The Contract

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The Contract Page 35

by Jerry D. Young

  “You have made her very happy, you know.”

  Jason smiled back. “I am glad. This was a good time to wear one.”

  “I agree,” Candy replied. “Now. Where do we go? I have heard Miss Sara and the others speculating for days on who you would be taking. I must say I am somewhat curious, myself.”

  After Jason gave Candy the address and told her who she was picking up, Candy turned around and looked at him. “They are going to kill you, you know! Every one of them would have gone out with you. At least half of the other girls in the senior and junior classes would have gone out with you. You might have even finagled Miss Sara.”

  Jason smiled. “They are my friends. Too many possible complications. This is much better.”

  “If you survive!” was Candy’s final statement.

  When Jason escorted the beautiful young actress into the prom they were mobbed. At first, because of his kilt, then because his companion was recognized.

  Sara finally took him aside. “You never told me you knew her!”

  “Never occurred to me,” Jason replied with a smile. “She is a distant cousin.”

  Sara’s eyes widened, then narrowed. “You set this up ages ago!”

  Again Jason smiled. “Megan MacAlister was complaining about no longer having a normal teenager’s life when I saw her in New York last year. She even lamented that she would not be able to experience a high school prom.

  “I remembered. When I talked to her recently, she expressed a wish to get away from the high life, and all the security she needs now when she goes out. I thought she might enjoy a simple night out with people our age, and no crush of security or media. No one will know she was here, until after she is gone.”

  “Lord, sometimes I want to hurt you!”

  “Well,” Megan told the small group in the living room at the house, “I think the age old question was finally answered tonight. At least for everyone at the prom.”

  Everyone looked at her quizzically. She grinned. “What a guy wears under a kilt. I had no idea when he asked me to your prom that he was such a good dancer. Or athletic. He is better than a couple of professional dancers I worked with.”

  “Hey!” complained Trinity. “I missed it!” She reached for the hem of Jason’s kilt.

  “I am afraid you will just have to wait until our next Senior Prom,” Jason said. He slipped out of her reach.

  “Miss MacAlister, can I get you anything else?” Mrs. MacDougal asked, serving the young woman herself as Juliet and the other maid handed out cups of hot cocoa.

  “Oh, Mrs. MacDougal, do please call me Megan! You have all been so kind to put with me this evening.”

  “Oh, dearie, I canna do that! You such an important and talented young ac-tress…” Mrs. MacDougal’s brogue was strong. Megan’s slight accent had seemed to bring it out in Mrs. MacDougal.

  “Oh, please,” Megan said. “I have so many people to call me Miss all the time. I want everyone to just call me Megan.”

  “Och! Very well, Miss Megan… I shall try. And might I add, you look lovely tonight.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. MacDougal. I am afraid I cannot believe I stand out all that much. This group is all lovely young women. Except, of course, the one handsome young gentleman.”

  All eyes turned toward Jason. “I am in evening clothes,” he replied with a shrug. All men look good in evening clothes.” He leaned against the fireplace mantle, sipping the hot cocoa.

  “Megan, I want to thank you for singing the number with the band. I know you did not come down here to perform.”

  “She was wonderful,” Bootsi said, just staring at Megan. “I loved that song when you did it in the movie!”

  Sara suddenly looked over at Jason, then at Megan. “Did Jason ask you to sing that? To sing it before the goodnight song?”

  “Of course. I doubt I would have otherwise. He is right. I did not come down here to perform.” She smiled at Jason, then looked back at Jason. “He said a couple falling in love had mentioned it would be the perfect song for them.”

  Sara glared over at Jason. The others were used to the sight. Not so Megan. “But I saw you dancing! You looked wonderful.”

  “It was for Miss Murcheson and Mr. Vandeuson,” Jason said. “I was dancing with Miss Murcheson when Mr. Vandeuson was dancing with Megan. She said that was the first movie they went to together. They both love the song. I would not do that to you. I barely convinced Megan to sing in time for it to be the next to last song. And I could not back out on the next to last dance.”

