Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One Page 8

by Kat Brewer

As she was walking back to the Palace, a handful of warriors galloped up. Dirty, bloodstained, and exhausted, the leader nearly fell from the saddle, and Cassie caught her quickly.

  “What happened?” she exclaimed as one of the other warriors helped to bring the wounded woman inside the barracks located near the Palace.

  In addition to housing visiting warriors, the building was also the site of Erla’s main infirmary and the physician’s rooms. They took her directly to the physician’s quarters at the front of the building and laid her down on a pallet.

  The warriors briefly told Cassie along the way about the skirmish they’d had with the Trevians. Before long, the Queen burst through the door and approached the badly wounded warrior while scanning the rest, taking in the minor injuries that were being tended by the physician’s slaves. Cassie and the warriors quickly filled her in on what had occurred.

  Nera’s face was fierce, rage filling her, as the warriors described how they had stumbled upon a settlement that had been conquered, and was currently being used by the Trevians as their home base.

  The warriors spoke of women being tortured and maimed, murdered children. There was a large number of abused male slaves being held captive, all of whom had been acquired from villages scattered throughout the Queendom.

  Nera swung towards Cassie snarling, “This must stop!”

  Cassie nodded soberly, fingering the knife that hung at her belt.

  To the injured leader Nera said, “I will leave you in the competent hands of my physician. Rest well, and recover.” Before leaving, she spoke again, “I assure you that we shall avenge you and the ones being tortured by these animals!” Nera then swept from the room with Cassie a half-step behind as she headed for the Queen’s quarters.

  “Your Highness, I will take a squad of warriors, and we will hunt and destroy these Trevians,” Cassie said.

  “Yes, Cassandra. Gather your warriors! Scout them out, and when you return, we will give them the war they seem to be so desperate for!” The words came out in an outraged roar.

  Cassie spun on her heel, running out of the Queen’s chamber and yelling for her horse as she went.

  As she descended the stairs, Cassie grabbed her mount from the slave. She leapt onto the horse’s back and made for Kara’s house.

  Kara, who had been informed of what had just happened, met Cassie halfway at a dead run.

  “When do we ride?” she asked.

  “As soon as you can pack and assemble the warriors,” Cassie ground out as adrenaline pumped through her.

  Anger burned like fire in her stomach. To see her warriors bloodied and beaten by the Trevians incensed her. It was because of her outrage that Cassie was able to set aside the healthy dose of fear she felt at the prospect of her first true battle. She intended to crush the brutish Trevians, eradicating any and all who crossed her path.

  “We go first to scout and get a fix on their numbers and weapons, and then we will return here to muster an army that will send them straight to Hell!” Cassie’s voice rang out, and a number of nearby warriors cheered.

  Kara bowed and turned, barking out orders as they readied a troop of twenty of their best fighters to accompany them on the reconnaissance mission.

  Cassie dismounted from her horse and ran back into the Palace, heading straight to her chambers. She flung open the door and stormed into the room, shouting orders at her men, who had just been going about their normal chores.

  They dropped their cleaning supplies and rushed to do her bidding. They were frightened, their Mistress had never raised her voice in anger before.

  Mika came to her, knelt, and softly asked with fear in his voice, “Mistress, would you tell me what happened?”

  “It is to be war, Mika! I go to scout the Trevians, and then I will return to assemble our army in order to remove them from our country.” Her anger was simmering within her, morphing into a cold, hard rage.

  Mika paled further as fear shot up his spine. He immediately sent prayers to every god he could think of to assure her safety. The other men heard what she said and quickened their paces, gathering the things she would need for her mission.

  She touched Mika on the shoulder, and he rose to his feet. His fear was obvious as Cassie put her hand to his face.

  “Stop it, Mika. I will return to you soon. You must be brave and give the others courage.” She kissed his cheek gently, and he inhaled her fragrance, suddenly grabbing her and crushing her to him.

