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South Coast Brothers: Part One

Page 32

by Hamford, Kacey

  “Cammie, bedroom! Now!” Mason, the VP of the Cornish Crusaders called out to me as he stormed into the clubhouse. His dark hair was messy from wearing his helmet, the sun shone off his lip ring and his hands were fisted tightly together. We had been together for several weeks and I was seriously falling in love with him but I had never planned to. I had sworn off love for so long I didn’t even think I was capable of loving someone, but he tried to show me every day that I was worthy of his love. I loved his no nonsense attitude and after being a club whore for over two years at the Devon Destroyers MC, I knew the rules I had to follow. Do as you’re told, no answering back and no asking questions about club business.

  I never planned to be a club whore; who wakes up one day and thinks, I know what I’ll do for the rest of my life, I’ll spread my legs to earn money. Nope, not me. I didn’t really have any other choice.

  After giving birth to Noah, who was perfect by the way; a head full of light hair, small button nose and pouty lips, I spiralled even more out of control, the hospital called my mum and dad as I was only sixteen. They came and got me, took me to arrange the funeral for Noah and took me back home to live with them. It was almost like they changed who they were overnight. When I left to live with Jack, my parents were glad for me to be gone. They had always ignored me and gone about their lives as if I didn’t exist, but they picked me up when I was broken. They were there for me when I needed them the most, but no amount of attention they gave me made up for how they had treated me for the last six years. Nothing helped to fill the gaping hole in my heart that bled for my son. I felt trapped, like I couldn’t breathe, I needed to get away from them, from the place that my son was conceived.

  As I walked quickly towards Mason, I looked into his eyes. I wasn’t sure what I was seeing, was it love? Lust? Anger? I just couldn’t tell. When I was close enough to him, he grabbed my hand and began pulling me behind him towards his bedroom.

  “VP!” We stopped walking as Solar rushed towards us. He was wearing his usual scruffy jeans, black boots, a tight fitted t-shirt that sat underneath his leather cut. His hair was styled, his short beard was messy and his blue eyes looked worried.

  “Solar.” Mason nodded his head in greeting.

  “Prez called…” He stopped talking and looked at me over Mason’s shoulder. All the guys knew that they weren’t supposed to talk about club business in front of us. I didn’t know if that was a rule in all clubs but we were told it was for our own protection.

  I never knew any club business but that didn’t stop the Satan MC trying to torture it out of me. After a couple of hours with them, I learnt it was best not to cry and beg them to stop, it was what they liked to hear. After being with them for a day, I learnt to switch off and find a happy place to escape to. That place was with my son, Noah. We were in a park and I was pushing him on the swings, his laughter rang out each time I pushed him higher and higher. The sun would be shining and his blond hair would glisten, the slight breeze causing his fringe to move. Oh, what I would give for that memory to come alive.

  “You go ahead, babe. I’ll be there in a second.” Mason let go of my hand and kissed me briefly on the lips. I turned around and walked away from them slowly, they didn’t begin talking until I was almost around the corner. I pushed the door open and walked into the room I now shared with him. The bed was messy, clothes covered the floor on the side he slept and the room was dark and dull due to the sun setting. I didn’t know why Mason had demanded we go to his room, was he annoyed? Upset? Or did he want us to finally take the next step in our relationship. I had felt a connection with Mason as soon as Heather and I arrived at the Cornish Crusaders MC, but I hadn’t been away from the Satan MC for long and after the way they captured, tortured and raped me I was hesitant about spending time with another man, especially a biker. I knew nothing about him.

  Mason looked rough and rugged with all his tattoos and piercings but on the inside he was soft and gentle, he showed me that he cared about me and once I came to the realisation that I had feelings for him too I took a huge leap out of my comfort zone and told him. I hadn’t told him about my past, about Noah or the Satan MC, all I said was I needed time and that if he needed a physical relationship straight away that I couldn’t be with him. It surprised me as hell when he held my hand and asked if he could hold me, I felt safe wrapped up in his arms.

  Now, I wasn’t sure what he wanted, he wouldn’t have been dragging me to his bedroom if it was only to talk. My heart rate increased, my tummy fluttered and I wasn’t sure if it was due to excitement or fear.

  I decided I wasn’t going to let fear rule my life anymore, I was falling in love with Mason and I knew that he would never hurt me. I pulled the zip down on my skirt and wiggled my way out of it, kicking off my flip flops too. I was glad that I decided to wear a matching set of underwear this morning. I pulled my t-shirt off over my head and examined my body in the full length mirror, my body ran cold when I saw the ugly scar on the side of my tummy. I didn’t want Mason seeing it, not yet. I turned to my bedside table and pulled out some lingerie, it was a bright blue babydoll. I slipped it on and loved the fact that it had a v neck so still showed off my breasts and the transparent lace covered my ugly scar but still showed enough skin to drive him wild. I pulled off my black underwear and replaced it with the blue g string that matched. I stood by the door trying to find the sexiest way to look, I tried sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning against the wall, perched on the edge of the dressing table but it all looked too staged. I stood up straight when I heard him yelling.

  “Just get it done!”