  Sara relaxed. “Okay. And I saw them dancing. They obviously do love the song.”

  Trinity got up and moved over to stand in front of Megan. “You really sang that song just for them?” There were tears in Trinity’s eyes.

  Megan nodded, just a little unsure of Trinity’s reaction.

  “Could I give you a hug? That was my father. He asked Miss Murcheson to marry him, right there on the dance floor. And she said yes.”

  “Oh, Trinity, that is wonderful,” Sara said. “Why did not you say something?”

  Megan stood and let Trinity hug her.

  “Even as much as I wanted it to happen, I still am having a hard time believing it. That is so unlike Daddy,” Trinity said. “He has chaperoned school functions before, and so has Miss Murcheson. But asking her to marry him, right there! Wow!”

  “I am glad I was able to be a part of that,” Megan said, glancing over at Jason. “You really pulled another one, or am I totally mistaken?”

  “All I did was ask you to sing a song for a friend,” Jason replied. “I had no way of knowing he would ask her then.”

  “Wait a minute,” Trinity said. “He had the ring.”

  “So,” Megan said, just a little let down, “he was going to ask her anyway.”


  Sara heard the sound and stood to go stand in front of Jason.

  “Okay. You never, ever, use incorrect English, unless you are hiding something. You did set it up.”

  Jason shook his head. “No. Not really. Mr. Vandeuson took me down to show me the ring he was thinking about getting for her. He just needed someone to talk to about things. Trinity is right. Mr. Vandeuson has been nervous about it. The ring is one of a kind, and he could not get it right then. I wanted to make sure he would not loose the chance… So I bought it, to hold for him, until he made up his mind. I just thought… with things going so well… that he might just decide to pop the question. With everyone dressed to the nines, having so much fun…”

  “That is why we danced right next to them. You bumped into him! You are never that clumsy! You slipped him the ring!” Sara growled the growl and stared at Jason.

  Megan looked alarmed. “Uh, Jason?” she asked.

  Sara turned and looked at Megan. “Do not worry. This is only about the ten thousandth time I have wanted to strangle him. I have not yet.” She turned and glared at him again. “But one of these days…”

  “Oh, Sara, leave him alone!” Trinity said. “I think it was wonderful. And so do you.” She stepped toward him as Sara stepped back. “All of you grab him. Because I am going to give him a thank you kiss, and you know how he is.”

  “Take one step, McKindrick,” Sara said, her voice dripping sweetness, “and you will not be able to take another. She is about to pop. You have to let her express her feelings.”

  Trinity launched herself at Jason. Pulling his head down, she suddenly realized he was significantly taller than she was now. Holding his face in her hands, she said, “Thank you, Jason. You have been my friend, and my father’s friend, for years. This is the nicest thing you have ever done for us. Daddy is getting a wife, and I am getting a new mom. Something we have both wanted for a long time.” She stood on tiptoes, turned his head slightly and kissed him gently on the cheek.

  When Trinity stepped back and wiped the tears from her eyes, Jason said, “He would have asked her soon, anyway, Trinity.”

  “Shut up, Jason,” Megan said. “Y
ou did a very nice thing. And I want to kiss you thank you, for bringing me down here to have a good time.” She kissed him on the cheek as well. “And for allowing me to do something so meaningful. I have been an actress since I was a little girl. I love it, and I am good at it. I have had audiences show their appreciation. But singing that song, and knowing it touched two people…”

  Megan looked around at the group. “No. Touched so many people so deeply, in such a meaningful way… Thank you for allowing me to experience that.”

  She stepped back. “It is too bad we are related. I would have really embarrassed you, otherwise.”

  “Thank the lord for small favors,” Jason muttered.

  “Okay. That did it. Everyone kisses Jason. And for everyone not totally restricted by job position, feel free to kiss him any way you ever even thought about kissing him.” Sara glared at Jason again.

  “Now, wait a minute,” Jason said, alarmed at the looks in so many women's eyes.

  “You said I could name my price,” Sara said with a rather evil smile. “It is after midnight. I just named it.”

