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The Contract

Page 12

by Jerry D. Young

  Mrs. MacDougal looked at Sara and shook her head. Sara bit her lip.

  Stepping forward, Mrs. MacDougal touched Sara gently on the shoulder and said, “Everything will be fine. You will get through this. We will all help.”

  Sara stared at Mrs. MacDougal, then the others as they uttered similar reassurances.

  “You make it sound like she died! She is not dead!”

  Mrs. MacDougal looked stricken. “No. I…”

  “She is not dead!” Sara cried out. “She just left… she just left…” Sara’s voice suddenly dropped, then lower and lower. “She just left… she just left me… She put out my things and left me…”

  Suddenly Sara was sobbing, her shoulders shaking, head down, arms hanging. “She just left me…”

  Mrs. MacDougal gathered Sara into her arms and began whispering soothing words.

  “Come, baby. We will get you a hot bath, and into bed.”

  Jason looked on helplessly.

  “Juliet,” Mrs. MacDougal said, “Come along with me.

  “Duchess, fetch Miss Sara a nice cup of chamomile.

  “Henrietta, you see to the house for a while.

  “Candy, I think you better come with me as well.

  “Master Jason, you will have to fend for yourself the rest of the evening.”

  Candy and Juliet helped the still sobbing Sara, clinging to Mrs. MacDougal toward the stairs.

  Henrietta hurried off with Duchess.

  Jason found himself standing alone in the middle of the entry. When the telephone rang he nearly fell, trying to move so fast to pick up the receiver.

  “Oh, Trinity. It is you.”

  “Well, gee thanks, Jason.”

  “I am sorry. I was hoping this was another call.”

  “You do not sound very good, Jason. Is everything all right?”

  Jason sighed. Trinity was very perceptive. “No, not everything. But I shall manage. What can I do for you?”

  “I was wondering if you had Sara’s telephone number. I still have not had a chance to invite her over.”

  Shaking his head at his friends impudence, Jason listened as Trinity continued, “You two seemed to be hitting it off… literally. Every time your name came up in Sara’s presence, she looked ready to do battle. I thought maybe you had managed to get her number by now, just so you could annoy her by telephone, instead of just in person.”

  “You are a real wit, Trinity. I think you called me just to annoy me.”

  “Well… Maybe…”

  “I imagine she will be at school tomorrow. It is Friday. You have a couple classes with her.”

  “So I do. I forgot?”

  “Uh-huh. And I was once the King of Siam. So, unless you have additional witticisms, I have a couple of things to do this evening. Like ripping my heart out and feeding it to the worms.”

  “Ooh! Nice imagery! I will have to tell that one to Sara tomorrow when I see her. She should get a kick out of it.”

  “I would not be surprised,” Jason said. “Goodbye, Trinity.”

  “‘bye, Jason.”

  “Or,” Jason said softly to himself as he headed for his bedroom, “Sara may just rip it out and feed it to the worms herself when she realizes I knew her mother would leave when I gave her the money.”

  Jason took only long enough to check with Mrs. MacDougal the next morning on how Sara had fared the evening before, then he was off, taking only one long drink of juice before leaving. “I will get something on the way,” he said.

  Juliet was rather surprised at Sara’s calm acceptance of the clothing Juliet had set out for her while Sara had been showering. It was a completely new outfit that Juliet and Candy had stopped to get for Sara the day before.

  Casually Juliet asked, “How are you feeling this morning, Miss Sara? It looks to be a beautiful morning.”

  “I am fine, I suppose,” Sara said. “I am sorry about being so… useless, last night.”

  “Perfectly understandable. Wait until you see me get stood up for a date. I cry and carry on for days.”

  Sara managed a chuckle at Juliet’s illustration. “I find it difficult that you would get stood up, much less carry on about it.”

  “It would depend on who stood me up,” Juliet admitted. “I mean, how would you feel if Tom Cruise failed to pick you up to take you out for burgers?”

  Sara shook her head. “You are too much, Juliet.” She was silent for a moment as they headed for the stairs. “Um… Do you know if Jason has left for school?”

