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Incubus Mini-Boss (Rise of an Incubus Overlord Book 2)

Page 10

by Jack Porter

  It was a good thought. Sandy had the contact details for each of them. She had been the one to arrange the meetings.

  “But,” she continued, “I was also thinking of another possible source of women for you.”

  “Oh yeah?” I got up and tried to swipe a piece of meat from the pan, but she playfully batted my hand away. “Who?” I asked.

  “Well, think about it. Do you know of any large groups of people who would willingly bond with a demon if there was a chance it would change their lives?”

  “The Ascenders,” I breathed, surprised I hadn’t thought of it before now. I’d barely even checked in on the communities since bonding with Azrael. “That’s absolutely perfect!”

  Even Rachel was smiling, nodding in agreement, but Piper was confused.

  “Online communities of people looking for a boost,” I told her. “I was a member of all of them. There are people there who would sell their own grandmother for even a taste of what we already have.”

  The assassin nodded. “Oh yeah. I’ve heard of them,” she said. “Never had much to do with them before.”

  I was grinning again. “There are good people there. Even if they are desperate and willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead. They might be just what we need.”

  Chapter 30

  Sandy’s take on fried rice proved delicious. Each of us ate with gusto and continued refining our plans as we did.

  After dinner was done, I felt a need to decompress. It had, after all, been a difficult day. So I wandered through the house until I found a small courtyard that I’d seen in my earlier explorations but hadn’t yet fully examined.

  It wasn’t a large area and was surrounded by Megadeath’s expansive house. Part of the courtyard was tiled, and there were ornate, granite benches surrounding a fire pit. The other part was an artificial rock garden, built around a grouping of boulders.

  Succulents seemed to be Megadeath’s plant of choice for this area, and I had to admit it looked pretty good, especially with the artificial waterfall flowing over the boulders into a pond at the base.

  If I had to guess, I would have assumed this to be Megadeath’s favorite place in the house. Nowhere else did any hint of personality shine through. The architecture, the furniture, everything all but screamed modern neutral. Even the art on the wall was the type you might find in a high-end hotel. Interesting, but only as added color, without any real personality.

  But this courtyard seemed to be an oasis. There was even a prayer mat positioned in front of the waterfall with an incense burner nearby.

  Megadeath hadn’t struck me as a particularly religious person, but perhaps he enjoyed the tranquility of meditation.

  “Worth a try,” I muttered to myself, and sat with my legs folded on the prayer mat, and just contemplated life for a while.

  I’d never expected things to turn out as they had. My decision to become a hitman was little more than a spur of the moment idea that seemed to solve the immediate problem. If I was honest, I had to admit that I didn’t really think it through.

  I’d thought about the impacts of killing strangers and figured that I had the type of mindset that could deal with that easily enough.

  But I hadn’t really considered the physical dangers. Not to myself, and certainly not to those who had suddenly become so important to me.

  I was starting to wonder if I had made a humongous mistake.

  “You still yearn for status, do you not?” Azrael said in my mind. He had been quiet lately, and I had almost forgotten he was there.

  Or, perhaps that wasn’t true. I knew he was there. He was part of me. I just didn’t always want him to be there.

  “Who gave you permission to sniff about in my brain?” I demanded, irritated for no particular reason.

  “You did. When you bound me to yourself. Your mind is my mind. We are one.”

  “Yeah, whatever,” I replied. I knew he was right. I just didn’t want to admit it.

  I sat in the courtyard, listening to the sounds of the water splashing over the rocks. There was a wind chime hanging from the eaves of the house. Even though there wasn’t much wind in the courtyard, every so often, a quiet puff caught the chimes so that they rang like miniature bells.


  “You are showing signs of discontent,” Azrael said, running a verbal buzz saw through my chill.

  “Is it any wonder with an annoying demon like you banging away in my brain?”

  Azrael said nothing, and eventually I let out a sigh and relented. “I just thought it would be easier. You know? Not as much of this fighting for my life kind of shit.”

  “You wanted to ascend to the peaks of status without opening yourself up to the risks,” Azrael said. It wasn’t a question, and he was right. I’d thought that was what bonding with a demon would enable. An escalator to the top where I could just sit back and enjoy the ride.

  “Yeah. Or at least not have to live in fear of something happening to either the girls or myself.”

  “Think of it this way,” Azrael said. “A couple of weeks ago, you had a status in the single digits. Within days, you rocketed up the charts to a status of thirty. Even now, it hasn’t changed overly much. Sure, you may have lost a few points when Dario removed your name from the list of Syndicate hitmen, but gaining Megadeath’s house, adding Piper to your harem, and even surviving a hit all work in your favor. By any measure, that is a meteoric rise. Did you really think it would come without any risk at all?”

  He was right, as usual. “No. But maybe if I had done it a different way–” I started.

  “Then it would have either been less effective, or it would have come with just as much risk, if of a different sort.”

  I wasn’t entirely sure what he said was true, but before I questioned him, he explained.