  “Price? For what?” Trinity asked. But she did not wait for the answer. She stepped up to Jason.

  “You already kissed me,” Jason said.

  Trinity grinned. “That was before Sara said I could kiss you any way I wanted.”

  Jason looked over at Sara. “This is not quite fair.”

  “Yes, it is. Pay the price, just like you agreed.”

  “I am next. And I am with Trinity,” Bootsi said, moving over to stand next to Trinity, to wait her turn. “What price? For what?”

  “You know how you had to fix your makeup, after I gave you those necklaces from Jason?”

  Five hands went to five necks. Megan saw the motions, and touched the lovely necklace that Jason had given to her when he had given her the corsage she still wore.

  “You devil, you!” she whispered.

  Sara, still staring at Jason, continued. Trinity paused, watching and listening to Sara.

  “He did not want to give them to you himself. So he asked me to. And I could name my own price if I did it, so he would not have to face… the words blubbering women were used.”

  Jason knew better than to comment that it had been Sara herself that had used the words.

  “I forgot about this,” Trinity said, touching the necklace again. She grinned. “I think this means we get to kiss him twice each, now. Once to thank him for the necklace, plus Sara’s kiss.”

  “Sounds reasonable to me,” Megan said, stepping in line with Bootsi and giving Jason a grin.

  Sara stood to one side of Jason, arms crossed, one foot tapping, as each of the women present kissed Jason. Even the new maid stepped up hesitantly, after getting a nod from Mrs. MacDougal, and kissed Jason quickly on the cheek.

  Trinity, Bootsi, Pricilla, Joanie and Jeannette all made a point to kiss him on the lips, though none actually tried to kiss him the way each had at least thought about once or twice, at some point in time.

  Everyone stepped back then. And looked at Sara.

  “Good,” she said, dropping her arms. “Try to show a little respect for romance in the future and you will not have to be kissed.”

  “That did not quite make sense to me,” Megan said.

  “Sara seldom does when it comes to Jason,” Trinity said matter-of-factly. “And Sara…”

  Sara turned to look at her.

  Trinity pointedly looked at Jason. “Everyone else has kissed him. And you said, everyone kisses Jason. That should include you.”

  “Oh, no!” Sara said, taking a step back. “I already thanked him for my necklace. And the only kiss I have ever considered giving him, was with the flat of a shovel. Not even he deserves that at the moment.”

  “I think she is wimping out,” Bootsi said, with a grin.

  Sara looked at Bootsi. “Hey, I saw you kiss him just now. I would not talk about wimping out, considering what you have said about him in the past.”

  Bootsi colored delightfully. “Uh… I guess she has a point.”

  Pricilla laughed. “About her not kissing him, or you wimping out, or what you said about him in the past.”

  “Time to let the man alone,” interjected Mrs. MacDougal. “Miss Sara is quite right. It is after midnight. I know this is a special occasion, but it will still be special tomorrow. Memories like those made tonight stay with a person for a very long time.

  “So, everyone say their goodnights and head on up to bed. They are all turned back.

  “Everyone, except Master Jason. I need to speak to you a moment,” Mrs. MacDougal said, giving him a quick look.

  Jason waited until the others had all gone upstairs. “Is something wrong, Mrs. MacDougal?”

  “No, boy,” Mrs. MacDougal said quietly. “I just wanted a private moment to tell you how proud I am of you. You helped make tonight a very special night for many people, myself included. I have been a fan of Megan MacAlister for several years. We share a clan kinship, as well. I enjoyed her presence here very much. I am very proud of you on this night.”

  “Oh, Mrs. MacDougal,” Jason said, allowing her to give him another hard hug, then another as he continued. “I do these things, in part, because you have raised me to be such a person. You are the one that should take the credit.”

  “You run up and go to bed.” She lifted her hand to Jason’s face and looked him in the eyes. “And do not give up on her. She will eventually come around.”

  Jason smiled. “I could not give up on her if I tried, Mrs. MacDougal. I love her more every day. And whether she, as you said, comes around, is immaterial to me. She is happy. That is all I want or care about. It makes me happy.”

