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The Contract

Page 38

by Jerry D. Young

  “Get in the truck!” Sara shouted.

  “NO!” Jason said. “He will ram it. I do not want you hurt. I have an idea.”

  “Look out!” Trinity screamed.

  With Jason next to her, Sara could not veer to her left. Rodney moved up and gunned the Porsche.

  Jason pushed off against Sara’s truck with one hand and managed to get in front of her, then around to the other side as Sara slammed on the brakes.

  Rodney shot past, brake lights flaring. He drifted to the right side, as Jason shot past. Gunning the Porsche, Rodney came to within two feet of Jason. Jason swerved again, and was suddenly holding onto the frame of the open window.

  “Give it up, Rodney! This is crazy!” Jason told the other boy, as he held on to the Porsche.

  Rodney saw Sara’s truck come up beside them and he jerked the wheel of the Porsche, trying to crush Jason between the two vehicles.

  Jason thrust with his hand and got behind Sara’s truck as the Porsche touched sides with it.

  Sara braked and the Porsche shot past again.

  “Get in, Jason!” Sara called again.

  “No. Call the Commodore! Tell him his nightmare is about to come true. Get off the street before you get hurt, or hurt someone else. I am going to end this thing with Rodney, once and for all.”

  With that, Jason pushed off and worked with all his skill to pick up speed and avoid Rodney, who had dropped back again and was coming up on Sara’s side of the truck.

  “What is he going to do?” Trinity asked as Sara slowed. “He is not even trying to get off the street, now,” she said, watching Jason maneuver in the traffic of the street.

  “I do not know! But call the Commodore! He must know what Jason meant. OH!”

  Jason had just managed to avoid being run down by Rodney by grabbing the side of a pickup and whipping himself forward at even higher speed.

  “I am going up and over,” Sara said, flipping her turn signal on. “He has to stay going downhill. That means he will take the new Fifth. It goes all the way down to… Jeez! It dead ends at Carter, right at the bay!”

  Trinity scrambled to dial the phone as Sara headed for a different route to get them close to the end of the rebuilt fifth street.

  “Look!” Trinity said.

  Sara pulled over. They could see most of the remaining length of Fifth Street. Opened only a week before, with many of the side streets still blocked off, it carried little traffic.

  But there was some. Including the white Porsche and Jason.

  Sara heard squawking noises and looked down at the cellular phone in Trinity’s hand. She grabbed it. “Commodore! Listen! Rodney is in his Porsche, trying to run Jason down! He is on skates, headed down Fifth. He said to tell you your nightmare is about to come true.”

  After one bad word from the Commodore, the line went dead. Sara and Trinity faintly heard the warning siren at the Marina go off.

  Her knuckles went white on the steering wheel she still gripped when Sara saw Jason duck under the trailer of a semi rig when Rodney nearly got him. She could not see him for agonizing moments, but the semi slowed, and Jason came into view again.

  The grade dipped just a little more and Jason was able to weave in and out of the traffic with seeming ease, staying out of Rodney’s reach. Horns were blaring constantly.

  Police sirens were sounding and Trinity and Sara saw three helicopters appear almost simultaneously over the area.

  “He has to be going at least fifty miles an hour!” Trinity said. “All the other traffic is slowing! They have to make the turns at the bottom!”

  They could see activity at the Marina, part of which was directly in line with Fifth Street.

  “What is he going to do? He cannot jump high enough to clear the barrier on the far side of Carter,” Sara said, staring at Jason in the distance.

  Jason knew he had to time things perfectly. He had been lucky so far. Rodney had not done any damage to any other vehicle, just going for Jason when Jason was in the clear.

  With a quick shove off another vehicle Jason shot across one lane. Rodney headed for him again, but backed off when Jason grabbed the tailgate of another pickup.

  They both ignored the yells and horns. Jason saw the blocked exit ahead.

  There were two ways to get off Fifth where it ended at the bay. Make a turn onto Carter, at the seawall. Or take the off ramp up to the parking garage for the Marina Hotel. The entrance to the garage was on the fourth level, to reduce the traffic on Carter.

