The Contract

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The Contract Page 36

by Jerry D. Young

  “I want to give you a kiss, because you gave me the necklace. But not just a simple peck on the cheek. I want to kiss you the way the others did, not because they did, but because it is a nice way… a good way, to say thank you. A nice simple kiss, that is all. Something like a good night kiss, only just thank you. But I do not want to lead you on. Make you think that the necklace, or the kiss, means anything more. Or will lead to anything more. Believe me, I have the same type of feelings you have for me, only in general, not for you, or anyone else in particular. Just… curiosity.”

  “I see,” Jason said. “Then, if you wish… Okay.”

  Jason raised up on one elbow and leaned slightly toward Sara.

  Sara did the same. She touched her lips briefly to Jason’s. When she moved back, just slightly, she said, very quietly. “Thank you, Jason. It was a lovely gift, for a lovely evening. I would not have missed it for the world. Now, good night. We need to be up at the regular time, in the morning.”

  “You are very welcome. I have had a wonderful time tonight, as well. Good night.”

  Jason fell asleep with a satisfied smile on his face.

  Sara fell asleep slightly confused, but smiling.

  “Your step mother really is not coming for graduation?” Sara asked.

  “No. I knew when she left on her trip she would not be here.” Jason cut his eyes over to Sara.

  “I am sure I can find your mother found before graduation,” Jason added.

  Sara sighed. “No. I do not think so.” She looked over at Jason. It was a few moments before she realized that Jason had cut his eyes from her when she looked at him.

  Her eyes narrowed as she watched him for several moments. “You already know where she is,” Sara said.

  Lifting his eyes, he turned to face Sara. “Yes. I had pulled the investigators off. But when you had to go to the hospital, I asked them to find her, just in case things were serious.”

  “And you did not think to tell me you knew where she was?” There were sudden tears in Sara’s eyes. She wiped them away angrily.

  “I thought. And thought and thought. And decided it was your choice. If and when you expressed an interest, I would tell you. You have known I could and would get the investigators, if you wanted.”

  Sara turned away from Jason. “I know,” she said softly. “I know. I am sorry. I should not be angry with you.” She looked at Jason again. “Is she okay?”

  Jason nodded.

  There was a very faint smile on Sara’s face as she asked, “You are not going to offer details?”

  “Only if you ask. I can have you there in four hours. It is just a short flight.”

  Sara sat down on the bed. “She has not tried to contact me… No…”

  Jason heard the sobs start as Sara quickly slipped into the bed and curled up on her side.

  “Mrs. MacDougal,” Jason said, pressing the intercom button, “could you please come up?”

  Jason slipped from the bed, dialed the telephone and called Trinity.

  “Trinity, please come over. Sara needs someone to stay with her tonight. Someone not me.”

  Jason walked around to Sara’s side of the bed. Her face was buried in the pillow, her body shaking with her sobs.

  Touching her shoulder through the blankets covering it, Jason said, “I am sorry.”

  Mrs. MacDougal entered as Jason turned to leave. “I called Trinity. She will be here soon.”

  Jason looked over at Sara. “I should not have mentioned her mother,” he said as he left the room. Mrs. MacDougal was already sitting on the edge of the bed, murmuring comforting words.

  When Trinity arrived Jason was waiting for her. He explained what had hap-pened. Trinity hurried up to the bedroom.

  Sara entered the study quietly. It was nearly six the next morning. She saw Jason lying on the long leather chesterfield sofa, an afghan tucked up under his chin.

  “Jason?” she asked softly, sitting on the very edge of the sofa.

  “Are you okay?” were the first words he spoke when his eyes opened.

  Seeing the concern in them, Sara smiled encouragingly. “Yes. I have not cried like that since… since it happened.”

  “I am sorry I…”

  Sara put her fingertips to Jason’s lips. “Do not be. It was just waiting to come out, I think. I think, as you obviously did, that thinking of my mother is what prompted me to ask about your stepmother.

  “I cried it out. Trinity is still sleeping. I wanted to make sure you were okay. You worry too much. At least about me. I cannot think of anything else you ever seem to worry about.”

