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Love Means Everything

Page 22

by Emma Easter

  For a full minute, she stared, in awe of God, and then she laughed out loud. He put his palms together in a pleading gesture but she shook her head. “No… I mean, yes. Of course you can stay. But I’ll need you to do me a huge favor.” She asked him if he could take her to a small town in Mali.

  He nodded eagerly. “My boss will not need me or the truck until Saturday. I can take you, but I will have to return immediately after we get there.”

  “And what about the dangerous roads?” she asked him. “The trip will take about two days.”

  “By the time it’s nightfall, we will have passed the dangerous spots,” he answered. “I’ll get you there as fast as possible.”

  She almost hugged him, but held back. Instead, she smiled widely and thanked him.

  “Wait here,” she said to him and went to her tent to get a sleeping rug, a pillow, and a blanket. She arranged them on the floor for him. He thanked her profusely, and she left after they’d agreed to leave by five-thirty in the morning.

  She hardly slept through the night. At about five o’clock, she hurriedly bathed, changed into a long kaftan and scarf, grabbed her purse, and left her tent. She entered the prayer tent and saw the driver was already awake.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asked her.

  She said she was, and they set out immediately.

  Throughout the journey, Miriam slept on and off. They stopped at different towns to buy food and water. All through the trip, whenever she was awake, Miriam prayed, asking for God’s help and direction. She still remembered Zainah’s tiny town, but did not know her father’s house.

  They finally passed through the border into Mali. The driver thankfully knew the area quite well and with a few pointers from Miriam, found the road leading to Zainah’s small community.

  They reached the small town, Nira, just as the sun was rising. The driver stopped Miriam at the market, which was at the center of the town. Some of the traders had already come out with their wares, but there were still some empty stalls.

  Miriam got out of the truck, waved goodbye to the driver, and then prayed silently again, asking the Lord to show her where to find Zainah and Leila. She looked around her, hoping the Lord would send some kind of sign. She didn’t want to ask about Zainah and Leila as she didn’t know what kind of trouble they might be in. They might be hiding out somewhere now, not wanting to be discovered. She was afraid that asking about them might put them in danger somehow. She continued to wait for a sign, but there was nothing.

  A trader called out to her from his stall and asked if she wanted to buy something. She shook her head and began to turn away when the Lord told her to approach him. She obeyed and he asked her again what she wanted to buy.

  “Nothing,” she answered. “But I’m, umm… I’m looking for two women. Their names are Zainah and Leila.” She began to describe their physical features to him and he nodded vigorously.

  “I know Zainah. She is Karim Keita’s daughter,” the man said. “I heard that she and her friend are Christians, but will convert to Islam once they are married off.”

  Miriam’s jaw dropped. “Married off? To whom? When?”

  The man told her about the two men they would be married to and even gave her directions to Zainah’s father’s house.

  Miriam couldn’t believe what she was hearing. They were going to be forced into a marriage to men they probably didn’t know. Worse, they would be forced to convert. Miriam knew what that meant. Zainah and Leila were dedicated Christians. They would never agree to convert. That meant that their lives were in danger. Her heart twisted in fear. She had to find them now.

  The trader looked at her with suspicion. “And you… are you a Christian, too?”

  Miriam turned around without answering and hurried away.

  She followed the detailed directions the man had given her and found herself in front of a big house; it was bigger than any she had seen in the small community. There were some women dressed in bright outfits carrying platters of food in and out of the house. Some distance away from the house was a group of men, who looked like musicians, carrying their musical instruments. The whole area wore a festive mood. She quickly went to the back of the house, instinctively knowing that she had to make sure she wasn’t seen by anyone until she’d found Zainah and Leila.

  Lord, what now? she silently asked as she stood hidden behind a huge tree.

  She suddenly remembered a man who’d come to the camp some days after Zainah and Leila had left. He’d said Faizan had sent him to give Zainah a message. When she’d told him Zainah wasn’t in the camp, he had given her his card and said to call a number on it when Zainah came back, or if she ever needed help. She’d noticed a gun on him as he’d walked away and had kept the card in her purse. Maybe he would be able to help.

  She dug out the card and her satellite phone from her purse, praying there was service here, and then breathed a sigh of relief when she saw there was. She quickly dialed the number on the card. She waited impatiently as it rang, knowing that Zainah and Leila’s lives were at stake.


  Sienna bit her lip and shut her eyes as she listened to the final call to board the plane to Boise. She took a deep breath, stood, and went to board her flight. After her ticket and boarding pass had been checked, she followed the other passengers boarding the plane while asking herself if she was doing the right thing. However, she knew she was. She loved Bryan, but he’d broken his promise to her too many times. She couldn’t keep living the way she was, with a heart full of resentment.

  She watched as the people in front of her entered the plane and took another deep breath to calm her nerves. Just before she stepped onto the plane, a voice in her heart said firmly, “Sienna, don’t go in!”

  Her eyes widened in surprise and her heart raced wildly. An overwhelming sense of God’s love settled on her and she started to tremble. She could barely manage to stand up. She looked up at the air hostess, who was gazing at her quizzically, probably wondering why she was just standing there instead of boarding the plane. She shook her head and immediately turned around. She walked away quickly and didn’t stop until she was outside the airport. She stood behind a grove of trees and wept.

