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Trained by the Alien

Page 20

by Maggie Carpenter

  As his hand blasted its heat on her bottom, Abby sank her teeth into the soft, forgiving bit between her teeth. He was spanking her with force, rapidly landing the fiery smacks on the area from her sit spot to the center of her cheeks.

  “Give it to me,” he said, abruptly stopping and reaching for the flogger.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I have been feeling anxious. I thought it was because of the wedding.”

  “That may have contributed, but that has nothing to do with your lackadaisical attitude. I’m not going to scold you as I flog. We’ll have the conversation when I’m done.”

  “Yes, Master, thank you, Master.”

  “Good. At least you remember the correct way to address me. Close your legs.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Shaking out the long, thick, leather tendrils, he slid them over her cheeks, gathered up the ends with his free hand, pulled them back, and swung his arm down as he let them loose.

  “Oh, Master, thank you, Master,” she cried as the hot, heavy thud burned her skin.

  As he landed the tongues a second time, she repeated the phrase, but he delivered the third before she’d finished. The searing sting of the fourth made her kick out, and when the fifth hit, she stamped her feet and gyrated her hips.

  “And the last,” he exclaimed, delivering the sixth on her sit spot. “Stay as you are and think about why I’ve just lashed your beautiful bottom.”

  But she didn’t have to think about it. She already knew. She’d ignored the wedding team, and her ego had sent her on endless trips to the Ratheon shops where she’d wallowed in the adoring public. Not once had she thought about the tremendous opportunities the genius gene presented. As she began to remember the thrill of discovery, and gazing into space, imagining the life she was sure existed in the far beyond, she realized that’s what she wanted to do.

  “Come here, my precious girl.”

  Zaroff’s warm voice washed over her, and as he pulled her into his arms, she sank against his chest and let out a heavy sigh.

  “I lost my way,” she mumbled. “I completely lost my way.”

  “That’s why I’m here. To love you, and to keep you in touch with yourself and what’s important.”

  “And you have,” she sniffled, lifting her head and gazing up at him. “I know exactly what I want to do. Continue my research into the infinite unknown. It’s been my passion since I can remember, and it still is. When I think about the possibilities of pursuing this from here, it just boggles my mind.”

  “Design or chance?” he said, holding her tightly. “I think that’s a riddle that will never be answered.”

  “I disagree. Some things are meant to be.”

  “You sound very sure.”

  “I am. You and me, Zaroff. Chance, that’s about other things. That remains the riddle, but love at first sight defines design.”

  “Perhaps, but I don’t care either way. You’re here in my arms and about to be my wife. That’s what matters.”

  “Yes, Zaroff, that’s what matters. Oh!”

  “What is it, Abby?”

  “The third thing,” she exclaimed, pulling back and staring up at him. “This is it! See? I told you things come in threes.”

  “Hmm, I spanked you with my hand, then I flogged you, so tell me, Abby, what’s the third thing?”


  “You’ll tell me tomorrow after we’ve made our vows, and I’ll use it to underscore the part that says, love and obey or be spanked.”

  “It doesn’t say that... does it?”

  “It will. I’ll whisper it in your ear. Do you have a problem with that?”

  “No, Master. I’ll be honored to say it.”


  Stirring from a deep sleep, Abby rolled over to snuggle against Zaroff, but to her dismay she found the bed empty.

  “Zaroff, are you here?” she called, slipping from the sheets and pulling on the warm pink robe he had given her the night before.

  “He has chosen to be separated from you until the ceremony,” Minerva declared, entering the room. “Why don’t you freshen up and get dressed? Over breakfast I’m going to explain a few things. The guests have already started to arrive.”

  “So soon?”

  “You slept for a very long time, and did you forget there’s a feast for the gathering before the ceremony?”

  “Oh, right. Sorry. I’m still a bit groggy.”

  “There’s a comfortable outfit waiting in the bathroom for you, and breakfast is waiting.”