  “Oh, a long time ago. Maggie is not happy with him. He only took a drink of juice. Said he would stop and get something on the way to school. She hates it when he skips meals.”

  “Oh. I will remember that.”

  Juliet studied Sara surreptitiously. That comment had sounded almost like Sara might be around for a while.

  Sara watched Mrs. MacDougal fuss over her at breakfast and finally decided that it was because of the crying jag the night before. Jason apparently had not mentioned the new living arrangements.

  She was sure of it when Mrs. MacDougal casually said, “Master Jason said he needed to meet with all of us today when you get in from school. You would not know what that is about, I suppose? Not another door thing, I hope.”

  “I do not know for sure, Mrs. MacDougal. Jason did not say anything to me about adding doors to anything, though.”

  “Good. Run along now, Miss Sara. I need Candy to get you dropped off. She has errands to run.”

  “Yes, Ma’am. I will see you after school.”

  “Did you hear that?” Duchess asked. She was clearing the dishes. “Sara sounded as if there was no doubt she would be back this afternoon. It always seemed questionable before.”

  “Juliet mentioned something similar. I think that boy managed to convince her to stay!” Mrs. MacDougal looked pleased.

  It did not last long. The rest of the staff kept their distance the rest of the day when they heard her muttering Abigail McKindrick’s name.

  Jason made it home a few minutes before Candy and Sara entered the house. Mrs. MacDougal was talking urgently to Jason.

  “She insisted you call immediately,” Mrs. MacDougal was telling Jason. “She said that Jack Lawrence had talked to her and suggested she call.”

  Jason smiled. “I am surprised he waited this long.” He looked at his watch. It should be about nine in the morning there. I will go call her now. Would you ask everyone to wait in the living room for me?”

  “Of course. We will all be there. If you need me to talk to Mrs. McKindrick… Explain anything…”

  “I doubt that will be necessary,” Jason replied.

  Jason sat at the desk in the study and pulled the telephone close to him. He checked the detailed itinerary that was in the desk and dialed a number.

  “Abigail McKindrick, please.”

  It was several long moments before he heard his stepmother’s voice.

  “Hello, Mother. Mrs. MacDougal said you asked me to call. Is everything all right?”

  “Everything is fine here, Jason. I am having a marvelous time. The reason I called… Well, I am sure you know the reason I called. Jack.”

  “Yes. I thought he would be talking to you. Did he explain what was going on here?”

  “You know Jack. Just vague insinuations.”

  “Yes. Are you sitting down?”

  Jason heard the chuckle. “I am now. So. This is good, then?”

  It took Jason a few minutes to explain the situation. Abigail asked a couple of questions, which Jason answered. “Well, Jason, I do not see any reason to cut my trip short. Do you?”

  “No, Mother. Have a good time.”

  “Oh, you know me. I always do.”

  Mrs. MacDougal searched Jason’s face when he entered the living room. “How is Mrs. McKindrick? I did not get a chance to ask earlier.”

  Jason smiled. “You know my stepmother. She was getting ready to go shop-ping."

  “Well. Yes.” She hesitated a moment,
but when Jason did not elaborate on his conversation, Mrs. MacDougal said, “As you can see, we are all here. What was it you wished to see us about?” Her eyes cut to Sara. As did everyone else’s in the room, except for Jason’s.

  “I was not sure if you wanted me here or not. I can go wait in the study if you want me to,” Sara said, ignoring the looks.

  “No. I think you should be here.” He cut a look at her. “I think you will be needed in here after the meeting.”

  “Needed? Why?” Sara asked.

  “Oh, you will see.”

  Jason turned to face the staff. All were standing in a neat line, in age seniority, with Mrs. MacDougal on Jason’s right as he faced them.

  “There will be a change in the household, beginning this evening.”

  There were smiles on every face.

  “Miss Sara Lee is now a part of this household. She is no longer a guest. Actually,” he said, cutting a quick glance at Sara before looking back at the staff. “Actually, until my stepmother’s return, Miss Lee is Mistress of the House.”