  Waves of divine love swept over her, and she trembled in pleasure and guilt. And then she cried out, “Lord, why now?”

  “You shouldn’t punish Bryan by leaving when I’m the one you truly resent.”

  Sienna gasped. And then she realized that it was completely true. She’d taken out all the anger and resentment she felt toward the Lord on her husband. But it was God she was angry with. And her anger stemmed from the fact that He had spoken to Bryan about their moving to another country without ever speaking to her. In fact, she’d hardly ever heard God’s voice, even though she constantly yearned to. Bryan, however, had heard the Lord’s voice clearly and dramatically so many times that she was now actually jealous. She had never admitted that to herself until now.

  Tears fell down her cheeks as she sobbed even louder. A minute later, she sniffed and said, “I just felt so angry when Bryan told me You wanted us to move. Yes, I was sad because I would miss my family, but I was resentful because I had to move and You told me nothing. It just felt like You didn’t care about me as much as You did Bryan.”

  “You should have asked me, and I would have spoken to you as clearly as I spoke to him. It might not have been in the same way, but I would have spoken to you.”

  “I guess I thought you would not answer. It’s always been like this since I met Bryan. He always tells me what’s on Your mind and I obey. I think I got tired of it.” She sniffed. “Poor Bryan. He’ll be so worried about me. I need to go home as soon as possible.” She smiled. “I’m so grateful that You stopped me, Lord. Most of all, I’m grateful that You spoke to me the way You did. You didn’t have to, but You did anyway.”

  She walked away from behind the trees, engulfed in the love and presence of God. She was certain she wore a silly smile on her face, but sh
e didn’t care.

  As she made her way to the road to get a taxi, her eyes widened as she spotted Bryan’s car coming toward her. Her heart leapt with joy and she happily waved him down. She stuck her head through the window as he stopped. She was grateful for the bright streetlights that enabled her to see his handsome face clearly. “Can I get a ride, sir?” she asked, smiling.

  He jumped out of the car and with lightning speed, reached her side. Sweeping her into a hug, he kissed her hair and said in a voice choked with emotion, “I thought you were gone. Thank God you are still here!”

  “I’m so sorry, Bryan.”

  He pulled back and stared at her quizzically. “What are you sorry for, my love? I’m the one who should be apologizing, not you. I failed to keep my promise to you again.”

  She shook her head and wiped the tears from her eyes. “No. I’ve a lot to apologize for; like my impatience and jealousy.”


  “It’s a long story. I’ll tell you when we get home.”

  He hugged her happily again and then they got into the car. He took her hand just before he started the car. “Sienna, I am truly sorry. I’ll try to do better, but I can’t promise that I won’t come home late again. So, I’m also asking for your forgiveness when that happens.”

  She nodded. “I know, Bryan. You have to do the Lord’s work. I’ve decided to start my own N.G.O. so I can have something productive to do while you are away.”

  He looked at her with a surprised expression. “When did you decide that?” he asked.

  She laughed. “Just now.”

  He laughed along with her and then started the car.

  She couldn’t take her eyes off him as they drove home. Thank you, Lord, for stopping me from leaving.

  She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. When he turned and smiled at her, she grinned, and her heart overflowed with love for him. She knew they would face other challenges in the future. There would probably be times when she felt like leaving again; times when her old resentment would creep in. But she knew without a doubt that they had a love that was from God. The God who had brought them together in the first place would keep them loving each other, even through the hard times.


  Trisha banged her fist on the Kesslers’ front door and then waited. She’d been knocking for a while now. She was sure Frank’s parents were home because their cars were parked in front of the house. She was also certain they knew she was the one knocking, hence their refusal to open the door.

  She’d been coming here for the past three days. Each time she came, she asked them where Frank was. They always refused to tell her. Today, they had just chosen not to let her in. But she’d promised herself that she wouldn’t give up until they gave her the information she wanted.

  She knocked on the door again and sighed. She was being obnoxious, she knew. But this was all she could think to do. Desperation couldn’t even begin to describe how she felt. She had to talk to Frank and tell him she was sorry and that she wanted him. That she loved him.

  She lifted her fist to knock again and then shifted back slightly as the door opened. Frank’s mother peered at her with an angry look.

  “Please, Mrs. Kessler,” Trisha pleaded. “Please tell me where Frank is. Or give me his number.”

  The woman shook her head. “I’ve told you many times that I am not going to do that. Just give it up, Trisha. Leave Frank alone.”

  “I’m not going to leave this place until you tell me where Frank is.”

  Mrs. Kessler glared at her and Trisha stared back.

  “Who is that, Mom?” a voice called out from inside the house.

  Trisha gasped and her jaw dropped.

  “It’s no one important,” Mrs. Kessler called out. She began to shut the door.

  Trisha found her voice and pushed against the door. “That’s Frank!” she cried out. “Frank, it’s Trisha! Please, I have to speak to you!”

  She struggled to push the door wide open so she could enter the house, while Frank’s mother tried to shut the door.