  “It is the nature of your species that as you mature, your appetite for risk increases. Think of Dario Gambetti. The things he does on a daily basis, dealing with dangerous men and women who serve him and to whom he answers. It is a level of ongoing risk that many people would find staggering, yet he barely blinks at it. He has grown accustomed to it, through years of climbing the Syndicate ladder. Whereas you have jumped from nothing to halfway to where he is in the blink of an eye.”

  I hadn’t thought of it quite that way before. “So, you’re saying that if I somehow managed to continue Ascending, then I have to accept this level of risk?”

  “Yes. Exactly. But I’m also saying that you will get used to it.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s just awesome,” I said. “It doesn’t matter if I’m swimming with sharks with a whole bunch of fresh meat stapled to my flesh, as long as I’m used to it. Great.”

  Azrael may have caught my humor. Or he may not have. Either way, he was silent for a time.

  My moment of humor faded, and I breathed another sigh. “I just worry about the girls,” I said. “Especially Sandy. She didn’t exactly choose this lifestyle.”

  “Actually, she did.”

  Technically, he was right again, but there was more to it than just technicalities.

  “And if you’re really worried about it, then you can throw a few points at it.”

  Yes, I could do that. Not only could I make the girls stronger, faster, more able to survive in a fight, but I could adjust their capacity to accept risks as well.

  And I could do that with me as well. And maybe I should. After all, to my mind, risks went hand in hand with luck. And skill, of course, but luck would always have a part to play. Surely, the more skillful, capable, and lucky I became, the bigger the risks I could take?

  It was food for thought, but in any event, I found myself looking forward to my next conquest, and spreading the associated points around.

  I was starting to feel pretty good about life, the universe, and everything when Rachel found me.

  “Nice courtyard,” she said. “Sandy made dessert. Are you coming to join us?”

  Chapter 31

p; The next day, I pulled my car up outside the coffee shop and studied the area carefully before getting out. It was a normal morning, the streets busy but unhurried, and this part of town was far enough away from downtown to seem comparatively relaxed.

  There were pedestrians wandering about, a mix of elderly and young. As far as I could tell, none of Dario’s hitmen were hiding in nearby alleys or in suspicious-looking panel vans. Rachel had again proved her worth, hacking into my phone to turn off any tracking software that might be on it, and swapping out the sim card for good measure.

  I grinned at the thought of my favorite goth woman. After dessert—which turned out to be a steamy, self-saucing extravaganza that Sandy had somehow managed to conjure from thin air—we had turned in for the night. Rachel, Sandy, and I had chosen the mansion’s master bedroom for the size of the bed, with the girls undressing as they walked in. Sandy had helped Rachel, who was sore from the wreck.

  Despite being the most physically capable and outwardly confident of the three women, Piper had shown a surprising degree of uncertainty, and had hung back at the bedroom door.

  Rachel had turned to her. Half-naked already, with her magnificent breasts on display, she turned to the assassin and raised an eyebrow. “What are you waiting for? A formal invitation?” Rachel asked.

  Even as Piper’s brow furrowed in confusion, I could see the expression on her succubus’ face. The demonic part of the assassin was eyeballing me and the girls with undisguised hunger.

  But still, Piper deferred. “I’ve never done anything like…” she began, but didn’t finish her sentence.

  Rachel smiled and walked over to the smaller woman. “Then you’re in for a treat.” With that, she held out a hand and waited.

  Piper hesitated for a heartbeat longer, then accepted Rachel’s hand. The goth woman led the assassin into the room, and she and Sandy both helped her out of her clothes. I stood back and watched, fascinated by the dual imagery of the women and the succubi both, but when they climbed up onto the bed, I couldn’t wait any longer. I stripped off my clothes all at once, and with a roar announcing my presence, I hurled myself onto the bed and amongst them, enjoying the squeals and laughter as I did.

  My life had changed so dramatically that threesomes had become just another part of existence, but having Piper in the mix added another dimension entirely. After such a rough day, it had proved the best night of my life up until then, and I looked forward to a repeat performance.

  “Keep your mind on what you’re doing,” Azrael said. “This is important.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I said. “You don’t have to babysit anymore. I know what I’m doing.”

  With that, I took a deep breath to steady myself, stepped out of the car, and walked into the coffee shop, where I scanned the tables, searching for my date.

  I saw her almost immediately. A curly-haired, pretty woman sitting at a booth all by herself, with a hot chocolate and extra marshmallows in front of her. She looked up at me when I came over and offered a broad, friendly smile.

  “Are you him?” she asked.

  I nodded and smiled back. “Simon,” I said. “And you are Sara?”

  She nodded, and I watched as her eyes flicked quickly up and down, and her smile grew even broader.

  I couldn’t help but remember just a few weeks ago, before Azrael had worked his magic. A quick assessment like that would typically have ended the date before it began, and I would have been lucky not to earn a grimace of disappointment or revulsion as well.

  Sara indicated that I should sit down, but I contemplated ordering some sweetened abomination filled with cream and sugar and dusted with cinnamon on top. But there was a line at the counter, and besides, I wasn’t there to drink frappuccinos.

  So I sat opposite Sara and wondered at how far I had come.

