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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

Page 2

by Kat Brewer

  “My Lady. . .” he spoke hesitantly.


  “Her Highness requests you join her in the Throne Room when you awoke and were dressed. May I arrange your hair?”

  “Yes, please Mika...and hurry! I would like to know more about this place before I leave.”

  “You wish to leave, Mistress? You have only now come through the Portal. I don’t think you will find a better place to abide than Erla, and considering you have saved the life of our Queen, you are exalted here!” His voice rose in distress.

  Mika was alarmed, truly frightened, at the thought of losing the woman before him.

  He dropped once again to his knees.

  He felt particularly blessed to have been given to this woman, and if he earned her pleasure, he might even become first amongst her slaves.

  He was affected by her more than by any other he had belonged to before. Her beauty, the scent of her skin, and her low-pitched voice all filled him with desire. To have such a woman as his Mistress was beyond any dream he had ever had.

  “Well, of course I want to go back to my home,” Cassie replied with a slight frown at his all too apparent distress.

  “Oh, Mistress, please forgive me for being the one to tell you the unhappy news. The Portal opens only every one hundred cycles, and it has never taken anyone from our world. Not that we know of anyway.” He raised fearful eyes to Cassie’s face.

  He had been beaten for less dreadful news in the past. The blood drained from Cassie’s face, and she quickly sat on the bed, her headache roaring back in full force.

  “You mean I can never go home? I cannot leave?” She dropped her head into her hands, rubbing her temples against the pain.

  “Forgive me, please.” Mika spoke low, but urgently, his heart beating hard in his chest. “Forgive me, Mistress.”

  He was certain she would cast him out now. He just knew he would lose his beautiful, strong Mistress and the better life she represented. Fear engulfed him, and tears gathered in his golden eyes.

  Mika had been the slave of a high-ranking warrior in the Queen’s Army who had perished in the raid in that Cassie had saved Queen Nera. His Mistress had been cruel, often using him violently, and she was nearly always drunk when not on duty. He had been desperately unhappy while in her thrall.

  Mika’s household skills were impressive, but he could never seem to satisfy his former Mistress, and he longed for a Lady he could love. He believed Lady Cassandra could be such a Lady. If she cast him out now, then he could be sold like the lowliest of field slaves.

  Cassie was sitting, holding her pounding head, trying to digest the enormity of her situation when she heard him sniff quietly. He raised his tear-filled eyes to hers in silent entreaty.

  “Mika, what’s wrong?”

  “Please, My Lady...Please do not cast me out. I will do anything to please you.”

  “Cast...Mika, don’t be ridiculous.” Cassie looked at him in wonder. “I am not angry with you. I am just upset because I can’t go home.”

  Like a child, his face cleared immediately, and he sighed, happy again.

  “It is not bad here, Mistress. You are esteemed, and I live only to please you. I am happy to do so. If there is anything you want, you need only speak of it, and it shall be yours,” he informed her, smiling radiantly into her eyes. Then, he noticed her continuous rubbing of her head.

  “Are you in pain, My Lady? The Queen’s physician left a draught. It seems head pain is a side effect of Portal journeys according to the histories.” He pulled a small, brown vial from a pocket attached to his brief loin covering and handed it to her.

  “I will get you some wine, My Lady. The physician said it would be very bitter.” He rose gracefully and moved quickly from the room. He returned just as quickly with a cut crystal goblet full of a rich red beverage.

  Cassie uncorked the vial and sniffed cautiously. It had no strong odor, so she threw it back. The liquid was bitter and tasted faintly like aspirin. She quickly followed it with a sip of the sweet red wine from the goblet.

  “Thank you, Mika.” She cleared her throat and set the wine down on the floor next to the bed. “Come, fix my hair. We shouldn’t keep the Queen waiting.” Cassie rose, and Mika deftly brushed her hair before setting a golden circlet around her forehead to prevent her hair from falling onto her face.

  “I hope you can be happy here, Mistress.” Mika smiled softly into her eyes, and Cassie melted.

  Adoration like this is addictive.

