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Trained by the Alien

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by Maggie Carpenter

  Trained by the Alien


  Maggie Carpenter

  Copyright © 2019 by Stormy Night Publications and Maggie Carpenter

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Stormy Night Publications and Design, LLC.

  Carpenter, Maggie

  Trained by the Alien

  Cover Design by Korey Mae Johnson

  Images by Period Images and iStock/ivanmollov

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  More Stormy Night Books by Maggie Carpenter

  Maggie Carpenter Links


  Cowering in the corner of the supposedly impenetrable safe room, her breath coming in short, panicked gasps, Abby Walker tried to come to grips with her fate. Though the walls were three feet of concrete and steel, she couldn’t imagine them protecting her or any of her colleagues from the alien’s advanced technology. Her capture was imminent and inevitable. Or her death. Would death be preferable? What might she suffer at the hands of the aliens? Tears of dread and regret spilled from her eyes.

  A member of the Alien Life Forms Exploratory Expedition, otherwise known as ALFEE, she lived with a group of scientists and researchers on Earth’s first Martian colony. She’d been thrilled the day she’d been accepted, but now, quaking in terror, she longed for everything she left behind. Flashes of her former life zipped through her head: the rich lasagna at her favorite Italian restaurant, ambling along the beach near her home, ice cream in bed with Charlie, her funny, affectionate lover...

  “Prisoner mine!”

  The alien suddenly towered over her. Humanlike, but with frighteningly glowing skin and a powerfully muscled body, his dark purple eyes narrowed as he gazed down at her. Literally frozen in terror, she watched helplessly as his hands moved toward her. She wanted to scream, she wanted to run, she wanted to do anything except stand there, and squeezing her eyes shut she waited for her fate. To her abject horror he grabbed her breasts.

  Mortified and anticipating pain, she held her breath, but there was no torment, just pleasurable tingling waves pulsing through her limbs. To her great surprise she felt her heart steady and her breathing normalize, and though still cloaked in fear, she was no longer panic-stricken. As his hands dropped away she opened her eyes, and staring up at him she discovered the alien possessed almost pleasant features, and the multicolored, shimmering tunic covering his torso was vaguely reminiscent of an old-fashioned swimsuit. In spite of her dire circumstances the bizarre thought almost made her smile.


  She heard the satisfaction in his gravelly voice.

  She didn’t want to satisfy him. She didn’t want to please him in any way.


  Abruptly turning, he strode through the empty space where a three foot thick wall once stood. All that remained was a huge pile of dust, yet she’d heard nothing. No blast, no crumbling concrete, nothing. Not a sound.

  He paused to look over his shoulder.



  There was a chance she and the others might be saved. Slim to none, but still a chance. When the massive, cigar-shaped, orange spacecraft had landed, the control room had been able to send an emergency signal to Earth before losing communication.

  “Follow,” he repeated, a single deep line appearing in his forehead.

  “J-just g-go away,” she managed, amazed she could speak, let alone defy him, but her swift reasoning told her if he wanted her dead, she would be.


  “Is th-that the only w-word you know?”

  Cringing, and wishing she could suck back her swift retort, she remembered what her boyfriend Charlie had once said.

  Your quick tongue and that temper of yours will get you in trouble one of these days. It’s the redhead in you!

  As the alien started back to her, and she noticed the crack in his forehead had deepened, she realized it must be the equivalent of a frown.

  “Why do I care,” she muttered under her breath, “and why aren’t I still terrified?”

  “Prisoner mine!”

  He suddenly lunged forward and swept her up, but he didn’t carry her in his arms or throw her over his shoulder. He held her at his waist like a sack of grain.

  “Put me down! Please. I’ll follow.”

  Though she writhed violently as he marched to the front of the compound, escaping his hold was impossible. Finally giving up and falling limp, she raised her head and glanced around. She saw no other signs of life, human or alien, nor any damage. There were many safe rooms scattered throughout the compound, and the moment the alarm had sounded everyone had fled for cover. She’d hoped someone would join her, but when she’d pressed the button to seal the room she’d been alone.

  “Where are the others? Please, where are they?”

  He didn’t respond, but he was moving at a fast clip toward the massive steel doors that would take them outside and into the unforgiving Martian air.

  “Stop! Stop! Don’t take me out of here. I’ll die!”

  The odd calm she’d experienced had suddenly evaporated, and engulfed in fresh terror, a wretched scream exploded from her lips. Coming to an abrupt stop, he effortlessly gripped her gyrating body and laid her on the floor. Kneeling beside her as she wildly flailed her arms and kicked her legs, his long, thick fingers grasped her breasts and began to squeeze. Though she wailed her protest, almost immediately her sense of doom dissolved.


  He had spoken the word as a question, not an order.


