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Best Friend's Daddy (Forever Daddies Book 3)

Page 22

by Victoria Snow

  The rest of what I was going to say was swallowed by his mouth as he kissed me.

  I gasped instinctively, clinging to him as his tongue slid into my mouth, stroking slowly, sensuously. He knew my body so well by now, knew exactly how to touch me and make me feel like I was turning into a puddle of lava, hot and melting and so very desperate for him.

  Michael worked his hands underneath my body, then hoisted me up, and I moaned into his mouth. He carried me so effortlessly, like I weighed nothing. We didn’t stop kissing the entire time as he carried me through the house and up the stair, not once pausing, a man on a mission. I didn’t ever want to stop kissing him. Even breathing felt like a nuisance since it meant that I had to pause, take my mouth away from his.

  Michael shouldered open the door to his bedroom, laying me down in the bed. He tried to pull away, either to start undressing or perhaps to go down on me again, but I didn’t want him to leave me for an instant. I wanted the weight of him still on top of me, while we still could, before my belly got too big for such an intimate position.

  I didn’t even have to speak, to explain. Michael just settled his weight on top of me, between my legs, and I wrapped my arms around him. Holding him. God he was so firm and heavy against me. I could feel him hard, rutting against me, making me so very well. It felt like this was what we were made for, like everything else was just… extraneous. Like we were making a universe.

  We managed to work off our clothes, but slowly, yanking and tugging as we continued to kiss. Michael pressed his mouth to every inch of my skin that he could reach without moving, and I found myself doing the same, trying to mark him with my mouth, like my lips were stained with ink and I could leave a forever mark of where I had been, the territory that I had claimed.

  “Beautiful,” Michael murmured, his fingers sliding inside of me, stroking right up against the spot that made me see stars, made my hips jolt and shake for him. Over and over, he kept saying that. “Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.”

  I felt like I was being worshipped.

  I had never exactly been the most romantic of people. I had never needed roses or chocolates. I didn’t understand the big deal about Paris. But I had read romantic poetry in my time, and now…now I understood why poets were always comparing sex to religion. Pablo Neruda, the Song of Solomon, Leonard Cohen… I understood it now.

  Because Michael sliding into me, joining with me as we both gasped and clung to each other…

  It was like a revelation.



  Being with Stevie again, sliding into her—I swear my world went white for a moment. Nothing else in the world seemed to exist but her. I was so full of joy and relief, so glad that I finally got to be with her properly… and the rest of the things in my life fell away, leaving nothing but her, my desire for her. I didn’t even feel like a person, just a supplicant, worshipping at her alter.

  This was everything I had ever wanted, everything I had given up on. That elusive, insane, deep connection with another person. I never wanted to leave this moment. I moved inside of her instinctively, knowing just what would make her gasp and cry out. When she said my name, I felt a surge of victory and possessiveness like nothing I’d ever felt before, like it consumed my entire being. I wanted to bring her pleasure over and over until neither of us could move any more, until we were utterly spent.

  I pressed my mouth to hers as I sped up, chasing the end, and Stevie dug her nails into my back, rolling her hips. I could feel her orgasm, the way that she clenched and rippled around me, and it only made me feel that much more on fire, added gasoline to an already roaring flame.

  The sound of her cry against my mouth as she finished coming was the sweetest noise I’d ever heard.

  She held me, encouraging me as I chased my final high, whispering in my ear. “I want to feel you,” she whispered. “I love when you come inside of me, the way that you mark me up, the way that you claim me, please… oh Michael please…”

  It was the hottest thing I had possibly ever heard, and I came with a roaring sound in my ears.

  I had never had that with anyone. Never felt like I was completing myself, completing her, when we had sex. If I hadn’t already known that Stevie was the one for me, then I would have known it in that moment.

  We cleaned things up and then I held her in my arms, Stevie sliding into them automatically, like there was nowhere in the world that she would rather be. I knew there was nowhere in the world I would rather be in that moment, holding her.

