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A Bite of Christmas Cheer

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by Thea Dane

  A Bite of Christmas Cheer

  A Very Alpha Christmas, Book 4

  BWWM Billionaire Holiday Romance

  Written by

  Thea Dane

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, dialogue, incidents, and places either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Cover design by Siren Allen.

  A Bite of Christmas Cheer. Copyright 2019 by Thea Dane

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be resold, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. Piracy is illegal. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  From The Author

  About the Author

  Books by Thea Dane

  Chapter One

  Briar City, Maryland

  Violetta touched the sides of her textured pixie haircut as the elevator doors chimed. After hearing both Bing Crosby’s and Frank Sinatra’s versions of “White Christmas” through the speakers, she reached the top floor of the fifty-story high-rise that held Desmond Industries. She checked the time on her cell phone. It was a quarter to six in the evening. Her interview was scheduled in ten minutes, and she needed to look like she was the right woman for the job. Lee Desmond, billionaire CEO and future vampire lord of Briar City, would accept nothing less.

  She caught her reflection in the polished steel of the elevator doors before they opened. Her blouse wasn’t the most expensive, but at least it was ironed and tucked into her black pencil skirt. She glanced at her nude heels to check if they were still free of scuff marks. Deep breath. She coached herself. You can do this.

  Step One. She strode out of the elevator towards the reception desk with her head held high. The back of her neck tingled. A vampire was in the vicinity. Even though she rarely took part in her foster family’s vampire hunting business, she couldn’t stop her slayer genes from doing what came naturally to her bloodline. Most humans didn’t have developed senses. A few lucky ones may have perfect eyesight or could hear accurate pitch. Slayers had an extrasensory mode where they detected a vampire’s proximity by a fuzzy or itching sensation on the skin. Violetta’s senses reacted immediately once she was inside the main office suite of Desmond Industries.

  “Good evening.” She offered a friendly, confident smile to the fortysomething woman seated behind the receptionist desk. “I’m Violetta Sharpe. I’m here for a job interview.”

  The woman squinted at her from behind trendy cat eye glasses. “Ah, yes. The administrative assistant position to Mr. Desmond. Several candidates have come in this afternoon.”

  “Oh?” She wasn’t so enthused to hear about her competition.

  “I think your interview is with Katrin, his current assistant. Have a seat while I call her.”

  Violetta reluctantly perched on the edge of a modern leather bench in front of the elevator. She glanced at her cell phone to see the time. Seven minutes before the scheduled interview. She hoped the receptionist wouldn’t cause her to be late.

  The woman set the landline phone back on the hook with a soft click. “Katrin’s on her way.”

  Seconds later, Violetta heard the sharp click of heels announce the arrival of the woman who would conduct her interview. Katrin entered the reception area. She was petite. Her perfect highlighted blonde hair was pulled back in a tight bun. She wore one of those sheath dresses that were popular, the ones that looked like they could be shapewear they were so tight. Violetta gave her a smile. She didn’t return it.

  “Miss Sharpe, follow me into the conference room.” She turned on a designer heel and walked away. Katrin may have looked like a fashionista, but she sure wasn’t a pushover.

  Violetta hurried after her. Step Two. Time to get the job.

  Katrin moved fast in those four-inch Manolos. Violetta picked up the pace in her clearance rack black pumps, making sure she didn’t sound like a clumsy horse galloping after the woman. She went inside the empty conference room where a file folder rested on the table. Katrin closed the door behind her.

  “Have a seat, Miss Sharpe. I’ll be conducting your interview today. I have a meeting this afternoon so it won’t be long. How did you hear about Desmond Industries?”

  She sat down and folded her hands together. “Mr. Desmond and his company have been household names ever since he brought sustainable energy to Briar City five years ago.”

  “What made you apply for the administrative assistant position?”

  She stated what she memorized from rehearsing in front of the mirror today. “I’m interested in working for entrepreneurs who put the environment and people first.”

  That wasn’t the real reason. She was definitely interested in Lee Desmond. She wanted to get as close to the billionaire business mogul as possible so she could stake him through the heart.

  Violetta took a small breath to curb her rising anger. She and her family suspected Lee allowed a nameless vampire gang to roam Briar City after midnight to attack humans. They got her older brother last week. Vince was still in the IC unit at the hospital. Doctors said he lost a lot of blood and that he may not walk again.

  Katrin opened the file folder. Violetta glimpsed a copy of her resume she sent with her online application three days ago. “You studied interior design in college, but I don’t see on your resume where you have prior experience in admin assistant work.”

  Uh-oh. Time to BS her way through the interview. “I help with my family’s business.”

  “What business is that?”

  She rubbed the back of her neck while searching for an innocuous term for vampire slaying. “They’re in the cleanup industry.”

  Katrin looked up from the file. “Sanitation?”

  “Yes, ma’am. It’s a small business, but it has history. We’ve kept Briar City in order for over a hundred years.”

