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Into The Night - Part 2

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by Mae Nunnally

Chapter 4


  It was early the next morning when Meredith was sitting on the porch enjoy a cup of coffee when three men appeared from out of no where. At first she wasn't worried, but when they stepped up on the porch and pointed their guns she knew she was in trouble.

  Carmine wasn't sure what woke him, but then he heard Meredith rapid heartbeat. He nudged his brother awake. “Owen. Owen.”


  “Something is wrong, Meredith's heart rate is escalated and she not in the cabin.”

  “Shhh, listen.” Owen said. And that's when they heard a male's voice.

  “Let's go.” They didn't bother with clothes, they both leaped down from the loft and rushed to the front door.

  When Carmine heard, “quit lying you stupid bitch,” Carmine lost control and burst thru the front door and within seconds he was on the men. He heard Meredith scream but he didn't stop until all three men were knocked out cold on the ground. He didn't need to turn around to know that his secret was out.

  Owen just stood in the doorway, he knew it was unwise to do anything. He looked over at Meredith when she screamed. She sat now just staring at Carmine. He had hoped that they would have time to explain things before she saw what she had just seen.

  Carmine turned towards Meredith and closed his eyes, this was not how he wanted Meredith to find out. “Owen, tie these guys up and call the police.” He said before running off.

  All Owen said was, “No, problem.” He walked back into the house and ground the rope from the closet.

  After tying up the men, he made a call, but not to the police. He called their father. “Opal, is Stiofan there?”

  “Yes, what happen?” Opal knew that when any of their children called using their given names instead of mom or dad, it wasn't good.

  “Can you have him come to the cabin? We need three men removed from the property”

  “We'll be there in fifteen minutes. Where's Carmine? Is he safe?”

  “He is, don't worry. Also, we have a friend staying with us at the cabin.” He wanted his parents to know so they would act normal.

  “Okay son, we're on our way.”

  After getting over the shock, Meredith just sat and listened to Owen conversation. She waited until she saw him put his phone back in his pocket before saying anything. “Are they okay?”

  “Yes, they are, although they'll be out of it for a while. Are you alright?”

  “Yes, they didn't touch me.” Meredith raised her eyes from the men on the ground to Owen's face. “Would mind putting some clothes on? At least a robe.”

  Owen wanted to go after his brother, but he knew his main concern right now needed to be for Meredith and the three men now tied up and each of them to a tree. “Of course, I'm sorry.”

  Meredith didn't mind seeing Owen that way, it didn't bother her, but if the police was coming he should have more on than just his boxers. When he returned and sat down on the porch with a cup of coffee she asked the one question she really wanted answered. “Is Carmine going to be alright?”

  “Yes.” He didn't know what else to say to Meredith. He was actually surprised that she was taking things as well as she was.

  “Will he be back?” She asked.

  “In time, yes, he just needs some time.”

  “Is this why he didn't stay with me in the alley?”

  Owen knew what she was talking about, but wasn't sure if it was his place to answer. “Maybe. You really need to ask him. I imagine you two will have a lot to talk about once he returns. Give him a few hours Meredith, he'll return.”

  Meredith had heard of the different people living in the area. Some said they didn't belong, that they all should be killed, others said that as long as they left them alone they were fine with them. She had never seen any of these people until now. She had imagined that they changed into animals, mainly because she had heard them referred to as panthers, wolves, bears, and even deer shifters. She wasn't sure what to make of Carmine.

  A thought came to mine, was Owen the same way, was their entire family this why. So, she asked, “Are you like Carmine?”

  Owen sat listening for Carmine, but he couldn't hear him. It was Meredith question that gained his attention. “Yes, I am.”

  She figured as much. “Why didn't you shift like Carmine.” She asked.

  “I would have, but...” he went silent and listened. “we'll continue this conversation later. Opal and Stiofan are almost here.”

  Meredith looked up from the porch to see a man and woman walking towards them. The man stopped at the men still unconscious tied to the trees. The woman continued toward them. Meredith watched as Owen stood up and walked to the woman and gave her a hug.

