Seven Stories for a Summer Afternoon
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We entered the castle and I saw her again, as expected, she showed no interest and that pissed me off more than I wanted, but at that moment I still didn't realize that she would be our guide until she began to speak about the castle. As a revenge, for being ignored deliberately, I began to ask her ridiculous and senseless questions.
My friends asked under their breath if I had consumed some drugs. I'm not one of those, though I don't deny that I would ever do it, but I was clean and still am—I notified Nicole who fell silent.
—Back to the castle—I pointed out so that she wouldn't lose the thread of the story—. I desperately tried to grasp her attention and surely succeeded, I had never seen an Irish girl so angry. —Nicole roared with laughter and I let her recover, she had all the right to laugh, I had been a jerk with that attitude—. She stopped and pointed at me with the finger next to her big green eyes radiating outrage, I admit that I regretted it all at that moment.
—Do you want my boss to blame me or what? —she grumbled.
Niall was surprised, but it was Brett who bursted into resounding laughter.
—No, but I'm curious —I said challenging her—. I like the story and wanted more information.
—I understand —she said constantly looking at me—. What exactly do you want to know? I can explain the great battles with the Vikings, the kidnapping of baron Howth's grandson by the pirate O'Malley or...
I didn't let her continue, I came closer to intimidate her and to be able to give her back the evil she had made me suffer.
—I want to know you better.
—It is not included in the visit, sorry —she said without fear—. Do you allow me to finish?
Brett laughed again, making fun of me. I hid my feelings shaking my head, I had seen nervousness in her eyes and I liked it. In turn, another group of visitors came into the same room. The guide observed her behavior, she smiled with diplomacy, grabbed my arm with a certain abruptness and interwove.
—As you can see, Mr. Cooper, the castle was built at another site of the slopes with a direct view at the village, and it has had the privilege to be in position to know it —she talked so loud that I was surprised with her attitude.
My friends couldn't stop laughing at our behavior. Once her colleague left the room, she cornered me with menacing eyes.
—I'm not going to allow that a singer with a touch of greatness questions the legacy of something as important as the family Cunningham, my ancestors, my legacy.
She turned around and left me there next to a huge picture of a man with a severe look that made me feel as if I was about to go to the gallows. Niall approached me with a witty smile and held my shoulder.
—Let's go, Mr. Conqueror! You have been given a big slap of reality, we've said it to you months ago, now you're going to explain why are you possessed by that beauty of a woman.
—Oh, fuck you! —I exclaimed.
—Oh no! You won't blame me for your bad luck. The only thing I would say is that you're pretty much screwed.
I snorted, put my hands in my jacket thinking about how to get even with him. Although my friend was right, he had been a jerk and had to apologize. Yes, I felt the necessity.
My fairy was waiting for us on the a threshold of the door to proceed with the visit, my friends joked, about how she knocked me out and I decided to remain silent in order not to play their games.
At the end of the tour, a woman resemblant to my girl approached us, greeted us with warmth and pulled the elbow of the young woman to take her to one side. Days after I found out that she had reproached her attitude, the cameras in the castle, that she had forgotten about, gave us away on that day and... —I looked sideways at Nicole and smiled inside—, why deny it, the other days also.
The young woman blushed and cleared her throat.
—You might have saved that thuggish gesture —said Nicole with a grimace and smiled again.
—Okay, I don't want to make you angry —I said to my current companion and continued—. There was a certain tension in the atmosphere, but everything was outshone by the arrival of a small elated red-headed girl eager to fill her Sim card with our photos.
Then everything changed in my favor, the teenager begged her mother to invite us to eat, even though my girl seized her hands in a gesture of discomfort. The teen saw that what happened set her pleas to another plan.
—Erin, help me! —My fairy, whose name was unknown to me until that instant, looked at her with severity, but it didn't matter much to the teen—. It was you who insisted on bringing them! —she confessed, without any mercy.