  “May I ask the names of some of your clients?”

  She wasn’t expecting her to ask for so many details. “Uh, our clients don’t usually talk about our services, especially afterwards. We just go in and get the job done.”

  Katrin raised an expertly waxed eyebrow before she slapped the file folder shut. “Thanks for your time, Miss Sharpe, but I don’t think—”

  “Katrin,” a deep, velvet male voice came from the doorway. “I’ll take things from here.”

  Violetta didn’t hear the door open. She looked up and saw Lee Desmond standing inside the conference room. He addressed his assistant, but his chiseled face was turned her way. The light from overhead shone on his dark wavy hair. His clear green eyes locked onto her.

  She recognized him from the TV news interviews and business trade journals she studied in college. He had appeared to be just another suave businessman in those sources. In person, though, his presence made him seem to take up a lot of space. He was even better-looking face to face. She cringed, almost hating herself for thinking that thought.

  Lee’s tall form cast a long shadow over the table. No wonder her neck started tingling. His vampiric energy was off the charts. She had been so focused on answering the interview questions, she neglected to pay attention to her slayer

  Katrin blinked twice. “Mr. Desmond, I thought you were in a meeting.”

  “We reached a settlement early. Why don’t you go to your meeting? I’d like to speak to Miss Sharpe myself since she’s applying to be my personal assistant.”

  His assistant drew her pink mouth in a thin line. Without saying a word, she nodded and exited the conference room. Lee shut it after her. It was just him and Violetta.

  She straightened in her chair. The air seemed to get sucked out of the conference room. Lee’s dominant vampiric energy took over the space. Powerful. Seductively intense. She remembered to breathe.

  “I read your resume, Miss Sharpe.” He went towards the table, although he didn’t take the seat in front of her. He remained standing. His eyes roamed over her in quick assessment. What was he looking for? Could he tell she wasn’t really here just for a job? “You studied interior design as an undergrad. You’re planning to pursue an MBA next year. I’m impressed.” He didn’t provide an inflection in his tone. She couldn’t tell whether he actually was impressed or just gauging her response.

  “Thank you, Mr. Desmond.”

  “It’ll be hard for you to maintain a school schedule since you’d be working nights in the office.”

  “I’m actually very nocturnal.” She wished she came up with a wittier response on the fly.

  He looked down at her from his straight nose. His features were those of an aristocrat. He was practically vampire royalty. According to her family’s research, the Desmond clan was one of the oldest and strongest of their kind. They originated in Ireland hundreds of years ago. “Why are you here?”

  “Why am I here?” She repeated his question. “I’m studying business, and I want to learn from the best.”

  He hooded his eyes. “Flattery will get you nowhere with me. Now, I’ll give you one last chance to answer my question. Why are you here?”

  She raised her chin in defiance of his dominant tone. “I know how to do this job. I was an admin assistant to the president of a design firm for three years during undergrad. I also handled research and paperwork for my family’s small business.”

  He said he was impressed with her before. Now Lee was visibly indifferent. He smoothed the front of his expensive suit. It was almost as dark as his hair and neatly-trimmed beard. “Many people have job experience. I need a more compelling reason why I should make you my assistant.”

  What did he want her to do, beg him for the position? Violetta’s palms got clammy with frustration and worry. He was testing her, and she was about to fail. Her whole mission was going to go from sugar to shit before it even got off the ground.

  “You gave the correct answer.”

  She gazed up at him. “Huh?”

  “I heard you refuse to give Katrin the names of your family’s business clientele when she asked for them. That’s what I’m looking for in an assistant, confidentiality and the ability to be discreet.” He took slow strides to the other end of the long conference table. “I deal with very unique situations and people, Violetta. You might find my habits and work style unorthodox.”

  He called her by her first name. She heard the way in which he slowed his speech and softened the consonants, letting the faint traces of his Irish lilt come through. His voice was almost hypnotic. She supposed that was intentional, another vampire tactic of getting her to drop her guard. “I’m used to being around all sorts of people and diverse work environments. I can adapt.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Her pulse jumped. “Does that mean I have the job?”

  He turned when he reached the end of the table and made his way to her, taking his sweet time. “I’m willing to see if you have the capacity for it. Can you start tonight?”

  She didn’t expect to go to work immediately. Of course, she wouldn’t say no. “Tonight is perfect.” Violetta exhaled quietly in relief. She did it.

  He came to stand over her chair. His energy made her skin tingle everywhere, not just on the back of her neck. She felt it lap over her arms and bare legs. She squeezed her thighs when she felt it venture between her legs. “Katrin will show you around the office and help you get started with your paperwork.”

  She stood to her feet. In low heels, she was about five ten. Lee easily surpassed her by half a foot. He also had her by an extra sixty or so pounds. His weight was all muscle, something to take into consideration when she had to go in for the kill. “Thank you, Mr. Desmond.” She extended her hand.