  “Mika!” she squeaked, and he released her quickly, embarrassed to have taken such a liberty uninvited.

  “You forget yourself,” she growled but softened her reproach with a smile, letting him know she was not truly angry. “I will punish you properly when I return,” she grinned at him, and Mika summoned a weak smile in return.

  She went to her clothing cabinet where she found Aidan putting clothing into a leather knapsack.

  “Give me a shirt to put under this vest, Aidan. I don’t want to burn on the ride.” He quickly pulled forth a soft, long-sleeved shirt, unbuttoned her vest and helped her to redress. Cassie kissed him quickly on the cheek in thanks.

  She met the others in the lounge. Kai had packed a saddlebag with the food she would need. Arn and Taylyn stood holding her sword, a pair of long daggers, and a small knife. They silently armed her, all were still reeling with shock and fear for both their Mistress and for themselves. They knew their lives would change should she die on this mission.

  “Come on, give me sweet smiles and kisses to remember you by until I see you again.” Slowly, one by one, they obediently smiled and kissed her.

  They followed their Lady out of the Palace to where her horse stood ready. A troop of armed warriors surrounded her mount, waiting impatiently for their chance to strike out against their foe.

  Nera emerged from the Palace, garbed in attire similar to theirs, and it was then that Cassie noted the Queen's horse, that stood nearby.

  “Your Highness! Surely you do not intend to ride with us?” Cassie exclaimed.

  “Lady Cassandra, do not take that tone with me. The Queens of Erla have always accompanied their troops into battle.” Nera replied.

  “Forgive me, Your Highness. I meant no disrespect. I am only concerned about your safety. I would not have you hurt,” Cassie’s voice was low and urgent as she bowed before her liege.

  “Cassandra, I appreciate your concern, but this is my duty.” Nera’s tone had softened as she offered a small smile to Cassie.

  “Yes, Your Highness.” Cassie bowed low once more and then mounted her horse. “Thank you for him, by the way. He is beautiful,” she said as she patted the neck of her mount.

  Nera smiled again and mounted her own horse and rode out in front of the warriors, surrounded by her Guard. Cassie and Kara took their places on either side of her, and they began their campaign side by side.

  Behind them, on the steps of the Palace, a large group of beautiful men stood silent, tears in their eyes as they watched their beloved Mistresses ride towards the enemy.

  Chapter Seven

  The women rode hard throughout the remainder of the day. As dusk fell, Cassie called a halt, and they set up camp. Fires were started, food was cooked, and tents were pitched. Cassandra, Nera, and Kara shared a tent, Cassie insisted upon it as she intended to assure the Queen’s safety herself. Nera's Guard encircled the tent, they would swap out remaining awake through the night so that each Guard was rested.

  Cassie and Kara conferred to arrange the warrior's guard duty coverage, assigning their warriors to two-hour stints throughout the night so everyone get some sleep.

  They ate and sat by the fire discussing their plans.

  “I think it would be best if we avoided any fighting at present. I don’t want to make them aware we are tracking them. Our injured warriors said they killed their attackers and disposed of the bodies. So, all that the Trevians now know is that some of their number have disappeared,” Kara stated.

  “I agree. We need to obse
rve, gather information, and get back home as soon as possible,” Cassie said. “Then we will know the size of the force we will need to muster to defeat them.”

  Nera nodded her agreement and rose, stretching. “I am ready to sleep.”

  Kara and Cassie both got up, and they all went to their shared tent for a restless night’s sleep.

  In the morning, they started out again.

  Their pace slowed as they reached the outskirts of the invaded settlement, and when they were approximately a half mile away, Cassie stopped and slid off of her horse.

  Checking to be sure her weapons were in place, she looked up at Kara.

  “Give me three of your best warriors. I want you to stay here and be ready to leave at a moment’s notice.” Kara nodded.

  The Queen opened her mouth, but shut it quickly when Cassie sent her an arch look.