  Glancing forward, then at Rodney, whom he could see glaring at him, Jason prepared himself. The pickup started to slow. Jason let go, and eased out right in front of Rodney.

  Jason spun, to face the on rushing Porsche as Rodney gunned it. He leaned forward and let his arms take the shock as his hands contacted the hood of the Porsche. As he had expected, Rodney screamed in rage as the Porsche pushed Jason backwards. Rodney just kept speeding up.

  His eyes on Jason’s face, Rodney paid no attention to the traffic. And though Rodney thought Jason was staring at him, Jason was, in fact, watching the reflection in the windshield.

  It took only a tiny movement of his feet to guide them toward the exit. He saw the sawhorse style barriers. Tensing, Jason crouched lower, bent his arms, then gave a mighty push.

  The news crew in the helicopter caught the movie like scene in its entirety. The extra boost of the push got Jason ahead of the car just enough for him to jump and spin. Then he jumped again, to land on the narrow top of the barrier separating the off ramp from the Fifth Street pavement below.

  Rodney was screaming in anger. The investigators determined that Rodney did not hit his brakes until he was only ten feet from the uncompleted barrier at the top of the ramp, where the pavement turned into the garage.

  The white Porsche came even with Jason just as it hit the plywood forms of the barrier, scheduled to be poured two days hence. It did not seem to slow the Porsche at all. The Porsche arched out and nose dived into the south side boat fueling dock.

  Jason was crouched down, and when he reached the end of the barrier, still traveling far too fast to stop, he rose, pushed off and just seemed to fly out toward the bay, arms forward, hands together.

  The cameraman in the second news helicopter won the best news footage award that year for the tape of Jason’s flight. It caught him from the time he pushed off the Porsche, his ride up the off ramp, through his flight, and subsequent tight tuck and cannonball into the bay. Even the slight twist Jason made to avoid the mast of a ketch was caught, clearly showing the clearance of only an inch between the mast and Jason’s body as he flew past.

  Wisely, Sara let Trinity drive them down to the Marina. She was shaking so hard she knew she would never get them there in one piece. They had seen the huge splash of Jason hitting the water, though they had lost sight of him shortly after his leap into the air, as he dropped below the level of the off ramp.

  The fire department was fighting the fire fueled by the gasoline and diesel fuel from the tanks ruptured when the Porsche slammed into them.

  Both young women kept their eyes away from the remains of the Porsche, laying half on the dock structure, flames still all around it.

  The Coast Guard rescue boat was just getting to one of the cleared docks as Sara and Trinity pushed their way through the gathering crowd. Only the fact that the Commodore saw them and waved an okay to the police officer holding back the crowd got them past the police line.

  “He is fine,” the Commodore immediately said. “Undoubtedly he will be one huge bruise from that cannonball impact. But he is okay.”

  “Please tell me you got everyone clear,” Jason said as a Coast Guardsman helped him from the boat to the dock.

  “Everyone got clear,” the Commodore replied.

  “We have him,” Sara said as she and Trinity shouldered the sailor out of the way. They supported him as the group moved toward the ambulance parked nearby.

  “Are you sure you are not hurt?” Sara ask

  “My skating pads and helmet protected me. I am just really beat up. It hurts some, but I do not think I am injured.”

  “We will let the doctors determine that,” the Commodore said, ushering them into the ambulance.

  The paramedic checked Jason, then had him lie down in the ambulance.

  “I will see you at home this evening,” Jason said as the doors were closing.

  “If he thinks…” Sara sputtered.

  “Come on, Sara,” I will take you to the hospital, Trinity quickly said.

  “I am okay, now. I can drive,” she said. “Now that I know he is okay.”

  Suddenly she sat down on one of the benches that was part of the dock structure. “Uh… Maybe you should drive,” she said. “I cannot believe he did that!” she muttered. “In all that traffic! At those speeds! He could have been killed.”

