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Churning Seas

Page 18

by Lily Harper Hart

  “I’m Brian Gilmore.” Alex extended his hand as if it were the most normal thing in the world. “I’m taking over security for Mr. Fitzgerald.”

  Quinn ran the information through his head as he took Alex’s hand and shook it. “Is that a new position?”

  “It is. I just started today.”

  Quinn took a long beat to scan the room, making sure no one was close enough to eavesdrop before continuing. “I was offered that job yesterday. I believe I mentioned that to you on the beach last night.”

  Alex cocked an eyebrow, more amused than agitated. “Huh. Fancy that. You obviously didn’t take it.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “That left an opening for me.”

  “Congratulations ... I guess.” Quinn chewed on his bottom lip as he watched Rowan approach the bar. She looked flustered, hurt even, and Demarcus focused all his attention on her as he leaned closer to take her order.

  “She looks upset.” Alex was unbelievably calm as he slipped into his role as Fitzgerald’s new security chief. He didn’t look worried that anyone might ask what they were talking about. “Is she okay?”

  “She’s fine.” Quinn’s mood was even sourer than before. “I just screwed things up.”

  “Does that mean I have a shot with her?”

  “No. Not even a little.”

  “Are you sure? The way she stormed off makes me think she might feel differently … at least right now.”

  That was the problem, wasn’t it? Quinn understood why Rowan was upset. She exposed herself, her emotions, and he responded by being a jackass. “No. I feel exactly like she does. I didn’t, however, express myself very well.”

  “Ah. I think that’s the curse of being a man. We don’t understand how to express our feelings and it always comes back to bite us.”

  “I know how to express my feelings. She just ... threw me. I didn’t think it would happen here.”

  “You didn’t think what would happen here?” Alex didn’t bother to holster his curiosity. “Did I miss something?”

  “More than you can ever know.” Quinn shook his head as he dislodged his worry and forced himself to focus on Alex. He had to get through tonight, and he had to be sharp when he did it. He would fix things with Rowan as soon as he got the chance. Right now, though, he had what might be a rare opportunity to press Alex for information. “You’re obviously undercover.”

  Alex sipped his beer and shrugged. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “It was convenient that Fitzgerald was looking for a new security guy, huh? That was exactly what you needed to find a way inside.”

  “I’m honestly lost and have no idea what you’re talking about.” Alex’s expression was serene. “This is a lovely ship. I’ve never been on a cruise ship before. What can you tell me about it?”

  Quinn narrowed his eyes. “What would you like to know?” He understood Alex was playing a role. He also understood exposing Alex would do more harm than good. That didn’t mean he wasn’t agitated at the man’s smug smile ... and the fact that his girlfriend was on the other side of the room and she didn’t look happy.

  “I understand you saved members of the Andromeda crew a few days ago,” Alex said calmly. “That must have been a fraught situation.”

  Quinn tilted his head to the side, unsure how to proceed. Finally, he opted to play it straight. “It wasn’t easy. The Bounding Storm is a big girl, but she was bucking quite a bit and we had to be careful transferring bodies from the rig platform to the ship. It was a tense twenty minutes or so.”

  “I bet.” Alex’s gaze sharpened. “I would imagine that a large ship crashing into the rig platform because a captain didn’t understand about docking correctly during a storm might cause severe issues.”

  Quinn recognized what Alex was trying to do. He was trying to deliver information without being obvious. If Fitzgerald realized they knew each other, he would be overly suspicious and things might shift in a bad way. “I never really considered that. Our captain is good at what he does, and our staff has been trained for events such as this.”

  “Have you rescued people at sea often?”

  “No. My staff knows what it’s doing, though.”

  “Good.” Alex took another sip and stared at the group gathering in the dining room. “Who is that?” He inclined his chin toward the center table.

  “Larry Lincoln. He owns the cruise ship company.”

  “Is that more than one ship?”

  “That’s quite a few ships,” Quinn replied. “Why?”

  “No reason.” Alex shrugged, nonchalant. “It’s my understanding that Mr. Fitzgerald requested this shindig.”

  Quinn was instantly alert. “Why?”

  “I believe he wants to honor you for your heroism. At least that’s what he said when he suggested I get to know you and learn about how security on a ship this size runs.”

  Quinn understood exactly what it was that Alex was trying to say to him. “He wants to figure out a way to partner with Larry. Smuggling on a cruise ship is bound to be easier than doing it how he’s been doing it.”

  “I think it would be wise to forget that word for the rest of the evening.”


  “That would be the one.”

  “Fine.” Quinn tamped down his irritation. “I’m right, though, aren’t I? The Andromeda was damaged when a ship arrived in that storm — although I have no idea what was being smuggled — and Fitzgerald is starting to realize that cruise ships might make a more enticing partnership.”

  “That’s an interesting theory.” Alex drained his beer. “Don’t spread it around.”

  “I have no intention of spreading it around.” Quinn’s mind was working at a fantastic rate. “You’re trying to make me aware that Fitzgerald is going to move on Larry tonight. Basically you’re saying that I should talk to Larry.”

  “I guarantee I said nothing of the sort.”

