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Trained by the Alien

Page 7

by Maggie Carpenter

  “I wondered about that,” Elmus remarked. “I would’ve felt better if they’d been here.”

  “I agree. Even though we’re more than capable of handling any problems that might arise, being a diplomatic ship we must follow certain protocols. The patrol could have blown up every last Faylin vessel, and knowing Commander Sinjin he would have done exactly that. I could destroy one as a warning, but no more unless they chose to stay.”

  “May I ask why the patrol had to leave when we arrived, sir?”

  “One of their energy cells showed signs of failing. Since we were here, they asked if we wouldn’t mind staying while they went back, rather than waiting for another patrol to arrive.”

  “Ah, I see. The cells last a long time, but when they start to die it can happen pretty quick.”

  “Sir,” Vannen said, stepping from the compartment and raising his helmet. “I have good news and bad.”

  “Tell me the bad first.”

  “The substance is organic, so it must have been left by a lifeform. Your assessment of an intruder is correct.”

  “This is no surprise. The good news?”

  “None of the proteins or enzymes can harm us or the human on board.”

  “That’s a relief. What is it exactly? Do you know?”

  “Think of it as sap from a tree. Not blood exactly, but an excretion of some kind. The cleanup offered no issues. It dissolved easily.”

  “Thank you, Vannen.”

  “I’ve collected a sample and I’ll run more tests. You’ll have the full report the minute I finish.”

  “One more question. Can you think of any way a creature can hide itself here? Any idea why the scanners aren’t picking up its body heat?”

  “Let me think about that,” Vannen murmured. “Yes. The creature’s body temperature may be too low for the scanners to detect.”

  “Faylins are reptilian,” Zaroff exclaimed. “My knowledge of reptiles is sadly lacking.”

  “Ah, well, many reptilians are able to regulate their body temperature,” Vannen said knowingly. “You might be able to adjust the scanner’s sensitivity, but that’s only a theory. I know nothing about the Faylins or their planet.”

  “It may only be theory, but it’s a good one, Vannen.”

  “Thank you, sir. Maybe this substance will divulge more secrets.”

  “I’ll be waiting, and good work,” Zaroff declared. “The search party will be in this sector momentarily,” he continued, turning his attention back to Elmus and Sylvan, “but please supervise your own thorough hunt right away. The Faylin might still be in the area. I believe his quarry is the human female, and she’s only one sector away.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll summon all the workers immediately.”

  “Keon, return to the center and check in with Commander Sinjin. Bring him up to date. I’ll be there as soon as I can, but I need some time with Abby. I’ll walk to the chamber.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  As Zaroff strode off down the passage, his eyes darted from the floor to the walls seeking any evidence of the Faylin. Worry shuddered through him. It was no accident the creature had been in the vicinity. Abby was in danger.

  “But even with the threat, I must continue your training,” he mumbled. “Are you going to be the one?”

  Chapter Nine

  As Zaroff entered the chamber, next to Minerva’s height and muscular physique, Abby appeared delicate. Her vulnerability not only touched his heart, but caused him grave concern. With her slender body and diminutive size she could offer no resistance to the lizard-like Faylin if it somehow managed to get her alone, but as the thought moved through his head, it was followed abruptly by another. Why hadn’t the Faylin taken her? The creature had left her unharmed, and except for the residue on her hand. Abby had been untouched.

  “Zaroff! You’re here! Thank goodness. I’m dying for some news,” Abby declared, rising to her feet. “Did you find that ugly alien?”

  “We did find more of the substance you found on your skin. The lab technician described it as an excretion. Not blood exactly, but like sap from a tree, and it’s harmless.”

  “That’s a relief. I’ve tried not to worry, but it’s been bothering me.”

  “I’m sure it has. It’s been worrying me too.”

  “Where was the substance found, sir?” Minerva asked.

  “Energy cell compartment X8.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “Is that bad? You seem concerned,” Abby remarked, her face crinkling as a rush of fear flashed through her.