  Owen hugged his mother and whispered, “she doesn't know everything yet, she's Carmine's girl and he has a lot of explaining to do once he gets back.” Owen kissed him mother's cheek before stepping back to make the introductions. “Opal this is Meredith, Meredith this is Opal, my mother and that down there is my father Stiofan.”

  Meredith reached for her crutches, but before she could get up Opal stepped forward and said, “Please, there's no need to get up.” Opal offered her hand in greeting. “You can meet Stiofan once Owen and he takes those young men to the truck.”

  Meredith watched as Stiofan picked up one and place him over Owen's empty shoulder. Then he picked up the last man and they walked back the way Opal and Stiofan had just come from.

  Meredith moved her attention back to the woman still standing but watching the guys leave. “There's coffee inside I can get you some.” She wasn't sure what to say, didn't know if she knew her way around or not.

  Opal turned back around to face the woman that has captured her eldest son's heart. “I'm good, thank you. So, you are the one that has my son running. I can see why.” Opal didn't sit, just leaned again the pillar.

  “Apparently so. I'm also the one that makes him freak out and twice now has thrown himself at my attackers. Just what am I going to do with him?” Meredith left out a little giggle trying to keep things light. She wish Owen would have told her that it was his parents coming to clean up the mess.

  “Twice you say, when was the first?”

  “Two years ago, although I didn't know it was him then.” Meredith really didn't want to rehash two years ago even if it was Carmine's mother.

  “I see,” was all Opal said.

  A few minutes later Meredith heard something and looked in the direction only to see Owen walking toward them. He stepped up on the porch and said, “Stiofan didn't want to leave those guys alone, they were starting to stir.”

  Before anything else could be said, Opal was off the porch saying, “Nice to meet you Meredith. Owen take care of your brother.” And then she was gone.

  “That's mom, she really knows how to make an exit.” He looked down at Meredith and smiled. “I hope she didn't make you uncomfortable.”

  “No, she didn't say much.”

  “I'm sorry I didn't mean to leave you alone with her, but dad wouldn't have let her help carrying the guys out.”

  “No problems, she seems really nice.” It seemed like forever since Carmine has run off. She was beginning to worry. “I'm sorry Owen, but I'm worried about Carmine. I know you said to give him time, but we are surrounded by woods.”

  “I tell you what, let's get you inside and settled and I'll to look for him.” Owen helped her up and then handed her the crutches and held the door open for her.

  Owen left Meredith to settle on the couch as he went and got a gun out of the safe. When he returned she was sitting on the couch with her leg propped up. He stepped in front of her and handed her the gun, he was surprised that she took it with out any problem. “I assume you know how to use this?” He asked before leaving go of the pistol.

  “Yes, I got one of my own and learned how to use it. This one is a bit bigger than mine, but I'm sure I'll have no problem using it if it comes to that.” She tucked the gun between her leg and the cushion.
  “Good. I'll lock the door behind me. Do not worry I'll be back with or without Carmine before dark.” Owen walked away and out the door.

  Meredith heard the lock click on the door and left go of the breath that she had been holding. All the what ifs started running thru her head. She picked up the gun again and looked at it, held it in her hand to get use to its weight. She had almost got one like it two years ago, but the salesman at the gun shop had talked her into buying a different one, telling her to get use to the smaller one and to practice it with it until she could group her shots with in a three inch circle. Once she could do that he would gladly exchange the gun for her. She had practiced and loved the gun, so she never went back to exchanged it. The salesman had also told her if she perfected her aim, the gun would serve her well. She was thankful that she hasn't had to prove her skill under duress.

  It was hours later when Meredith was startled awake by someone at the door. She looked around and realized it was already dark outside, as the door opened she reached for the gun and twisted onto her stomach. Before whoever it was could take another step she yelled, “Don't take another step, if you do I swear I'll put a bullet in you.” She heard some scuffling and said again. “I said don't fucking move.”

  “Meredith, its just us Owen and Carmine. I'm just gonna come too you.” Owen motioned for Carmine to stay where he was and then slowly walked towards Meredith so she could see for herself that it was indeed just him. He was about five feet away before he saw her and that she still had the gun pointed at him. “Meredith, put the gun down, its okay, I found Carmine. Carmine come here.”

