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Cassandra: Here She Rules: Book One

Page 31

by Kat Brewer

  Cassie had foolishly drained another goblet of Jul as she watched them. Feeling the effects acutely, she rose and took his hand, pulling him into a dark corner that was blessedly hidden from view by a drapery.

  Pushing Marcus down onto a chair, she straddled him. Her body was humming with desire and throbbing almost painfully. Their lips met, tongues clashed, and she began gnawing on his full lower lip.

  Cassie’s body ached, fire was raging through her belly, and she could not wait for any niceties as she quickly impaled herself on his thick member. They both moaned in pleasure. Now that she was familiar with Jul, she knew she had consumed just enough because every nerve ending in her body hummed with pleasure as his hands roamed her flesh, his teeth raking her sensitive nipples.

  “Yes, Marcus!” she cried. Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she slammed her body against his, deep and hard. Their bodies strained together as he grasped her hips and thrust up to meet her. His clever fingers found her clit and worked it feverishly.

  Cassie threw her head back and roared when she came, and Marcus’s final groans mingled with hers. She leaned her forehead against his as each fought to regain their breath. Sweat glistened on his bare flesh.

  Sighing, she kissed him and swung her leg over to stand up. Marcus stood and swayed as his legs betrayed him, making Cassie laugh gently as he quickly went to get her a warm cloth. He cleaned her and then himself before they returned to the table.

  Lee was grinning widely as she watched Cassie approach.

  “How was he, Cass?” she asked with a laugh. Cassie grinned.

  “Fantastic! Care for a go?” she rejoined.

  Lee’s smile widened as she rose. Marcus was feeling the effects of the Jul and knew he would have no problem satisfying the Second to the Queen’s Commander, and he more than willingly took her hand as the other slaves watched him even more enviously than before.

  Cassie collapsed into her seat, noticing that Saria’s chair was empty. Picking up her goblet, she sipped the Jul. Custom and good manners demanded she use all three of the slaves she was given tonight, and she knew she would surely need the Jul to accomplish that.

  She stared into the pink depths of the cup; it truly was an amazing drink. Aside from the aphrodisiac qualities, it sensitized the skin to touch, magnifying and lengthening orgasms. As she smiled into her glass, she felt a presence next to her, and looking up, she met the eyes of the gorgeous slave who had been serving her so patiently all day.

  “Mistress, how may we serve you?” Liam asked with desire shining in his eyes.

  Cassie lifted the goblet, threw back the contents and felt it heat her insides immediately. Looking around the room, she saw that the revelers were not so careful about hiding their trysts now that the evening had progressed.

  “That would depend on how inventive you can be,” she replied and grinned up at him. Liam’s eyes widened and then burned with a slow, seductive smile.

  “I can do anything you wish, My Lady, and as often as you wish it done,” he said. Cassie’s brows flew up as he poured her more Jul. Dylan and Karl moved forward.

  “It is our honor to give you all the pleasure you require, My Lady.” Dylan smiled at them as Lee and Marcus returned. Lee was glowing and seeking her slaves’ eyes. She was ready to go home and continue enjoying the effects of the Jul she had consumed. The women toasted each other, drained another cup, and then bid each other good night.

  Cassie motioned to the slaves who had been attending her and headed for her suite with them following eagerly in her wake.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Cassie forced her eyes open with a groan as she disentangled herself from the naked limbs of the men piled upon her bed. She rose and then staggered towards the bathroom.

  Turning on the water faucets, she let the tub fill. Groaning again, she slid into the water until she was completely submerged, head and all. A moment later, she lifted her head from the water and wiped her eyes.

  Her entire body was sore. She didn’t even want to think about the erotic activities that left her feeling all of these aches.


  She had a feeling she would never learn.

  Sighing, she scrubbed herself and washed her hair before climbing out and drying herself off with a fluffy towel. The good part about Jul was the total lack of a hangover, and she was very grateful for that much.

