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Married to a SEAL

Page 13

by Makenna Jameison

  He’d begrudgingly agreed.

  They got the kids in the door and walked through their quiet house to the backyard, where a barbeque was fully underway. Patrick’s large hand rested on the small of her back, guiding her forward as their kids ran off to play. She felt a brief flash of nervousness mixed in with excitement. They’d only gotten together once since her husband had recovered from his injuries—a bonfire down at the beach where they’d told everyone they’d gotten married. Patrick had been in physical therapy recovering since then.

  And now that he was back with his team?

  He’d be training with them again Monday morning. Deploying again soon. Sent into harm’s way.

  “You okay?” Patrick asked, ducking down.

  “Yeah. Just nerves.”

  His cool blue eyes searched hers. “The accident was a fluke—it could’ve happened to anyone. I don’t want you to worry about me. You’re pregnant,” he said, his eyes softening.

  “I know. And no, an accident like that couldn’t happen to anyone. Most men have to worry about bad guys shooting at them or blowing them up.”

  His face was unreadable as he watched her. But his eyes showed concern. Patrick was good at what he did—he led an elite SEAL team. But after her first husband had been killed in a horrific car crash, widowing her, what were the chances she’d marry a man sent off to war all the time? Who went on secret missions he couldn’t even tell her about?

  It was hard to imagine a more dangerous career.

  Patrick’s life as a SEAL was who he was though. He’d given himself to the Navy—and he was good at his job. Just like he’d never ask her to give up her career as an attorney, she’d never ask him to give up his.

  Christopher manned Patrick’s usual place at the grill tonight, and a grin spread across his face as he caught sight of them.

  “They’re here!” he whooped. “Announcing...Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Foster!”

  “Hoorah!” one of the men shouted out amidst other whoops and hollers.

  “To Ice and Rebecca!”

  The backyard broke into applause, and Rebecca blushed beside Patrick, his arm wrapped around her. Although she was used to standing up in front of an audience in a courtroom, arguing for her clients in front of a judge, all the attention from their friends put the focus on them in an entirely different way.

  Patrick ducked low, his lips hovering near her ear. “You bring new meaning to the term ‘blushing bride.’” His low voice rumbled right though her, and she felt herself flushing for an entirely different reason.

  “Oh, stop,” she chastised, glancing up at the amusement in his eyes. “It must just be the heat.”

  “I love the way you still blush around me,” he murmured, his voice gravel. He gave her a soft kiss as the rest of the backyard cheered.

  “Way to go, Ice!” someone shouted.

  “About damn time you two tied the knot!”

  She looked around the group after Patrick broke off the kiss, amazed that everyone had come and planned this without her knowing. Patrick’s entire SEAL team was here with their significant others—even his CO, Captain Ryan Mitchell, who’d recently begun dating Patrick’s sister Sarah. Somehow amidst all the commotion of Patrick’s injury, they’d finally gotten together after flirting with one another for a year.

  A year’s worth of foreplay, as Sarah had described it.

  Her eyes fell on Alison, seated at the table on the patio, nursing her baby boy while Evan hovered nearby. God they were cute together. Alison waggled her fingers in greeting and grinned.

  “You’re in trouble!” Rebecca called out.

  “Your husband was very persuasive,” she said.

  “Who, Patrick?” Rebecca asked with a laugh. “Never.”

  “And who am I to argue with a bunch of determined Navy SEALs? They want to throw a party—we throw a party.”

  “Damn right,” Evan agreed.

  Rebecca laughed and grabbed Patrick’s hand as they walked toward the group on the patio. His strong fingers wrapped around hers, and she beamed, feeling like she might actually burst with happiness.

  Matthew stood up from the patio table, his fiancé Brianna rubbing her slightly swollen belly from where she sat. She was a few months further along than Rebecca but barely looked any more pregnant than Rebecca did.

  “About time you arrived,” Matthew drawled, walking over to give Patrick a handshake. “Congratulations to the happy couple.”

  “Had to give you time to set up,” Patrick quipped. “And thank you.”