  There were several shocked gasps, including Sara’s.

  Jason managed not to duck, nor turn around to see if he should. He did con-tinue before the protests could start.

  “Now, note that I said Mistress of the House. Not my mistress. I will be very disappointed if there is any insinuation otherwise, despite the circumstances that will become known in a few minutes.”

  The staff looked thoughtful when Jason added, “I am very serious about this.”

  They all knew that Jason very seldom made firm statements such as he just had.

  “This is an unusual situation, and could easily be misconstrued. I do not want that to happen. Miss Lee will be moving into my bedroom…”

  Jason stopped, knowing there would be an outburst. There was. Were several.

  “I will state this one time,” Jason said firmly, after allowing the protests. “Miss Lee is a proper young lady. She and I will not have sex. This is a platonic arrangement. I accept full responsibility for setting up this arrangement. Any objections any of you may have you will bring to me for response. However, the topic is not open for discussion. Mrs. MacDougal, please go over with everyone the arrangements I discussed with you the other day. That offer still stands.

  “I will not discuss the sleeping arrangement further. Anything else to do with the agreement is an open subject. It is entirely Miss Lee’s decision as to how the sleeping arrangements are to be presented to outsiders. You each will follow her wishes in the matter.

  “As Mistress of the Household, her wishes take precedence over mine, except in matters where Mr. Lawrence has an expressed interest.”

  “But I do not…” Sara tried to interject.

  “I fully expect to be consulted, as I always have been in the past, but where there is a difference of opinion, Miss Lee’s takes precedence. Mrs. MacDougal, you will now consult with Miss Lee instead of me.

  “Please make sure adequate cash and credit lines are available for anything she requests. If Mr. Lawrence does happen to question anything, refer him to me.

  “I expect each of you to make her welcome, much as you have already, but as family, not as a guest.

  “I know you will all have several questions.” Jason grinned over at Sara. “And I shall allow the Mistress of the House to field them, as I have to get to dance class and back before our dinner with Commodore Erickson this evening.”

  Jason strode out of the living room, leaving a flustered Sara to explain.

  “Miss Sara, you can move into my quarters with me. You do not have to share his room, much less his bed, just to stay here,” Mrs. MacDougal said immediately. “I mean to have a serious talk with that boy in the immediate future.”

  That was the first offer. Sara fielded similar ones from each of the staff. They all wanted details. It took a very long time, but everyone finally seemed to accept the arrangement. Then Juliet suddenly noted the time. “Miss Sara! If you are having dinner at the Marina, we must hurry to get you ready.”

  “You make that sound like something important. When the Commodore men-tioned dinner at the marina, I thought he meant some nice seafood place, or some-thing.”

  “Something is right,” Duchess said. “Best food in town, except for mine. Think Country Club. Upscale. With three extra helpings of class.”

  “Oh, Lord! I am going to maim Jason!” Sara moaned.

  “Not to worry,” Juliet said. “Between us, Candy and I can cover the wardrobe. You have fabulous hair. That will not be a problem.”

  “Actually,” Mrs. MacDougal was saying, with a large smile. “If I know that old… Commodore Erickson and Martha, she could show up naked and be made to feel like a Princess.”

  “Do not mention the word naked,” Sara muttered. Aloud she said, “I may still maim Jason on general principles for not warning me.”

  “That is probably a good idea,” Mrs. MacDougal agreed. “I knew he had a plan. Had I known the details, I would…”

  She looked over at Sara. “Perhaps not,” she said softly. “If you are sure…”

  Sara nodded.

  “Very well,” Mrs. MacDougal said. “Everyone see to their duties. I will not have a member of this family late to an engagement.”

  They were not late getting to the Marina. They were late getting back. Candy made sure to call so the rest of the staff would not worry. The papers were signed, and the meal went well. Then the Commodore took several people, including Jason and Sara, with him to launch the newest addition to the Marina’s fleet of craft.