  Stretching, she walked back to her bedchamber and pulled out some riding clothes, knowing a good ride would clear her head. Cassie looked at the naked men on her bed and a ripple went through her belly as she remembered the intense pleasure they had provided for her the previous night.

  It had been incredible on a purely sexual basis and the only thing missing was the love she had for her men.

  Cassie sighed again as she laced up her boots and slipped out quietly, trying not to disturb them.

  She found a Palace guard and asked the woman for directions to the stable then thanked her as she bounded out towards her destination.

  It was very quiet that morning. Most everyone who had been at the celebration was still sleeping it off.

  Cassie saw Danai and Quinn standing at the stables. The little girl was requesting horses to be saddled for them.

  “Saddle mine, please. Quinn, you may take the morning off. I will care for our Princess,” Cassie said.

  Danai whirled around, squealing and launched herself into Cassie’s arms.

  “Cassie, are you really going to take me riding?” Danai’s excitement was contagious and Cassie grinned at her.

  “Yes, I am. Quinn, I have her now, thank you,” she said and smiled at the man.

  “Very well, Lady Cassandra. Good luck to you.” His eyes glinted mischievously.

  Cassie winked at him and settled Danai atop the horse the groom had brought forth.

  “Thank you, Quinn,” Danai piped, blowing him a kiss that he caught and carried to his lips before he turned and went back to the Palace.

  Cassie handed Danai her reigns before mounting her own horse.

  “I am happy to see you this morning, Cassie. Did you have fun last night?” Danai’s bright eyes sought Cassie's.

  “I did. Perhaps too much fun, though,” Cassie replied as she grinned at her.

  Cassie set an easy pace as they moved out of town and into a beautiful green meadow. Field slaves stopped their work to look as the pair rode by, and Danai waved regally to the men as they stared and then bowed respectfully.

  “Shall we let them run a bit?” Cassie asked.

  Danai nodded vigorously. She was an excellent horsewoman even at her young age, and she enjoyed a fast gallop. They kicked their horses forward, flying across the fields and meadows. The wind tore their hair free from the restraints, and it flowed loosely behind them.

  Danai shared her father’s dark hair, and her waist-length tresses were gorgeous as they flew in the wind. They wheeled the horses about and raced back towards town, laughing and challenging each other. The people they passed stared in wonder at the lovely pair as they flew past.

  Cassie slowed their pace as they reached the city. She realized she felt much better after having gotten out for a bit.

  “Cassie?” Danai glanced at her out of the corner of her eye.

  “Yes, love?” Cassie smiled at the girl.

  “I am ready to go home. I want my mother.” A tear slid from one violet eye and down her cheek, and Cassie leaned over to wipe it away.

  “I will take you home immediately, then. The escort is due to arrive this morning, and we can leave as soon as they are rested and have fresh horses.” The little girl looked at her heroine with genuine gratitude shining in her lovely eyes.

  “Thank you, Cassie. I have missed her so, and I was so scared she might be killed. I know I am a Princess, and I must act like I am not afraid. Even though she is the Queen, she is still my mommy,” Danai said, speaking in earnest.

  Cassie leaned over to give her a quick hug.

  “I know, baby. I will get you hom
e as soon as possible. I promise.” Danai nodded and smiled, wiping away the last of her tears and squaring her shoulders as they entered the town and headed for the Palace.

  Later that day, the Erlan escort arrived and Cassie spoke with the Queen and Lee. It was decided that this was to be their last day in Tayliss on this visit.

  Early the following morning, they said their goodbyes and collected letters to take back to Erla with them. Although disappointed, Saria understood Danai’s desire to be reunited with her mother.

  Lee and Cassie embraced before Cassie mounted her horse, and a crowd gathered in front of the Palace, waving goodbye and calling out, “Good journey.”

  The Erlans had rested well on their one night in Tayliss, so it was only a matter of exchanging their mounts for fresh horses and receiving provisions from the Queen’s pantry to get them back on the road.

  Danai wore a sweet smile as she rode in front of Quinn on the way home, happy to be that much nearer to her mother.

  The next day passed fairly quickly until Danai began losing her cheerful demeanor and became bored and cranky.

