Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One Page 7

by Kat Brewer

  “Thank you, Kara. I was sure I was going to drop from exhaustion at the rate I was going!” The women laughed harder.

  “Dear gods, your men must have indeed thought they had found paradise! Their Mistress taking them all, every night? It is too much!” They laughed even harder.

  Inside, the men were lounging on the couches, listening to their laughter and looking wistfully out towards the balcony, completely unaware they were the subject of the women’s conversation.

  “Come, my Commander. Let us choose your new slave. The women will want to know about it tomorrow. When you have thought it over, I would be glad to help you choose some female house slaves if you would like.”

  “I would appreciate that, Kara, and thank you.”

  Impulsively, she leaned over and gave Kara a quick hug, taking the other woman by surprise.

  Kara truly liked her new Commander. She would never have laughed like this with or at her other Commander, the woman had been cold and distant.

  They rose and walked into the lounge and as they entered, the men leapt up and bowed. Cassie informed them she would return soon and that they should prepare for an addition to the household, a gift for her from the troops.

  The women walked to the entrance of the Palace where Kara ordered a horse for Cassie that was quickly saddled and brought forward. The women mounted and rode for the nearby village.

  As they entered the village, Cassie got her first look at the city market. It was just barely dark. Torches lit the streets, people milled about, and laughter and shouts trickled out of a nearby tavern. The scene reminded her of a Middle Eastern marketplace.

  Some businesses were closed, and reveling warriors hung around the taverns and streets.

  “You may have noticed no slave has been left unattended. Unfortunately, without some sign of active ownership, slaves are left vulnerable to attack, theft, or may simply be taken by another Lady if they are perceived as available.” Kara quickly informed her before opening an ornate door to a large, two-story house. Inside, they were greeted by a familiar-looking woman. She was tall and heavyset with a weathered face and kind, twinkling eyes.

  “Linnell!” Kara roared and hugged the woman tightly. “How are you, my friend?”

  “I’m very well, Lady Kara! Very well, indeed,” she answered jovially with a mercenary look in her eyes. Linnell was very much aware of who was standing before her and of the deep pockets each of these women held.

  “Linnell, allow me to formally introduce the Lady Cassandra, our Queen’s Commander. She is here with me tonight to choose another of your fine slaves as a gift from her warriors.”

  “Welcome, Lady Cassandra! Welcome! I hope you are so well-satisfied by my merchandise that you will never look elsewhere for your personal slaves!” The woman shook Cassie’s hand firmly.

  “I can assure you that the Commander is already quite pleased with the slaves she has recently acquired from you. We all know there are there are none better to be had in this Queendom.” Kara said.

  Linnell smiled, bowed, and walked away to ready the available slaves. Kara and Cassie sat down and were offered wine by a waiting female slave.

  “Some of the other dealers can be very harsh with their slaves, and that can make them timid and fearful. Linnell trains her slaves with a firm, but kind hand, so they are not scared rabbits. Timidity has no place in the bedroom.” Cassie nodded her head in agreement at this. She wouldn’t want a fearful, quaking man in her house or in her bed.

  Kara had shared that Cassie’s slaves had been brought from here the night she chose them at the Palace. Learning this, Cassie was sure she would find someone to her liking.

  The slaves were led in, and they stood in front of the women, their heads bowed, like the night she had chosen her current men.

  “These are the best of what I have now, My Lady,” Linnell said.

  Cassie looked them over carefully. They were all very good looking of course. In the middle of the line, there was one who stood out. His hair was not long when compared with that of the others. Instead, it was a full curly mop of shining gold. Cassie rose and walked to him. Upon lifting his face, she could see he was young.

  He had beautiful hazel eyes, and she ran her hands through his hair. His body was lithe and strong looking, but he was a bit on the thin side, though his shoulders were broad; he would certainly have a nice physique when he was older.

  “How old is he?” she queried.

  “That one is eighteen cycles, My Lady,” Linnell responded.

