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Cyborg Rewired (Space Sci-Fi Romance): Science Fiction (Robot Romance)

Page 14

by Olivia Myers

  “Oh, hell yes!” she input, hesitating a moment as the words slowly processed through her brain. “Wait,” she entered, trying not to be distracted by the other woman’s state of undress. “You’re the one who’s gonna seduce Angelina?” She demanded. Vivian smirked at her through the mirror, adjusting the strap on her top.

  “Don’t think I got what it takes, boss lady? Come on. Have a little faith.” Vivian grinned, a wicked expression.

  “Angelina doesn’t even like women,” Megan retorted, rolling her eyes at the ridiculousness of the situation.

  “She just hasn’t met the right gal, boss lady. Believe me. Get a few drinks in her, and I’ll reel her in like I did you just now.” Vivian sneered, turning away from the dressing room mirror and slipping out the back door of the building unseen. Megan felt anger brewing in her gut, but swallowed it down, tracing a grudging pattern on the computer screen.

  “Whatever you say,” she said, and by the snort she received in response, she was certain Vivian was more than vaguely aware of her irritation. Vivian sauntered down the street in her new attire, her old outfit stashed in the backpack she seemed to carry everywhere. Megan mused that security had certainly become lax in the last decade, watching as Vivian slipped down a side alleyway, slipping a handful of bills into a greasy looking man’s hand. She heard something say something about ‘the good stuff’, and dragged the window to the side, allowing herself to drift away into her own thoughts.

  The implications of what Vivian planned to do weighed heavily in the pit of Megan’s stomach, and though she was certain she would want to retch at the sight of Angelina’s nude form, something more primal within her seemed to suggest otherwise. She replayed the moments before she had taken her place among the other cheerleaders at Varsity tryouts, trying to capture the image of what Angelina had looked like in her short skirt and belly shirt. The rules on campus were rather lax as far as dress code, and what Angelina often wore left little to the imagination. Megan closed her eyes, imagining what lie beneath the soft fabric of Angelina’s revealing clothing. She should have felt revolted by her own thoughts, but she mused she was far too deep into the rabbit hole to feel any guilt. Seeing Vivian’s nude form had relit a fire in her, and though she hated Angelina, truly and deeply loathed her, she was looking forward to seeing the other woman writhing in ecstasy. It was made all the sweeter by the fact her boyfriend would catch her in the act and leave her heartbroken.


  Two days later, Megan was treated to another visit from Sara. The woman seemed more cheerful this time, which was good to see if not a bit confusing. Sara bounced her hip against the side of Megan’s bed, offering Megan a grin that, for the first time in days, didn’t hold the promise of ill will.

  “What’s up, buttercup?” Sara said cheerfully, and Megan stared at her for a long moment, not feeling it necessary to dignify the greeting with a response. Sara seemed nonplussed, patting Megan on the thigh and glancing towards her computer, bringing up a page that outlined her finances. Megan watched with vague interest, tracing the screen with her eyes before posing a question.

  “What am I supposed to be looking at?” the narrator pleasantly inquired, and Sara responded with a lilting giggle.

  “The funds we’ve managed to gather from the latest crowdfunding campaign,” Sara smiled, pointing to a shockingly large figure on the screen. “We went way past our initial goal, and people are still donating! Can you believe it?” Sara said giddily.

  Megan could not. She had not been keeping up with her schoolwork as religiously as she might have others believe, and the work she submitted was getting more and more sloppy, returned with more and more mistakes outlined.

  “I know you’ve probably been pretty down about the person who hacked your original account, but David is making huge strides in figuring out who accessed the account. So start studying harder, silly! There’s still time in the semester to bring those grades up,” Sara grinned. Megan idly wondered how exactly the other woman knew her grades. More specifically, she wondered why Sara didn’t seem more upset about the fact that her grades were slipping. “

  The teachers had a meeting to discuss your workload, and they’re making a few adjustments to lighten the load while allowing you to still complete your degree on schedule. There was talk of a tutor, but I assured them you were way too smart for that.” Sara giggled, patting Megan on the leg before standing and crossing her arms behind her back. She bounced on her heels, as if waiting for Megan to inquire what else she could have to report.