  For the first time in years, I felt content. Ever since Virginia had cheated on me, my life had been turned upside down. I hadn’t felt like I could relax, or even breathe properly. I had never been truly happy. I had felt like a shell of myself.

  But now… now with my restaurant in a new and better direction, with things taking off, and with the woman that I loved impossibly in my arms… this was pure contentment. This was the kind of happiness that was settled into your bones, a comfortable happiness, one that wasn’t so much euphoric champagne bubbles as it was a warm blanket on a cold day.

  I’d never thought that my heart could heal after what Virginia and Theo had done to me. But now I realized that I could actually feel not just romantic love again, but more of it, a deeper version of it, than I had ever felt before. I had loved Virginia. And I’d been happy with her up until she had cheated on me. I couldn’t deny that. But it wasn’t the same way that I felt with Stevie. I adored Stevie. I wanted to protect her, to take care of her, to have her in my life forever.

  She was a part of me, and I would never let her go.

  We lay there in comfortable silence for a while, until I thought that Stevie had fallen asleep. But at last she whispered, “Do you hope it’s a boy? Or a girl?”

  “No. It doesn’t matter to me. All I want is a child that’s healthy.” I paused, grinning. “Although it wouldn’t hurt if the baby gets your good looks.”

  Stevie laughed.

  “A little mini version of the woman I love,” I murmured.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” Stevie teased.

  “Are you… concerned that I’ll be too old to keep up?” I asked. I was in my forties, after all. By the time our child was in their twenties, I’d be past sixty. Most people were grandparents at that age.

  “I’ll just buy you a walker the same time we get one for the baby,” Stevie said, still laughing.

  “Oh, will you now?” I growled, skimming my hands down her sides where I knew she was ticklish.

  Stevie gasped, pulling away. “Michael—”

  I tickled her in earnest and she squealed, thrashing and laughing. “That’s…not playing fair!”

  I laughed, kissing her slowly up her neck. Stevie’s laughter subsided, and she sighed happily. “You’re all that I’ve ever wanted,” she murmured.

  I hummed against her neck. “You stole the words right out of my mouth,” I whispered. “Just like you steal my breath away.”

  Stevie arched an eyebrow at me. “Anyone ever tell you that you’re really fucking cheesy when you - ”

  I kissed her, and that stopped her teasing, stopped her from anything, for a long time.

  Epilogue: Stevie

  I had envisioned my wedding for years. And every time, I’d had the same groom waiting for me at the end of the aisle. But in all of my daydreams, all the different dresses I’d worn, the locations where we’d held it, and all the rest… I’d never imagined that I would be heavily pregnant.

  Michael hadn’t wanted to wait to marry me. It had been only two months since we’d told Brooke, and then made it official and told everyone else, and so we’d kind of had to rush on the planning—but I didn’t care. I was touched that Michael didn’t care either. That he wanted us to officially be a family as soon as possible.

  Everyone was so supportive. I had worried about my parents, and Andy, but once Michael and I explained, after a little bit of thinking about it… they said that they understood. And they a
ll knew that Michael was a good person, that this wasn’t rushed because we didn’t know what we were doing but because we didn’t want to wait a second longer than we had to.

  I double-checked my reflection in the mirror. I wasn’t always sure about how I looked, pregnant, I mean, but Michael always said I looked beautiful. I had to say, right now, I liked how I looked, with my hair all done up in curls and my wedding dress flowing like a ballgown.

  Brooke poked her head in. “It’s time!”

  I took a deep breath. I was so excited, my stomach felt like it was erupting with butterflies. “Okay. Hey, c’mere.”

  She walked in and I pulled her into a hug. “Thank you,” I whispered. “For agreeing to be maid of honor, for helping us plan all this last minute, for supporting us, just… for everything.”

  Brooke hugged me back tightly and I heard her sniffle. “You guys really love each other and make each other happy. I couldn’t ever stand in the way of that. And I couldn’t picture a better man for you, or a better woman for my father.”