—Shut Up, Eithbe! —warned Erin.
—What in the world has gotten into you? —replied the teen—. There's Logan in front of you and you behave like a dissocial.
My spirit against the unfair causes appeared raising to help Erin.
—Eithbe? —I said—. Very nice name.
Nicole looked at me recognizing in the second my way of capturing the attention and laughed. I cleared a bit my throat for a few seconds and proceeded with the smile on my mouth.
—In the name of the band I appreciate the invitation, but we must return, we have to rehearse before the festival.
The resigned teen accepted it, Erin looked at me surprised and in silence.
—I won't deny it, Nicole, she had earned points in my favor—I answered honestly. The young woman showed me with her hand to follow her and I did—. We said goodbye and my useless friends returned to the mockery about how I had just conquered the nobility.
In the hotel I decided to stay in the room, partly in order not to listen to them, unbearable as that they were, and to be able to remember Erin and her way of confronting me, believe it or not I started to feel curiosity. I searched for my guitar and played a simple melody to recapitulate the stanza that I had written, and so I was able to write another until they knocked on my door.
I got up and to my complete surprise, Erin was there. Dressed casually as I had seen her hours before. A short sleeve t-shirt with to a jean’s miniskirt, converse sneakers and a small handbag.
—How did you...?
—My family is a shareholder in the hotel —she replied directly.
—Oh, so you use your influences! —I noted with a certain tone of mockery.
—Hey, Logan, it costs me a lot to come to apologize.
—You don't have to do it, it was me acting as a fool.
—Yes, you were, but you are our guest and I shouldn't have been so arrogant. —For the first time I could look at her without having to find some excuse; she was beautiful, her eyes were as green as the meadows I saw on the way to Howth. Her mouth was a delight that I wanted to taste, as well as her neck, inviting me to caress it with wet kisses. I forced myself to raise an eyebrow trying to listen to her, even so, her being so close made me want to stop talking.
—I think that the only excuse for my behavior is to invite you to a small tour around the village. —I crossed my arms and looked at her frowning, I doubted if she made it voluntarily or actually because she was sorry, nevertheless, I accepted, we had an outstanding bill and I should pay it in some way.
I went to pick up my jacket, wool hat, wallet, sunglasses and when I was by her side, we were so close and I swore in that moment she tried to rub her lips with mine.
We went out through an emergency exit that she knew of and we left without anyone noticing. We toured the promenade until reaching the West Pier. There, she was politely greeted by a group of fishermen and they gave her a bag of fish.
I didn't want to ask what she would do with it since we hardly talked, however, her company was enough for me, it was a balm of tranquility that I couldn't explain.
We kept walking and then I learned a little more about Erin, her family, her tastes, what she studied and the dreams that she cherished in her mind. Every time she smiled I desired to taste her lips and it was hard for me to keep the distance, so I had to devise a way to repeat that tour.
I hadn't figure o
ut that she was so talkative, and much less that she had an anecdote about everything that happened to her, including her knowing the world different than the one I knew. Every second I wanted to prolong that moment, but she stopped, grabbed my hand and so I followed her.
—In theory it's forbidden to do what you will do —she said with an evil grin.
—What I will do? —I asked her with a raised eyebrow.
—Yes, you will —she told me with a naughty look.
—And you think that because it's forbidden I'm the perfect candidate for it?
I crossed my arms, convinced that Erin, my talkative fairy, looked at me like I was a typical bad boy of the movies, and, why to deny it, I liked to be considered like that, as well as to know that she also had that air of a bad girl.
—I know that you are! —added Nicole. I gave her a long and fixed look. She had no idea that many of the attitudes I practiced were necessary to earn money, she might end up disappointed, so I just raised my shoulders. I wanted to gain her trust and to fill up her erotic dreams.
Nicole looked at me with boredom so I laughed and carried on with my story.
—Oops, Erin! —I said, finding the perfect opportunity to get even—. I thought you were a legal girl.