  “That’s great, Sara. You’ve worked wonders for me,” Megan gushed, tears pricking at the corner of her eyes. Part of it was genuine gratitude for what the girl had done for her, but the majority was guilt gnawing at her conscience. Sara cooed, wiping the tears from Megan’s eyes.

  “David helped a lot. We’re… we’re sorta dating now,” Sara said with a slight blush. “Ever since we’ve been in this thing together, we’ve grown really close. We have you to thank, really,” she added, leaning in to kiss Megan on the forehead. Megan’s heart twisted in her chest, but she managed to contain further tears, glancing towards the computer screen.

  “I’m so happy for you,” she declared, adding a small smiling emoticon to the end. The emoticon lit up the entire screen of the keyboard, scattering her various windows. Vivian’s video screen popped to the forefront, cursedly showing her in the middle of blowing some jock. Megan tried to adjust her windows, but Sara simply laughed melodiously, patting Megan on the leg again.

  “Seems you decided to take advantage of all the features after all,” she grinned toothily. Megan internally praised whatever Gods there may be for averting a potential crisis. She dragged the video window to the side, typing out a frantic apology.

  “Sorry, sorry, oh my god, I’m sorry!” she entered frantically, and Sara quirked a brow, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Oh, come on, Megan. It’s not like you’ve never caught me with my hand down my shorts in the time we roomed together. You’re still human, even if you’re paralyzed. It’s natural,” Sara snickered. Megan rolled her eyes, remembering quite vividly the first time she’d walked in on Sara having a bit of fun with herself.

  “Yeah, yeah,” she input, wishing her dry tone came across more clearly. Sara lingered for a moment longer, glancing to the computer and giggling a final time before making her way to the door.

  “Well, now I know why your grades are slipping, dirty bird. Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me. See you later! David and I have plans tonight, or I’d stay longer,” Sara offered, hesitating at the door. Megan stared at her for a moment, winking before tracing a pattern with her eyes.

  “Have fun getting plowed,” the robotic narrator’s voice announced cheerfully and Sara gasped, slamming the door shut behind her. Megan could hear her friend’s laughter echoing through the halls as she left, and she internally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Well, that was one crisis averted. There was a question as to how close David actually was to finding out who Vivian was, but she mused that if she told Vivian she might be in danger of being caught, the other woman might duck out of their plan. It was hopefully the final night she would need to pay for Vivian’s services. Speaking of… she brought up Vivian’s window once more, relieved to not be assaulted with a virtual face full of dick. Vivian was looking herself over in her temporary beau’s mirror, and Megan was surprised to see that her makeup hadn’t even been slightly smudged. She initially considered getting the brand name off of her, but realized with something of a sinking feeling that she had no need for makeup. Sometimes, caught up in this whirlwind of activity through Vivian’s eyes, she could forget that she would never get out of bed again. She could forget the painful reality of her situation. Her anger towards Angelina was even growing gradually numb.

  “You ready for tonight, boss lady?” Vivian inquired, drawing Megan out of her thoughts. Megan hesitated, staring at the screen and by association, directly into Vivian’s ey
es. The sleazy woman quirked a brow, and Megan closed her eyes, steeling herself before forming a reply.

  “I’m ready,” she offered simply. Vivian grinned, winking at her reflection before turning to slip out of the seedy apartment she had stopped in. The man she had been… pleasuring softly inquired as to where she was going, but Vivian ignored him as she slinked through the door. She lit a cigarette, the now-familiar haze of smoke obscuring the video slightly.

  “Bet ya girl’s a lightweight. Two beers in, and she’ll be diving between my legs,” Vivian drawled casually, and Megan tried to rationalize the anger she felt burbling in her stomach.

  “I don’t know why you keep calling her my girl,” Megan settled upon writing, and Vivian laughed derisively.