  Meredith watched and listened as someone else walked closer. At first all she saw was Carmine still naked all but his boxer briefs, but then she noticed something else. She couldn't quite make it out though. She placed the gun on the end table before saying, “Carmine, step closer.” That's when she saw it, Carmine's chest was all blood. “You're hurt. Sit.” Meredith motioned for Carmine to sit in front of her on the coffee table.

  Owen just stood in silence watching the scene play out in front of him. He wasn't sure what Meredith's reaction would be to Carmine after what she had saw that morning. They would have returned sooner but Carmine had argued against it, saying that they should give Meredith more time, so they had waited until the sun was down to head back to the cabin.

  Meredith managed to sit up and reached over to Carmine cheek. “Are you alright?” She watched as he just nodded his head yes. She turned her head to look at Owen that still stood where he was. “Owen, please put the gun back wherever you keep it and get me some warm water, and medical supplies so I can tend to your brother.”

  When Owen returned, he noticed the eerie silence that filled the room. He looked from his brother to Meredith and back again. Deciding to stay silent he sat the basin of warm water next to Carmine on the coffee table and the rest of the supplies next Meredith on the arm of the couch. As he started to walk away he heard Meredith say, “Thank you, Owen.” To keep himself busy he walked to the kitchen and started on supper.

  Meredith dipped the wash cloth into the basin and wrung it out and then started with Carmine's face. She was glad to see that it wasn't actually cut, that it was just smudged with blood. She she continued down to his torso this is where she found the real cuts. She was surprised when he didn't even flinch, but then she noticed just how tight he was holding on to the edge of the coffee table. His knuckles had gone white.

  She looked up into his eyes and asked, “are these going to require stitches? If so Owen will have to do that.”

  “Finish cleaning the rest of them, then we can ask Owen, he'll be able to see them better than I.” Carmine closed his eyes as Meredith brought the cloth back up to his chest.

  Meredith finished washing all the blood and dirt away being careful around the cuts. When finished she gently laid her hand on his cheek again and looked up into his eyes. “Once Owen takes a look at these we need to talk. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek where her hand had just been, before calling out to Owen. “Owen, can you come here please?” She waited until Owen stood behind the couch. “You need to take a look at the cuts” She pointed to Carmine chest. “I'm not sure what ones if any need stitches. I assume you have what's needed to do that.” She worked her way down the couch so Owen could sit and examine the cuts.

  After a few minutes Owen said, “A few of them do. I'll be right back.”

  And right back he was, he carried a towel, a bottle of something and a kit. He sat back down. Carmine stood and Owen laid out the towel. Meredith watched as Carmine laid down now with the towel under his torso. Owen proceeded to washes the cuts out. Once done he handed Carmine another towel. Carmine rolled it up and bit down on it. It was then that Meredith realized Owen was going to start stitching Carmine up.

  Once Owen finished he clean up everything but the ointment, bandages, tape and scissors. He stood and said, “Meredith would you please dress all the wounds and bandage them.”

  “Yes I can manage that, thank you, Owen.”

  “Its not the first time I've had to do that and I'm sure it won't be the last.” Owen said as he walked away.

  Meredith didn't say anything as she dressed Carmine's wounds. She did however notice the other scars, long faded, but they were still there. Once the last wound was bandages Meredith started to clean up.

  He couldn't take the silence any longer, not from Meredith. He sat up and took her hands in his, stilling them. “Mere, please say something. This silence is worst than if you would be screaming and yelling at me.” He watched as she sat looking down at their hands.

  Even thought she knew Owen knew everything, she still felt that they should have this conversation privately. She glanced up at Carmine and into his eyes. “Carmine, I want to talk I really do, but not with your brother nearby.”

  Before either of them said anything more Owen yelled from the kitchen that supper was done.

  Carmine stood and nodded and walked away. He understood, and he would respect Mere's wishes. They would talk, but for now it would have to wait.

  Meredith made her way to the kitchen and join Owen and Carmine at the bar. Owen had already set out dishes and silverware. When she was done eating she excused herself and instead of returning to the living room she made her way to the bedroom.

