of his words, she looked away. “You were going to tell me what that was about in the elevator.”

  He hesitated and then nodded. “Yes. Your talents are unusual. Most Inner Circle members have only a few abilities, but you seem to have more than most people.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’d like to show you something to see if my suspicions are accurate,” Alec began and moved to stand behind his desk. He activated his computer terminal and typed in a few commands. An image appeared on screen, and Kayla gasped.

  The woman on the display was the same one she’d seen in the mirror. “That’s her. That’s the woman I saw. How did you know?”

  “That’s my mother,” Alec said quietly as he looked at the picture. “I believe you may have inadvertently channeled energy and seen an echo of the past.”

  “How is that possible?”

  He shut down the image, and then his gaze briefly traveled back to the necklace around her neck. “Our energy is divided up into distinct groups, just like the elements. We have the ability to channel earth, air, fire, or water energy. Lesser known and extremely rare are those who can channel life or spirit energy. Spirit is the energy which draws all four elements together. In all our recorded history, there have been less than a handful of people able to tap into all of the elements at will. I believe you may have this ability.”

  Kayla frowned, watching him as he walked around the desk and back toward her. “I’m not sure I understand. Why is it called spirit energy?”

  “This is a little more difficult to explain, but there are a seemingly infinite number of worlds or dimensions parallel to ours. When we channel energy, we tap into small rifts that exist in-between these worlds. Essentially, we’re tapping into elemental energy from another world and pulling it through the spirit veil and into ours. We can also send it back. The energy threads you sense are ripples already existing between these worlds. There haven’t been many studies since the talent is so rare, but people who channel spirit energy can control the veil. They have the ability to tap into these other worlds freely to use the energy we send back there. Most of us are limited to one element. However, spirit channelers don’t have those same limitations. The other worlds call to them and they can open up new rifts, pulling energy from multiple elements. They can also sometimes hear and see echoes of the past.”

  “Echoes of the past?” Kayla asked hesitantly. “You mentioned that a few minutes ago. That doesn’t sound good.”

  “All life is made up of energy,” Alec explained. “When someone dies, their energy doesn’t disappear. It transcends the spiritual veil. As a spirit channeler, you can recall this energy. You may see and hear things that occurred years before. Unfortunately, details on spirit channelers are sketchy, so we don’t know the full scope of their abilities. A lot of the information was lost over the years.”

  Unease filled Kayla as she remembered all the times she’d seen images of people who used to live within the ruins. “So you’re saying I can see people who have died?”

  “Something like that. It’s more that you’re seeing the echoes of their energy. But even more importantly, you may be able to tap into more than one of the elements.”

  Great, she thought with a groan. Not only am I one of the zap-happy circle freaks, but I also see ghosts.

  “It’s not a bad thing,” Alec explained. “It’s an extremely coveted ability. You aren’t just limited to one type of energy.”

  She threw her hands in the air. “How is this a good thing? I don’t know how to use any of it, and I’m not sure I even want it. Other than giving me some tingles now and then, I don’t see much use for it. If I was responsible for that earthquake, that’s not really beneficial.”

  He chuckled. “Maybe not, but there are several other talents which could be largely useful. You could help to revitalize the soil and make plants grow, redirect water and locate resources. There’s really no limit to your potential. It’s just a matter of learning how to tap into it.”

  Her eyes widened at the implications. “Okay, so how do I do that?”

  Alec moved to stand directly in front of her, taking her hand in his. “The first thing you need to do
is be able to recognize the different types of energy. Your mother is an extremely strong earth-based talent. We’ll ask her to work with us later. I can also tap into earth elements to a lesser degree, but my talents are primarily air-based. I can show you that now, if you’d like.”

  “Air-based? But you read thoughts and influence people. How is that air-based?”

  “That’s not all I can do, Kayla,” Alec admitted with a smile. Suddenly, the air around the room began to move. Kayla’s eyes widened in amazement as a slight wind circulated through the office. It lightly caressed her skin and moved through her hair.

  In addition to the physical awareness of his energy manipulation, she could feel the pulse of his controlled efforts along their bond. Through their shared connection, Kayla was able to explore the way he moved the energy throughout the room. Curious, she sent him a steady stream of energy and watched in fascination as it blended together to strengthen the wind in the room.