  “I don’t usually like thin men, but he is so cute, pretty almost, and that hair!”

  “Yes, My Lady. Also, he is intelligent and has learned quickly. He is very proficient in oral pleasure.” Cassie flushed.

  She was still not used to the matter-of-fact way they talked of sex here.

  “If you will sit, Lady, he will be thrilled to demonstrate now,” Linnell said as she motioned to the slave.

  “That won’t be necessary, Linnell. Thank you,” Cassie replied, sounding firm and commanding. Inside, however, she quailed.

  “I would prefer one a bit older.” She smiled at the slave and inclined her head dismissively.

  Cassie looked the group over carefully, and while all of the men were lovely, none of them piqued her interest.

  “Kara? A little help?”

  “Personally, I would take any one of them. They are all very fine indeed,” Kara replied, leaning back on the sofa with her wine, being absolutely no help at all.

  A loud, prolonged clanging came from a room to the right, and both women jumped to their feet, hands on their daggers as they followed Linnell towards the sound.

  The next room was a kitchen, and a man stood surrounded by pots and pans that had apparently fallen from a hanging rack above the work space.

  The man was tall and broad-shouldered with the kind of muscles that came from years of hard, physical labor: lean and sinewy. He stood in profile to the women and quickly bowed his head when they entered the room.

  “Taylyn, what has occurred here?” Linnell asked.

  “Forgive me, My Lady. I brought the produce in from the fields, and the basket hanging from the pot rack broke, causing the rest to fall.” He fell to his knees in front of Linnell, head still bowed. It was clear he expected to be punished.

  “Drat the thing! I told Harve to fix it days ago,” Linnell grumbled. “Ah, well. Rise, Taylyn. This is not your fault.”

  The slave’s shoulders eased in relief as he slowly got to his feet.

  Cassie looked at him curiously. His hair was jet black, lightly laced with silver at the temples. It seemed to have been cut with dull scissors by the way it stood up on his head. She could not see his facial features well because he kept his face downcast.

  Curiosity got the best of her, and she moved in front of him to lift his chin. Cassie gasped when she saw the long scar that marred his otherwise perfect features. Winged brows topped eyes so vividly blue they rivaled sapphires. A well-sculpted nose and full, sensuous lips completed his angular face. The scar ran from his temple down to the corner of his mouth, causing the side to be pulled up a bit in a permanent half-smile that Cassie found very sexy.

  “Lady Cassandra,” Linnell asked, “is something amiss?”

  Cassie swallowed, still taking in his beauty while Taylyn shifted nervously, not meeting her eyes directly. He was certain he had angered the powerful stranger who still held his face in her hand.

  “This one. I want this one,” Cassie said firmly, finally releasing him from her grasp.

  Kara, Linnell, and Taylyn all gasped as one, in surprise.

  “But, My Lady, he is a field slave, and scarred. He is not fit for your service! And then there is his age; he is over thirty cycles!” Linnell was aghast, and Kara stared at her in shock as the slave gasped, nearly choking in astonishment.

  “I don’t care. I want him. Is this possible?” She tore her eyes from the slave and looked at Linnell.

  “My Lady, it is
not within my power to deny the Queen’s Commander anything she desires. However, you should be aware that he is not trained to serve you in a pleasure slave’s capacity. He will require much work,” Linnell spoke slowly, still shocked by this turn of events.

  Taylyn’s mouth hung open in stunned disbelief.

  The Queen’s Commander wanted him for a pleasure slave? He could scarcely take it in. Before he could find any words at all, however, he found himself, following behind one of the highest Ladies in this land on his way to live in the Royal Palace.

  “I think I had better stay on my toes around you, Lady Cassandra. You ever amaze me,” Kara drawled as they mounted their horses.

  Cassie held out her hand and pulled a silent Taylyn onto the horse behind her. “It’s good to stay on top of your game.” she said as she threw a wink at her Second, nudging her horse into a trot with her new slave grasping her hips for balance.

