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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

Page 20

by Kat Brewer

  She hastily wrote out the transfer and gave it to Cassie.

  Cassie bent down and touched the slave’s shoulder, and he flinched. He looked up, cringing, and saw Cassie as she helped him to stand. Seeing the torn flesh on his back and the blood seeping through the remaining fabric, she was enraged. Tears continued to run down the slave’s face. His eyes were downcast as he quaked in front of her.

  The man appeared to be in his late forties with gray streaking his dark hair, but he was still quite handsome.

  “Come with me. I will get someone to clean and bandage your back.” The slave nodded and then nearly fainted when he tried to walk, so Cassie put his arm over her shoulder and helped him away from the scene of his beating. She looked around and saw that she wasn’t far from Kara’s and decided to take him there.

  Several minutes later, they made it to Kara’s door with Cassie half-dragging the injured slave. She pounded on the door, and one of Kara’s slaves opened it, alarm on his handsome face. Kara's slave hastily grabbed the injured man and carried him to a chair. The pressure on the slave’s shoulder made him cry out as Kara came running from her bed chamber and froze when she saw Cassie.

  “What has happened?”

  Cassie quickly told her what had occurred as one of Kara’s slaves ran to get a physician, and Kara called her other two slaves to carry him to a bedchamber. The men tried to be careful, but there was no way to do it without causing him more discomfort.

  They finally laid him on the bed on his stomach and set about removing his ragged clothing, baring his wounds fully to their view. They all gasped at the bloody mess that was the man’s back. Just then, the physician came, saw the slave, and immediately set to work. Kara led Cassie to the other room and poured her a cold cup of fruit juice.

  “So, you are saving strays now?” Kara quipped, her mouth quirked in amusement.

  “It made me so angry, Kara. There was no need to do this to the man. If you are that angered or unhappy with them, sell them, but to indulge in this type of brutality... It was as bad as the Trevians, but this was worse because it was done to one of our own people by one of our own people!”

  “I do not believe in abusing slaves. They are intelligent people. They can be reasoned with and trained to please. There is no need to beat them in my opinion,” Kara said. “Some women, I am ashamed to admit, however, simply enjoy beating them.”

  “Well, I hope you will help me find a place for him.”

  “You paid six gold pieces for a man his age and you don’t intend to keep him?” Kara was amused. “The likes of him could be bought for a tenth of that price.”

  “Well, I have to admit I wasn’t thinking too rationally at the time. I really wanted to strangle the bitch. Besides, I can afford it,” Cassie said with a laugh.

  “You could keep him as a house slave and get your money out of him.”

  “No, my house is full, and my men care for it and me quite well,” Cassie said, smiling fondly.

  “Well, it is your choice. I would take him on, but I just don’t have the need or space. If nothing else, we can always send him to the Centre,” Kara said. Cassie nodded. It was a good idea.

  The physician came out and briefly told Cassie that his wounds would heal, but he needed rest and medicine. Kara told Cassie he could remain there with her, and her slaves would tend him.

  “Thank you, Kara.”

  Cassie shook her head. “Well, so much for my peaceful shopping excursion.”

  “Did you come to shop? I would be glad to accompany you if you still wish to go,” Kara said.

  “Yes. I definitely need to get my mind off of this. Let’s go.”

  The women wandered through the market buying clothing, trinkets, and foodstuffs. Cassie purchased candy for her slaves and new clothing for them as well. Kara laughed and said she was spoiling them, but Cassie just smiled and said that they were worth it.

  They parted ways at Kara’s door after checking on the injured slave and Cassie was followed home by a for-hire slave who was loaded down with her purchases. When she arrived at her chambers, she could hear the men in the bathing room.

  She had the slave place her items on the sofa and dismissed him, walking to the bathing room and looking at her men while they washed themselves.

  They smiled when they became aware of her presence, and Cassie told them to take their time. They needed the soak because their behinds were sure to be sore after their riding lesson.