  Sara watched entranced as Jason shed his suit jacket, tie, shirt, shoes and socks, then scrambled to the uppermost part of something she could not remember the name of on the small sailing ship the Marina members had helped recreate. Suddenly white canvas was billowing and the ship was moving and the Commodore was calling out quiet, authoritative commands, repeated by someone in a much louder voice, and people seemed to be running around everywhere on the ship.

  Jason was still barefoot when they returned to the house. Sara rode up front with Candy, as Jason was soaking wet, sitting on several towels on the rear seat of the limousine.

  “Explain to me again why you had to jump off that top thing, into the water. That was at least fifty feet.”

  “Oh, it was only forty-four from the rat lines of that yard to the water! And one of the inexperienced hands let a line get tangled, then let it trail overboard. If any of those powerboats dashing back and forth around the ship had caught that line in a prop it could have been… a problem.”

  “So you just decided to jump in and do something about it.”

  Jason shrugged. “Of course. I just caught the line, gathered the running end, and held on until the Commodore lost way on the ship, and they pulled me in.”

  “Simple,” Sara replied.

  It was all Candy could do not to burst out laughing. She had never realized that Jason had such a gap in his education. He did not have a clue that Sara was upset about the danger to which he had subjected himself.

  Candy was sure that Sara was not totally aware of why she was upset.

  “Actually,” Jason said, as they entered the house, “it was a good exercise. Kathy learned her lesson. She will not make that mistake again. Captain Albright will see to it she gets more experience before he lets her do another run on board.”

  “Kathy… I remember seeing her at school, now. She is a cheerleader, I think.”

  “Yes,” Jason said, taking the towel Juliet handed him.

  Mrs. MacDougal had unceremoniously stopped Jason in the kitchen. “Go get him a robe, Juliet. He is not going any further until he is dry.”

  “Kathy… Kathy…” muttered Sara. “Wilkenson!” Suddenly her eyes widened, then she glared at Jason. Everyone saw the glare, except Jason. He had his head down and was rubbing his hair with the towel.

  “Miss Sara?” Mrs. MacDougal tentatively said.

  Juliet was back with the robe. She handed it to Jason. J
ason slipped the robe on and belted it, turned around and slid his pants and shorts down his legs. He handed them to Juliet. “I doubt if they can be saved.”

  Turning back around he said, “I think I will go get my shower and get ready for bed. It is getting late. There is no point in getting moved until… sometime this weekend.”

  Suddenly Sara was aware of all the staff looking at her. She had been standing with hands on hips, staring at the door through which Jason had exited.

  “Miss Sara?” Mrs. MacDougal said again. “Is everything all right. You look upset. He meant what he said. You can wait until sometime later this weekend, if then, to go to his bedroom.”

  “What? Oh. It is not that. It was that Kathy Wilkenson! I had no idea…”

  Realizing that the staff had no idea about what she was talking about, nor quite understanding her own anger, Sara stopped in the middle of the sentence, waited a moment, then said, “Actually, I think I should go ahead and just do this tonight. The more I think about it, the harder it is going to be. I suspect, that like many things that I have delayed, it will turn out to be much easier to do, than thinking and worrying about it.”

  “Much as I dislike this arrangement,” Mrs. MacDougal said, “I do think Jason will be a gentleman about it.”

  Sara sighed. “I think you are right. I hope so. I would really hate to have to pound into the ground someone who can dive forty-four feet from a yard, into the water, at night, and make it sound like it was nothing.”

  She stalked toward the kitchen doorway. Suddenly Sara stopped and turned, to look at Juliet a little unsurely. “Were you going to…”

  “I will be right up, Miss Sara, just as usual.”

  Unconscious of the relieved sigh she released, Sara again headed out of the kitchen.

  Duchess looked over at Candy. “Who is this Kathy Wilkes or something she was muttering about?”

  “I do not know.” Candy grinned at Juliet. “But I bet we find out pretty soon.”

  Juliet grinned back.

  “It is not our business to inquire into our employers’ personal lives. I expect both of you to comport yourselves properly.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Juliet said.


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