  “I think maybe we better take her home,” the Commodore said.

  “Not on your life,” Sara said, suddenly standing. “Come on, Trinity. We are going to the hospital to see about Jason.”

  Trinity shrugged helplessly, looking at the Commodore. He nodded, then turned to see about the Marina, thankful that they had practiced their safety drills so often. “I knew something like this would happen eventually,” he muttered.

  There was a relatively large group waiting when Jason was released from the hospital. Sally Richardson had managed to get the media sidetracked by sending them to Jack Lawrence for statements. Sally was not even sure Lawrence had heard about the incident. She smiled and walked over to join the others waiting when Jason came out.

  Everyone saw the sigh when Jason saw Sara and Sara saw Jason. Sara stood and strode toward Jason. “If you ever so much as think about doing something that stupid again, I will put you in here permanently. Do you understand me?”




  “What do you mean, yes?” Sara asked.

  “I mean, yes I know it was stupid. I just could not think of anything else to do. Someone was going to die today. I simply decided that better Rodney than some innocent kid on the sidewalk. Can we discuss this later? I am tired and sore and just want to go home. Someone died today because of me, and I do not like the feeling.”

  Sara nodded, “I understand.” Turning she said, “Everyone go home. He is fine. Candy, would you bring the limo around?”

  Candy nodded and left.

  “Miss Richardson thanks for getting the media out of his hair. Would you do the best you can to keep them away from the house?”

  She too nodded and moved away.

  “Trinity, would you bring my truck home? I am going to ride with Candy.”

  “I will pick Trinity up there,” Bootsi said. “You or Candy will not need to take her home, that way.”

  Sara nodded. “The rest of you… Just… go on home. Jason is fine. He would rather not talk to anyone right now.”

  The group parted quietly as Sara led Jason out to the limo.

  “Now, that was truly amazing,” Sally said. “I thought she was going to go up one side then down the other, the way she usually does. But she just turned it off and became his…”

  “Protector,” Trinity said. “I have seen her do it before. One of these days, she is going to realize she is in love with him, just as much as he is in love with her."

  “When did you get so smart?” Mr. Vandeuson asked.

  Trinity’s impish grin appeared. “I always have been. I just did silly things to hide the fact.”

  “Oh, Lord!” Bootsi said. “We better go. They will throw us out if we let Trinity stay and keep spreading that stuff.”

  “I think I will just go up to bed,” Jason said when they entered the house.

  “Jason, I think you should eat a little first. Some soup. Then talk about what happened. If you do not want to talk to me, we can call the Commodore, or Mr. Vandeuson. Or Mike. I know you just came from the hospital, and they said you were okay. But your actions are making me think you are having some of the symptoms of shock.”

  Jason nodded, then turned toward the dining room.

  “This is not making me think otherwise,” Sara said, walking beside Jason. “You are quiet always, but this is different. I really am getting worried.”

  Jason stopped. “I think we better go in the study.”

  Instead of sitting in the desk chair, Jason sank tiredly onto the sofa. “I just want to forget the whole thing. Rodney is dead. It is my fault.”

  “He tried to kill you, Jason,” Sara said. “He would have killed others in trying to run you over, if you had not been able to keep him away from them.”

  “I keep thinking that. It helps. But only a little. Except…”

  “Except what?” Sara asked.

  Tears started to flow down Jason’s face. “I thought he might hurt you, in getting to me. You tried to stop him… I was terrified he might wreck your truck and hurt you if I did not get him away.”

  “Oh, Jason…” Sara said softly. “Do not think about that. You kept him from hurting anyone except himself. Maybe you are right. I am suddenly not feeling very hungry, either. I changed my mind. I think you should go up and get ready for bed. I will have Juliet bring up some light soup. Then, if you do feel better in a few minutes, you can have it. I will be up after I talk to the others. I know they are frantic to know exactly what happened.”

  Jason swiped the backs of his hands across his eyes. “Okay.”

  He stood and headed for the study doors. “Make sure they know I am all right. I really was not in much danger. I could have got away from him at any time.”