  Quinn licked his lips as he glanced up and focused on Rowan. She was watching his conversation with Alex, although she didn’t make a move to cross the room. She looked small and sad as people milled about around her. The expression on her face was enough to make his heart lurch.

  “I’ll get Rowan and take her with me when I talk to Larry. I’ll try to keep it under wraps … at least as much as possible.”

  Alex didn’t as much as shuffle his feet. “I think that’s a fabulous idea, although your girlfriend doesn’t look like she wants to go anywhere with you. Maybe you should leave her with me.”

  Quinn hated that idea. “No. I want her with me at all times.”

  “And if she decides she doesn’t want that and picks a fight?”

  “She won’t. She understands what’s going on here as well as anyone.”

  “She’s still not trained,” Alex pointed out. “Perhaps you could talk to your boss and then find a room where the four of us could talk alone. That might be the smarter way to go.”

  Realization dawned on Quinn. “You’re just trying to get him to admit he’s been smuggling in front of witnesses. You’re ready to move on him after that. He obviously doesn’t realize that, but you’ve put yourself in this position tonight for a reason.”

  “Again, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Quinn rolled his eyes. “You’re trying to keep Rowan from being in the center of it.”

  “I’m just saying that, theoretically, if I had a girlfriend I clearly loved as much as you love your girlfriend, I might let her stew about whatever is angering her on the other side of the room even though my natural inclination is clearly to beg and plead for her to forgive me.”

  Quinn rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t going to beg and plead.” Groveling was more like it. He was totally prepared to grovel. Alex didn’t need to know about that, though. “I’m going to need to find a way to get Larry out of this room for a few minutes. I need you to watch Rowan while I do it.”

  “I would love to watch your lovely gir
lfriend.” Alex’s eyes twinkled. “She’s ... beautiful.”

  “I know she’s beautiful.” Quinn’s temper came out to play. “Don’t make a thing out of this. I’m not kidding. Now is not the time to push me.”

  “Then I won’t push you.” Alex was serious. “We’re working on a limited timetable, though.”

  Quinn sucked in a steadying breath. “Fine. I’ll talk to Larry. Just ... don’t let anything happen to Rowan. I’m not going to be able to fix this if she’s not okay.”

  “I’ll take care of her.”

  “Don’t be a pervert while you’re taking care of her.”

  Alex winked. “No promises. Hurry up, though. The faster we get through this, the faster you can make up with your lady love.”

  “You have no idea how anxious I am for that.”

  FROM ACROSS THE ROOM, Rowan watched Alex and Quinn talk. Her stomach was on fire — it was worse than any acid reflux she’d ever suffered from — and she was agitated by the exchange. The feeling only grew when Quinn turned away from Alex and started across the room, not stopping until he was close to Larry. Instead of collecting her so she could join them, Quinn led Larry from the room. He didn’t bother looking over his shoulder to meet her steady gaze.

  That was another small tear in her heart.

  “Hello, darling,” Alex drawled as he approached the bar. He handed over his empty bottle and instructed Demarcus to get him another. “You look lovely this evening. What is your function on this ship?”

  Rowan worked overtime to tamp down her irritation. “I’m a photographer.”

  “The ship photographer? That sounds like a fun job.”

  “It’s not terrible. I don’t know that I would call it fun, though.” Rowan struggled to keep up with the mundane conversation. All she really wanted to do was return to her room, crawl into bed, and sob until she fell asleep. “On most days it’s a fun job. It’s probably not as exciting as it sounds, though.”

  “Sun, little drinks with umbrellas, and a boyfriend in close proximity sounds like the basis for a good job to me.”

  Rowan exhaled heavily. “What did he tell you?”


  “You know who.”

  “He didn’t tell me anything.” Even though he was having a good time agitating everyone, Alex took pity on Rowan. He couldn’t help himself. She looked so miserable it poked a hole in his stomach lining. He didn’t like seeing her so upset. “He’s worked up, too, though. Do you want to tell me what’s going on?”


  “Why not?”

  “It’s none of your business.”

  “That’s never stopped me before.”

  “It’s also not important,” Rowan added. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is what Quinn is doing now. Why did he take Larry out of the room?”

  Alex slowly tracked the area on either side of them and then answered with a simple shrug. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Ugh. You’re such a pain.” Even though she was frustrated, Rowan knew she couldn’t interfere with whatever plan Alex and Quinn had concocted. In fact, it was probably best that she make herself scarce so she wasn’t in the middle of things. “Something is about to go down, isn’t it?”

  Alex held his hands palms out and shrugged. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Yeah, yeah. You sound like a broken record.” Rowan rolled her neck and briefly pressed her eyes shut. When she opened them again, she was ready to make her escape. “I think, to be on the safe side, I should probably head down to my office. I don’t want to be in the middle of anything — not that anything is going to happen, mind you — so it’s probably better if I finish up some work.”

  Alex’s lips curved. “I think that’s a great idea.”

  “Fine.” She placed her half-finished drink on the bar. “I’m looking forward to answers when this is finished.”

  “I’m sure you are.” Alex frowned when Rowan moved to trudge away from the bar. “Do you want me to tell your boyfriend where you’re going?”

