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South Coast Brothers: Part One

Page 69

by Hamford, Kacey

  “That was cheeky.” She laughed, slapping me on the shoulder.

  “Oh yeah?” I started tickling her and she fell onto her back and her hair fanned out around her. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on.

  Her laughter was infectious and before long I was laughing along with her until she grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in closer. Her lips found mine first and I didn’t hesitate on kissing her back. I angled her head so I could take the kiss deeper. Our tongues entwined and my cock had woken up with avengence. Her body arched towards mine and I couldn’t stop from pulling her in closer. She was wearing one of my t-shirts and a pair of my boxers but she was still as sexy as hell.

  I pulled back and jumped out of the bed.

  “Get that sexy arse up, we’re going out.” I padded over to the bathroom, keeping my back to her, I didn’t want her to see my erection and think that’s all I wanted from her.

  “Out? What about the lockdown?” I splashed some water over my face and thought about everything under the sun to get my cock to calm down.

  “It’s, uh…” I glanced her way to see her throw the duvet back and swing her legs over the side of the bed. Her toned legs were sexy as hell and I desperately wanted them wrapped around me.


  “It’s been lifted for the time being, as it’s been quiet. So, I’m taking you to get your stuff from your place.”

  “Can I move back there? I don’t need to be here if we’re no longer in danger?” She jumped out of the bed with a big smile on her face. Wow, she couldn’t wait to get away from me.

  “No. Not yet.” Her face fell and I slammed the bathroom door to get some privacy. What did I have to do to show her that I’m serious about her. Was it really such a bad idea to be with someone like me?

  I borrowed Heather’s car to take Beauty back to her place. I didn’t know how much she owned but I was packing it all up today.

  “That apartment block there.” Beauty pointed out a run down house that looked like it was turned into apartments. The roof was in bad condition and there was peeling paint on the walls. I parked in the designated space and she hopped out of the car. She ran up the steps and punched in the code for the main door. I followed her down the hall to door number two.

  “What?” She sobbed. I glanced over her shoulder to see an eviction notice on the door and several black bin bags in front of it. She bent down and ripped open one of the bags.

  “Is that your stuff?” I asked.

  “This is all your fault.” She cried. “You kept me locked up, I couldn’t work, so I couldn’t pay my rent and now I have nowhere to live.”

  “You were never coming back here anyway.” I shrugged. “You’re living at the clubhouse with me.”

  “I don’t want to live at the clubhouse.” She climbed to her feet to face me. “I don’t want to be an Old Lady. I don’t want to be involved with a motorcycle club. I want to work and live in my own place, alone.”

  Wow, that was a kick in the teeth. Was being with me and a club who were willing to protect her the worst thing in the world.

  “Too bad, princess.” I grabbed a couple of the black bags and headed back to the car. I threw them in the boot and then headed in to get some more.

  “I’m not going back there.” She crossed her arms over her chest. I grabbed the last of the bags.

  “Get in the car.” I demanded. She shook her head and didn’t move. I threw the rest of the bags in the boot and hoped that nothing was breakable. I slammed the boot down and waited for Beauty to come out. After waiting for five minutes I stormed back in there. She was stubborn as hell.

  “Beauty, I won’t ask again.”

  “Good, cuz I don’t want you to ask again.”

  “Do you really think that you’re safe here? Do you really think that Parker doesn’t know where you live? I can’t protect you here. If I go within a hundred feet of him I’ll be thrown in jail. Is that what you want?”

  “No.” She muttered as her head dropped forward.

  “I don’t want to scare you.” I stepped closer to her and placed my hands on her waist. “I want to protect you.” I kissed the top of head and her body relaxed. “Will you please come with me?”

  “Ok.” She looked up at me and I couldn’t resist placing a quick kiss on her lips, before grabbing her hand and leading her to the car.

  “Wait, where are we going? The club is that way.” Beauty asked.

  “There’s something I want to show you.” I waited at the junction for the traffic to pass, before slipping the car into gear and taking off. Beauty angled her body towards mine.

  “What do you want to show me?”

  “You’ll see soon enough. It’s just up this road. Can you drive?” She shook her head. “Do you want to learn?”

  “I’d like to be able to drive. Only a car, bike’s scare me.”

  “I’ll have you on the back of my bike soon.” I placed my hand on her leg and smiled at her.

  I pulled into a small car park and I watched as Beauty looked out of the window.

  “Bluebells dancing school?” She looked confused.

  “This is where Kelsey does her ballet and street dance. Heather was telling me that they were looking for volunteers to help out. I gave them a call and they said for you to pop in and meet them.”

  “I can’t work here, I’m a stripper.”

  “You were a stripper.”

  “Besides I need a job that pays money.”