  “Minerva, I’m really nervous,” Abby said softly, walking across to the couch and sitting down.

  “About the ceremony, or...?”

  “I don’t want to let him down.”

  “Abby, all you have to do is read the oath and talk briefly with the guests, and Zaroff will be at your side.”

  “He said you were going to show me the oath.”

  “I will, over our meal.”

  “Okay. I’ll shower and change.”

  “There’s no rush. Take your time.”

  But Abby was anxious to hear everything Minerva had to tell her, and hurrying through to the bathroom, she turned on the shower, stripped off, and stepped under the stream of hot water. As she soaped her body, the memory of Zaroff’s dominant lovemaking flooded her mind. She’d been totally enraptured by every moment, and she couldn’t wait to fall into his arms and experience it again. Quickly toweling off, she dressed in the loose-fitting shirt and pants Minerva had left, ran a brush through her hair, and returned to the bedroom.

  “I’m taking you to the private dining room,” Minerva declared, leading Abby through the panel and down a hallway. “It’s where you and Zaroff will have your meals when you’re staying here. There’s a chef of course, and he’ll make sure you don’t eat any Ratheon food that could upset you.”

  “Not the keeper?”

  “The keeper has moved on to other duties,” Minerva replied, walking through a suddenly appearing opening and into an elegant, but simple dining room.

  “I need some kind of map or something,” Abby declared. “How am I supposed to know where I’m going? Doors aren’t there, then they are.”

  “I’ll be teaching you. It’s easy once you get used to it. Have a seat and serve yourself.”

  “Thanks, I will,” Abby murmured, gazing at the array of food on the table. “This smells delicious.”

  “About the ceremony,” Minerva began as they sat down. “As Zaroff probably explained, you will be making your Oath of Obedience, and Zaroff will be declaring his Pledge of Protection. Just say, ‘I do, Zaroff,’ when he asks if you’ll accept him.”

  “But no one will be presiding, like a minister does on Earth.” Abby remarked, dishing out a sample of everything on offer.

  “That’s correct. Keon will offer Zaroff the pledge, he’ll read it, then I’ll hand you the oath. As you know, we don’t use rings here, but there will be an exchange of bracelets. Keon will present them to Zaroff after you’ve made your vows. Touch that green dot on the table beside you. The oath will appear and you can read through it.”

  “Really? Awesome.”

  Her finger tapped the icon, and a page of text magically appeared on the table. She discovered the sacred pledge was remarkably short, but when Zaroff had told her she’d have to say, to love and obey or be spanked, he hadn’t been joking. She felt her face turn hot.

  “This is weird,” she mumbled. “It’s so personal. How can I say this in front of a crowd of strangers? This will be so embarrassing.”

  “No one will think anything of it. They’ve heard it many times. Finish your breakfast. I have several gowns for you to try, and we don’t want to run late.”

  * * *

  In spite of Minerva’s best efforts, they found themselves pressed for time, mostly because Abby had found it difficult to decide on a gown. When Keon contacted Minerva and told them Zaroff was ready and the gathering had been seated, Minerva had just finished styling Abby’s hair.r />
  “I guess this is it,” Abby murmured, staring at her reflection. “It feels so unreal. Like I’m living a dream.”

  “A dream come true, I hope.”

  “Yes, Minerva, a dream come true. How will you hand me the oath? Is it a piece of paper?”

  “It’s an ancient scroll in a protective casing. Are you ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  “You look beautiful. Green is a wonderful color for you. Now we must go.”

  The silky fabric clinging to Abby’s curves, they moved from the room, down the hall, and into the magnificent reception hall. Abby caught her breath. Waiting for her on the elevated platform in front of the hushed gathering, Zaroff looked incredibly handsome. The fabric of his tight-fitting suit carried a sheen that highlighted his powerful muscles. His hair, usually loose and framing his face, had been swept back, accentuating his chiseled features, making him appear like the powerful leader he was. Though nervous as she climbed the steps to join him, gazing into his lavender eyes and seeing his warm smile, her nerves evaporated. She was where she wanted to be. As Keon handed him the case holding the pledge, Zaroff held it with both hands and began to read.