  Cassie was still feeling restless, so she left her chambers and walked through the halls, studying the murals that covered the walls. As she reached the end of the corridor, an arm snaked around her waist and a hand covered her mouth with a foul-smelling cloth. She instinctively began to fight to extricate herself when her vision blurred and she lost consciousness.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Nera rose and stretched. She was smiling and feeling very happy that the accord had been reached and that the visiting royals would leave the following day. She made promises to visit their Kingdoms in the near future, but she wasn’t sure just how soon those visits would occur. As for now, she expected Nyles to come to her that night as he would leave early in the morning.

  She turned to a beautiful female slave and told her she would be attending her Queen as well as the King of Serlenn this night, and that she needed to clean and prepare herself. The girl smiled and nodded, honored to have been chosen.

  Nera’s thoughts shifted to Cassie, and she decided to visit her friend and put her mind at ease regarding the outcome of the talks. When Nera reached Cassie’s chambers and knocked, the door was answered very quickly by Mika, and she smiled at him, running her hand across his bronzed chest as she entered.

  Mika returned her smile and bowed low.

  “Where is your Lady, Mika?” she asked while scanning the room. All of Cassie’s slaves had arisen from the sofas and were making their obeisance to the Queen.

  “She has gone out, Beloved Highness, but she did not mention where.” Mika bowed again and smiled into Nera’s eyes.

  “You are too beautiful, Mika. As are the rest of you. Your Lady is a fortunate woman.”

  “Forgive me for contradicting you, My Queen, but it is we who are blessed to have such a wonderful Mistress.” Nera smiled affectionately at his devotion and patted his cheek. The other slaves directed beatific smiles at the Queen.

  “So you are, and I am blessed to have her as my friend and Commander.” She turned to go, and as Mika held the door for her, she added, “When she returns, tell her I wish to speak with her.”

  “Yes, Your Highness,” Mika said, bowing as the Queen swept out.

  The following morning, Nera, Kara, and a group of Erla’s high-ranking courtiers stood on the steps of the Palace wishing the departing dignitaries a good journey. Nera was irritated that Cassandra had not shown up. She understood there may have been some awkwardness, but for her to shirk her duties was uncalled for, and it reflected badly upon the both of them. It disappointed her because she thought Cassie was above such childish behavior, and she inwardly vowed to have a talk with her.

  King Nyles bowed to Nera and kissed her hand. This action was swiftly copied by Prince Nall and then by King Darien.

  “We are saddened that we are unable to say farewell to your Commander. Will you pass along our regrets to her?” Nyles asked.

  Nall murmured something similar and quickly mounted his horse. King Darien bowed and said his farewell before leaping onto his horse’s back.

  "I'll pass your sentiments along, and I apologize on behalf of my Commander for her absence. It is surely something important to keep her from bidding you farewell. Goodbye, My Lords and safe journey."

  Nera lifted her hand in farewell, mentally heaving a sigh of relief that mingled with her continued irritation at her Commander’s absence.

  Kara was struck with a very bad feeling as she watched the delegation prepare to leave. She had been concerned about her friend’s strange absence, but her instincts were tell
ing her that something was very wrong, and the stilted goodbyes of Nall and Darien seemed very strange to her all of a sudden.

  The noblemen took the front of the line, and their combined forces fell in behind them. King Nyles turned in the saddle and lifted his arm in farewell, and the procession slowly left Erla accompanied by the cheers of the onlookers. Frowning, Kara’s eyes fixed on the rigid backs of Darien and Nall as a sense of foreboding overtook her.

  Once they were out of sight, Kara turned to Nera and said, “Something is not right here. Where is Cassandra, and why is it that Darien and Nall were acting so strangely?” Nera’s eyes widened. She hadn’t considered the idea of there being foul play involved in Cassie’s absence. The two women turned and moved quickly into the Palace, making a beeline for Cassie’s quarters.

  They burst into the room without knocking and found Cassie’s slaves pacing. All of the men shared the same red eyes and tight expressions.