  It was only when Sara had reassured Mrs. MacDougal and the rest of the staff that Jason really did seem to be okay, and she was on the way up to the bedroom that she realized what Jason had admitted.

  Her anger building, Sara entered the bedroom, ready to take Jason to task for not having taken a safe way out, if he could have.

  But when she entered the bedroom, Jason was curled up, beneath the blan-kets, sobbing. “Oh, Jason!” she said, “You are not as tough as you would have the world believe,” she said softly.

  Moving quickly, in case he looked up, Sara moved around the bed, slipped out of her dress and into the bed. She scooted over, pulled Jason’s head onto her chest and said, “Just cry it out, Jason. I vent all the time. You keep things bottled up. But I will not let you this time. You need to do this.”

  Sara knew when Jason realized she wore only her bra and panties. He tried to pull back and roll away from her.

  “No. It is okay. I know you will not take advantage. Just lie here with me until everything is better.”

  Jason’s slight thrashing woke Sara. She spoke softly and gently tugged him against her. He settled, an arm going across her chest, to clutch tightly for a moment. Sara felt him relax again, as he fell into a deeper sleep. She was sure he had not completely wakened.

  When Sara woke again, it was Jason holding her, not her holding Jason. She was laying half on him, and Jason’s arm was curled around her back, holding her to him.

  Sara almost shifted, to draw away and go put on her pajamas. But Jason seemed to be sleeping so comfortably, Sara stayed where she was, to avoid disturbing him. She told herself that was why, several times, before she fell asleep again.

  The next time Sara woke she could tell it was morning from the light in the room from the windows. “Jason,” she said, edging away from his oh so warm body. “Jason, I need you to keep your eyes closed. So I can get to the bathroom. Okay?”

  His arm flexed, pulling her back against him for a moment. Then his eyes opened. Inches from Sara’s. He moved. Very quickly.

  Sara made sure the blankets were wrapped around her, when she put her head over the edge of the bed to look at Jason. “Are you all right?” she asked, looking at Jason where he now lay on the floor.

  “Um… I am fine. I will keep my eyes closed. You go get dressed.”

  “Okay.” Sara started t
o move off the bed. As she turned, her eyes cut across Jason’s waist.

  He was trying to roll over, to hide what she was seeing.

  Sara’s eyes cut up to Jason’s face. Her face turned red and she saw the color quickly come to Jason’s.

  “I…” Sara moved off the bed away from Jason and hurried into the bathroom.

  Hesitating for a moment, Sara stepped slowly into the bedroom when she was dressed. “Jason?” She saw him standing at the window, the curtains open, staring out.

  He did not turn around. “I am sorry, Sara. I could not… control it.”

  “No, Jason,” Sara said, stepping toward him. “I am the one that should be sorry. I know how you feel about me. I should have taken the time to put on my pajamas first, last night. I just… You were hurting and I just had to do something quickly!”

  Jason turned his head just slightly. “I am not sure pajamas would have made any difference. It is not what you were wearing that caused the… reaction.”

  “What? I do not understand.”

  “Sara, I have that reaction almost every morning. Some of it is simply the need to empty my bladder. But… It is just being close to you. It was just more… intense… when I realized you were in my arms.”

  “That happens every morning?” Sara asked.

  Jason finally turned around and met Sara’s gaze.


  Sara’s arms crossed in front of her chest. Jason saw her foot start tapping.

  “Any other times?”

  “Fairly often, actually,” Jason replied.

  “That is disgusting! I cannot believe you…” Sara spun around and strode to-ward the door of the bedroom.

  Jason turned back to the window with a sigh. He stared at nothing for a few moments, then with another sigh, he turned toward the bathroom. It was only then that he realized that Sara had returned to the bedroom.

  She was standing just inside the door, watching him. “I am sorry. It is not disgusting… It is just a natural fact. We have such a… comfortable relationship… I do not think about things like that anymore. You never do anything to make me think of them. I am sorry I reacted the way I did.”


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