  “This Pledge of Protection I make of my free will. I have chosen Abby to stand at my side through my life. As her mate I vow to protect her from danger and the evil of others. I vow to dispense my discipline with loving kindness, and never in anger. I vow to cherish her above all others. My body is given to her, and her alone, and I will lay down my life to save hers. Abby, do you accept me as your mate?”

  “I do, Zaroff.”

  Minerva moved forward and handed her the case containing the Oath of Obedience, and as Abby stared down at the scroll, she could see its age. What appeared to be parchment had yellowed over time, and there were minor tears and creases, but the flaws only served to enhance its grave significance.

  “This Oath of Obedience I make of my free will,” she began, feeling a quiver of nerves. “I have chosen Zaroff to stand at my side through my life. As his mate I vow to obey him or be spanked. Should he decide additional discipline is necessary, I promise to accept the loving punishment and be grateful for his correction. I vow to cherish him above all others. My body is given to him, and him alone. Zaroff, do you accept me as your mate?”

  “I do, Abby,” he replied, his voice softer and warmer than she’d ever heard it. “Keon, the bracelets.”

  Stepping forward, Keon presented a metallic box carrying two polished metal bands. Zaroff selected the smaller, opened it, placed it around her wrist, and snapped it shut.

  “Abby,” he said softly, “do you willingly wear my bracelet of ownership?”

  “I do, Zaroff.”

  Taking the second, he popped it open and handed it to her, then held out his wrist. She put in place and pushed it closed.

  “I willingly accept ownership of you, Abby, and pledge my protection.”

  Her heart suddenly leapt, heat burned in the back of her throat, and though she tried to swallow back the happy tears, they slipped down her cheeks.

  “I offer you my arms to hold you for the remainder of our days,” he exclaimed, and as he wrapped her up, the silent gathering exploded with applause.

  Sinking against him, Abby could hear his heart thumping against her ear, belying his calm demeanor. Wanting to capture the moment forever, she closed her eyes, allowing the full flood of their emotion to envelop her.

  “Soon you will feel my total ownership,” he whispered, sending a sudden flurry of butterflies fluttering in her stomach. “I will take you completely.”

  * * *

  To Abby’s relief, Zaroff had whisked her through the crowd with a minimum of conversation, and swooping her up, he carried her into their bedroom. A fire was burning, the lighting had been lowered, and a floral fragrance filled the air.

  “Zaroff, this is beautiful,” she murmured as he laid her on the bed.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  “It’s perfect. I hope the guests weren’t offended by our quick departure.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that,” he replied, removing his suit. “You’ll be meeting them on a more personal level at smaller gatherings. They didn’t expect us to stay. Now let me look at you. I almost hate to take off that gown.”

  “I can always put it back on, but what you said—I can’t stop thinking about it.”

  “The pledge?”

  “No, what you whispered about taking me,” she replied, lowering her voice. “What did you mean?”

  “Ah, yes,” he murmured, sitting on the edge of the bed and running his hands across her breasts. “Such lovely tits. You want me! The hunger lives in your eyes.”

  “I do. I want you very badly.”

  “I hope you’re naked under that gown.”

  “I am, sir,” she breathed, her eyes darting to his engorged cock.

  “Stay on the bed and remove it while I watch, then lie back and spread your legs.”

  Opening the fasteners along the side, she slipped her arms from the sleeves, kneeled up, and pulled the dress over her head.

  “There you are, my lovely mate,” he crooned, touching her pussy. “You must always be naked under your clothing.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “On to your back.”

  Quickly stretching out and opening her legs, she expected him to move on top of her, but stretching out on his stomach between her legs, he gripped her thighs and drove his mouth against her sex. Her cry of surprise changed to moans of inexorable pleasure as he lapped and tickled, but when his finger plunged inside her and began to rapidly move in and out, his tongue abruptly hardened and flicked against her. Caught up in the stunning sensations and feeling the shadow of an orgasm, she writhed against him, begging for more.

