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The Story Book Girls

Page 36

by S. R. Crockett

  The Colters

  An Australian Story for Girls. Illustrated in Colour by GEORGE SOPER.Large crown 8vo, cloth, olivine edges. 5s.

  This book deals with a merry family of Australian boys and girls. Theauthor seizes upon the everyday occurrences of domestic life, turningthem to good account; and she draws a charming picture of a family,united in heart, while differing very much in habit and temperament.


  The Quest of the Blue Rose

  Illustrated in Colour by JAMES BURDEN. Crown 8vo, cloth, olivine edges.5s.

  After the death of her mother, Sylvia Sherwood has to make her own wayin the world as a telegraph clerk. The world she finds herself in is agirls' hostel in a big northern city. For a while she can only see theuncongenial side of her surroundings. In the end, however, Sylvia,contented at last with her hard-working, hum-drum life, finds herselfthe successful writer of a book of children's poems.

  Bridget of All Work

  Illustrated in Colour by JAMES BURDEN. Crown 8vo, cloth, olivine edges.5s.

  The scene of the greater part of this story is laid in Lancashire, andthe author has chosen her heroine from among those who know what it isto feel the pinch of want and strive loyally to combat it. There is acharm about Bridget Joy, moving about her kitchen, keeping a light heartunder the most depressing surroundings. Girl though she is, it is herarm that encircles and protects those who should in other circumstanceshave been her guardians, and her brave heart that enables the word Hometo retain its sweetness for those who are dependent on her.


  The Ogilvies' Adventures

  Illustrated in Colour by JAMES DURDEN. Large crown 8vo, cloth, olivineedges, 3s. 6d.

  Hester Ogilvie and her elder, but less energetic, sister, daughters of aCanadian who is unable to support the whole of his family, are invitedto spend a few years with their English uncle, Sir Hubert Campion.Hester is unable to please her uncle in any way. At length she runsaway to London to make her own living, but is taken back, and through agreat service she does her uncle, he agrees to help her to carry out heroriginal plans. Finally, he arranges that the Canadian and Englishbranches of the family shall live together.

  "A most delightful story, which is admirably suited to the averageschool-girl of to-day."--_Lady's Pictorial_.

  Audrey's Awakening

  Illustrated in Colour by JAMES DURDEN. Crown 8vo, cloth, olivine edges.3s. 6d.; picture boards, cloth back, 2s. 6d.

  Audrey is a girl without ambitions, unsympathetic, and with a reputationfor exclusiveness. Therefore, when Paul Forbes becomes her stepbrother,and brings his free and easy notions into the Davidson's old home, therebegins to be trouble. Audrey takes a dislike to Paul at the outset; andthe young people have to get through deep waters and some exciting timesbefore things come right. Audrey's awakening is thorough, if painful.


  The Girl Crusoes

  A Story of Three Girls in the South Seas. With Colour Illustrations byN. TENISON. 3s. 6d.; decorated picture boards, cloth back, 2s. 6d.

  In these days of women travellers and explorers there are countlessinstances of women displaying a courage and endurance in all respectsequal to that of the other sex. Recognizing this, Mrs. Herbert Stranghas written a story of adventure in which three English girls of thepresent day are the central figures, and in which the girl reader willfind as much excitement and amusement as any boy's book could furnish.

  "For sheer excitement the book is equal to any boys' volume."--_Blackand White_.


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