  She reached up to kiss his lips softly. Mika eagerly returned her kiss, and Cassie had to step back to keep from plundering his soft mouth and making them even later than they already were.

  Cassie indicated Mika should lead her to the Queen, and she was amused at how uncomfortable he seemed in the act of leading her. He was definitely more comfortable in a subservient role. She recalled all the times her husband had taken her arm and ushered her wherever they went, and she smiled. It seemed neither she nor Mika were comfortable in their present roles.

  They approached a huge set of doors, and Mika stepped behind her as they swung open to admit them.

  Cassie’s breath caught at the grandeur before her. The Throne Room was sumptuously appointed in marble and gold. Beautiful statues that depicted armored women lined the walls, and cherubs smiled down from the ceilings. Rich cushions were strewn about, and elegantly clad women as well as those wearing warrior’s garb lounged or mingled throughout the room.

  Cassie looked towards the end of the room and saw the Queen seated on a throne that was flanked by two smaller throne-like chairs.

  Queen Nera stood when she saw Cassie approach, and silence filled the room almost immediately. Cassie found herself the object of every eye, and perspiration beaded on her lip, that she tried to casually wipe away without revealing her inner turmoil.

  “Ladies,” the Queen’s voice rang out, “today, we welcome a Portal Traveler and heroine from the other world. This is the Lady Cassandra. She came to our world and saved my life this morning. The marauding brutes of Trevia were routed and the victory was ours thanks to this woman.” Nera smiled and held her hand out to Cassie, who had just arrived at the foot of the throne.

  Cassie accepted the Queen’s hand, and Nera smiled into Cassie’s eyes before she continued.

  “Let us welcome her as one of our own, and let it be known that her status is of the highest due to her valor. Any desire she has shall be fulfilled without question.” The crowd of women, courtiers and warriors alike, cheered loudly and called out Cassie’s name.

  “This day, I bestow upon her the dual ranks of Commander of the Queen’s Defenders and Commander of Erla’s Army, if she will accept these commissions. Lady Cassandra, you will command an elite force of warriors dedicated to the protection of me and my family. Even now, you wear the mark of the dragon, a sign of the Queen’s Defender,” the Queen said gesturing to the golden bands encircling Cassie’s biceps. Returning to the crowd, Nera continued, “Commander Sula, as you know, lost her life this day whilst defending her Queen. I can imagine no better warrior to replace her than the one who saw me delivered from those barbarians.” The women cheered loudly once more.

  Cassie’s jaw dropped, but she snapped it closed quickly.

  I’m to be the Commander of the Queen’s Personal Guard AND of the Army?!

  She certainly had trained in martial arts, but they really hadn’t been truly martial until this morning. She fought back the nausea once again, and her face burned with the blood that was rushing to her head. She had to talk to the Queen, and quickly. There must be some way of returning to her world. Cassie was relatively certain she didn’t want to spend her life in this strange world or in a coma...whatever the case may be.

  Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

  She chanted those words over and over again in her mind, to no avail.

  “Your Highness, I am deeply honored, but…” Nera didn’t allow Cassie to finish as she raised Cassandra’s hand and lifted her
arm high, and another wave of applause broke out.

  “Come and sit, Lady Cassandra. I know you have many burning questions, but let us be comfortable while you ask them.” Nera led Cassie up the steps of the dais and indicated she should sit in the mini-throne to her right as Mika eased forward silently in one fluid, boneless movement to settle at the foot of her chair.

  “Are you pleased with your gift?” Nera asked, gesturing to Mika, who had turned to smile at the Queen and his Mistress. "He is a son of Kyl."

  “Very much so." Cassie had no idea what the Queen meant by son of Kyl, and she smiled to cover her confusion. "He is beautiful and well-mannered.” Cassie smiled warmly into his golden eyes, and Mika flushed at her praise.

  “Has he pleasured you yet? The sons of Kyl are legendary for their skill, and he is very accomplished in the art of lovemaking. It was always a shame he had belonged to Brunga, for she did not appreciate him as she should have. She was a good fighter, but savage.” The women who were gathered at the foot of the throne nodded, gazed appraisingly at Mika, and smiled.