  “Your Highness, I go now to prove myself worthy of the trust you have placed in me. I hope you will wish me luck in this,” Cassie said as her eyes met Nera’s, and the Queen nodded.

  “Go with the gods, Lady Cassandra.”

  “Thank you, Your Highness,” she said and bowed.

  Cassie led the women Kara had selected as they ran silently through the lush vegetation. The Commander kept a steady pace, but not one so fast that it would tire them out too quickly.

  They stopped only once to confer, and as they approached the village, they began to move slowly and stealthily through the bushes.

  They could hear voices in the distance as they made the tree line around the village. The sounds of everyday village life were absent. The only sounds were screams and groans of pain punctuated coarse conversation and cruel laughter.

  The Erlan warriors crept up behind a stable-like building, each silently counting and weighing her enemies’ strengths and weaknesses.

  Cassie rose slightly and looked towards the opening of one of the buildings. The glass had been broken, and she could see what looked to be a large number of men crammed inside. From what she could see, they were filthy, starved, and each held a vacant look in his eyes.

  Cassie’s chest tightened, these were the stolen slaves.

  She ducked down and quietly shared the information with the other warriors, and their faces set in grim lines. Each one of them would enjoy exacting retribution for the outrages they were witnessing.

  They eased around the building and found their path blocked by a leather tarp covering a foul smelling mound. One of her warriors lifted the corner of the tarp and then dropped it quickly.

  When Cassie looked over at her, the woman’s face was green, and she turned and went into the woods from where they could hear the faint sound of vomiting.

  When she returned a few moments later, the warrior apologized and, speaking as quietly as she was able, told them the tarp covered a small mountain of bodies, the mangled remains of the women from the villages. Cassie’s own stomach churned.

  She motioned for them to move back to the forest, and they followed her silently.

  Once they had entered the thicker part of the forest, Cassie broke into an all-out run, and they covered the distance back to the Queen.

  Once they arrived, each worked on catching her breath in order to relay the news.

  Nera’s face tightened and then paled drastically at their report.

  “Your Highness,” Cassie began, “this has been a trying day, and we have much to do. I suggest we do not spare the horses and instead head back to our troops and homes as soon as possible, so we can rest and prepare.” Nera nodded in assent.

  The forest passed by in a blur. The whole troop rode silently and with deadly purpose.

  The time flew, and before they knew it, it was near dark, and they were just coming into the village skirting the Palace.

  After Kara called out a dismissal, the senior warriors fell away into the village and headed to their homes to prepare for war. Instead of heading towards the village herself, Kara rode on with Cassie, accompanying the Queen and her personal guards en route to the Palace.

  Before they had gone far, Nera turned to Kara and said, “Thank you, but you need not return to the Palace. I believe I will be well enough protected. Go home, sleep, and then ready yourself. I would have us march the day after tomorrow.”

  “Yes, My Queen,” replied a weary Kara with genuine gratitude as she turned her mount back towards home.

  Dismounting in front of the Palace, Nera dismissed the remaining warriors and then turned to her Commander. “Cassie, go to your slaves. Let them care for you and ease your mind. I am concerned for you.”

  “Yes, Your Highness. May I do anything for you before I go?”

  “No, my friend. Just rest and prepare.” Cassie bowed to her and headed to her quarters.

  Cassie ran quickly to her suite, eager for the comfort of her men and a long, hot bath.

  When she opened the doors, five heads snapped up. Joy and relief lit their faces as they rushed to take her bags and weapons.

  “Mistress, thank the gods you are safe!” She met Aidan’s eyes and threw her arms around him. He staggered slightly in surprise, but embraced her tightly, lifting her feet from the floor. She held him close, absorbing his warmth and scent before drawing back and kissing him soundly.

  Releasing Aidan, she turned and greeted each of her men in turn. Cassie smiled when she got to Taylyn.

  “The rest of you, go prepare me a bath and some food.” Taylyn stood, nervously staring at the tiled floor.