She smiled.
—I surely am. —She gave to me the bag with wrapped fishes—. That is why you will have the privilege of a close encounter with seals.—She looked at her watch and smiled again—. I estimate, you'll have ten minutes for that, long enough so we won't be caught by the cops.
I didn't like that plan anymore, police coming on my heels was actually not my thing. She picked up the bag, quickly pulled out one fish, threw it into the sea, and out of nothing showed up seals of different sizes, calling my attention. I took the bag, since I was challenged, and threw few more, the seals did all sorts of tricks and, after a few minutes, we heard the cry of a man.
She held my hand and we ran a few blocks until we found the path to the cliffs. Every time she looked to see if I was still following her she smiled, then she stopped in a clearing covered with yellow flowers, far enough from the village, and turned to me. My breathing was heavy, the excitement ran through my body, nevertheless, I came closer, took her arm drawing her towards me and kissed her.
Yes, it was like a slap in my face or who knows what, but her hips moving from one side to the other, as well as her hair were an image that was making me crazy, and contrary to what I thought, it was her that sought to deepen it and so I did.
I decided to shut up, I didn't know how Nicole would take it. The necessity to urgently kiss Erin raised in my heart, above all to caress and kiss her soft skin.
—Despite having kissed her, I stopped. It wasn't good for anyone —I confessed to Nicole—. I moved away, bringing the hands to my face trying to return to my senses.
—I'm sorry —said Erin—. I shouldn't have.
—It is not your fault —I replied.
—Although, I have to confess, Nicole, that I didn't want to stay half done.
And I decided to shut my mouth, I couldn't tell to Nicole that I wanted to take away Erin's clothes and how much it costed me to find the way back. I desired Erin as I had never desired any woman. I saw alleys everywhere, and I restrained myself to enter one of them to finish what I had started. Erin didn't deserve it, all was different from the beginning.
—We went back to the hotel in silence —I said to Nicole some seconds later—. As if what we had done was a sin. At the entrance we looked at each other, not knowing what to say, she opened her purse, pulled out a notepad along with a pen and wrote.
—This is my number, I know that you won't call me, I haven't been on the level of the girls you usually go out with, but if you need to distract yourself while you're in town, I'll be able to help you.
—Wait! —I said, surprised by her words. I admit that since we became famous I used to go out with many girls, but the vast majority were just for marketing purposes, so I decided to ask her—. How did you come to that conclusion?
She couldn't answer, the badly-timed Brett appeared with an invitation that surprised both of us. Eithbe got what she wanted and that night we would return to her home, the teenager had obvious reasons. Erin muttered some excuse and I saw her leaving without saying goodbye. I felt frustration, I wanted to say that I will call her, that I desired to be with her, if possible, on that very night.
And there I was, while the assholes of my friends had gone to eat something decent in the castle, I was standing in a jacket, torn jeans, a lumberjack shirt and my cap, feeling awkward in the eyes of Erin's parents.
I wanted to explain that band's handsome boy was Niall, but they wouldn't believe it easy since I was the one always present in the media. I sighed loudly when Eithbe begged me to play, cursed Niall for thousand of times for having brought my guitar, although when I started the chords of You disappear by magic, my eyes fixed on Erin.
I silenced again before Nicole's look. Remembering that summer and that day was the best thing that had happened in my life. The song that had come to top lists was not the one that I sang that night, I wouldn't also tell Nicole how Erin looked at me with desire.
—To say goodbye —I went on, when Nicole cleared her throat, pulling me out of my thoughts—. Erin shyly gave me a note, to open it when I returned to the hotel. She forced me to come up with some apologize and to run from my friends up to a secondary entrance of the castle where she was expecting me.
—Logan —she said immediately—. You can't sing something like that in front of my parents. My sister has built fantasies that will not be fulfilled. My parents have asked me if there is something between us and I told them that it was just your behavior in front of your fans. —What I didn't expect was to get a lecture, it was true, I used to win my fans that way, but that night I had been sincere, I had shown what I was feeling.