  “My life would be too easy, without you in it,” Jason said, watching Sara’s face. “I would just be some rich jerk of a kid, without you to divert me.”

  “You know,” Sara said, rising, “I am not even going to get annoyed with you over that. Just get up. If you want to really embarrass Trinity, she did not think to bring anything with her. She fell asleep in her clothes, after I did, then woke up sometime during the night. She is still in bed, in just her panties and bra. You ease into the bedroom, and you can really get her.”

  “You really do not think I would do that, do you?” Jason asked, sitting up and putting aside the afghan.

  Sara smiled finally. “No, not really. You do not mind seeing Jeannette like that, when she forgets.”

  “I am not so sure she forgets,” Jason said with a frown. “And besides, that is with Jeannette’s full knowledge. Trinity would not be embarrassed, she would be mortified.”

  “I know. I really just wanted to see your response. You never cease to amaze me.”

  Jason shook his head. “Would you let Trinity know I will be coming up in a few minutes? We really should get ready for school.”

  “Give us ten minutes,” Sara said. “I will wake her up.”

  He nodded. “You want anything special for breakfast? I will go let Duchess know.”

  “Waffles sound good this morning,” Sara replied, heading for the door.

  When Jason entered the bedroom a few minutes later Trinity was still in bed. She covered her mouth with her hand when she yawned. “Jason, could you let me go in first?” she quickly asked when Jason moved toward the bathroom door.

  “Sure,” he said, “go ahead.”

  “Uh… I thought Sara said she told you I slept in my undies.”

  “She did,” Jason replied, leaning against the wall, his arms crossed in front of his chest.

  Sara said nothing, finding something to do as she observed.

  “She said she tried to get you to come in and surprise me, but you would not.”

  “Also true. Would you hurry? I still need to get dressed, you know.”

  “Aw, phooey!” Trinity said, flipping back the blankets. She was dressed.

  “I told you he would know,” Sara said. She looked over at Jason. “She just had to try.”

  “I know. That is Trinity.” Jason went into the bathroom.

  “Are you sure you do not want to go with the rest of us, Jeannette?” Sara asked. “It should be fun.”

  “I know. But I think I better get a little more studying done. I am worried about my math final.”

  “Jeannette, I did not know. I will stay and help you study.”

  “That is okay, Sara. I will just ask Jason.”

  Sara smiled. “Probably be better, anyway. He is a whiz in math. But I can stay and help, too.”

  “Sara, you and the others have been planning this for weeks. I do not want to be the reason you miss this trip.”

  “Are you sure, Jeannette?”

  “I am, Sara. You know Jason will help me. And how much he likes to help.”

  Sara smiled. “So true. Okay then. I need to finish loading the truck and go pick up Trinity. We are meeting the others in an hour.”

  Jeannette smiled as Sara left to go to the garage.

  “Thanks for helping me with my math, Jason.” Jeannette smiled at Jason. “Let me take you out for dinner for helping.”
  “You did fine, Jeannette. You really did not need much, if any help. You do not have to take me out for dinner. Actually, I plan to turn in early tonight. It is going to be a long day tomorrow and Sunday. I told Mike I would help him get the yawl ready for Mr. Grimwald. He wants to launch first thing Monday.”

  “Oh,” Jeannette said. “Okay. But thanks, Jason. You are a sweetheart.” She leaned forward and kissed Jason on the cheek.

  With another small smile Jeannette headed upstairs.

  She did not knock. Jeannette opened the door carefully, peeking around the edge before she slipped inside.

  There was just enough light for Jeannette to see Jason sleeping on his back. Letting the robe slide to the floor, Jeannette slid beneath the blankets, nude. She moved over next to Jason, leaned forward and began to kiss him.

  Jason’s arm snaked out and flipped on the light. “Jeannette, this will not work,” he said quietly.

  “I just want… you,” she replied, looking down at him. Again she smiled as his eyes went from her face down her body. She knew he could see most of it, the way she was leaning forward, almost over him.