  I found myself sniffling a little too. It meant so much to me to hear her say that.

  “Oh my God, really? You guys are supposed to cry at the reception, not before the wedding!” Andy said, sticking his head in.

  Brooke and I both stuck our tongues out at him. Andy was the best man, so he got to escort Brooke down the aisle. His face when we’d told him that had been hilarious. And he’d gotten more serious and focused in the last couple of months so… maybe he would have a shot with Brooke after all. Who knew? I certainly couldn’t have predicted where my life went.

  Anything was possible.

  Andy offered his arm to Brooke, and they went to walk down the aisle. My father appeared and I took his arm, and then it was my turn.

  The music started up, and I think my heart soared right out of my chest. I felt lighter than air, like I was walking on clouds, and when my eyes caught Michael’s at the end of the aisle, I started grinning so hard my face ached with it.

  We got up to the altar, and listened to the usual speech. Dearly beloved…

  It was really happening. We were finally going to be together. This was the first day of the rest of our lives, a new beginning.

  We had, of course, written our own vows. Michael went first.

  “Stevie.” He made a face. “I’m sorry but the pastor here calling you Stephanie cracks me up. I’ve never known you by any name other than Stevie. It’s sassy and unconventional, just like you are.”

  I grinned, winking at him.

  “I’ve known you for a lot of your life, but I didn’t really know you until you walked into my office what feels like ages ago. You blew me away, and you’ve been blowing me away ever since. You’re the most determined person I know. You’re a woman who knows what she wants in life, and you go after it. You’re smart, you call me out on my bullshit, but you also remind me of all the wonderful things in life. The love and the joy in the little things. You opened my eyes to wonder and happiness all over again, and if I can make you even half as happy as you make me every day… then I’ve succeeded.” Michael squeezed my hands. “I love you, and I can’t wait for the rest of our life together to unfold.”

  Michael was so composed during his speech, the only sign that he was feeling a strong emotion the gruff tone to his voice. I almost burst into tears when it was time to say my vows, though. I was so overcome with so many emotions. How was it possible for someone to be this happy? It felt unreal, and yet… it was.

  “I’ve loved you for so long it feels like it’s always been a part of me,” I confessed. “I feel like I was born to love you, to be your partner, and to have you be mine. You challenge me, you inspire me, you guide me. You make me feel safe, and like I could conquer the world. You’ve never been anything but a gentleman, and frankly you ruined me for other men before I even gave other men a shot. You are a pillar of strength, and you are my comfort and my joy. I couldn’t think of a better father for my child, and I love you, I love you so much, and I can’t wait to find more reasons to love you as we embark on this journey together.”

  There was applause as we kissed, but I couldn’t hear it. The world was a roar in my ears. All that mattered, all that had ever mattered, was Michael.

  We danced at the reception, although not for long since my feet hurt. I loved my child but boy oh boy was I ready for this pregnancy to be over.

  I mentioned that, actually, as we twirled on the dance floor.

  “I can’t wait to get you home,” Michael whispered. “So I can peel that dress off you.”

  “Michael,” I said, laughing self-deprecatingly, “you can’t possibly mean that. I mean, look at me.”

  Perhaps some of my actual dissatisfaction with my body right now showed on my face, in my voice, because Michael turned me around and held me close. “I want you no matter what state you’re in. You get more beautiful to me every day. I’m always going to want you.”

  I kissed him. “You know I… I waited, for you. It wasn’t a coincidence that I was still a virgin when we had sex. I hadn’t ever wanted to be with anyone else. I always knew it was you. Just you.”

  Michael kissed me right back. “I’m about to pull you into the damn coat closet,” he growled.

  I laughed. “Let me get in a couple more dances first, at least.”

  “Oh, I suppose I’ll allow it.” Michael kissed my jaw. “But soon, Mrs. Madison, you’ll be all mine.”