  Cassie got to the point where she would ride at the front of the column as far from the child’s complaints as she could get. It was left to poor Quinn to bear the brunt of her whining and he did that gracefully. Even so, Cassie felt very sorry for him.

  She called a halt at midday for everyone to eat and rest before continuing on their journey. She helped some of the guards to find firewood so that they could enjoy a hot meal.

  As she worked her way through the vegetation, she discovered a stream-fed pool that was delightfully clear and decided it was the perfect diversion for her little Mistress.

  Returning to camp, she was in time to hear Danai upbraiding poor Quinn mercilessly.

  “Your Highness!” Cassie said loudly, “I have found a very inviting pool in that we may bathe and swim in for a while. Would you care to join me?”

  Danai’s eyes lit up and she nodded vigorously, running to Cassie’s side.

  “Ten of you, please join us and set up a perimeter around the pool,” Cassie said to her warriors, and the designated amount quickly followed her into the foliage.

  The warriors stationed themselves equally around the pool as Cassie and the Princess disrobed and jumped naked into the pool, splashing and playing. Cassie was aware of the passing time and knew she needed to get back on the road or it would cost them another day’s travel, but Danai was laughing and enjoying herself so thoroughly that she was reluctant to make her leave.

  Finally, Cassie pulled her young Mistress from the water, and drying her off, she helped her to get dressed. Then, they all made their way back to the camp.

  When they were near to the camp, the hair on the back of Cassie’s neck stood on end, and her stomach fell. Something was wrong; she could feel it.

  Putting a hand over Danai’s chattering mouth, she pushed her behind her and drew her sword quietly. Her movements alerted the warriors who had stood watch over them. They surrounded the princess and drew their weapons.

  Carefully, they made their way to the camp, and the sight that met their eyes horrified Cassie. A dozen or so of her warriors lay strewn about. Mortal wounds were evident, and the rest of the contingent was just gone.

  The warriors inhaled sharply, anger building inside of them. All of them wondered who would dare attack an Erlan party in the middle of Queen Nera’s forests. Cassie made her way carefully from casualty to casualty, checking for signs of life while listening for any noises that would have been out of place.

  “My Lady, what shall we do? Who could have done this?” Asked a warrior, who moved up to Cassie, speaking very quietly, unsure if the attackers still lingered nearby.

  Cassie looked up as a horse snorted, and she saw they had been loosed. The loyal animals had stayed near the camp, and the rest were long gone.

  “Why would anyone have taken our warriors captive?” Cassie wondered aloud.

  “I do not know, Commander. What’s more, who would dare attack us here?” the warrior inquired. “There are eight missing warriors and Quinn, with no sign of where they might have been taken.”

  The women moved to catch and mount their horses. Cassie pulled Danai up in front of her.

  “We cannot bury our dead at this time or even take them with us. Mark this place well, so that we may send a retrieval party. We must get our Princess home safely above all else. We will return and find our sisters.”

  The warriors surrounding Cassie nodded and followed her as she set a quick pace, clutching Danai tightly as the little girl cried quietly, trying to hide her fear.

  Cassie’s mind raced as she rode, unable to understand who could have done this and why. She mentally ticked off suspects and could not account for who may have done this.

  “Lady Cassandra, will we make it home safely?” Danai’s small voice came to her on the wind.

  “Yes, My Lady. I would give my life to see you safely home. Do not be afraid.” Cassie tightened her arm around Danai in an awkward hug.

  “I know you will. No one can beat you! You will kill whoever did this and keep my Queendom safe!” False bravery filled the little voice, and Cassie smiled grimly.

  Just then, loud shouts sounded from behind them, and Cassie glanced back, her stomach roiling at what she saw.


  How? They had defeated them. Yet, there was no mistaking the huge brutish women.

  Fear welled in Cassie’s chest. She had to get Danai away from them. They would be merciless with the Erlan Princess. Even death would be better than what they would do to her.

  The warriors looked at their Commander. Cassie met the eyes of Britta, one of her most loyal warriors, and nearly threw Danai into her arms.