—That's why you wanted to meet me? —I asked directly. She gave me a long and fixed look, put the hands over her face, sighed resigned, grabbed my hand and pulled me, kissing me fiercely, with desire, in that moment loosening her repressed instincts.
We entered quickly and found a room, taking a quick look, I realized that it was the same room where she had made me a fool. I smiled at the irony of the situation, took her to the closest table, recalling instantly the explanation that she had given about its age and restoration and...
Nicole's mobile began to ring and I was grateful it rang in the right moment. I was about to tell her what I kept in the deepest part of me. That night was the most important of my life. Who was to say it? A pop idol fell submissive at the feet of a young noble woman and surrendered himself as never before.
I wanted to come back to kiss her and that day everything played in my favor, Erin wore a green dress with a plunging neckline so my hands just slipped in it. I was about to stop, but the physical greed was greater, she also didn't resist.
She quickly took off my jacket and shirt together with the t-shirt that I wore below, while her hands were playing around on my chest, I managed to take away her socks, she dug the nails into my shoulders, making it clear that there are no limits.
I lowered her dress along with the top, they ended rolled up in her waist, I wanted to hear her moan. I stroked one of her breasts, kissing her with possession and moved to lick the other nipple. She moaned offering me her body, bringing her hips next to mine, stroking shamelessly my dick.
Her movements were about to bring me to the ecstasy and I didn't want it to end like that, so I took off my jeans and the boxers without having time to take them off completely, put aside her panties and penetrated. Both of us silenced, accepting what our bodies were demanding.
She buried again her nails into my shoulders and moved their hips to do it again, so I did. I have never before experienced the power that she brought out of me, and as I was entering, I was doing it forcefully, so minutes after, her moaning was so strong that I knew she had reached the orgasm, I increased
the speed to get to the mine.
It was the first time that I had sex in those conditions and I remembered that I hadn't worn a damn condom so I looked her in the eyes.
—Erin, I forgot the condom.
I refused to be evil-minded, but I wanted to be sure.
—Oh, God! Do you think I'm so stupid not to be cautious? I knew I would have sex with you, what worries me is that you could give me some disease. —I blinked surprised, I got up and quickly dressed my boxer and the jeans, annoyed by her accusations—. Where are you going? —he asked.
—To the hotel, you can stay calm, I don't have any disease, and from now on you have the luxury of telling that you had Logan Cooper between your legs.
—How do you dare to tell me something like this?
—The same way that you have made me feel since we stumbled. I don't know who the hell you think I am, but put it into your noble head, I'm not one of the guys having sex with everyone, nor in every city I visit.
No one had told me such nonsense, she offended me first and now she was the offended, I decided to forget the noble Irish fairy and her castle. I picked up my t-shirt and shirt, my jacket and I left the place cursing for having thought more about satisfying my dick than being cautious, what we are always advised by our agent.
Nicole said goodbye and hung up the call looking at me, waiting to continue with the story. The truth is that I didn't want to, but I had told her a lot already and her curiosity was normal.
—You won't believe what happened after that.
—Wow! The superstar is shy!
I shook my head thinking how manipulative were all women.
—Let your imagination fly, although I warn you in advance that it didn't end up good —I said and she resigned—. I went back to the hotel and to the room where Niall was snoring, I was feeling moody, couldn't sleep, so I picked up my guitar, the book, and went down to the lobby.
I went in the farthest corner to be able to play chords by inertia, trying to clear my mind.
—I'm sorry, Logan. —I played a note so out of the tune that I can swear I woke up half of the wing of that part of the hotel. I closed my eyes, thinking how Erin was becoming my demon, I put my head to one side and set my eyes on her. I was so used to women being after me and caring for me that knowing how she did the opposite lead me to the street of the bitterness.