  It used to be that I had to work myself up to talking to girls. I would feel my face start to flush and my innards turn into knots as I tried to figure out what to say that wouldn’t chase them away.

  But now, I simply offered a relaxed grin and left the topic of conversation to her.

  She took her time studying me, and even took a sip of her chocolate. It felt almost as if she was testing me, seeing how long I would last without saying anything.

  Finally, she started with the most important question of all. “So, is it true?” she asked.

  I grinned even more broadly. “Is what true?” I asked, deciding I wanted to see if she was testing me.

  Her expression changed just a little, a slight purse of her lips, as if she acknowledged that not only was I playing the game, but had won the first point. “That you’ve done it. That you found your key to Ascension.”

  This time, I nodded. “It is.”

  “And you can somehow share this key with others?”

  I wasn’t entirely sure of what Sandy had put in her post on the forums. Did Sara know the score? Did she truly know why I was there? Or had Sandy been a little more vague in her description?

  But I couldn’t just rush into telling her anything. There was too much at stake.

  I let my expression become more serious. “Before we get into that,” I began. “Perhaps you can tell me a little about yourself.”

  Again, Sara understood my intent. “You’re wondering if I really am an Ascender,” she said. “Or if I am some kind of cop here to entrap you?”

  I nodded. Maybe I was paranoid. I couldn’t help but wonder how far Dario Gambetti’s reach extended. It was illegal to even search for Divine help to Ascend to the top of the status charts. Highly illegal. Awakening a demon as I had done with Azrael was a felony, and even owning some of the books I had kept in my library at Chad’s place were significant misdemeanors.

  If Dario was able to follow me online somehow…

  Better safe than sorry. “Are you?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “No. I am just sick and tired of struggling for no purpose. You know?”

  I really did know. “You look like you’re doing okay for yourself.”

  She shrugged it off. “Sure, if by doing okay, you mean working two jobs just to stay in the same place, without any hope of paying off my mother’s hospital bills. If that’s your definition of doing okay, then yes, I am.”

  Her smile never wavered, but I could sense the bitterness beneath it. It was a bitterness I recognized, and it went a long way to reassuring me that Sara was who she claimed to be.

  But there was another issue with what she had said. “You know this isn’t a magic bullet, don’t you?”

  Sara nodded, dropping her smile for the first time. “Sandy explained it all,” she said. “She said you could awaken the demon within me, but that’s just the first step. She said over time, that demon will gain strength, but it’s dependent on you. If you achieve your goals, we all rise with you. But if you fail, then all we’ve got is a mostly useless demon within us. Is that about the size of it?”

  I nodded. “And you’re willing to accept that sort of caveat?”

  Sara gave a shrug that was full of historical disappointments. “What have I got to lose? It isn’t like I have any better options at the moment.” Then her smile was back. “And besides, Sandy seems to think you have what it takes. She said your status has improved by like twenty points in the past couple of weeks, and that she fully expects you to rise to the top. If I can get a free ride on your coattails just by getting in early, then I will.”

  I hadn’t realized that Sandy had actually spoken to Sara, or that she’d painted me in such a favorable light. It made me feel good to hear the faith she had in me.

  I tried a smug little grin and raised a teasing eyebrow. “And she told you the mechanism behind awakening your demon?” I asked.

  At this, Sara blushed. But she didn’t back away. “She did.”

  “And what we expect of you after?” I pressed.

  Part of Sara’s smile faded. “You want me to use my charms to get close to the Gambetti Syndicate.”

  “Exactly. Do
you think you can do that?”

  “Well, I have a cousin who does some work for them. I already know some of the guys.”

  Sounded promising. “One more question, if you don’t mind.”

  “Fire away.”

  “All this is on the illegal side of the status lists. All of it. And we’re talking about demons. Real demons. Not angels. Are you okay with that?”

  It didn’t faze her in the least. “Legal, illegal, what’s the real difference? And, really, I would sleep with the devil himself if I could, if it would get me where I want to go.”

  Interesting woman, I thought. “And where is that?” I asked.

  She gestured randomly. “Out of here.”

  I knew what she meant. And it seemed a good opportunity to move to the next phase of the game.

  I gave my best grin and said, “I can help with that. What say we both get out of here and head back to your place?”

  Sara blushed once again, but her smile suggested she was willing. Yet she held up a hand as if to slow things down. “Not so fast, pretty boy,” she said. “Haven’t you forgotten something?”

  I thought I knew what she was talking about but pasted a look of curiosity on my face anyway.

  “I’ve answered all your questions, but you haven’t answered any of mine.”

  I gave a quiet laugh. She was right. “Ask away.”

  “How do I know you’re for real? How do I know this isn’t just a slick con job designed to get me in the sack as efficiently as possible?”

  This time, I laughed out loud. I could see she meant it, but she had managed to make it sound like a challenge, even taking a sip from her hot chocolate as she awaited my answer.

  “A month ago,” I said. “I was a completely different person. My demon has made me taller, fitter, better in every way. And, yes, more attractive as well.”

  “Those are just words,” Sara said. “How do I know you’re telling the truth?”

  I frowned. “Is the rise in status not enough?”

  She shook her head.


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