  Cassie was speechless. They clearly had no compunction talking about intimacy very openly here.

  She cleared her throat.

  “I have not yet, Your Highness. I do look forward to it, however,” Cassie choked out.

  “Daria!” the Queen called out and clapped her hands. “The Lady Cassandra needs to fill her household. Go to the procurer, and bring the best of her lot for the Commander to choose from.”

  “Yes, Your Highness,” the guard replied before she bowed and swiftly left.

  “Lady Cassandra, you have my attention. Ask your questions,” Nera softly commanded as she turned in her seat to look at Cassie, who drew in a deep breath.

  “I just don’t understand how I came to be here,” Cassie said in a rush.

  “Our histories are full of the stories of Travelers from your world. I myself do not pretend to be a student of the cosmos, truly.” The Queen gave a little laugh. “What I know is only what I have gleaned from my teachers, who keep the histories of both this country and of the others in our world. Certain Travelers have been able to enlighten us regarding some of the more technical aspects of Portal Travel, but even that knowledge is limited."

  The Queen met Cassie's eyes.

  "From those Travelers and their corresponding histories, we know that time runs differently here than it does on your Earth.” Nera leaned back in her seat, warming to the tale. “We have been told that the rift opens at random locations in your world in what seem to be ten-year increments. Here, the openings occur only once every one hundred years. According to your . . .” Nera paused, searching for the right word, “scientists, these rifts are caused by trans-dimensional portals that open in your world. Like the glowing tear in space you described upon your arrival. The rifts in space bring Travelers through to our World. While we receive a new Traveler every one hundred cycles, the rift, as far as we know, has never opened from our side. We have no idea how the Universe chooses the Travelers. We do have a saying that the Portal picks the woman. They are, invariably, women of great strength and wisdom who enrich our world in some significant way. You are in lofty company as a Portal Traveler,” said the Queen, who suddenly smiled. “I, myself, am a descendant of a Traveler.”

  Cassie numbly responded, “So, it is true, then. I cannot go home.”

  “Yes, that is true. However, try not to feel too downcast. You are a favorite of the Queen, this is a comfortable place, and all of your wants shall be fulfilled as soon as you speak of them.” Nera laughed before sobering suddenly. “Actually, there are far worse fates you could have suffered. Though we value the Portal Travelers here in Erla, others do not. Our histories tell of the sad fate met by one unfortunate Traveler.” The Queen’s lips thinned. “She landed in a very barbaric country, and she did not live long.”

  Cassie was sobered by that news and replied, “You are right. It could definitely have been much worse. I am just having a difficult time accepting what has happened,” Cassie said with a sigh. She took a moment to regain her composure enough to say, “I am very curious about your country and its customs.”

  “Ah, yes. I recall from the histories that your world is very different.” Cassie nodded, and the Queen continued, “Our caste system is one where the Dominant Females, of that you are now one, rule. The Warrior class protects the Queendom and generally keeps the peace. Male pleasure slaves answer to their Mistresses and are required to serve all women as needed. It is common courtesy to not use another’s slave without that Lady's consent, especially for pleasure. A pleasure slave should always be offered by his Lady before he is enjoyed.”

  The Queen continued her instruction regarding this topic with spirit as she said, “Female slaves are usually women born of slaves who do not excel in either combat or training or who are unable to physically or mentally discharge either of those duties themselves. Combat is the only way in that a female born of slaves can ascend beyond her birth. Field slaves comprise the lowest class, and generally speaking, they are the most dimwitted and grossly unattractive men and women in society.”

  Cassie was trying to assimilate this information when the doors opened again and the guard, whom the Queen sent out earlier on her errand, walked through. She was followed by a portly, yet well-muscled, middle-aged woman. Trailing behind the woman was a line of unbelievably gorgeous men.