  “Follow?” he repeated, leaning over her and bringing his face disturbingly close to hers.

  Defeat washed through her. She couldn’t fight him, she couldn’t do anything, but an idea suddenly sprang to mind.

  “Yes, I’ll follow.”

  His hand clamped around her arm to help her up, and as she steadied herself, she took a moment to catch her breath, then looking at him pleadingly.

  “Please, where is everyone? Are they all your prisoners? Are they alive? Please tell me, or do you not understand anything I’m saying?”


  She clenched her fists.

  “Dammit, where are they?”

  “Follow,” he growled, “or I carry.”

  “Yes, okay, okay.”

  He nodded, then turned and began walking, but she didn’t move until he was several steps ahead. With he
r pulse ticking up, she crept backwards as he continued forward.

  Amazed that he hadn’t turned around, she ducked into a passage and broke into a sprint, quickly reaching the kitchen and dashing inside. Except for the lack of people everything appeared normal. Confounded, but not wasting a second, she grabbed a cleaver and a long pointed knife as she raced to the button that would open the freezer. The lights came on as the door swung open, and stepping inside, she watched it close and latch. Thermal suits hung on hooks against the wall for use during extended hours, and placing the knives on a countertop, she hurriedly grabbed one, hastily pulling it on over her clothes.

  “Just go back where you came from. What could you possibly want from me?” she mumbled, staring at the door and flashing back to the alien’s hands on her breasts. Though the crude act had settled her, she shuddered at the memory. “I can’t think about that. I’m safe for the moment. I need to keep my wits. I must stay calm. I must think.”

  But no sooner had the words left her lips than the freezer door began to move. Darting her eyes frantically around the room, she saw the only hiding place was the sterilization unit for the food deliveries. Dashing across the short distance, she stepped into the dark, small space and slid the door closed. It was only then she realized she’d forgotten the knives. Furious with herself and fighting a fresh wave of terror, she held her breath and stayed completely still. Maybe, just maybe...

  “Abby Walker! Show yourself! I have no wish to destroy this food preparation center to find you, but I will if I must.”

  Her head began to spin. The alien who had seized her could barely utter a few words. Another alien must have joined him.

  “Your colleagues are all alive and perfectly safe. They’re sleeping. It’s only you I must take. Understand, Abby Walker, I will not leave here without you. Ah... there you are.”

  Her heart stopped.

  Feet tromped.

  The door dissolved into dust.

  “Please don’t panic. Panic is unhealthy for humans.”

  Every part of her shuddered, but the alien standing in front of her was alarmingly attractive. He possessed the same muscled physique and glowing skin, and though he stood well over six feet, he wasn’t a giant. His dark glossy hair highlighted his lavender eyes, and his full moist lips were curved at the edges in what appeared to be a wry grin. Completing the picture, a skin-tight suit left nothing to her imagination.

  “Abby Walker, why must you be so difficult? We wish you no harm. Please come with us.”

  “What d-do you want with me?” she stammered, her fear quickly taking hold. “There’s nothing special about me.”

  “On the contrary, for a human you are evolved.”

  “How the hell are you able to talk to me?”

  “Your heart is racing,” he mumbled, moving toward her.

  “No! Don’t touch me!”

  But even as she threw her arms wildly in front of her, his large hands groped her breasts.

  “Our ruler has chosen you, and so it will be,” he declared as she felt the wave of calm ripple through her. “Unfortunately you cannot be trusted. You should have followed and entered our ship with dignity.”

  The wave of calm grew stronger. Her eyes felt heavy. Her legs wobbled, then everything went black.

  Chapter One

  Lifting from a deep sleep, Abby prayed the horrifying ordeal had been a hideous dream. She’d slip out of bed, make herself some coffee, then head down to the cafeteria for breakfast where she’d tell her friends the story of her bizarre and terrifying nightmare. But as she opened her eyes, she knew what happened was real. Shockingly, horribly real. A dim, pulsing green glow filled the space around her, and slowly turning her head, she scanned her surroundings. Blank walls! No doors, no windows, and except for the soft bench on which she rested, no furniture. Trembling, she sat up, only to discover she was wearing a thin silver jumpsuit.

  “Good. You have woken!”

  “Who are you?” she yelled frantically, her heart racing as she searched for the origin of the deep voice. “Where are you? Why am I here?”

  “I am Zaroff. You cannot see me, but you will see me in a matter of moments. You are not here by chance. You have been chosen by our ruler. My job is to make you ready for him. Humans can have difficulty accepting their fate, but you are highly evolved and should adjust quickly. Prepare yourself. I will now make myself visible.”

