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Trained by the Alien

Page 4

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You’ve lost the privilege of calling me sir or Zaroff. Until I tell you otherwise you’ll refer to me as Master. What is it? I sense confusion.”

  “Punishment. Training. Calling you Master. It’s all a bit much. I feel as if I’ve been transported into a BDSM fantasy. Can you understand how nuts all this is for me?”

  “Probably not, but I can assure you this is very real and we must continue. Place yourself on the floor on your elbows and knees. Lock your fingers together, and spread your ankles three feet apart. Once I’m satisfied with your position you’ll find it impossible to move.”

  “You’re serious.”

  “Of course I’m serious. Do not test my patience. On the floor. Elbows and knees! Now! Say, yes, Master, and follow my instructions.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Not only did his commanding tone scare her, she realized she’d pushed her luck. Hastily dropping to the floor she took up the lewd position, hoping he wouldn’t do anything truly dreadful. She quickly discovered her knees and forearms were sticking to the spongy flooring, then his hand unexpectedly cupped her sex. Heat flaming across her face, she gasped in shock and stared over her shoulder.


  “I have placed a stimulator against your clitoris. It will sense when you are nearing an orgasm and will automatically lower its energy. You will not be permitted to climax until I decide you may, but you will have some control over it. Take hold of this,” he declared, crouching next to her and placing a remarkably realistic penis between her hands. “You will suck it as you would a man’s cock. As you please it, the stimulator will respond. This is how you will be taught to pleasure the ruler. If you perform well I might allow you to have your orgasm. Do you have any questions?”

  “But, uh—”

  “I’m not hearing a question.”

  “For how long?” she managed, only because she couldn’t think of anything else to ask or say.

  “How long will you be sucking the cock? As long as it takes for you to do it competently. The stimulator will be your guide, and I will be keeping a close eye on you. If you do not start with the appropriate enthusiasm I will land a hard stick upon your backside.”

  His warning sent a chill down her spine, but a soft, scintillating sensation suddenly buzzed against her pussy.

  “Begin. Suck the cock.”

  As she wrapped her mouth around the large phallus and slid her lips up and down the shaft, the tingling against her clit increased. When she lapped at the head, the sensations grew more fervent, and she couldn’t ignore the scintillating pleasure.

  “Good, you have the hang of it,” Zaroff exclaimed. “I’ll leave you now, but I’ll be watching.”

  She expected him to march away, but he paused, leaned down, and moved his hand over her upturned cheeks.

  “You do have a very nice rear,” he murmured, fondling and squeezing. “The ruler has given me latitude in your training,” he continued, landing a few quick swats. “Interesting. I can already see dampness against the crotch of the suit. This is encouraging. He’ll be very pleased with this report. You have the sexual appetite we suspected. Keep sucking. And one more thing, Abby. I can monitor the stimulator. I’ll know if you’re slacking off, and if you do I’ll return to administer correction, but I cannot resist spanking you before I leave. It does give me pleasure, and you’ll be reminded of my very hard, stinging hand.”

  Though she didn’t want to be, she found herself lost in the delicious vibration against her clit. Controlling the tingling waves made her task far more enjoyable than she’d anticipated, and Zaroff’s hot smacks only served to stoke her carnal fire. His palm slapped slowly, pausing often to caress her cheeks. She couldn’t stop from surrendering to the decadent attention, and found herself wriggling in a silent request for more every time his palm left her backside. It became a thrilling erotic ride, but when he spread her cheeks and pressed his finger against her rosebud, even though it was covered by the silver suit, she jerked her head up.

  “You are not permitted to stop because I am giving your third hole attention!” he exclaimed, landing a volley of fiery slaps. “Continue sucking that cock immediately. You may think your back hole is off limits, but I assure you it is not.”

  Though breathless from the unexpected touch, she dove her head back down, and as she fervently sucked, the stimulator sparked fresh energy through her sex.

  “Just as well I decided to linger for a few minutes,” he growled, massaging his thumb against her forbidden opening. “Such disobedience! But now I know you are guarded about the pleasure this area brings, it will be the focus of my next visit. Suck harder as I do this,” he ordered, pushing his thumb against her. “The better you suck, the more pleasure your pussy receives. You will learn to love this attention. Suck with more gusto.”

  His unwelcome thumb agitated her rosebud, and doing her best to ignore it she pumped her mouth up and down the counterfeit cock. The stimulator responded, her orgasm began building, but as she crested the wave the buzzing against her clit suddenly waned.

  “You see how I control your body?” he murmured, fondling her cheeks with his free hand as he continued the unwelcome fiddling with his thumb. “Your punishment is not being allowed to orgasm. Lift your lips off the cock and tell me what you’ve learned.”

  “You really are in charge,” she panted. “I’m sorry I used the bad language, and I’m sorry I tried to fool you. I should have known I couldn’t do that.”

  “Good. I’m going to add a stimulator back here before I leave. The same method applies. The better you suck, the greater your pleasure. I can control both from my desk. If you continue to perform you’ll be rewarded with an orgasm, but if you resist,” he warned, tapping the tiny back button he’d placed on the suit where the fabric dipped between her cheeks, “you will be on your knees and elbows for a very long time.”