  Seconds later the bedroom door flew open, banging against the wall which made me jump and I was standing in front of him, not looking into his eyes.

  “Fuck!” he swore and within seconds I felt his hands on my hips. I trembled and again I wasn’t sure if it was from excitement or fear. “Cam, you look fucking hot.” I finally looked up into his eyes and they were swimming with desire.

  * * *


  I don’t know what I’d done in a past life to receive such a wonderful gift, I felt like all of my Christmases’ had come at once when I saw Cammie step out of Heather’s car. She looked like a goddess, blonde hair blowing in the wind, blue eyes that sparkled when the sun hit them but her eyes also told me that she was lost. I had to fight the urge not to throw her over my shoulder and make her mine. I was used to getting what I wanted, when I wanted it but something about her told me not to rush it and I just knew that she would be worth the wait.

  She came to me a few weeks ago and told me how she felt, she let it all out and I admired her for that, she explained she couldn’t have a physical relationship yet, I wanted to know more but she closed herself off and I didn’t want to run the risk of scaring her away. I moved her into my room a couple of weeks later and all we had done was kiss, cuddle, touch and sleep in the same bed. No sex. It was pure torture feeling her smooth skin and curves against my body every night and I felt bad that every morning when we woke up she had my hard dick poking her in the back.

  Now here she was standing in front of me in a skimpy little outfit and my dick was causing my jeans to tighten. I wanted to touch her so I took a step closer and placed my hands on her hips.

  “What are you doing, babe?” I whispered softly into her ear before I kissed the soft skin below it.

  “Isn’t this what you want?”

  “Fuck, yeah but only when you’re ready.” I pulled back, keeping my hands firmly on her hips and looked into her eyes. I’m not sure what I saw, was it excitement or fear?

  “Isn’t this why you dragged me back here?” Shit, was that what she thought? I tightened my hands on her hips and at the same time her eyes bulged from her head and I remember what Blade had told me when we were out on the job. I released my hold on her and I think I saw her sigh in relief.

  “I wanted to talk to you,” I began. I looked her body up and down, man was she sexy and distracting. “I need yo
u to put some clothes on, babe. We need to talk.” She nodded and grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom. That gave me a chance to think about Blade, Solar, grannies, cats, dogs and anything that would calm my raging hard on.

  I sat on the small two seater sofa that was under the window and waited for Cammie to come out of the bathroom. When she stepped out she was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, her hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun and her face was make-up free, just the way I liked it. She stopped in front of me and I held out my hand for her, she took it and I gently pulled her to sit beside me.

  “Everything ok?” she asked.

  “Why won’t you let me touch you?”

  “What?” Her eyebrows rose. “I do let you touch me. I just offered myself to you and you didn’t want me.”

  “Fuck.” I shook my head. “Of course I want you. You feel every morning what your body does to mine.” She opened her mouth to say something. One thing I loved about her was her smart mouth, she liked to argue and it made me hotter for her. I placed my finger on her lips, silencing her and her tongue darted out to taste me. Shit. If she kept doing that this conversation wouldn’t be happening.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about the Satan’s?”

  “What?” she whispered, her face paling.

  “Blade let slip about them taking you, why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I don’t like to talk about it.” She looked at her hands in her lap, talking quietly. I pushed her chin up with my fingers so I could see her bright blue eyes, they were slightly darker now, sadness taking them over.

  “I need to hear it.”

  “Why?” she whispered again.

  “Because, Cammie, you’re mine. I want to protect you. I want to know everything about you.”

  “I can’t,” she sobbed and stood up quickly. Was she running away? I grabbed hold of her wrist and she flinched which made me release her straight away.

  “Cam.” I sighed as I climbed to my feet, she stopped walking and I strolled slowly towards her. I placed my lips on the top of her head and wound my arms around her, she leant into me, her back to my front.

  “I’m sorry, Mason. I can’t talk about it, I’m not strong enough.”

  “How about I ask some questions and you can just nod or shake your head for now?”


  I turned her around and cupped her face in my hands. “Just tell me to stop and I will.” She nodded and I covered her lips with mine.


  I wound my arm around Cammie’s back and led her back to the sofa. Once we were both seated, the questions started.

  “Did they take you from the Devon clubhouse?” She nodded.

  “Did they hurt you?” She nodded.

  “How long were you there?” She didn’t answer. “Was you the only woman there?” She shook her head.

  “Do you know who took you?” She nodded. “Who was it?” Still no answer.

  “Do you know why they took you?” She nodded as tears started running down her face. “Are you going to tell me?” She shook her head. I was trying to stay calm but I wasn’t getting the answers I needed.

  “Did they hit you?” She nodded.

  “Cut you?” She nodded.

  “Make you black out?” She nodded. I needed to ask the last question and I think I already knew the answer, but I needed to know.

  “Did they rape you?” She nodded. “All of them?” She nodded and a sob rose from her throat. Fuck. I tried to keep it together, to be able to comfort her but the rage was building in my chest, fighting its way out.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered as she face planted my chest and her sobs turned into full blown crying. I held onto her and told her everything would be ok now. Blade had told me that they went in and killed the majority of them and torched their clubhouse but we knew some were still around as they were at the warehouse this morning. I would make it my mission to find and kill every single one of them, and the one that took Cammie from her home would feel every ounce of my rage.