  “Call me Lee. We’ll be seeing each other very often.” He shook her hand. Violetta expected to feel the cold grip that was deemed common for vampires. Instead, a fissure of electricity went up her through her hand and arm when his skin made contact with hers. Her fingers disappeared in his strong grip. She was going to have her work cut out for her.

  “Lee, you won’t regret giving me this chance.”

  “I don’t think I will. Something seems different about you.” He released her hand and started for the door.

  She followed him outside in the hall. An instrumental version of “Jingle Bells” played on the PA system. Lee shook his head. “It’s too early for Christmas music.”

  She almost laughed at his unexpected remark. “It’s the third week of November. Radio stations start playing Christmas music before Halloween nowadays.”

  “I find it annoying, but the office staff likes it.” He rounded a corner and stopped before the second to last office. His current assistant was inside, talking on the phone. She looked up at Lee and Violetta. “Katrin, if the mayor is still in his office, tell him to give me a call.”

  She hung up the landline. “Mr. Desmond.” She paused for one beat, her eyes on Violetta. “Is the interview over?”

  “Yes. I want you to go over the employee paperwork with Violetta. She’s starting with us tonight.”

  “She is?” His assistant flattened her mouth as she faced her computer. “I’ll get those forms printed right away.”

  “Make sure she also knows your routine, since you’ll be leaving in a couple days.” Lee turned to leave. He captured Violetta’s gaze in the process. “Welcome to Desmond Industries. You and I will be speaking again very soon.”

  He moved towards the office at the very end of the hall. She saw half of a solid ebony desk and an office chair that looked like it cost more than her whole bedroom suite in her apartment. He closed the door behind him.

  “You got the job. Congrats.” Katrin sounded less than pleased.

  Violetta assumed it was because she was taking her job. “I didn’t know the position I interviewed for was still filled.”

  Katrin shrugged one delicate shoulder. “Only temporarily. I’m moving to one of our international offices in Italy.”

  “Sounds cosmopolitan.”

  The printer hummed before it spat out a stack of papers. Katrin reached for them and started stapling them together. She kept her eyes on Violetta’s clothing while she worked. “This is Mr. Desmond’s main place of operations so make sure you’re professional and poised at all times. This isn’t a summer internship.”

  Wow. Why was she acting so grumpy towards her? His current assistant must have not wanted to leave the Briar City location. It wasn’t Violetta’s problem, and she didn’t have to allow Lee’s soon-to-be replaced assistant to get so catty. “I’m pretty sure I can handle myself, Catherine.”

  “It’s Ka-trin. You better make sure you get the names of Mr. Desmond’s associates correct. Some of them are touchy.”

  “What else should I know about his associates?”

  “They come from different backgrounds. Some will make you raise an eyebrow. Just don’t let them or Mr. Desmond catch you doing it.”

  “Okay,” she voiced slowly. She could just imagine Lee’s associates: other bloodthirsty vampires who preyed on the human citizens.

  “I’ll send you a virtual copy of my Rolodex so you won’t be completely in the dark.”

  “That’s kind of you.”

  Katrin slid
the first of several employee verification forms across her desk. “I don’t know about kind. I just don’t want to be responsible.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Mr. Desmond had five other assistants before me.”

  Violetta’s hand hovered over the cup of pens on the desk. Why did Lee have such a revolving door of assistants? “Hmm.” She made a neutral utterance in response to what Katrin said. “You don’t want to be responsible for what?”

  The petite woman shifted on her other leg. Whatever she had in her head, her body language indicated she was a little edgy. “All I can say is stay prepared and on your toes. The other assistants, from what I heard, couldn’t do that and they’re no longer here as a result.”

  No longer here, as in not at Desmond Industries or no longer breathing because they did something to piss off the city’s top vampire businessman? Violetta didn’t bother to voice her question aloud. She signed her name on the first employee verification form with a flourish. “I’m going to be an optimist and say I’m lucky number seven of his assistants.”

  Katrin pursed her lips. “We’ll see.”

  Step Three. Secure the job. Check. Now, she just needed to keep up this lucky streak until Lee was staked.

  Chapter Two

  Violetta trailed Katrin for the next two hours while the assistant showed her around the office. She learned where the copy room was and how to use the fancy coffee maker in the break room. Apparently, Lee enjoyed other beverages besides a cup of blood.

  “He likes French roast coffee,” Katrin informed. “Strong and black.”

  Violetta met the other employees. There were the IT and graphics department, as well as public relations. She studied them. They all seemed like normal humans. Her senses didn’t go off around them the way they did when she was near Lee. Maybe he was the only vampire in the office. Did he surround himself with humans in order to hide his true identity?

  By eight, Katrin finished giving her a tour of the office suite. They went back to her office, where she handed Violetta a copy of the thick employee handbook. “Familiarize yourself with this ASAP. You’ll need to sign the paper saying you received a copy.” She put on coat and gloves.


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