  “Come on, boss lady. There’s some pretty deep rooted issues with you two,” Vivian said casually, making her way to the school campus. Megan squinted at the screen, unsure of what to make of Vivian’s casual suggestion. True enough, there were some issues between her and Angelina, but it stemmed from years of hating each other. …Though, that wasn’t entirely true. Megan had never truly hated Angelina before the cheerleading incident, and had been somewhat surprised to find that the blonde haired beauty could be so cruel. She stared at the video screen with some resignation, determined to watch quietly until it was time to systematically tear Angelina apart.


  It was somewhat early that Vivian arrived to the party, likely to get a head start on her own buzz. She crowed a greeting as she stepped into the frat house, flaunting the bottles of vodka she had brought as an offering. Megan was surprised to see Angelina already at the frat house, though she supposed she shouldn’t have been shocked that the football captain and his hot girlfriend had already arrived. She supposed being fashionably late was no longer fashionable.

  “Hello. I don’t think I’ve seen you at any of our parties before,” Angelina smiled from her spot draped against her boyfriend’s side. “Then again, you do seem a little familiar. What’s your name?” She added cheerfully, rising from the couch and approaching Vivian with a swing in her step that Megan was certain that Angelina herself was entirely unaware of. Megan expected anger to brew within her as she took in her rival’s face, but instead, she felt a strange sense of emptiness.

  “I’m Bethany. And you’re the notorious Angelina. I’ve heard you’re in the running for head cheerleader?” Vivian said cheerfully, her tone making her sound entirely unlike her usual bitter self. Angelina smiled, offering Vivian a firm handshake before crossing her arm shyly in front of her.

  “I doubt I’ll make it. I was lucky enough to make it on the varsity squad to begin with.” She murmured, brushing her hair behind her ear. Vivian rumbled a laugh, reaching out to playfully slap Angelina on the arm.

  “Oh, please. With your moves, and that body? Girl, you’ve got it in the bag,” Vivian said slyly, receiving a slightly surprised blush in response. She paused as Angelina’s boyfriend stepped up beside them, a cup held in each of his hands.

  “Drinks, ladies?” he said smoothly, wagging his eyebrows. Angelina began to refuse, but Vivian took the cups from the football captain, pressing one into Angelina’s hand. The man beamed, gaze lingering on Angelina a moment too long for Megan’s tastes before he slipped away.

  “I swear, he tries to get me drunk at all of these parties. He knows I can barely handle beer, let alone the hard stuff,” Angelina divulged, staring at the cup with hesitation.

  “Don’t worry, girl. I’ll have your back,” Vivian grinned, clicking their plastic cups together before taking a long swallow of her drink. Angelina watched with a curious smile, shrugging her shoulders and sipping from her drink as well. “It is such a good view from back there, after all,” Vivian said, gauging Angelina’s response. The blonde responded with a bubbly giggle, slapping Vivian on the arm before guiding her deeper into the house.

  “Beth, you’re hilarious,” she said softly, quirking her lips in a smile at the other woman as she took her place at one of the pool tales. “You know how to play?” Angelina inquired lightly. Vivian snorted, and Megan internally laughed at her break in character.

  “Depends.” Vivian replied, lining up her pool stick with the cue ball.

  “On what?” Angelina smirked, watching with wide eyes as Vivian took the shot.

  “Whether you wanna get creamed,” she bit out, smiling wickedly. Megan cursed internally, swiftly typing orders for Vivian to tone it down. Surprisingly enough, Angelina matched her smile, resting her hip against the pool table.

  “Bring it on, baby,” Angelina purred, offering a coy little wink. She took another long drink from her cup, and Megan felt her insides flutter at the look on what some would consider an angelic face. Megan knew that Angelina was far from an angel, tried to remind herself of how much she resented the other woman. But the resentment had already begun to melt away, and her insides only grew warmer as she watched the two women compete in a simple enough pool game.