  “You are delicious,” he purred, raising his head, “just as I knew you would be. Now I will take ownership.”

  Straightening up, he grasped her ankles and flipped her over, then grabbing her hips, he pulled her into his pelvis.

  “I already feel owned,” she gasped. “I felt it on the stage. I feel it now.”

  “In a moment, you will feel it as you have never felt it before,” he growled, placing his cock at her entrance and thrusting forward. “Ah, so hot and wet.”

  He stroked with abandon, pummeling her pussy with quick, powerful strokes, then leaving himself buried, he allowed his member to slide in and out of its sheath as he leaned across her body to clutch her breasts. Her moans of pleasure grew louder as he tweaked her nipples and kneaded her plump flesh, but as he roughly kissed her neck, then sucked on the sensitive skin like a hungry vampire, a surge of tingling shot through her body, electrifying her sex.

  “Your pussy throbs against me,” he said huskily. “It yearns to draw out my essence.”

  “Please, may I come, sir?”

  “Not yet. Close your eyes and don’t move.”

  She could feel him reaching past her, then his cock slipped from her depths, but a moment later he slid back in.

  “Ask me to take full ownership.”

  His instruction, delivered in a voice low and deep, gave birth to a sudden burst of butterflies.

  “Please, sir, will you take full ownership of me?” she asked, though anxiously wondering what it could mean.

  But as he pulled her cheeks apart, and a dollop of a warm liquid spilled on her rosebud, it became clear. His cock was buried in her pussy, and she held her breath, waiting for him to withdraw, but to her shock, whatever was inside her began to buzz.

  “You will take me with no resistance,” he commanded. “I expect nothing less than complete acceptance.”

  Dazzling vibrations sparked through her body, and so swept up in the intense pleasure, she couldn’t imagine resisting anything. Several hard spanks suddenly landed on both cheeks, and as the hot sting burned through her bottom, his cock prodded her forbidden entrance.

  “Accept me now!”

  Arching her back, she gave herself up, sinki
ng into the potent presence as he slowly pushed forward.

  “Now you are mine. You are completely mine. Do you feel it, Abby? Do you feel owned?”

  “Yes, Master,” she whimpered, so overcome she was barely able to breathe. “I do. I feel completely taken.”

  “I will fuck you here until you explode, but you do not need to ask permission. You will fly as though you have wings.”

  The buzzing in her pussy increased, his cock began to pump, and as his hands gripped her breasts, she felt something snatch her nipples. The sharp, pinching sensation continued, yet his hands had returned to her backside and were squeezing her cheeks.

  “That’s right, Abby. Your entire being is under my control, and that’s what you want, that’s what you’ve always craved.”

  “Yes, Master,” she wailed, as he delivered a volley of hot slaps.

  “Now you are owned, now you belong to me,” he growled. “Fly, Abby! Come for me now, come for me and fly.”

  A thousand colored lights burst in her brain as her body erupted into shimmering convulsions, sweeping her into a spiraling vortex of vibrant pleasure. Crying out as she shuddered through each new spasm, she suddenly felt herself break free. Just as he’d promised, she was flying through warm puffy clouds, her limbs tingling, her heart full, and completely at peace.

  * * *

  Opening her eyes, she found herself in bed wrapped up in Zaroff’s arms, her only memory the extraordinary climax and post-orgasmic flight.

  “Hello,” he said softly, leaning down and gently kissing her. “How are you?”

  “Heavenly,” she replied with a happy sigh. “And that was the third thing.”

  “That’s quite a memory you have, not to mention your timing.”

  “It’s photographic, remember?”

  “Of course I remember.”

  “What about my timing?”

  “Let’s just say, you never fail to capture my attention.”

  “Zaroff,” she murmured, snuggling closer to him. “I didn’t know I could feel so much.”


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