  “Not bad,” Zaroff replied, “but the location is close by. The compartment may have been the Faylin’s hiding place before it came into this chamber. Only a handful of workers are there, and it’s a short walk. Minerva, please leave us, and lock down the opening on your way out. I don’t wish to be disturbed.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll contact the keeper and let him know. See you later, Abby.”

  “Bye, Minerva,” Abby replied, then waiting until Minerva left the room, she stepped closer to Zaroff and looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Would it be possible to ask for a hug?”

  “You may ask, and I believe you just did. Of course. Are you feeling rattled?”

  “A bit,” she said, sighing as she sank into his engulfing arms. “That ugly alien was able to get in this chamber. It’s scary. Thank you for sending Minerva. I feel much safer with her in here. It’s strange though, she has a Southern twang.”

  “Yes, she does. She spent time in Georgia. We pick up accents quickly.”

  “Will you please explain why you visit Earth and stay there?”

  “Not yet. Did the physician visit?”

  “Do you know how frustrating it is not knowing this stuff?”

  “I’m sure, but that’s the way it has to be for the moment. Please tell me, did the physician stop in?”

  “Yes, but all he did was wave a glowing wand around my body, then announced I was as healthy as any human could be. I wanted to ask him what he meant by that, but he didn’t seem the talkative type.”

  “No, he isn’t, and that’s common among our physicians and scientists, but I can tell you why he made the remark. Humans aren’t the strongest race in the galaxy. There are many reasons going back centuries, but in recent decades the combination of toxic food additives and lack of various minerals retard muscle development and cause illness.”

  “I think I’m sorry I asked,” she muttered, rolling her eyes. “Just one more question.”

  “You have many of those.”

  “Can you tell me how the furniture changes?”

  “Trying to explain it would be tedious and time-consuming, so I’ll just say this,” he said patiently. “We know how to manipulate molecules to form different shapes.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s difficult to grasp, but what we do isn’t magic. Magic doesn’t exist. There’s only illusion,” he continued, then pausing, he added, “You can watch me change the table back into the training bench if you’d like.”

  “The training bench! Does that mean...?”

  “Yes. Abby, in spite of the Faylin’s presence the inspections and training must continue. The patrol has arrived, which means—”

  “Patrol?” she said, interrupting him. “What patrol?”

  “My apologies. I didn’t explain. Earth’s solar system is patrolled by the Universal Alliance.”

  “What’s the Universal Alliance?”

  “I was getting to that,” he said soberly, raising an eyebrow. “You can be impatient, a habit you’ll have to curb if the ruler accepts you.”

  “Don’t you mean, if I accept the ruler?”

  “You are a very cheeky young woman.”

  “Cheeky! That’s a British term, and you sound British. What’s that about?”

  “I lived in London for a while, but you must know about the alliance. Be quiet and listen. The U.A. was formed to prevent interplanetary warfare and protect developing planets like Earth.
Civilizations from across the galaxy joined together in a peace treaty. Those not in the U.A., like the Faylins, will sometimes try to interfere, or worse, take control of a backward planet. I don’t know if that’s why the Faylins were in the area, but regardless, Earth is under the protection of the alliance. A battleship patrols this solar system at all times.”

  “No wonder there are so many reports of UFOs. I’ve always believed in other forms of life. That’s why I wanted to work for ALFEE. Could I have I seen your patrol? Or maybe the Faylins’ ships?”

  “Unlikely. On occasion your space station sees us, but only because we want them to, and we do make a few appearances near the planet’s surface. Those are purposeful. We want Earth’s people to know about us, but it must be done very cautiously. The human race is volatile and unpredictable. Don’t worry, Abby. Things will be explained, and when they are you’ll understand. Now where was I?”

  “You said a patrol has just arrived.”

  “Ah, right. When we came here to collect you, the patrol asked us to cover for them while they returned to base for a repair. This craft isn’t a warrior ship. It’s used for diplomatic missions, though we have enough weaponry to take care of ourselves and scare away scavengers like the Faylins if necessary.”

  “You’re making my head spin again. It’s so much to take in. Planets, warships, solar systems—what the hell?”

  “I understand. That’s why I don’t answer all your questions, and I’m giving you the information piece by piece. Too much becomes overwhelming.”