  One after another they came. Each one was more beautiful than the last, and each of them utterly desirable. They were all muscular to varying degrees, and their bodies glistened in the lamplight of the room. Every female eye was on the train of spectacular males as they made their way up to the dais to fan out before the Queen.

  Cassie sucked in a deep breath of appreciation and found herself smiling in spite of her misgivings. The Queen laughed at the expression on her new Commander’s face.

  “Choose. Take as many as you wish. You will need at least four slaves to properly run your household and to care for your needs. As a Commander of your status, you would not be remiss in acquiring as many as ten or more. If you require female slaves, you need only ask.” Nera quirked a brow at Cassie, who flushed immediately before shaking her head.

  The Queen rose and took Cassie’s hand, leading her down the dais to the waiting males.

  Cassie felt herself go all tingly in the face of so many gorgeous, eager men. The fact that she could have as many of them as she wanted added to her exhilaration.

  Somewhere deep inside of her, a voice whispered, “This is wrong,” but Cassie resolved to ignore it. This was her psychotic episode, and by God, she was going to enjoy it!

  This couldn’t be real, anyway.

  Her eyes scanned the line of men spread out for her viewing and came to rest on a very well-built blond. His hair was streaked with white and buttery highlights, and his skin was a golden tan. She reached out and lifted his face, and when his eyes shyly met hers, she was delighted by the beautiful blue-violet color.

  Nera whispered in her ear to ask for his name if she wished to have him.

  “Tell me your name.” The slave fell to his knees, a smile beaming from his lips as he looked up at her.

  “My Lady, I am called Arn, but only if it pleases you.” His voice, sweet with a deep and rumbling quality, ran down her spine like honey.

  The Queen nodded approvingly as Cassie stared down at him, not sure what to do.

  Seeing her uncertainty, Nera motioned to her to touch his shoulder and then inclined her head towards the place where Mika now stood behind her.

  Cassie reached out and touched his shoulder. When he looked up, she said, “Go and join Mika.” He rose quickly to obey her command as she turned her gaze back to the line of waiting men.

  Her eyes came to rest on a slave with rich, dark-brown hair. He was tall and lithe with the body of a runner, all long lean muscles and sleek tanned skin. She lifted his face and was met with dark brown eyes reminiscent of melting-chocolate.

  “Give me your name.

  “If it pleases you, My Lady,’ he responded as he knelt before her. “I am Kai,”

  “Go and join the others,” she said, touching his shoulder. He leapt to his feet, hurrying to do her bidding.

  Cassie found herself warming to the situation, feeling like a kid in a candy shop.

  The Queen abruptly stopped, looking at the bowed head of the next slave.

  “Linnell, what is this?” she asked, frowning at the procurer.

  Cassie tore her eyes from the line of slaves to see that Nera had stopped before a handsome russet-haired man. His head was bowed so deeply that his chin dug into his chest, and when Cassie lifted his face, she was met with eyes that were a startlingly vibrant shade of emerald green.

  Wow! So gorgeous.

  She had always had a soft spot for handsome, red-headed men. This one was tall with long, beautiful legs. His narrow hips tapered from a broad, well-muscled chest, and his deep russet hair flowed freely over his shoulders, making her fingers itch to touch it, that she did, much to his surprise.

  “Give me your name.” Startled green eyes met hers even as he dropped to his knees.

  “Lady Cassandra, are you quite sure?” Nera interjected.

  Cassie turned to the Queen curiously and said, “Yes. Why?”

  “There are those who believe red-headed men are unattractive, even unlucky. They are not often favored.”

  “We have a saying where I come from: ‘Fire on the head, fire in the bed,’ ” Cassie said with a grin. She turned back to the slave and smiled, but he just was completely still, dazzled by her attention.

  The Queen laughed heartily at Cassie’s words and turned a more appraising look upon the man before them, suddenly seeing his beauty and value through Cassie’s eyes.

  “Your name . . .?” Cassie repeated.

  “If it pleases you, Lady, I am called Aidan.” He had a rough, whiskey voice that sent tremors through her belly.

  “It pleases me. Join the others.” She smiled at him again as he stood.


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