  Though her head was spinning, one thought consumed her. She had no intention of accepting anything, but the wall across from her suddenly rippled, snatching her attention. Mesmerized, she watched the tiny waves, and as they began to abate the handsome alien came into view, appearing even more human than he had when he’d captured her. Standing tall and straight, with his wide shoulders squared and his hands behind his back, his powerful muscles bulged in his tight maroon suit. In the background she could see oversized monitors with moving graphs and blinking lights.

  “I’m not staying here, and don’t think for a minute I’ll accept any of this,” she declared vehemently, trying to control her fear. “Not ever. And where are my clothes?”

  “Your garments have been destroyed. They carried bacteria and viruses toxic to us. The suit you are wearing will keep your body temperature steady and protect you from an airborne spore. You’ve been inoculated, but until your immune system is sufficiently boosted you must wear the garment. It was a female who changed you. We don’t care about such things, but humans do and I am tasked with keeping you comfortable.”

  “Comfortable? Are you crazy? How the hell can I be comfortable here, and where is here? Take me back to Earth!” she demanded, her voice growing shrill as her anger began to take over. “Why does your ruler want me anyway? I’m not evolved, as you call it, and I’ll never accept this.”

  “Ah, so pleasing,” he muttered. “You are responding exactly as I knew you would.”

  “Fuck you, asshole!”

  “You will refrain from using such language!” he ordered brusquely, his voice sounding oddly British.

  “I’m just calling it as I see it,” she retorted, then caught her breath. “Hang on a minute. You’ve done something to me. I’m scared, but I’m not freaking out. I’m having a conversation with a fucking alien and I’m not freaking out. How is that possible? What have you done to me?”

  “You must be exposed to your new situation as your emotions and rational mind dictates. If we didn’t keep you sedated you would become hysterical. This would not be acceptable to the ruler. As his future wife he has great concern for you.”

  “Wife? Wife? I’m not going to be some alien’s wife, and I don’t feel sedated, I’m just not totally freaking out. What am I saying? This is crazy! I must be having some horrible nightmare.”

  “I assure you, Abby Walker, you are not experiencing a bad dream. Our methods allow you to remain rational and cognizant without being semi-conscious. Please pay attention. I must tell you about our laws. We have only a few, but they are, as you humans say, written in stone. You have already broken three, and while you must be punished, I will be lenient.”

  “What are you talking about? What do you mean, punished?”

  “You will now refrain from speaking. If you do not know our laws I cannot expect you to obey them.”

  Reality suddenly hit.

  A chill pricked her skin.

  She was utterly and completely at his mercy.

  “Sorry,” she said hastily, wishing her gut would stop churning. “I’m listening. Yes, I need to know your laws.”

  “You see? Already you’re beginning to behave logically. Unlike your planet where people betray one another as easily as they breathe, betrayal here is a serious crime, one you have committed. When I say betrayal, I mean making a promise, then not fulfilling that promise.”

  “I haven’t broken any promises!”

  “You told the keeper you would follow him. You did not.”

  “But I—”

  “Do not interrupt again!”

sp; Play along, Abby, she thought to herself. That’s all you can do for now. Play along.

  “Your second crime, using vulgar language. This is strictly forbidden. Civility and respect must be maintained. Because you lack self-discipline and possess a quick temper, this will be challenging, but you will learn. Now we come to obedience. I’m a senior diplomat in charge of this vessel, and I’m also your trainer. Obedience is required by both. You disobeyed me. Three laws broken. You must be punished for each. Do you have any questions about those three laws?”

  “You say you’re going to punish me, but that’s totally unfair. When I told the other alien—”

  “The keeper.”

  “The keeper? That’s what he’s called?”

  “That is what you will call him. He keeps watch over you and will make sure you have what you need. Continue.”

  “When I told the keeper I would follow him I was trying to escape. You can’t fault me for that. As far as swearing, how could I know that’s a crime, and when did I disobey you?”

  “I told you to listen, and still you spoke.”

  “I offer the same defense. You have laws, no problem, I’ll do my best to follow them, but to pass judgment on me when I didn’t know about them is wrong.”

  “I will not punish you harshly, but you must learn consequences exist. This too, is a law. Perpetrators must be punished.”

  “That’s a stupid law. If the perpetrator doesn’t—”

  “Stop! I listened, and I have given my answer.”

  “What about important things like murder and assault?”

  “They are rare, but once proven the punishment is instant. A murderer is immediately executed; an assailant receives an identical assault to that which he or she delivered.”

  “Let the punishment fit the crime. That’s reasonable, unless an innocent person suffers for it.”

  “We don’t make such heinous mistakes, but enough. You must now take nourishment. The keeper will bring you something to eat and show you where you can freshen up. In a little while I’ll visit you to carry out your sentence. That is all.”

  “Wait! What about—”

  “I said, that is all,” he declared, as the wall rippled.


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