  When she and Taylyn entered her apartments, she could see the surprise in the eyes of her slaves. Taylyn was definitely not what they expected. She arranged for a meal and bath for him and was proud of the kind way in that Mika dealt with the newcomer. As a matter of fact, each of her men went out of his way to make him welcome, and it warmed her heart.

  Taylyn was quiet and his insecurity was plainly written all over his face, but Cassie could feel his eyes on her often. Curiosity and fear mingled in his lovely eyes, and she fully intended to see him as confident as her other slaves before long.

  He was so beautiful, even with his scar, that she was very glad she had taken him. He broke her heart with his discomfort at being cared for as she and her men were now doing. His awkward attempts at relating to her pleasure slaves were far more endearing to his new Lady than he knew.

  “Taylyn, you will sleep with me tonight.” Cassie still felt awkward giving such commands, but she hoped it wasn’t obvious.

  “Yes, My Lady.” Amongst her men, his voice was, by far, the deepest, and the raspy growl of it ran down her spine pleasantly.

  Nerves and tension assailed Taylyn as he followed meekly behind his Lady on the way to the bedroom. He had been relieved his fellow slaves were pleasant, friendly men, but he had very little idea how to behave with a Mistress as a pleasure slave. His training had been very brief before he was scarred, and now he was terrified he would displease her.

  His Lady quickly shed her clothing and lay them on a nearby hassock, and Taylyn gulped at the beauty of her form. So strong, so graceful.

  Cassie could almost feel the desire tinged with fear that radiated from him as he stared at her naked body.

  “Come, Taylyn. I know you are afraid. Do not be. I do not expect you to perform tonight. I just want you to get used to lying with me.” She smiled and cupped his face, drawing him closer with her free hand around his middle. His body stiffened and then quivered when their flesh met.

  Cassie reached down and released his loin covering and their bare bodies touched fully. Her hands roamed his back and rounded behind, squeezing gently.

  He felt so good in her arms, so strong and yet his skin was silky to the touch. She enjoyed his sighing groan as she touched him.

  His burgeoning desire poked into her flesh as she pulled his mouth down for a kiss. She plundered his mouth gently before pulling back and letting her finger trace gently down his scar. Smiling into his eyes she gave him another, albeit quick, kiss.

  “Let’s go to sleep, my Taylyn.” She took his hand and pulled him towards the bed, then snuggled up against him as she relaxed into sleep.

  Taylyn lay awake for a long time, thoughts warring in his head. Never had any woman treated him with such kindness and physical affection. The tight knot of fear began to loosen in his gut, and he tightened his arms around his new Lady, letting sleep finally take hold

  Chapter Six

  Cassie’s life settled into a routine over the next few days. Mornings and early afternoons were spent training, and afterwards she had a great deal of time to explore and get to know her men.

  She had made the right decision by placing Mika in charge of the household. It ran smoothly, and he had an excellent rapport with the rest of the men.

  She was slowly falling in love with each one of them. They were all unique and special, and she truly adored them.

  Arn supervised their physical training and kept them in shape. Kai was a magician when it came to readying Cassie for social events. Aidan was a fabulous cook. And then, of course, there was Taylyn.

  The newest addition to her household had been shadowing Mika in an effort to learn the finer points of providing comfort and pleasure for Cassandra in all ways...both inside and outside of the bedchamber.

  They had all been surprised to discover that Taylyn had already begun his training as a pleasure slave when his accident happened. The resulting scar effectively terminated his instruction and turned the would-be pleasure slave into nothing but a lowly field slave.

  Taylyn spoke little. If he was being honest with himself, he was still shocked by his recent and astounding change in fortune. He was in awe of the beautiful warrior who was now his Lady and of the elevated status he had acquired when she acquired him. His fellow slaves were decent men and kind to him, but he remained wary of them nevertheless.

  His Lady had not yet had sex with him, but he could feel her attraction to him and was dumbfounded by it. He knew he was ugly because of his scar, but the most amazing woman he had ever seen looked at him like his face was unmarked, and as if he was as desirable as her other men with their perfect features.