  “It doesn’t matter. He’s got his mind on other things.”

  Alex furrowed his brow. “What happened between you two? Yesterday you were all gooey and in love and now you’re clearly fighting.”

  “You’ll have to ask him. I don’t have any answers for you.” Rowan took great pleasure in throwing his words back in his face. “I’m going to my office and then back to my quarters. I hope things go well for you this evening.”

  “That’s the plan.” Alex watched her cross the room and leave through a side exit. He felt for her — unhappiness was etched across her pretty features — but he couldn’t focus on Rowan’s relationship woes. She wasn’t his cross to bear. No matter what, even though she was clearly warring with Quinn, she was the surly security chief’s problem. They would make up. Alex had no doubt about that.

  He was about to cross the room and join his new boss when he caught a hint of movement close to the door Rowan exited only seconds before. He recognized the figure that slipped through the opening behind her, and his stomach gave an urgent jolt.

  Rocky Dalton. What the heck was going on here?



  Alex was unnerved by Dalton’s exit from the dining room. The drilling foreman had no reason to follow Rowan through that door ... unless he had a specific agenda in mind. Alex took a long beat to scan the room and then turned to the only person he believed he could trust.

  Quinn and Larry Lincoln hadn’t returned to the dining room, which meant Alex didn’t have a lot of time to react. “I need your help,” he said to Demarcus as he fixed the amiable bartender with a pointed look. “What I’m about to tell you is secret — like federal government secret — and I don’t have a lot of time, so I need you to listen and then do what I say.”

  Demarcus’ eyes widened to comical proportions. “You look familiar.”

  “Yes, well, we’ve met before.” Alex licked his lips. “I think Rowan is in trouble and we need to get her out of it.”

  Demarcus’ expression darkened. “What do you need me to do?”

  LARRY LISTENED TO QUINN’S explanation for what was to come without interrupting or saying a word. When the security chief was finished, the cruise ship mogul was understandably confused.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “I am serious.” Quinn opted to discuss matters with Larry in Michael’s private office. It was close to the dining room and completely cut off from interlopers so they didn’t have to worry about eavesdroppers. “Fitzgerald is going to approach you tonight about using the ships to transport goods on and off his rigs. I’m sure he’ll insist it’s not illegal and simply a way to make money, but that’s not the case.”

  “What goods?”

  “I don’t know. If I had to guess, it’s probably drugs. Obviously the undercover FBI agent in question didn’t feel comfortable giving me all the information in front of an audience. I believe him.”

  “How do you know him?”

  “He was undercover with that director who killed the actress a few months ago,” Quinn replied calmly. “He helped us with the takedown. He’s legit.”

  “And you’ve been meeting with him?”

  “That’s a bit of an exaggeration,” Quinn hedged. “He visited Rowan and me in our hotel the other day. He approached us on the beach last night as well. It’s more that he’s been meeting with us than vice versa.”

  “And you think he’s telling the truth?” Larry rubbed his chin, his expression hard to read.

  “I do. The drilling foreman I talked to the night of the rescue is dead. I don’t know if he was involved or found something out so he had to be silenced, but clearly something very big is happening here. I know you take pride in your fleet of ships. Don’t risk that on whatever Fitzgerald offers you.”

  “Of course I wouldn’t risk that.” Larry’s eyes filled with fire. “I can’t fathom how he could possibly believe otherwise.�

  “I think, for people like Fitzgerald, money is the motivating factor to everything,” Quinn explained. “He doesn’t have pride in his work. He doesn’t understand a man like you, which is why he believes he can turn you.”

  “So what does your FBI friend want us to do?”

  “Simply hold the meeting. I would suggest doing it in here because we can control the space. Once Fitzgerald says what he wants — I’m guessing Agent Masters is wired, or simply wants witnesses — he’s going to take him into custody. I’m certain that agents are waiting in a spot that’s very close so they can descend on the ship as soon as the signal is given.”

  “Which will generate negative press.”

  “Not if you play it to your advantage,” Michael countered, speaking for the first time. He’d been largely silent while Quinn laid out the plan, but it was clear he was agitated by the news. “Once the arrests go down, you can spin it that you were helping the FBI all along. That makes you a hero and people will flock to your cruise line because of that.”

  Larry brightened considerably. “Do you think that’s true?”

  Quinn immediately bobbed his head. “I do. I think we have a unique opportunity here. The key is to make Fitzgerald lay out what he wants without agreeing to anything. Just play it like you’re not sure what to do because the offer was so unexpected. Masters will handle the rest.”

  “I can do that.” Larry squared his shoulders. “Seriously, I can do that. I can’t believe Fitzgerald would go this route, but I’m ready to take him down. Let’s do it.”

  Quinn grinned. “I’m glad you’re on board. In fact ... .” He broke off when someone knocked, causing everyone in the office to jerk their heads in that direction. “I wonder who that is.” He was alert and ready when he slowly opened the door, although worry set in when he saw Demarcus standing on the other side. “What’s going on?”

  “Your FBI agent friend sent me. Rowan is in trouble.”

  The color drained from Quinn’s face as he roughly grabbed Demarcus’ arm. “Where is she?”


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