  Frank appeared and his eyes bulged as he stared at them. “What are you doing, Mom?” he finally said. “Please, let Trisha in!”

  “Frank, it’s not right. She shouldn’t…” She gasped as Trisha took the opportunity of her distraction to push the door wide open. Frank’s mother gave her a dirty look, sighed, and marched off.

  “I’m so sorry,” Frank said as he gazed at Trisha.

  Her heart twisted as she looked up at him. His green eyes had lost the sparkle in them. She said to him, “I thought you moved to another country.”

  He raised his brows and looked quizzically at her. “Who told you that? I took a trip to several countries to clear my head. But I’d always planned to return.”

  She smiled sadly at him and said, “I guess everyone has been desperate to keep me away from you. I can’t say I blame them.”

  His mouth dropped open and then he shut it. “To keep you away from me?” He searched her eyes and said in an emotion-laden voice, “You want to be with me?”

  Tears filled her eyes and she said, “Frank, I know I hurt you so many times, and yet you kept on loving me. I have given so many excuses for why we can’t be together, but you’ve loved me through them all. I don’t know exactly when it happened, but your love has overtaken me. I can’t fight how I feel about you anymore and I don’t want to. I love you, Frank Kessler. And I’m so grateful for how long and how much you have loved me. If you will have me back, I want us to be together… forever.”

  For a long moment, Frank stood staring at her without saying a word. Her heart beat fast as she wondered what he was thinking. The longer he said nothing, the more she began to believe he didn’t want her anymore. And she wouldn’t be surprised after everything she’d done to push him away.

  Finally, he reached out and slowly took her in his arms. She hugged him tightly and sighed in contentment. She felt completely safe in his arms. She knew he loved her with everything in him and would protect her and Ruby even with his life. She stepped back from him and looked into his eyes. She smiled, not surprised by the tears shining in them. As always, he was gazing at her as though she was his everything. But in addition to that usual look, he had a smile so bright it could illuminate all of Boise. It made her so happy that he was happy.

  “I love you so much,” he said to her, his voice shaking.

  “I know,” she said, touching his cheek lightly. “I love you, too.”

  She jumped as he suddenly laughed out loud. “I always dreamed of this day,” he said, his face full of unbelievable joy. “After you got engaged to Stan, I thought it would always remain a dream. But now…” he shook his head as he stared at her with a look that said he wasn’t sure if this was a dream or if it was real. He finally asked, “Is this real?”

  She giggled. “Should I pinch you so you know that it is?”

  “No,” he answered. “Only one thing will convince me that it’s real. Something that has haunted my dreams since we were teens.”

  “What’s that?” she asked, smiling.

  “A kiss from you.” He gazed longingly at her lips.

  She nodded. “I am dying to kiss you as well.” She wrapped her arms around him.

  He gently took her face in his hands and then kissed her softly. He blinked as he moved back, and she laughed at the look on his face.

  “Do you believe it now?”

  He looked dazed as he said, “Just one more time, so I’m sure.” He took her lips again and kissed her passionately this time. When they finally separated, he whooped and swept her off her feet. She hugged him tight as he swung her around and then put her down.

  “You finally believe it’s not a dream,” she chuckled.

  “Just one more thing.”

  She shook her head and smiled. “What now?”

  Her heart jumped into her throat as he knelt before her. “I don’t have a ring right now,” he said. “But I can’t let this moment p
ass me by.” He looked her in the eye. “Trish, will you marry me?”

  Without hesitating, she yelled, “Yes, Frank. I will marry you!”

  He stood and this time he kissed her slowly and reverently. When he pulled back, he said, “Now I know it’s not a dream.”

  He took her hand and led her to the sofa. They sat talking about their future, the wedding, and Ruby. Trisha gazed at him as he told her he couldn’t wait for them to get married and start their lives together.

  She said to him, “You waited for me for so long. You don’t have to wait anymore. I’ll marry you now if you want.” She laughed as he ran outside and yelled for all to hear, “I’m getting married to the girl of my dreams!”

  She sighed happily. She’d made a lot of mistakes in her life, but this wasn’t one of them. Without a doubt, being engaged to Frank was the best decision she’d ever made. And she knew the Lord agreed, because she could feel Him smiling down on her.

  Chapter Twenty

  Zainah forced herself to remain stoic as her mother and sister put the richly embroidered wedding dress over her head. They adorned her neck and wrists with gold jewelry and then placed a beaded white veil over her head. She could hear drums beating and the musicians her father had hired for the day singing outside the house.

  She glanced round her mother’s bedroom and noted all the women there looking at her in admiration. Everything in her had died after praying through the night and most of the day for deliverance and finding none. Her heart had stopped racing in fear and dread. Now, she was completely numb. In about an hour, she would be married to a stranger and forced to convert to Islam. She knew she never would. What she wasn’t sure of was whether she would live to the end of the week or be kept in captivity until she did what her new husband wanted.

  Sherifat, her stepmother, led Leila into the room. She was dressed in a heavily beaded blue wedding dress with a white veil. Her eyes were red from crying through the night. She looked as though she was about to pass out at any minute.


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