  “Of course I’m going to be.” I looped my arms around his neck. “I’m going to be all yours forever.”

  Just like I always had been.

  ***The End***

  Did you enjoy Michael and Stevie’s story?

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  Get the Beautiful Mistakes box set here.

  4 full length novels for readers who love accidental marriages, surprise pregnancies, secret babies and swoon worthy hot alphas.

  Books included

  Married by Mistake

  Baby by Mistake

  Pregnant by Mistake

  Daddy by Mistake

  The box set is FREE to download in Kindle Unlimited and only 99cents to buy!

  The Ex’s Daddy (Excerpt)


  Professor Hot Stuff is going to be mine! Yes!

  Drew Richards is everything you would want in a man – enigmatic, alpha, hard, powerful, compassionate…

  The perfect man to lose my V-card to.

  The problem?

  He’s twice my age, and my teacher.

  Yet, I am addicted to him.

  Everything’s going perfect until the day,

  I walk into his kitchen wearing nothing but a towel…

  And I’m introduced to his son.

  His son….my ex!

  Umm…Did I tell you I’m carrying Professor McS@xy’s baby!



  After nearly four long, grueling months in my third year at the University of Toledo, I earned a shiny new degree. It was a degree in patience. I officially had the patience of a saint. Well, maybe not a saint, because what I was thinking about was quite sinful. I had waited and waited and waited and now it was time to make my move. Professor Hot Stuff was going to be mine. Technically, his name was Drew Richards and he was my bio professor. The very moment I laid my eyes on the tall drink of sexy, I knew I wanted him.

  I knew he was older than me—a lot older—but I didn’t care. I was mature for my age, at least that’s what I had always been told. Guys my age annoyed the hell out of me. I hated how insecure and immature they were. It was as if they had to go around beating their chests and hiking their legs on everything to show just how manly they were.

  Not Drew. He had innate charisma, class and quiet dignity. He could quiet a room by simply walking into it. He was tall, probably around six feet, had jet-black hair that he kept a little longer than the usual professor-look with little dark chunks that sometimes fell over his forehead and framed his handsome face. But it
was the dark blue eyes that did me in. His eyes were a legit baby blue. I’d heard of Frank Sinatra and his trademark blue eyes, but there was no way anyone had the same shade as my handsome professor. They were framed by the fluffiest dark brows that might be a little obnoxious to some, but I loved them. They made his blue eyes and long, black eyelashes pop. Add in a strong jawline that usually had a little bit of a dark shadow by late afternoon and those defined, muscular arms, and he was a walking, talking orgasm.

  Now he was going to be mine. The term was over. He was officially no longer my professor and there were no rules keeping me from going after him. I knew I was going to have to convince him he wanted me, but I had seen the way he looked at me. That single kiss we had shared in his office had been electrifying. I was sure he wanted me as much as I wanted him. He was just doing a better job keeping it to himself. Not me. I openly lusted after him, ogled him, stared at his ass when he walked away and thought about the many things he could do to my body.

  Okay, so my imagination was very active because technically, the things I was thinking about him doing might not even be realistic. I wouldn’t know because I was probably the only twenty-one-year-old female in the world still carrying my V-card. I couldn’t seem to give it away. I was too picky. Although I probably would have happily given it to my ex-boyfriend of two years, Jacob Sanders, but he didn’t want it. He wanted to wait until we were married. While that was frustrating, it wasn’t the reason we broke up.

  Jacob was an old-school kind of guy, which had initially drawn me to him. He believed in the old ways, like waiting until you were married to have sex and that women were meant to be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen while the man worked. Hence our problem. I wanted to be a doctor. Jacob didn’t think I should try to have a career. He wanted to marry me and have me stay home and bake pies while raising a gaggle of kids. I had tried to convince him I could have kids, bake pies and still be a doctor. He refused to compromise and I sure as hell wasn’t going to give up the one dream I had been holding on to since I was a little girl.


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