  “Where is she?” Nera demanded.

  From their looks, she immediately thought Cassie was ill or hurt.

  They looked at each other, and then Mika answered, “My Queen, we have not seen her since yesterday. We have looked everywhere, and she is not to be found!” Tears slipped from his golden eyes. "We were going to come to you after the visitors left."

  “You must be calm. We will find your Lady,” Kara said. Then, with a meaningful glance at Nera, they left. The women stopped when the door closed behind them, and they looked at each other grimly.

  “They took her! I know it! They have taken Cassie, and I will kill them all!” Kara was snarling. She was livid, angrier than she had ever been.

  “No! I claim that right. I will go change into something more appropriate for the task.” Nera spun and headed to her quarters.

  Kara ran out of the Palace shouting orders for two hundred of their best warriors to join them in the task of recovering their Commander. Warriors sprinted to raise the Call to Arms, and the news spread like wildfire as Kara swung onto a horse and rode to her home to prepare.

  A short time later, they assembled. Nera and Kara, both armed to the teeth, led the charge to overtake the departing Serlenn and Destian processions.

  Within five miles, they met the rear guard. The foreign warriors, seeing who was approaching, allowed them to continue unhindered. Nera and Kara galloped wildly towards the front of the procession, accompanied by the Queen's Guard and thirty warriors.

  At the clamor, King Nyles, King Darien, and Prince Nall all turned their horses and gazed in astonishment at the approaching women. Kara pulled her sword and stopping her horse, she leveled it at Darien’s throat. His eyes bulged as the steel nicked his Adam’s apple.

  “What is the meaning of this?” King Nyles demanded as he was surrounded by the Erlan warriors, and the clearing rang with the sound of swords being drawn by everyone assembled.

  “We have come to recover what was stolen from us, Nyles,” Nera gritted out. Her eyes blazed as she held her sword to Nyles’ chest.

  None of the royals had had an opportunity to draw their weapons and were all being held at sword point by the angry women. All of the soldiers in the vicinity had their swords drawn as the drama unfolded before them.

  “Nera, what in all of the gods’ names are you talking about? How dare you accuse me of thievery? What is it you think I have stolen?” Nyles was now angry in his own right, and his eyes flashed blue fire.

  “I will have the return of my Commander, or I will hand you your heart on the end of my blade!” Nera replied.

  “What the devil are you talking about? Your Commander is not with us.” Nyles’ eyes widened as the implication sank in. “I am not in the habit of taking women against their will.”

  “Wait! Are you saying Lady Cassandra is missing?” Darien’s voice rose and then lowered before Kara’s sword threatened to pierce his throat.

  “What has happened? Are you sure she is missing?” Nall asked.

  Kara and Nera looked at the men suspiciously. “Search the caravan. I assure you, Your Highness, you will not find the Lady Cassandra with us,” Darien ground out.

  Nera narrowed her eyes, and then she motioned for the warriors to search for their Lady.

  The assembled group sat silently, distrustfully watching one another as the procession was carefully searched by Erla’s warriors. After some time, Kara’s second, Sama, returned and told Kara that there was no sign of the Commander. They looked at each other uneasily, and then the women slowly lowered their swords. There was a collective sigh as the entire company sheathed their weapons.

  “Forgive me, King Nyles, King Darien. I jumped to conclusions, and it was most discourteous to hold you at sword-point. My only defense is my concern over the welfare of my friend,” Kara said, bowing in her saddle.

  “You are forgiven, Lady. I understand the reason for your actions.” Darien inclined his head, a frown still on his face

  “What we must do now is find her. All of this courtly talk is doing nothing to recover Cassandra.” Nall ground out.

  Nera explained what they had learned from Cassie’s slaves, and it was decided that the entire company would return to Erla and plan a search and rescue campaign.

  They rode hard back to the city, and the royals met with Nera to make plans. It was decided that they would take a small company of Erla’s warriors, leaving the bulk of the forces behind to protect the city, and they would scour every inch of the countryside until Cassie was found.