  “Ride! Ride for Erla as fast as you can! Secure the Princess’s safety!” Britta nodded, and without even breaking her stride, she pulled the Princess tightly to her and urged her horse into a gallop.

  Cassie pulled her horse to a stop as Danai’s terrified cries echoed in her ears.

  The remaining warriors fanned out around their Commander, ready to make a stand, giving their comrade time to get a good lead and save the Princess.

  The Trevians thundered towards them and Cassie’s warriors drew their swords and daggers. Cassie did a quick head count. There were nineteen Trevians, and her warriors numbered ten beside herself.

  It was a winnable scenario, but it would not be easy.

  "Ladies?" She called out to her warriors.

  "To the death, Commander." They said as one.

  “No one remains! Once the battle is won, you will ride immediately for home and bring news to the Queen and a search party to find the remainder of our people. Is that understood? No matter what, get to Erla!” Cassie said, and they called out their agreement as the Trevians reached them and the battle was joined.

  Cassie’s blade sliced through numerous opponents as she made her way towards the one who appeared to be in charge. The spineless manner in that the woman hung back surprised Cassie. The Trevians were brutes, but they were not usually cowards.

  She caught sight of a Trevian swinging a blade towards one of her warrior’s backs and quickly pulled a knife from her belt and threw it. The blade sank into the Trevian’s right eye, killing her immediately.

  The Erlan warrior turned to look at Cassie, saluting her Commander before diving back into the fray. Cassie saw that none of her warriors had been killed, although they sported numerous cuts and abrasions.

  As the fight wore on, the Erlan warriors were defeating their enemy, and Cassie’s eyes fell once more on the cowardly Trevian, who now made to run as her comrades lay dead or dying.

  Cassie gave chase quickly, yelling back an order for her warriors to return home, she would join them soon. They were too well-disciplined to disregard her order, and they spurred their mounts on towards Erla, knowing their Commander followed close behind.

  Cassie kicked her mount’s sides, determined that the bitch would no
t get away.

  “Are you that much of a coward? You won’t even face your death like a woman, you rotten piece of shit?” Cassie screamed out at the woman’s retreating back.

  The Trevian turned slightly in the saddle and sent an obscene gesture Cassie’s way. That was all it took. Cassie pulled her dagger from her belt, aimed it, and then flung it as hard as she could towards the Trevian leader. The blade sailed through the air and thudded dead center into the woman’s back.

  The woman screamed and fell to the ground.

  Cassie rode up and leapt from the saddle. Drawing her sword, she drove it through her heart. She stared into the Trevian’s lifeless eyes for a moment before removing her dagger and wiping it and her sword on the woman’s clothing before jumping back into the saddle, heading at a gallop towards home.

  The trees flew past at great speed as she gave her horse his head.

  Suddenly, she heard a screech to the side of her. Startled, she pulled roughly on the reigns, her horse reared, and her head connected with a large tree limb.

  Cassie fell lifelessly to the ground, and her partially unsheathed sword raked the horse’s hide as she fell, causing him to neigh in distress and break into a gallop, leaving his Mistress behind, unconscious in the dirt.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  The woman's eyes opened to the view of the dappled canopy of tree limbs above her. Pain lanced through her skull, and when she touched the back of her head, her fingers came away covered in blood.

  Unbeknownst to her, when her sword scraped her horse’s rump, it got stuck to the saddle as she fell, slapping at his side when he ran, urging him on further and further from where his Mistress was unseated. As a result, days later when he would be found, he had reached the far side of the forest, completely opposite of where he left his Mistress laying.

  The woman sat up slowly; the thundering in her head was nearly intolerable, and she wondered where she was. More than that, however, she wondered who she was.

  Rising slowly to her feet, she had no idea what to do. Her mind was like a blank slate. She seemed to have basic knowledge, but beyond that, no recollection of any details regarding who she was or where she had come from or was now going remained. She did know she could not remain where she was. Night was falling, and the temperature was beginning to drop.


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