  A group gathered around the table, watching as Angelina and Vivian traded barbs with each ball they sunk into the hole. Vivian started out strong, and Megan was surprised to find herself internally rooting for Angelina to make a comeback. For once, her prayers seemed to be answered, as Angelina quickly turned the game around and made the winning shot. Vivian’s eyes widened comically, and she sputtered as Angelina lay her pool stick on the table, circling around. Angelina quirked a brow, looking entirely too smug for Vivian’s tastes, but just smug enough for Megan’s. Vivian was quick to recover, bringing her half-empty cup to Angelina’s lips, tipping it up. Angelina obligingly drank up the alcoholic beverage, looking slightly giggly as the cup was pulled away. As Vivian pulled the cup away, she leaned in, ghosting her lips to Angelina’s. Angelina reddened immediately, but pressed into the kiss, mouthing hanging open as Vivian pulled away.

  “A prize for the winner,” Vivian said smoothly, turning her back to Angelica and making her way upstairs. As if entranced, Angelina trailed after her, oblivious to her own jealous boyfriend watching her every move. As she slipped up the stairs, Vivian took a casual stance leaning against the doorframe to one of the many bedrooms in the house. Megan watched with no small amount of shock as Angelina pressed against Vivian, attempting to capture her lips in yet another kiss. Vivian obliged immediately, pulling Angelina back into the bedroom with her. They stumbled back until Vivian’s rear hit the edge of the bed, and she fell back, pulling Angelina on top of her. Angelina looked somewhat lost on what to do, and Vivian waited for Megan’s command, muttering quietly.

  “It’s show time,” she whispered, jolting Megan into action. She traced a pattern on the screen, the words flowing without her giving them much thought.

  “Take your shirt off. God, I’ve wanted this for so long,” Vivian purred, trying not to snicker between the words Megan was feeding her and the bewildered expression Angelina was offering her.

  “B-but. I don’t even know you,” she murmured, reaching down to grip the hem of her shirt. Megan thought quickly, coming up with what she considered a reasonable response.

  “Who couldn’t know you, though? Who wouldn’t want you?” Vivian murmured moving to take Angelina by the hands and guide her into taking her shirt off. Megan could have damned Angelina’s bra to the deepest depths of hell for obscuring those glorious mounds from sight, but the two women shifted on the bed. Angelina scooted further up on the mattress, and through Vivian’s eyes, Megan was presented with the most perfect vision of beauty she had ever lay eyes upon. Angelina’s face was pleasantly flushed, and she drew her bottom lip between her teeth, seeming to ponder her next statement before speaking.

  “I’ve never been with a girl before,” Angelina said in a slightly fearful tone. Megan longed to wrap her arms around her rival, the adrenaline rushing through her making her head spin.

  “I’ll be gentle,” Vivian murmured, almost gagging on the words as they passed her lips. She leaned in, reaching behind Angelina to deftly unclasp her bra, pulling a
way to allow it to drop away from her chest. Megan sucked in a breath, eyes widening as she took in the sight before her. Angelina’s breasts were perfectly perky, topped with pink nipples that Megan longed to suck between her lips. Though she could not do it herself, she had someone following her every order and that was the next best thing. She typed in the order for Vivian to gently take those pert little buds between her lips, and Vivian went above and beyond the command, leaning in close to Angelina’s chest and flicking her tongue out to tease a nipple to attention. Vivian’s saliva caused Angelina’s breast to glisten in the light that flickered in from the hallway. Megan’s brain felt as if it would short circuit at any given moment, and she traced words with her eyes.

  “Jesus Christ, you’re beautiful,” Vivian murmured, trying to capture the reverence with which Megan intended the words. Angelina bit back a gasp, tangling a hand in Vivian’s hair and guiding her lips to her other nipple, pressing her chest against the other woman’s face. Vivian glanced up to catch a peek of her face, which was twisted in the ecstasy of what Angelina likely considered a forbidden taboo. Megan would have been pressing her thighs together in desperation if she could, sweat forming on her brow as she continued to guide Vivian.


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