  Kara went to Cassie’s quarters and told her slaves the news and their plans. They bowed, nodded, and thanked her.

  The men sat and looked at each other, a plan forming in their heads. They decided that they would go out and help in the search for their Lady. It was a bold move, and one they would never have considered before they belonged to Cassandra.

  Garen and Arn were dispatched to the village with a full purse to buy travel clothing, boots, food, and other supplies and equipment.

  They returned with loaded arms, followed by several of the merchant’s slaves, who also carried their purchases. They decided to wait until the warriors left with the Queen since they did not want to be caught in the act of disobedience. They were sure to be ordered to stay behind and wait if they were found out.

  They silently dressed in the leather travel clothing. Each slipped on a wide iron arm band that had been engraved with a stalking tiger, Cassie’s symbol. In female-dominated populations the bands signified the warrior was in Cassandra’s division. In male-dominated lands, it would appear to be a warrior’s mark.

  Nera rushed about her chambers grabbing up things she wished to bring and throwing them into the arms of a waiting slave. “Pack those securely and take them to the wagons. Tell Lady Kara I will be with her in a moment.” The slave bowed and left the room.

  Nera went to her closet to make sure she had everything when she felt an arm encircle her waist. She barely got out the words, “Not now, Nyles . . .” when a foul-smelling rag covered her mouth and nose, and she fell into oblivion.

  Kara sat on her horse with both monarchs and Prince Nall as they awaited Nera. The time passed slowly as they spoke of their plans and both Kara and her horse grew restless. She was becoming concerned when Quinn flew out of the Palace and looked over the assembled warriors until his worried eyes landed on Kara to whom he ran, sobbing out that the Queen was gone.

  “What?” Kara bellowed.

  The slave quaked and explained he had gone back to tell the Queen that the forces were ready, and it was then that he found the chamber empty. They quickly dismounted and scoured the Palace, but Nera was nowhere to be found.

  Kara roared in wordless outrage. How could this happen? Two noblewomen abducted under their very noses. Her eyes met those of the Kings, Prince Nall, and the warriors surrounding her. They nodded in silent understanding and ran to their waiting horses. As one, they rode out of the city to search for the missing women.


  Hours later, six men entered the stable, saddle
d their horses and loaded their travel gear. They armed themselves with weapons for the first time in their lives, as they set off to find their beloved Mistress.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Cassie woke up to a screaming headache and a stuffy, musty smell that nearly overwhelmed her.

  When she tried to call out for her slaves, she discovered she was gagged and bound, unable to move at all. Her hands and her ankles were tied and attached together behind her back.

  The best she could make out was that she was in some sort of large wooden box.

  Sunlight filtered through the cracks and as her eyes accustomed themselves to the dim light, she saw Nera lying across from her and bound similarly.

  The women were lying on their sides on top of some sort of grain bags. Their eyes met, but they had no way to communicate. A sudden jolt and steady rocking made it clear that they were in some kind of covered compartment on the bottom of a wagon.

  Cassie’s mind was turning furiously. She was trying to remember what had happened and figure out who did this and for what purpose. The pain made her head throb, and she guessed they had used something like chloroform on her. The last thing she remembered was being in the Great hall of the Palace when an arm came around her, and then nothing.

  She felt a breeze at last break the stuffy interior and noted that the air was chilly. She hadn’t been cold since her arrival in Erla, so wherever they were being taken obviously had a cooler climate. She wondered how long she had been out.

  Who would do this?



  She would kill any one of them who proved to be behind this. It was the only thing that made sense and the foreign temperature made it seem even more likely that it may be one of them. Cassie worked on the rope tying her wrists, but it was cruelly tight and it dug into her flesh.

  She wiggled her fingers, searching for something sharp and found nothing. She could tell by the movement across from her that Nera was trying to free herself also. After what seemed like hours later, they gave up in frustration. They could hear the sounds of voices outside, but the words were too muffled to be understood.


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