  Chapter Five

  The stimulators didn’t just provide tantalizing sensations, they also monitored Abby’s vital signs. Watching from his command center, Zaroff kept track of her heart rate and respiration, as well as her sexual arousal. She had reached the brink of her climax several times. As it loomed once again, he slid his finger across the stimulator control pad, then sat back and watched her cry out in euphoric joy. The salacious sight sent his hand to his crotch.

  Pulling back the fabric, he withdrew his cock, and stroking aggressively he visualized Abby sucking his stiff member as fervently as she’d pleasured the imitation between her hands. She had been freed from the clinging floor seconds before her orgasm, and as she rested on her back, he yearned to race to the chamber, tear away her protective suit, and wrap his lips around her delectable nipples. He adored her breasts. He’d been aching to devour them from the moment he’d fondled them to instill the calming energy. The thought fed his fever, his member erupted, sending wave after wave of sizzling spasms.

  “You are proving to be everything I expected, Abby Walker,” he muttered, letting out a satisfied breath as he reached for a disposable cloth. “Your training will be such a joy, but now you must be put to bed.”

  Turning off the viewing screen, he rose to his feet and turned to leave, but a yellow hue glowed from his desk, grabbing his attention.


  “Show me!”

  The wall through which he viewed Abby’s chamber returned to life in an instant. Wasp-like ships zipped over the compound on the red planet below.


  “Yes, sir.”

  “Cloak the compound, destroy one of those pests, then open a communications channel.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  A shockwave suddenly rocked the ship.

  “Show me the training chamber.”

  As Abby’s room came back into view, he saw her sitting on the floor, her knees against her chest with her arms wrapped around them.

  “Abby, the scavengers have returned. There’s nothing to fear. They can’t hurt us, but t

here are quite a few of them so we’ll be rocked by their energy waves until we send them on their way.”

  “Okay,” she replied, her voice shaky as she looked up at him. “How long will it last?”

  “Not very long. You can watch the action on your wall screen. You’ll see how pathetic they are.”

  “I forgot I could do that. I will, right now.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as we deal with them. That is all,” he said briskly, then quickly returning to view it himself, he witnessed the explosion of one of the speedy vessels. “Keon, is the communications channel open?”

  “Yes, sir. Y43. All their vessels will hear you and the translator is in place.”

  Touching an icon on his desk, Zaroff began to speak.

  “This address carries the authority of the Interplanetary Alliance,” Zaroff began. “You were warned, but you have returned. As punishment we have eliminated one of your ships. If you do not leave this area immediately we will destroy another, then another, until you have retreated. Respond.”

  “You shouldn’t haven’t done that,” the squeaky voice of the scavenger replied. “We can hurt you in ways you don’t know.”

  “Do not be so foolish as to threaten me,” Zaroff boomed. “Leave or be annihilated. That is all.”

  “Wait! There are elements on Mars we need.”

  “Do not take me for a fool. Leave or be destroyed. That is all.”

  He watched the remaining ships disappear like a group of Earth’s buzzing bees into the darkness, but as he closed the channel, a deep line etched his forehead. Why had they ventured where they knew they’d be confronted and chased away? They came from a small planet on the outer edges of the galaxy, and had refused to join the Universal Alliance. They didn’t pose a threat to the alliance or the member planets, but Earth was vulnerable and had to be kept safe.

  “Compound windows.”

  The image zoomed into the red planet’s surface and the small colony. He could see the frightened faces of the humans as they watched, but there were only a few. Most would be locked away in their safe rooms. He shook his head. The safe rooms were a joke. Earth’s technology was in its infancy, and the humans were easily confused, given to violence, and could be self-destructive, but there were a few unique females imperative to Zaroff and his race.

  “Keon, report to my quarters.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Activity schematic,” he ordered, touching his desk.

  A three-dimensional blueprint appeared on the screen. Moving dots of various sizes, shapes, and colors represented the crew and the hustle and bustle of his diplomatic vessel.

  “Permission to enter, sir.”

  “Come in, Keon. Take a close look. Do you see anything unusual? Anything that shouldn’t be there?”

  “Not at first glance,” the lieutenant replied, peering closely. “Should I?”

  “Why would the Faylins come here? Why would they put themselves at such risk?”

  “I was wondering that myself, sir. What did they hope to accomplish?”

  “It’s possible they know about our dependence on the humans. If they can conquer Earth, which wouldn’t be difficult given Earth’s lack of defenses, we would be at great risk.”

  “But they’d have to fight the alliance to take over Earth, and they couldn’t possibly win.”

  “Unless they’ve found another way to seize control of the humans. I have two lines of thought, Keon. Was that skirmish to distract us? Is it possible they found a way to infiltrate us?”

  “You mean, board this ship, sir?”

  “That’s exactly what I mean.”

  “That would be impossible, sir.”

  “Would it? They possess the early teleport technology, but that’s all we really know about them.”

  “Our alarms would have alerted us.”