  Yet, she still hadn’t taken him.

  Taylyn felt out of place; he knew nothing about running a home, and all of the sexual encounters he’d had since his scarring were with the occasional female slaves and were infrequent to say the least. Those encounters had hardly been more than a perfunctory easing of lust, and he was incredibly insecure about pleasing his Lady.

  Cassie had risen early one morning. She would begin her training today in horse-to-horse and horse-to-ground fighting, so she dressed quickly in only her leather vest, pants, and boots. In the mirror, she admired the new muscles that stood out on her arms. The sword training had made her stronger and faster.

  As she rounded the doorway of her bedroom, she slammed into Taylyn. His strong hands reached out to steady her as cold dread filled him at the possible consequences of his awkwardness.

  “Forgive me, My Lady. I am clumsy.” He dropped to his knees in front of her with his head bowed, awaiting whatever punishment she would mete out.

  To his surprise and great relief, Cassie replied, “No, it was my fault. I wasn’t paying attention, and I shouldn’t have been running in the house.” She gently lifted his face and smiled.

  Taylyn lost the ability to breathe as he fell into the lovely blue-green pools of her eyes. There was no anger or cruelty in her face, only a rueful smile and kindness.

  “Thank you, Mistress . . .” His whiskey voice sent little tremors of desire through Cassie, and she leaned over and kissed his lips gently.

  “Stay with Mika, and I will see you later this evening,” she said, leaving him in shocked bewilderment as she bounded out the door. She ran through the halls, then down the steps of the Palace, waving to the women she passed.

  She jogged to the training field, warming up her muscles. Once there, she was met with respectful camaraderie by the warriors and a grin from Kara as she bowed to Cassie.

  “Are you ready?” Kara asked.

  “Oh, yes,” Cassie replied.

  Grooms brought forth the horses. They presented Cassie with a beautiful chestnut stallion with a white blaze on his forehead and white stockings on his feet.

  “He is magnificent,” she said to Kara.

  “A gift from our Queen,” Kara told her.

  “She gives me too much! I am getting spoiled!”

  “She values your contribution and your friendship,” Kara said.

  Cassie grinned. “Well, let’s begin so that I can earn my keep!” Cassi
e swung up into the saddle and adjusted her seat.

  She and Kara had been riding every afternoon since they had begun training, and she finally had adapted. Cassie told her she had spent very little time in a saddle during her life prior to her arrival, and Kara had done her level best to correct that deficiency.

  After the Queen had discovered their outings, she joined them more often than not, the three women forging a strong friendship.

  Cassie pulled a wooden sword from a scabbard and turned towards Kara. They rode towards one another, swords clashing. They worked like this for over an hour before dismounting and fighting on foot as all around them, the sounds of the other warriors engaging in mock battle rang out.

  Cassie felt so right in this element, it was as if she has been born to it.

  Adrenaline surged throughout her body, and every movement felt good and right. The echoes of her former life were falling from her, and each stroke of the sword brought her closer to the indisputable realization that she had no desire to return to the life she once knew. Her memories were becoming hazier, and at times, it was a true struggle to even recall how her life used to be.

  The remainder of the morning was spent practicing tactical maneuvers along with hand-to-hand combat and sword fighting.

  Leaving the fields, Cassie went to see the smithy. She was a hugely muscled woman with a dour personality. Cassie had spoken to her at some length regarding her personal sword. She wanted it to be a combination of the broadsword used by the Erlans and the samurai sword she was more accustomed to using.

  Initially, the woman balked at the very idea of changing her art, but when Cassie took the time to explain the benefits, the woman softened and spoke of ways to make the blade thinner and as sharp as possible without compromising the strength of the steel.

  When at last they had come to an agreement, the woman gave Cassie a grudging smile and a rough handshake, promising her it would be ready in a few days. Cassie thanked her and clapped her on the shoulder in farewell.


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