  Her smile faded as Jason spoke again.

  “Jeannette, what did Mr. Lawrence tell you would be your reward for helping him?”

  “I do not know what you…” Jeannette’s words faded away. “You really do know…” she whispered.

  She lay back, beside Jason, tears starting to flow.

  “Anything I really wanted, he said. He would be able to do most anything when he gets control of your assets after you turn eighteen.”

  “How much of the story is true?”

  “All of it except… I refused to go with them. I was going to just take off, hit the streets. I did not want to go to Venezuela. They begged me to come stay with Uncle Jack. He really is my Uncle,” Jeannette said.

  She looked over at him. “He was not too happy to see me. But he got this gleam in his eye and offered me pretty much anything I wanted if I came here and spied for him.”

  Jeannette sighed. “There has not been much to tell him. He got really upset that Megan was not here long enough for him to talk to her.”

  Her tears flowed more heavily. “I did not lie about anything… except why I came here. Really… I am sorry, Jason. You have been nothing but good to me. Everyone here. I know why Sara loves being here so much. I should have gone with my parents. It would not have been so bad. And I miss them, anyway.”

  Sobs began to shake her body.

  “Jeannette, go get some sleep. We can talk about this tomorrow after I get back from Mike’s.”

  “I am so sorry,” she barely managed to say. In her haste to get out of the bed, she tangled herself in the bedclothes. She struggled to get free of the entangling sheets and blanket, her body heaving now with great wracking sobs.

  “Jeannette! Calm down,” Jason said reaching over and pulling her shoulder. “You will wind up with a broken neck if you fall off the bed like that. “It is okay. Just relax for a minute.” He eased her over, and shifted the bedclothes.

  Her sobs slightly less, Jeannette watched Jason as he lay back down.

  “You are quite a young woman, you know. You do not have to do things like this,” he said, talking softly.

  She was able to speak after a few moments. “Why are you being so nice? So understanding? No wonder it drives Sara crazy, sometimes.”

  Jeannette began to sob again, the tears returning in full force. “I am sorry!” she cried out, rolling over to bury her head on his shoulder, one arm going across his chest.

  With a sigh, Jason tried to ease her away, but she was clutching him, still trying to apologize, literally soaking his shoulder with her tears.

  “It is all right, Jeannette. Really. Just lay here a minute. I am sorry I upset you so.”

  It only seemed to bring more copious tears. Jason sighed again and just held her.

  “Jason! Jeannette!”

  Jason’s eyes flew open. He realized he had dozed off. Jeannette was struggling from beneath the sheets and blanket again. She made it.

  Sara’s mouth dropped open when she saw Jeannette tumble from the bed, nude.

  Jeannette had a stricken look on her face, her tears beginning anew. She grabbed the robe from the floor and ran from the room, moaning, “I am sorry! I am sorry!”

  Turning back to the bed, Sara felt her anger rising.

  “Would you go talk to her, Sara? Comfort her. Reassure her. She is upset and ashamed and hurting.” Seeing the look on Sara’s face, Jason quietly added, “Please, Sara.”

  With a deep frown, Sara turned and left the bedroom.

  Two hours later, when Sara went to the bedroom she shared with Jason, and he was not there, she went down to the study.

  Jason was dressed, she found, and pacing in the study.

  “Is she all right?” he asked Sara immediately.

  “She finally fell asleep,” Sara said. “She just kept crying and telling me she was sorry.”

  Jason sighed. “I will have Juliet move my things in the morning. I will be out in the shop until I leave for Mike’s.”

  “You are not going to tell me what went on? I sleep in that bed, too, you know.” Sara asked, her anger becoming obvious.

  “I know,” Jason said. He touched the intercom. The sleepy voice of Juliet an-swered. “Juliet, please strip the bed in Miss Lee’s room and replace the bedding.”

  Without another word Jason left the study. Sara fumed for a few minutes, then hurried up to the bedroom hoping to catch Juliet before she had started working.

  “Juliet,” Sara said when she hurried into the room and saw the maid, in her nightclothes and robe, already putting on the clean sheets.