  Her energy flowed through and around Alec, and he took a step closer, gazing at her as though seeking an answer to a question. Kayla shivered as he lifted his hand, stroking the back of his fingers across her cheek. The effect of his touch was immediate and indescribably powerful. Unfiltered sensation and emotion rushed through her, whispering vows that some long dormant part of her longed to hear. Alec released the wind and sent a teasing pulse of energy over her, caressing and setting her alight with desire. Kayla closed her eyes, unable to formulate a coherent thought as the exquisite awareness of his powerful energy merged with hers. Some unknown instinct rose from inside her and answered in kind with her own wordless response.

  As more of her energy met with and surrounded Alec, he bent down and brushed his lips against hers in the barest of kisses. It was soft as a whisper but more potent than a drug. The sensations coursing through her were intoxicating. Tiny warning bells rang in the back of her mind, but she ignored them, too fixated on the energy to give them much importance. Kayla sent more energy toward Alec, and he returned it in the form of teasing, intricate waves tasting like a promise. Kayla trembled, marveling at the feeling and unable to remember the last time she’d felt so alive.

  As Alec’s energy continued to move across her skin, his touch was almost reverent as his fingers traced the edge of her collarbone. It felt as though his energy flowed through every inch of her, awakening and caressing along the way. Not wanting him to stop, Kayla opened herself up to the energy completely.

  At the rush of power, Alec pulled her into his arms. His kiss became more demanding as he expertly teased her lips with his own. She was too far gone to think beyond the sensations rushing through her. Whimpering slightly, she leaned into him and begged him to finish claiming her.

  Alec froze in shock at her silent plea. He pulled back slightly and looked down into her eyes, searching her expression.

  “By the gods,” he murmured in awe and traced his finger along the side of her face. “You are more exquisite than I ever thought possible. Completely uninhibited and ruled by your passions.”

  Her blood was still singing from the flow of energy. She wove a seductive web of energy around him as her hands explored his firm chest. He trembled slightly, and his fingers reflexively tightened around her. Kayla curled her fingers into his shirt as she pulled him down to her again. Whispers of ancient secrets and memories flowed through her as she kissed him.

  “Claim me,” she thought toward him, both demanding and pleading simultaneously.

  “Kayla,” he groaned. “You don’t even realize what you’re asking…”

  Alec wrapped his arms around her, but his face was filled with a combination of regret and longing. As though unwilling to let her go, he held her close and whispered, “You speak with the voice of your blood, my love. I belong to you completely, just as you belong to me. As much as I want to claim you here and now, I won’t share you with him. As it is, I don’t know how I can just let you go back to him again. Not now, not after seeing and experiencing everything you are.” Alec’s voice trailed off, and he breathed in her scent as though trying to memorize it.

  “Let the trader go, my love, and I will claim you,” Alec promised softly. He released her and took a deep breath as he slowly withdrew his energy. There was no pain, just an aching sense of loss where she’d once felt complete.

  When the energy was gone, Kayla shuddered from the withdrawal. A moment later, the realization of what had nearly happened struck her. She blinked back the confusion and slid off the desk, taking an unsteady step backward. Her hand flew to her swollen lips, still feeling the effects of his kiss.

  Alec was watching her with a mixture of longing and tenderness. Both their residual passion and her confusion intermingled in a melting pot of raw emotion. Even without sharing energy, their shared bond had never been stronger. She ran a hand through her dark hair in agitation. What was she thinking coming here alone with him? She could kick herself. “Dammit! Not again! What did I almost do? I’m such an idiot.”

  “No, Kayla,” Alec said with a sigh, “you’re not an idiot. You’re one of the most brilliant and alluring creatures I’ve ever met. You just haven’t learned enough to go on anything other than instinct. Your abilities are ancient in origin. Watching you and feeling you channel energy is breathtakingly beautiful. It’s passionate, fiery, and everything our kind used to represent. We’ve forced ourselves to stifle our abilities and instincts over the centuries so we blend in with outsiders. But you… I don’t even know how it’s possible. Your instincts have remained untouched and pure.”