  “Cammie, baby. I have something for you.” She pulled back from me and I wiped her tears away. I kissed her lips quickly before standing up and walking to my wardrobe. I pulled open the door and routed around until I found the leather jacket that had been sitting in here since I patched in after being a prospect for a year at the Cornish Crusaders, which was nearly ten years ago. I never wanted anyone to have this before and no one else would ever wear it.

  “I want you to wear this, babe.” I passed her the leather cut that would show everyone that she was mine, and anyone that messed with her would be sorry.

  “What? Why?” She looked confused.

  “I want everyone to know that you’re mine, I want you to be my Old Lady. Will you?”

  “No, I can’t.” She stood up and pushed the jacket back towards me.

  “Why can’t you?”

  “I’m sorry, Mason, I love you but I’m not good enough for you.”

  “You’re the only woman that I want and need in my life. You’re better than all the other women that I’ve met. You’re kind, gentle, passionate, loving…”

  “Broken, used, dirty...” she interrupted me. She wound her arms around her body and shivered. I didn’t hesitate, I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her, throwing the leather jacket onto the bed behind us.

  “You’re sexy, smart mouthed, independent and those are just some of the reasons why I love you.”

  She pulled back and looked at me, the colour in her eyes lighter now. Had I managed to draw her out of the darkness that was threatening to take over?

  “You love me?” She smiled.

  “Of course I love you, I think I’ve loved you since the moment you stood up to me and screamed at me to leave you alone. No one has ever stood up to me like that before, scared of the consequences I guess.”

  “I’m not scared of you,” she quietly said.

  “Good, I don’t want you to be scared of me. I want you to be my Old Lady, forever.”

  “I can’t, not yet.” I went to talk and she placed her finger over my lips, I stuck out my tongue to taste her, much like she had done to me. “Mason, we haven’t even slept together yet.”

  “I don’t care,” I mumbled behind her finger.

  “We may not be suited in that department.”

  “Oh, baby, I know we’ll be suited, we’ll make love, fuck and move the fucking earth.” She smiled and blushed slightly. “So, is that a yes?”

  “Not yet, I’ll think about it. There’s still so much more you don’t know about me.”

  “Then tell me.”

  “I will, I promise. Just not yet.”

  “Ok, I’ll be patient and wait. But you will be mine and only mine. I’m in love with you, Cammie.”

  “I’m already only yours but taking the jacket is a big step, one I’m not quite ready for. I love you too, Mason.”

  Hearing those words come from her mouth was like music to my ears, I’ve only ever said those words to one other person but it never felt like this. We were only sixteen when we thought we were in love. Now this was the real thing.

  “I’m going to see if Heather needs any help with the babies.” Cammie stood on her tiptoes and kissed me. Before she could pull away, I wrapped my arm around her back, holding her tight against me. Using my other hand to tilt her head so I could deepen the kiss. After a couple of minutes, she placed her hand on my chest and pushed me back. I managed to pull her hair out of the band that was holding it on top of her head so it was now flowing around her shoulders. I liked it better this way, I liked being able to run my fingers through her hair. It was soft and silky to touch.

  “Do you want some lunch?”

  “Na, I’m good. Thanks, babe. I’ll be out in a minute.” I cleared my throat as I adjusted myself in my jeans. I couldn’t walk out into the clubhouse sporting a hard on, I’d get a club whore pushed at me.

  I watched Cammie run a hair brush over her head and apply some lip gloss,
her eyes were still watery from crying but to me she still looked beautiful.

  “I’ll see you out there.” She smiled before she left the room.

  I grabbed the dirty clothes off the floor and shoved them into the clothes hamper, made the bed and cleaned up the bathroom. I was doing anything and everything I could to get rid of my excitement, though seeing Cammie again would probably just put me back to stage one again. I loved how my body reacted to hers and I couldn’t wait to get her naked and underneath me.

  I figured nothing was helping when I was thinking like that so I adjusted myself again and headed for the bar. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard Cammie talking to Heather.

  “Why do you look so surprised? I know I’m not good enough for him. I mean, I’ve got baggage, I’m a club whore.”

  “No,” Heather told her. I picked up my pace.

  “I do not want to hear you say that again. Ever!” I bellowed behind them, my hands were fisted tightly by my sides as I stared at them. I walked slowly towards them not taking my eyes off my woman, she dipped her head and once I reached her I pushed her chin up so she had to look at me.

  “You are not a club whore. You’re my Old Lady. Got it?”

  “I haven’t said yes yet,” she softly spoke and I growled in response.

  “You will.” I kissed her quickly before walking away and into the bar.


  I hated watching my best friend Heather leave. She was on her way back to Devon with her family. Blade had to get back to his club and Heather wanted their kids settled in their own house. She begged me to go back with her but I knew I was in the place that I needed and wanted to be. The thought of walking away and leaving Mason made my chest ache, I was in love with him and I owed it to myself to see if I could truly be happy here with him.


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