  Matthew’s green eyes settled on Rebecca. “And I understand even more congratulations are in order? We’re going to have a mini SEAL team running around here soon.”

  “We just might,” she agreed with a laugh. “I’m due a few months after Brianna.”

  “Congratulations, ma’am,” he drawled, his eyes warm. “I think Bri’s driving Alison crazy with pregnancy questions,” he admitted. “Now that you’re expecting maybe she’ll start asking you—I mean, since you already had a baby before.”

  Rebecca laughed, glancing over at Brianna, who was watching in awe as Alison expertly moved her baby over to nurse from her other breast. She wasn’t sure who looked more shocked—Evan or Brianna. Alison was a pro already though. It was hard to believe she and her best friend had each ended up with a man on the same SEAL team and now would have babies close together in age. Not even two years ago she’d been a single mom and Alison had been lamenting she’d never get married or have kids.

  Funny how things worked out.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about the party,” Rebecca said, walking over to give Alison a quick hug.

  “Are you kidding? Your husband would’ve killed me.”

  Her boyfriend Evan’s eyes flared. “Not a damn chance would he have gotten past me.”

  The women all laughed.

  “Let’s have a toast to the happy couple,” Mike said with a huge grin, handing Patrick a bottle of beer and Rebecca a bottle of water.

  “Most people toast with champagne,” his fiancée Kenley said, eyeing him skeptically.

  “Angel, we’re Navy SEALs. We don’t do champagne.”

  The other men guffawed in agreement.

  “That’s where we come in,” Lexi said, pulling two bottles of champagne from the cooler. Her black hair shone in the sunlight and her violet eyes flashed with amusement.

  “Amen, sister,” Kenley said, walking over to Lexi. “Let me help.”

  Lexi and Kenley were friends who had worked together near Washington, DC—Lexi for the Pentagon and Kenley for a defense contractor. When Lexi had been kidnapped during her assignment, Kenley had rushed down in worry. She’d been in the condo where Lexi was staying when Mike and Christopher burst in, Mike unintentionally mistaking her for an intruder. He’d pinned her to the wall in the confusion, but the sparks had flown between them.

  It was hard to believe such a rough and tumble group of Alpha males had finally settled down—but those guys fought hard for what they believed in, including the women they’d fallen for. They were all protective, assertive men with that natural instinct to help others.

  And now instead of chasing after women at Anchors, the bar they’d used to frequent, they’d be chasing their kids around soon.

  Rebecca smiled. Most of them had no clue what they were in for.

  Lexi produced another bottle from the cooler. “And don’t worry—I also brought sparkling cider for the pregnant ladies!”

  “I can’t wait until I can drink again,” Alison said, relaxing back into her chair as Evan took their baby son from her. “It’s been ten months!”

  “You always pump and dump,” Brianna said. “I read about it in my pregnancy book.”

  “Which one?” Matthew drawled. “I think you ordered every book ever published.”

  “Ha ha, funny guy,” Brianna said, shooting him a look. “Don’t you want to be prepared for when the baby comes?”

  Evan raised his eyebrows. �
��Pump and dump? Do I even want to know what that means?”

  “It’s okay, honey,” Alison said. “I’m going to stop nursing when I go back on my shift in the ER. I can hold out another month for a glass of wine.”

  “Hell, I’ll buy you a whole case then,” Evan said.

  Rebecca laughed, shaking her head.

  “Can we say ‘girl’s night’?” Alison asked with a grin. “Well, we’ll have to wait for your baby....”

  “I’ll take that,” Brent said, grabbing the first bottle of champagne from Lexi as she struggled to open it. “You’re about to shoot that cork straight across the yard.”

  “Maybe she’s used to things blowing prematurely,” Mike quipped, grinning as he walked over and pulled Kenley into his arms. She relaxed against him, her brown curls blowing slightly in the breeze.

  “Sonofabitch,” Christopher muttered, glaring at Mike. “Keep your problems in the bedroom to yourself.”