  She stepped into the bathroom and she was drawn to the Jacuzzi once again. Screw it, she thought to herself and made her way over to it. She undressed and carefully got in. After settling herself she started the water. The heat from the water was a welcome, it soothed a lot of the tense muscles. She really needed to get one of these put in at her home.

  She must have nodded off because when she awoke the water was damn near ice cold. She tried to lift herself out of the water a few times before she realized it was useless, she wasn't going to be able to get out by herself without putting weight on her leg and she knew that was a very very bad idea, with only nearly four weeks of mending it wasn't healed and she could re-injure it if she tried to put any weight on it. She didn't have any choice, she was going to need help.

  She was just about to yell for help when a knock came at the bathroom door. “Who is it?” She called out. She already felt the embarrassment warming her neck and cheeks.

  Carmine's voice answered her, “Its Carmine. I came to check on you but you weren't in bed.”

  From the muffle of his voice she could tell that he hadn't even opened the door. “Could you come in here please?” She knew there really wasn't any reason to be so embarrassed, they both adult's for Christ sake. However when she heard the door open she sunk lower into the water.

  “Mere, are you okay? It's all I want to know. I don't mean to interrupt whatever you are doing.” He remained just inside the bathroom. He didn't hear any water running so maybe she was just finishing up, he thought to himself.

  Fuck it, she thought to herself. “Carmine come here, damn it, I need your help.” She waited for him to round the corner before continuing. “I
just wanted to relax for a while and I know I shouldn't be in here...” She stopped talking knowing she was just rambling.

  “Mere you do not need to explain, I get it, it was a stressful day. I just wish you would have told me. I could have been here when you were ready to get out.” He grabbed a towel off the shelf as he walked towards her.

  “Well I sort of fell asleep, so I don't know how long I've been in here. Sorry.”

  “Let's get you out of there.” He tossed the towel over his shoulder and stepped up behind her. “Ready?”


  “I'm gonna help you stand up now. Can you side up a bit?” He waited until she did so before squatting behind her, wrapping his arms under her arms and over her breasts. Before even stepping into the bathroom he had told himself that Mere was just another person needing his help. Telling himself this helped him do what needed done without complications.

  Once they were standing he held her to his chest until she had her balance on her good leg. He then took the towel and wrapped it around her, covering her for both her sake and his. “I want you to sit on the side now. Once I'm out I'll help you to the bedroom.” After she sat he reached over turned the lever so the water could empty out. He then got out and picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. He returned to the bathroom for her crutches and sat them down next to her. “Please, the next time you want to do that let Owen or I know.”

  He turned to leave her for the night, but was stopped with her saying, “Please, stay for a minute.” He turned back to her and listened, her heart rate had picked up. He knew he should decline, but... “If that is what you want.”

  “Can we talk? Not about us, but this morning? Owen only told me so much. He said I should speak to you, that it was your place to tell me.”

  This he could do, this he wanted to do, he wanted to tell her, to help her understand, to help her not to be afraid if she was. He didn't sit next to her, but pulled a chair up to in front of her. He took her hands in his and looked up in to her soul searching eyes. I didn't see fear, he saw confusion, wonder, and something else, but up front was confusion. It was a look he knew well, but this was different because he knew what the confusion was about. Now he just hoped he could help clear it up.

  Before starting he asked one question. “Are you sure about this?” She didn't answer with words, just a nod of her head...

  To Be Continued...

  About the Author

  Mae Nunnally lives in the small town of Kaufman, Texas with her husband Michael. They have no children, but do have one dog and one cat.

  Besides writing Mae enjoys sitting down with some yarn and hooks and creating afghans and blankets as well as baby and toddler clothes. She also enjoys putting her feet up with a good book with the dog at her feet and the cat in her lap.

  Author's Note

  This is my first attempt at a paranormal romance. The Murray's are a family of shape-shifters and that is all I'm saying on that for I don't want to ruin the surprise. As of now I am not sure how many parts will be included in this short story series.

  I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them. Let the mystery, intrigue and romance continue.

  Part 2 is finally finished, I've already started part 3, will the story end or be continued yet again?

  Thank you for continuing to read, Into The Night, please feel free to comment, let me know what you think so far or by all means wait until you've read the entire story.

  Again thank you for taking an interest and reading my Into The Night.


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