  “Assuming the alarms detected them, but assuming is the first step to fatal errors. Do I believe there is a Faylin among us? No, and I see nothing on the schematic that suggests there is anything or anyone on the ship that shouldn’t be here, but there has to be a reason they were buzzing around Mars. Send out the silent alarm. If someone sees something out of place, no matter how insignificant, I want it reported.”

  “Yes, sir. You said you had two lines of thought. May I ask what the second is?”

  “I find it disturbing this should happen just as we take Abby Walker. You know I don’t believe in coincidence, Keon.”

  “Why would the Faylins care about a human female?”

  “Why would they care? Isn’t it obvious? We need her. The more important question is, how did they know we have her?”

  “Sir, may I offer a thought?”

  “By all means.”

  “Earth may be primitive, but it’s still a prize, and they know we have yet to bring Earth into the alliance. Perhaps they want to forge a friendship with the humans before we do.”

  “How could they? The Faylins have nothing to offer.”

  “Sir, they have an abundance of the worthless stones humans consider so precious. Their planet is riddled with them.”

  “You’re right, Keon. It’s strange how humans are so easily hypnotized by items that glitter. Their entire economic system is built around a shimmering metal. Finish your thought.”

  “If they can win Earth by bribing them with the twinkly stones, they could turn the humans against us.”

  “That is an extremely troublesome thought,” Zaroff said grimly. “We’d have to fight them on Earth, which would mean devastating loss of human life, but how does that theory relate to their visit, or to Abby?”

  “I don’t know that it does, sir, but as you pointed out, it is strange that she’s here and the Faylins suddenly appeared.”

  “We have only questions,” Zaroff declared. “We must stay on alert and be ready to respond if they return. Send out the silent alarm immediately. I must take care of Abby Walker, but contact me if anything is reported, no matter how trivial it may be.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “That is all.”

  As Keon left, Zaroff studied the blueprint. Finding nothing of note he changed it back to view Abby’s chamber. Still on the floor, but lying on her side, she appeared to be sleeping.

  “I’m coming now, Abby,” he murmured. “Soon you’ll be able to rest.”

  * * *

  Slowly opening her eyes, Abby glanced around the room. The green glow told her she was being watched, but she didn’t find it bothersome. As she let out a sigh and began to sit up, she heard a warning knock. Expecting to see the keeper, she found herself strangely pleased when Zaroff walked in.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, moving over and helping her up.

  “Exhausted. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I was watching those UFOs, then suddenly I felt as if I was going to pass out. Not dizzy, just really tired. I couldn’t keep my eyes open.”

  “Those UFOs are the Faylins, a tribe that lives on the outskirts of the galaxy.”

  “What do they want?”

  “I’m not sure, but they present no danger. Abby, you must rest, but first you need to turn around, place your hands on the bench, and spread your legs.”

  Though yawning as she followed his instruction, she felt a shiver of anticipation, and when he removed the device from her pussy and between her cheeks, a blush crept across her face.

  “You’re still embarrassed,” he remarked, turning her around and placing his hands on her shoulders. “You’ll have to get over that, and you will, sooner than you might think.”

  Staring at his powerfully muscled body, then looking up at his chiseled face, she swallowed a sudden wave of heat in the back of her throat.

  “You’re so human! How is that possible?”

  “I’ll explain, but not yet. Do you want the comfort of a familiar bed, or are you able to sleep on the bench as it is?”

  “I’d like a bed. What happened to the one that was here earlier?”

  “It reverts back to its
original state if you don’t program it.”

  “Will it do that while I’m sleeping?”

  “Of course not. Step back.”

  Seconds later she was staring at the queen-sized bed, and gratefully climbing on the soft comforter, she rested her head on the pillow.

  “Are those other aliens gone now? The Faylins?”

  “They are, and I don’t expect them to return.”

  “Just because you’re being nice to me don’t think you can win me over. I’ll never give in. I’ll never stop wanting to go home.”

  “Lie on your back.”

  “Did you hear what I said?”

  “I’m not deaf, Abby.”

  “Don’t you have anything to say?”

  “Yes. Remember your place. I won’t hesitate to punish you if you overstep. You understand the rules. Up to this point I’ve been lenient, but that ends now. I can be kind, and I can be strict. The choice is yours. Lie on your back. I won’t tell you again.”

  “You’re going to do that thing again,” she muttered as she followed his command.

  “Close your eyes.”

  She felt his hands rest on her breasts. Knowing resistance was futile, and too tired to fight even if it wasn’t, she surrendered to the wave of calm flooding her body, but sinking into sleep, his warm breath tickled her ear.

  “Sleep ten hours. Dream pleasant dreams.”

  Chapter Six

  The nightmare couldn’t be happening. When Zaroff carried her to bed he’d whispered in her ear. She was to sleep ten hours and dream only pleasant dreams, but an ugly creature with protruding eyes and rough, scaly skin had leaned over her, hissing at her, telling her to wake up. He stroked her hand, trying to cajole her into opening her eyes. As she steadfastly refused, she could sense the loathsome creature’s annoyance. Somehow she knew there was nothing it could do unless she woke up, and she wasn’t going to do that.

  Waking from the deep sleep and opening her eyes to the green glow, there was comfort knowing Zaroff watched over her, but why hadn’t he seen the creature?


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