  Mike smirked as Kenley turned pink. “Believe me, Blade. We’ve got no problems there.”

  The other men chuckled as Kenley playfully shushed him.

  “Where’s Ella?” Christopher asked, referring to Brent’s new girlfriend.

  “She had to study. She might be able to come by later.”

  “Study? It’s the end of August.”

  “The semester starts in August, hun,” Lexi said, taking the open bottle of champagne back from Brent and beginning to pour it into plastic cups.

  “Well, damn.”

  “Hell,” Brent muttered. “I’d rather she study now so I can enjoy her all to myself later on tonight.”

  The other guys laughed and Lexi playfully shoved him. “I’m so telling her you said that.”

  Brent smirked. “I’m sure she’ll have no complaints.”

  Everyone had been shocked when Brent, the biggest player on the team had become smitten with Ella. She’d transferred from a college in Florida and was just starting her senior year at a school here in Virginia. Now that the men were all spoken for, the dynamic on the team hadn’t changed entirely though—those guys still ribbed each other like brothers.

  “All right!” Lexi said, passing out glasses of champagne and sparkling cider. “Time for a toast!”

  Patrick’s arm slid around Rebecca’s shoulders as the rest of the group gathered round. Their kids ran shrieking through the yard with his sister Sarah chasing after them. “Be right back, kids! We’re having a toast.”

  “I don’t want any toast!” Abby shouted, and everyone chuckled.

  Their CO Ryan stood off to the side, his thick arms crossed as he watched everyone around them. His face softened a bit as Sarah hurried over to him, a huge smile on her face. She grabbed two glasses of champagne, handing him one, and he cocked a brow.

  “Oh hush,” she said, resting one delicate hand on his massive chest.

  The rest of the group chuckled. Only Sarah could get away with shushing the commander of the SEAL team. He didn’t exactly appear upset about it though, Rebecca thought with a smile.

  “To Ice and Rebecca,” Christopher said, holding his beer high in the air. “Rebecca, I know you can do better than his sorry ass—”

  The other men chuckled as Patrick growled beside her.

  “—but I’m damn sure Ice couldn’t do any better than you.”

  “Here, here,” Patrick agreed, his eyes blazing with heat.

  Christopher looked to Rebecca. “You’re officially part of our SEAL family now. Although who am I kidding—you were ever since you and Patrick first started dating. I knew he was head over heels for you when he had the rest of the team guarding you 24/7. And I’ve never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you. I wish both of you a lifetime of happiness, because no one deserves it more. Congratulations!”

  Beer bottles clinked together, and the women toasted their champagne and sparkling juice. Lexi grabbed a fork and began lightly tapping her glass, signaling it was time for them to kiss. Rebecca felt heat rising in her cheeks as all eyes landed on them, but Patrick smiled and pulled her close, ducking down for an intimate kiss.

  His large hand spanned the small of her back, and with his large frame surrounding hers, suddenly everyone else faded into the background.


  “Kiss the bride!”

  After the cheers died down, conversations continued on around them.

  “Let’s get something to eat,” Patrick said. “I plan to fully enjoy Blade taking over grilling duties tonight.”

  “I still can’t believe you did this,” Rebecca said.

  “Technically the rest of the team did. I just kept it a secret.”

  “So who do you think will tie the knot next?”

  Patrick smirked. “The hell if I know. My only concern is the woman in front of me.” Their eyes locked for a moment before Patrick handed her a paper plate. He piled his own plate high with food as some of the other guys on his team walked over.

  “The CO said you’re back on active duty,” Christopher said, taking a swig of his beer. “Guess we’ll see you Monday morning?”

  “Affirmative,” Patrick replied, his eyes sweeping toward Rebecca.

  She looked toward him worriedly, knowing this moment had been coming. He was a SEAL. She’d known that from the moment she’d met him. She’d known in the back of her mind that he could be injured—killed.