  “No shit. Sorry, I mean, no kidding.”

  “The point is, Abby, now the patrol has arrived, we’re heading back to the alliance headquarters for your presentation. Once there the presentation must go forward. Your training and inspections have to continue on the journey.”

  “But you said I’ll have a choice.”

  “You will, and if you decline the ruler, or if he rejects you, you’ll be returned to the Mars compound with no memory of any of this, but if you choose to remain as his wife, you’ll live together for a period of time, and if all is well, you’ll enter into the partnership.”

  “But I won’t choose him. I’ve told you I want to go home and that’s not going to change. Why don’t you believe me? Why don’t you just drop me off now? It will save a lot of time and trouble.”

  “No, Abby. The conditions are as I’ve laid out,” he declared, his voice suddenly becoming stern. “It is time to proceed. Stand aside. I’m going to change this table into the bench. Stand back,” he said, touching the cuffs of his sleeve then slicing the air with his hands.

  In front of her eyes the table dissolved, then reformed into the training bench.

  “I can’t believe it. How did you do that?”

  “Elements in the cuff of my shirt send out the necessary impulse energies. Molecular reformation isn’t difficult,” he remarked, then looking across at the bed, he added, “but I just had a thought. The mattress would be more comfortable for you. Abby, will you promise to behave?”

  But her panic and fear had begun rising, and like a scent in the air, he could smell it.

  “Abby, you’re becoming overly anxious.”

  “I thought I was doing okay, but I’m suddenly feeling panicky again. Zaroff, if you care for me at all, please take me home and find someone else.”

  “Ah, as I feared,” he murmured, stepping forward and clutching her breasts. “You’re still in need of the sedative.”

  “No! Leave me alone! That horrible frog thing touched me. It’s lurking out there, and you’re taking me off to some other planet. I can’t stand it, and I don’t want your stupid calming thing.”

  “I will not let you suffer unnecessarily.”

  His fingers began to knead her plump flesh, and in spite of her resistance, the sense of calm washed over her.

  “There. Now you feel better.”

  “Zaroff, that is so weird. It’s sort of like having a glass of wine, except I’m not buzzed.”

  “Why did you protest? Do you need me to spank you again?”

  “Uh... no.”

  A slight smile crossed his lips. She’d hesitated.

  “Back to the matter at hand. Your choice, Abby. The bench or the bed. If I place you on the bench you’ll be unable to move, but if you’re on the bed you mustn’t give me any trouble. If you do, I won’t be pleased, and displeasing me is never a good idea. Only choose the bed if you’re going to behave.”

  “I’ll behave.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Take off your clothes.”

  While his odd calming influence had relieved her anxiety, it didn’t prevent the butterflies bursting to life in her stomach. Watching him move across the room as she pulled her long-sleeved T-shirt over her head, a group of shelves appeared as he approached, but it wasn’t the phenomenon that caused her pulse to tick up. He retrieved a dildo, a purple glove, and a small bottle of clear liquid.

  “May I ask you something?” she said, climbing on the bed as he returned.

  “You may.”

  “Last time you brought a bag with you. This time you took those items from the shelves that suddenly appeared?”

  “Like the openings in the walls you call doorways, the cupboards don’t reveal themselves until they’re needed. What’s your question, Abby?”

  “Uh, why didn’t you take the items from the cabinet last time? Why did you need a bag?”

  “The items were from my own collection. I wanted to use them for our first interaction.”

  “Zaroff, will the ruler do these things to me during the presentation?”

  “No, Abby, but if you accept, the training will continue.”

  “Why am I so special? Surely he has hundreds, thousands of females he could choose from.”

  “He has already rejected a number of potential candidates.”

  “So there have been others?”

  “You didn’t think you were the only contender he’s considered, did you? He’s the ruler. He presides over several planets and must be extremely selective. Why would you assume you’re the only one?”

  “That’s how you made it seem?”

  “Just as most humans date several members of the opposite sex before making their choice, so it is with us. But enough, no more conversation,” he declared, quickly peeling off his skin-tight top and pants. “When I lie on my back, straddle my chest and face my feet.”