  Kayla frowned, still shaken by what had happened between them. “What kind of ass-backward compliment is that?”

  Alec smiled at her. “It wasn’t meant to be, my love. It was a true compliment. You are everything I’ve ever dreamed our kind could be.” He took a step closer and said softly, “I want you completely and in every way imaginable. I know you want me in the same way, but you need to resolve your feelings for Carl first.”

  She glared at him. “There’s nothing to resolve. I love Carl. This…” she gestured back and forth between them, “whatever just happened can never happen again. I’m serious. It can’t happen.”

  He nodded patiently and took another step toward her, caging her against the desk. “I know you care for him, but has your blood ever sung the way it did just now for me? Have your instincts ever taken over when he touches you? Have you ever begged him to claim you? He can’t give you what you need.”

  Kayla’s eyes clouded as her temper kicked in. “Stop pushing, Alec. No, it’s not the same, but I wouldn’t want it to be. Do you think I like not having control over myself when the energy thing kicks in? Call it instinct if you want, but it’s not me. At least with Carl, I have control over my choices. I choose to be with him. He may not be able to do the energy thing, but I love him.”

  Alec closed his eyes and took a deep breath as though trying to steady himself. When he opened them again, Kayla knew he was trying to regain control of his emotions. “I know you do. You’ve openly said as much both to him and to me. But what you haven’t admitted to yourself is how you feel about me. I can sense it in your thoughts and feelings. When you were in my arms, begging me to claim you, I felt the depth of your emotion. If our bond were merely superficial, it would be different. but it’s not. We’re connected on a deeper level than you could ever have with your trader. Why do you keep running away?”

  Her stomach clenched and churned like a terrifying storm brewing. How could she admit something she didn’t even understand? Was Alec right? Were her emotions for him real, or was it just a by-product of the energy? She shook her head, denying him once again. “I can’t. I’m sorry, Alec. I just can’t do that.”

  “Then I’ll continue to wait until you’re ready,” Alec said quietly and adjusted the strap on her dress. His hand lingered for a moment on her shoulder before he removed it. His frustration was obvious, even without their shared bond, but she couldn’t give him what he wanted.

  Even thou
gh I practically threw myself at him just now.

  Kayla turned away and tried to rub the chill from her arms. She missed the warmth of his energy and that sense of connection. These strange thoughts and feelings were overwhelming, leaving her unable to find her balance.

  “My sweet, beautiful Kayla,” Alec murmured and lifted her head with the tip of his fingers. When she met his eyes, he gave her a small reassuring smile. “Just take a deep breath, my love. It’s going to be all right. You don’t have to do anything. Sometimes I have to keep reminding myself you’re new to all of this. You have so much natural ability that it’s easy to forget you haven’t grown up here with us. I don’t want to frighten you.”

  “I’m not afraid,” she lied.

  Although she was sure he knew the truth, Alec didn’t dispute her words. Instead, he took a step back to give her space and clasped his hands behind his back. “I’ll arrange to have someone who can manipulate water energy and fire energy provide you with a demonstration later. You’ll need to create small connections with them just to observe them. I would suggest you not send your energy to mix with theirs. Even though you’re already bonded, it will probably prove to be irresistible to them too.”

  She winced at the implication of his words. “I led you on just now by sending you energy when you were doing the wind thing, didn’t I?”

  Alec gave her a wry smile. “Yes. I realized a few minutes too late that you weren’t fully aware of what you were offering. The rush from sharing energy can be difficult to resist, especially when it feels the way yours does.”

  Kayla groaned and squeezed her eyes shut. “Okay, so don’t share energy with someone unless you’re ready to hop into bed with them.”

  He chuckled. “It’s usually only with your bonded partner, my love. With a permanent bond, there’s no filter and no limit. That’s the nature of a permanent bond. You can create smaller connections with other people and send energy back and forth without it being an issue. It’s necessary for teaching, sharing memories, or pooling energy to accomplish something one person can’t do alone. The larger and more powerful the connection, the more intimate sharing energy becomes. Strong feelings for one another or sharing energy simultaneously only enhances the effects.”


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