  “It’ll be good to have you back, Ice,” Evan said, slapping him on the back. Evan had been injured in an explosion a year ago and had been sidelined from the team for a month. Rebecca knew the rest of the men were glad that Patrick would be back in training with them, but she couldn’t help the worry tugging at her heart. They were having a baby now. They were married. Part of her felt like she had that much more to lose if something were to ever happen to him.

  “Hey, why so melancholy?” Alison asked.

  Rebecca glanced over at her best friend. “Just thinking.” She absentmindedly rubbed the slight swell of her stomach.

  “Everything’s going to change in a few months.”

  Rebecca laughed. “I’m more worried about Patrick going back to work with the team than having a baby.”

  “They’re the best at what they do. You know how it was for me when Evan went back—I mean, we weren’t even officially together until he was injured. But you got a second chance with Patrick. I mean, would he even have suggested getting married if he hadn’t been injured like that?”

  “Not right away. Neither of us were in any sort of hurry, although he had already picked out a ring.”

  “Exactly. His accident just hurried everything along. Things have a weird way of working out sometimes.”

  Rebecca turned toward the sudden burst of laughter over near the grill and saw Christopher eyeing a burger that had landed on the ground. “Let me try again!” he said, flipping a second off the grill and neatly catching it on the platter.

  The guys broke into cheers, and Patrick’s heated gaze caught hers.

  Alison laughed beside her. “That man looks pretty damn happy.”

  “Christopher or Patrick?” Rebecca asked innocently.

  Alison gently elbowed her in the side. “Your husband. Your husband looks completely smitten with you.”

  Rebecca glanced at her best friend. “The feeling is mutual. And I’m pretty damn happy right now, too.”

  Chapter 17

  “I LOVE CALLING YOU Mrs. Foster,” Patrick said gruffly, male pride filling his chest as he gazed over at his new wife in their backyard.

  The last members of his SEAL team and their girlfriends had left after the barbeque, and the kids were asleep in bed. The sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon, sending its last rays of golden light across the grass, and the slight breeze from the ocean a few blocks away filled the air with the scent of salt and sand.

  His wife.


  A couple of years ago he never thought he’d want to get married again, let alone actually do it—and now he couldn’t imag
ine life without Rebecca at his side.

  She turned to him, a blush spreading across her cheeks as waves of her soft brown hair blew gently in the breeze. Warm brown eyes met his. She was so damn beautiful, that sexy sundress she had on hugging her swollen breasts, just skimming over the burgeoning bump of his child growing inside her.

  Waves of protectiveness washed over him—his.

  His wife.

  His baby.

  Fuck, he wanted to lie her down in the backyard right now and claim her—run his hands over her soft skin, gently caress her sensitive breasts and kiss her all over while she trembled, and then fill her completely as they made love. As he left her breathless and clinging to him, crying out his name as she came.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” she teased.

  “Can’t I admire my wife?” he asked, stalking closer. “I’ve had to keep my hands off you all night.”

  “Someone will see us,” she admonished. But her eyes lit up with arousal.

  “It’s a fenced in backyard,” Patrick commented dryly. “And you know I’d never let anyone see you,” he said. “You’re all mine.”

  “What if the kids wake up?”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Both of them sleep like babies.”

  Rebecca laughed. “You and I both know babies don’t sleep. Whoever came up with that notion clearly never had children of their own.”

  He smirked, walking closer. “And we have months and months before we have our own little one. For now, I plan to fully enjoy having you all to myself.” He came to a stop in front of her. Wrapped his hands around her hips.

  He towered above Rebecca’s much smaller frame—and he fucking loved it. She was so small, soft, and feminine compared to his own muscular frame. Curvy against the hard planes of his physique. Soft and welcoming everywhere he was hard. And he couldn’t keep his hands off her when no one else was around.

  Couldn’t stop himself from brushing his hands over her feminine curves or pulling her into his arms. Every touch with her felt like the first night they were together—in the hotel room on the beach with waves crashing outside their balcony. They’d made love all night, and that was when he knew she’d captured a piece of his heart. She’d stolen it from the moment they’d met and hadn’t even known it.


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