  “You will be a man soon. You will want more.”

  “I want more now,” Jason said, looking up at the ceiling where he knew Sara was. “I simply do not need it to be happy.”

  “You are as special as your father, and his before him,” Mrs. MacDougal said. “Now, go to bed.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Jason said. And it was he that pulled Mrs. MacDougal to him for a hard hug. He kissed her gently on the top of the head. “I love you very much, Mrs. MacDougal.”

  “Och! Off to bed with you, I said. I do not want to have to take a switch after you.”

  She watched him until he was out of sight up the steps. Then she wiped the tears of happiness away. She saw the rest of the staff peeking around the doorframe.

  “Go along with you. And, Duchess, do not let me forget to call Louise tomorrow. After Megan leaves, of course.”

  “She is going to simply die of envy,” Duchess said.

  “Perhaps,” Mrs. MacDougal said, with a smile.

  When the knock came, it was Sara that said, “Come in.”

  Sara was hanging her dress in the closet when Megan entered the bedroom.

  Megan’s eyes went to Jason, just coming from the bathroom.

  “Had to check?” Jason asked, a smile on his face.

  “Sara told me, but, yes, I had to check.” Megan looked over at Sara. “You two really do have this platonic relationship. Must be nice not to be pressured all the time.”

  Sara’s eyes went to Jason. “For the most part, yes,” she replied.

  Megan laughed. “Oh yes. He can be a pain, can he not? I have only been around him for short periods, three times. And I have already learned that. Goodnight, you two.”

  They both said their good-nights to Megan and she left.

  After Sara had finished putting away the dress, she slipped out of the robe and into the bed.

  Jason reached over to turn off the lights but stopped when Sara said, “Wait for a moment, please.”

  Jason turned to face her, a neutral expression on his face.

  “I need to know something…” Sara said, dropping her eyes for a moment, then lifting them to meet Jason’s again.

  “The necklace… Would you have given the others necklaces, had you not given me mine?”

  “It might or might not
have been a necklace, but probably something.”


  “I am sure I would have done something similar. The group may be one or two larger… But, yes, I would have done something.”

  Jason saw Sara’s eyes searching his face. “I did not get them something just because I got you that necklace. Nor did I decide to get them something, to justify getting you something.”

  Sara cut her eyes away, to roll over onto her back. “I know. I knew… I just… It is beautiful, and I love it… I just do not know how to say thank you without…”

  “You have already said thank you. You have expressed the fact that you like it. And you danced with me, just as you said you would. Nothing else is required or expected.”

  “I know,” Sara said softly. “I know you. And I know how you feel about me. But what you did… It is a nice present. And the others gave you a kiss. It is appropriate. But… I do not want to hurt you in some way. Or make things difficult. More difficult than they are…”

  “Sara, if you wish to give me a kiss on the cheek, as a thank you for your necklace, just as the others did, I will not read anything into it other than a simple thank you. I really do try very hard not to make this arrangement harder on you than necessary.”

  “You have not,” Sara said, rolling onto her side so she could look at him again. “It is not you. It is me. I am the one that makes it difficult for me. I feel obligated... But I have learned since I have been here. From you, mostly… But from Mrs. MacDougal, and the rest of the staff. From Trinity, and Bootsi and the others. People can do nice things for one another. They do not have to be immediately returned, in kind.

  “That attitude that they do got me into this whole situation to start with.”

  “Sara, I will terminate the contract with any terms you wish. I value your friendship more than anything else now. I know you hated the termination terms almost as much as you hated the regular terms. I know how important not being beholden is to you. I will do almost anything to make you feel like you are not.”

  “Are you through?” Sara asked quietly.

  “I… Yes,” Jason said, seeing the somewhat annoyed look on Sara’s face.

  “This has nothing to do with any of that. I am content with the contract. I do not regret entering into it. It is just as I said. I have learned that each act of kindness or giving does not have to be immediately repaid in some way. I have also learned that is all right to do so. And not necessarily in kind.


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