  As he climbed on the bed, Abby wondered if choosing the bench would have been smarter. She didn’t have to control her impulses when she was restrained, and she had no idea what was in store. As he stretched out, she caught his eye.

  “Don’t keep me waiting.”

  “I, uh...”

  “Ah. You’re wavering. You think being on the bench would have been easier? Indecision is a common human flaw, but one we don’t tolerate in our world. You’ve made your choice, now you must live with it. Straddle me.”

  Chapter Ten

  Nervously Abby climbed over Zaroff’s torso and settled on his hard, muscled body. His swollen cock stared up at her. She could guess what was coming.

  “Take me in your mouth.”

  Though the instruction had been predictable her face flamed red. No part of her nether regions would be hidden from his view. Doing her best to think about her task and not the humiliating position, she leaned forward, took hold of his turgid member, and wrapped her lips around his shaft.

  “Don’t be timid,” he warned, landing several hard smacks. “Suck me as you did before.”

  His hands gripped her cheeks, and she slurped lustily as she drove her mouth up and down the alien’s rock-hard rod.

  “Much better. Keep that up as I speak. Last time it was necessary to use the itching lotion to make you accept the phallus,” he declared as he fingered her rosebud. “This time I expect you to yield and accept its entry. Don’t disappoint me, Abby, and do not, even for a moment, lift your mouth from my member!”

>   Her stomach churned at the thought of being impaled again, but there was no escaping his depravity. She felt the application of a slick lotion, and as he pushed the unwelcome invader forward she tried to accept her fate. Continuing to hungrily consume his cock, she did her best to relax, but it was in vain. As he thrust it deeper, her anus tightened, preventing any further intrusion. Though she didn’t lift her hips from the dildo, she moaned loudly as he tried to it move it in and out in an attempt to bury its length.

  “You did better this time, but not good enough. The phallus is only halfway in. Since you made a valiant effort I have another way to ensure your cooperation. You’ll find this more agreeable than the itching lotion.”

  A buzzing sensation suddenly surged through her clit, the tantalizing torment so intense she was sure she would climax. She could still feel the unwanted phallus, but the intense sensations were overriding the discomfort.

  “You may feel you’re on the brink of an orgasm, but I will be in control. Don’t stop what you’re doing, not for a moment.”

  She had no desire to lift her mouth from the cock. On the contrary, the unexpected wave of erotic pleasure surging through her sex sent her mouth into a sucking frenzy. She could feel the invader continuing its way forward, and while it sent a hot flame of humiliation across her face, it fed her growing arousal. Groaning loudly as the dildo filled her, the sparks shooting through her sex took her higher and higher.

  “Excellent, you’re finally accepting. I’m very pleased with you.”

  But she barely heard him. She was on the verge of a powerful climax, but just as she crested, the scintillating sensations abated, her orgasm along with them.

  “Your charms are lovely, Abby,” he crooned. “The way your sex swells and opens with such hunger is truly divine. You possess one of the prettiest pussies I’ve ever seen.”

  His softly spoken, salacious compliment swirled through her head. No one had ever muttered such licentious words to her before, and while it made her blush an even deeper red, she unashamedly wriggled her backside.

  “I’m glad you surrendered to my compliment. I spoke the truth and you needed to hear it,” he murmured as he slid his finger inside her channel. “There is no shame in how your body responds, or how much your pussy passage loves my finger. Ah, yes, it wants me to thrust it in and out like this. It weeps with need. Certain words are not to be spoken in public, and one must maintain decorum, but in the bedchamber decadence is encouraged. I already know you would thoroughly enjoy being roughly fucked, wouldn’t you, Abby. You’d love me to grip your hips and slam my stiff cock into your womanhood fast and hard. Ah, yes, again your pussy gushes. Do you feel my finger growing? It will become almost as big as the cock in your mouth. Now all your holes are filled. Suck as I stroke. Keep time with my fucking finger and feel that big phallus buried in your ass. The ruler will take you there with gusto. Think about it as you come. You’re going to come in a moment, Abby. Any moment now.”


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