  “Are you all right, Miss Sara?” Juliet asked, concern in her voice. “I was afraid you had a problem again. But there was no blood. I did not see anything, except a damp spot near the pillows on Master Jason’s side of the bed.”

  “I am not all right, but it is not that. Juliet, I am sorry Jason got you out of bed.”

  “I think it was tears,” Juliet said, with a perplexed look and a glance at the bed. She suddenly whirled back to Sara. “I thought you went on that camping trip! Is everyone else okay? What happened?”

  Juliet’s concern was apparent.

  “Everyone is fine. They had to close the park. A natural gas pipeline near the park was cut or something. We heard it on the radio on the way up and came back.”

  She whirled, and head back through the bedroom door. Juliet heard Sara mutter, “He thinks he is getting off this easy he is nuts!”

  Sara went out to Jason’s shop at the rear of the property. When she started to enter she found that the door was locked. She started to bang on the door with her fist but heard muted sounds from inside. Jason was obviously using some type of power tool. He probably had on earmuffs. He would never hear her banging. She knew she could press the buzzer and a light would flash so he would know. She was very tempted. Sara decided to wait. “But we will have a reckoning,” she muttered on her way back to the house.

  Her concern outweighing her anger, Sara checked on Jeannette. Jeannette was asleep. Sara could see how red and puffy Jeannette’s face was.

  When she re-entered the other bedroom she changed and headed toward the connecting bedroom. But she paused in the doorway and looked over at the bed. Her eyes lost focus as she turned to look toward the shop, beyond the bedroom wall.

  Sara walked slowly back to the big bed and climbed in.

  When she woke Sara grabbed her robe and hurried down to the dining room. “He already left, I take it,” Sara said, seeing Duchess and Mrs. MacDougal sitting at the dining room table.

  Duchess headed for the kitchen as Mrs. MacDougal also stood. “He said you came back last night. We heard about the gas leak on the radio this morning.”

  Sara nodded, lips pursed in annoyance that she had missed him.

  “He looked troubled this morning,” Mrs. MacDougal said, watching Sara.

/>   “I am not surprised,” Sara replied. “He and I have something to discuss.” Her eyes cut to the kindly woman. “I have come to love you these last months, Mrs. MacDougal. But please do not interfere in this.”

  A tiny smile appeared on Mrs. MacDougal’s face. “He said something very similar. I was prepared to ignore his request. But I will abide by your wishes, Miss.”

  “Thank you,” Sara said. She turned and headed back upstairs. When she went to Jeannette’s room she found Juliet packing Jeannette’s belongings.

  “You mean I missed her, too?” Sara asked, her anger very evident to Juliet.

  “She asked me to pack up for her. Miss Jeannette said she would be back to pick up the bags…”

  “Wait a minute,” Sara said. As she started to turn to go out the door, she no-ticed that Juliet was only packing a few things.

  Juliet saw the direction of Sara’s gaze. “Miss Jeannette asked me to pack only those things she brought with her. She said she would not be taking anything she acquired after her arrival.”

  Sara nodded her acknowledgement and left.

  By the time she was dressed, and ate the small breakfast that Mrs. MacDougal and Duchess almost forced down her throat, Sara was fuming again.

  “I am going down to Mike’s to find Jason,” she told Mrs. MacDougal. Sara took the keys to her truck from the rack by the door out to the garage.

  “There is a courier here,” Juliet said, coming into the kitchen. “She will only accept Mrs. MacDougal’s signature. Or Miss Sara’s.”

  Sara’s eyes narrowed. “I will take care of it, Mrs. MacDougal.”

  She hurried out to the entry haul. “I have a package for a Jeannette Lawrence. To be signed for by Margaret MacDougal or Sara Lee.”

  “I am Sara Lee,” Sara said.

  “So I see. Nice hair,” the woman said.

  When Sara looked blank, the courier said, “The guy described you. Long red hair.”

  “Oh.” Sara signed for the package. And debated opening it. But could not quite bring herself to do so. It was addressed to Jeannette. In Jason’s handwriting.


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