  Cassie took his hand and pulled him flush against her, letting her hands roam his back before burying them in his freshly trimmed hair.

  It had been Mika’s work she knew. He cut all of their hair and the even, short-cropped style looked good on Taylyn.

  “Make it good and hot,” she called out after the others as they scurried towards the bathing room and kitchen.

  Looking up into Taylyn’s face, she slowly ran a fingertip down his scar to his full lower lip. He flushed a deep red, and his eyes darted everywhere but to her face.

  “Look at me, my Taylyn,” she commanded, and he lifted his eyes to hers.

  “I think you are beautiful.” His lips parted on a sigh at her words, and she took the opportunity to pull him into a kiss.

  “Come, bathe me,” she said, releasing him, and his heart pounded in his chest with both fear and anticipation as he followed his Lady.

  Later, after having lain in the tub for over an hour, Cassie dressed in silken clothes and sat on the sofa while allowing her men to feed her.

  Taylyn had performed well despite his nervousness. His touch had been strong, yet gentle, and Cassie was well-pleased and determined to take him to her bed that night.

  Their Lady took great pleasure in feeding them from her hand, and they enjoyed being so cherished.

  She rested her head in the curve of Taylyn’s muscular shoulder while Kai massaged her feet. She told them in low tones of the events of the past day and that she would be going to war the day after next. Her words chilled them, and they tried to maintain their composure as they ministered to her needs.

  “I do not want you to fear for the future. I have already arranged with the Queen to have you placed with a kind Mistress should I die. Should such a woman not be available for any one of you here, then you will be sent to the Centre to serve the kindest and wisest amongst us. So, even if the worst should happen, and all of us should somehow perish, you will all be safe. I have seen to your welfare,” she said gently. “However, I will return to you. I promise.”

  The Centre was an elder community on the outskirts of Erla where the older members of society went to “retire.” They were provided with everything they required and were close to their families. The sick and infirm were lovingly cared for and they wanted for nothing. It was also a learning hub in Erla. Young ones went there often to learn skills and to practice their craft with guidance from their elders.

  Each of Cassie’s men struggled with their tears. Taylyn, while not in tears, had a fearful
look etched upon his beautiful scarred face. He held a deep-seated belief that he would return to the fields should the worst occur, as no other woman would find him as attractive as his Lady had, despite her assurances.

  He wanted to believe her, for her plan was sound and seemed to cover any eventuality. The truth of it was, however, that life had not been kind to Taylyn. He had learned on the day of his accident that the future was not etched in stone and could so easily go awry.

  So, he worried.

  He worried about returning to his previously lonely and wretched life. He worried about losing his newfound brothers and the camaraderie they shared based on their mutual love for their Mistress. He worried about returning to the bleak existence he’d had.

  As Cassie looked at them, she realized how much they had all come to mean to her and how much they loved her in return.

  She rose from the sofa and held her hand out to Taylyn, who hesitated only a moment before taking it. She pulled him behind her to her bed, closing the door behind them as she went. She turned to look at the beautiful man who stood before her with his eyes fixed on the floor.

  “I want to reassure you, Taylyn, I have made sure you will be cared for in the future. You will not be returned to the fields and the hard life you had before. I know you are frightened by what could happen, but, believe me, I have seen to your future just as I told the others a few moments ago.” His shocked gaze met hers, and he saw the sincerity there and nodded.

  Cassie knew from what Mika had told her that Taylyn had no experience as a pleasure slave beyond the most rudimentary training he had received before his accident, but she also knew he had been instructed by the others on what to do and what she liked.

  “Taylyn, undress for me,” she nearly growled as she sat on the foot of the bed to watch.

  He looked incredibly nervous as he dropped his loin covering.

  That curling feeling began inside of her, that nearly euphoric giddiness that stemmed from the power. The power she wielded over the male in front of her. That rush was no longer alien, nor was it a feeling she fought with herself over anymore.


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