  “You don’t need money. I can get you whatever you need. Plus this could lead to a job.”

  “You talk like we’re a couple and you’re going to look after me.”

  “We are a couple, or we could be if you’d just stop fighting me on it. You’re the one for me Beauty.”

  I watched as she looked down at her lap and then back up to the building.

  “I can’t go in dressed like this.” She was wearing a pair of baggy jeans and one of my hoodies. “I need something of my own to wear.” She jumped out of the car and opened up the boot. She began rummaging around until she found something she wanted to wear. “This will work.” She went to open up the back passenger door. “Can you keep a watch out for people while I get dressed?”

  “Of course, princess.” She jumped in the back of the car and within minutes she was dressed wearing a pair of black three quarter leggings, sandals and a strappy long t-shirt that read ‘Mind, Body, Soul’.

  “Will this be ok?” She twirled on the spot.

  “You look great. Good luck.” I reached into my leather jacket and pulled out my rizlas and tobacco and began to roll a cigarette.

  “You’re not coming in?” She looked back to the building and to me again.

  “You’ve got this.”

  “You know, that’s bad for you.” She laughed pointing at the rolled cigarette in my hand.

  “I know, but if I gave it up my name wouldn’t mean anything.”

  “That’s not a reason to keep smoking.” She rose her eyebrow in the air waiting for my response.

  “Go and get yourself a job doing what you love most.” She nodded at me, turned on her heel, took a deep breath, held her head up high and headed in the direction of the door.


  We pulled up to the clubhouse after going to the dance studio and I hadn’t been able to stop smiling.

  “I’m going to tell Heather and the girls the good news.” I told Riz as we got out of the car.

  “Prospect, grab the bags out of the boot and take them to my room.” Riz ordered, throwing the car keys at him.

  “Your room?” I asked as we walked into the clubhouse.

  “Yes, princess.” He kissed me on the side of the head before heading over to Buzz and Bear who were playing pool.

  “Has anyone seen Heather?” I asked Crystal and Dana who were stocking the bar. They both ignored me.

  “She’s in the kitchen.” Ice told me as he climbed on a stool in front of the bar.

“Thanks.” I smiled at him and as I began to walk away I heard him having a go at the girls. Telling them that I was above them in this clubhouse and they had to respect me.

  I pushed open the kitchen door and Heather was sitting at the small round table with Liam and Tegan in high chairs. They were both eating sandwiches and crisps as Heather ate a bowl of salad.

  “Hi, how did it go?” She asked.

  “I got the volunteers position. I start next week. Three days a week.”

  “That’s great. I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thanks. I can’t wait to get started.” I sat down on the opposite side of the table and grabbed an empty glass and the jug of water and poured myself a glass.

  “That looks good on you.” I frowned as I didn’t know what she was talking about. “Smiling. A proper happy smile.”

  “Thank you. I’ve got a lot to smile about.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah. Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.” She took her last mouthful of salad and pushed the bowl to the side of her.

  “What’s it like being an Old Lady? Was it something you wanted?”

  “My first husband was in this club. I kept out of it, I never stepped foot in their club. Wanted nothing to do with it. When he died I didn’t get a choice. But I met the most amazing man, fell in love and now we have a great life, amazing family and I’d never give it up for the world.”

  “How do you deal with everything that goes on? Other club members? The violence?”

  “They all respect me, especially as I’m an Old Lady.”

  “You’re the presidents Old Lady. That’s gotta be more power.” I laughed.

  “They would treat me no differently than you.”

  “I’m not an Old Lady.”

  “Not yet. Can I ask you something?” I nodded. “Why do you fight your feelings with Riz? He’s a good man.”

  “I guess I’m scared. If I give him my heart, what would I do if he broke it?”

  “I know it’s scary. But you can’t live your life in fear and not be the happiest you can be. Do you love him?”

  “Yes. I’ve loved him for a long time.”

  “Then be happy and stop fighting it.”

  “Ladies.” Prez said as he walked into the room ending our conversation. He walked straight up to Heather and kissed her before kissing both Tegan and Liam on the head.

  “You ok?” Heather asked him.

  “Yeah, just coming to let you know that the girls have decided it’s time to move out. They’re heading to the house now.”

  “Already?” I asked, climbing to my feet. He nodded at me and I hurried out of the kitchen to find them all.

  “Rayna?” I called out as she was stood talking to Ice.

  “Hey, B.” She had called me this from day one and I liked it.

  “You’re leaving?”

  “Yep. It’s time to move on. We all wanted to wait until we were all ready and it’s taken this long for Tia to finally agree.”

  “Are you scared?”

  “A little. But Prez said for the first few weeks he’ll have a prospect on duty outside, just incase we need anything or get scared.”

  “I’m going to miss you all.”

  “I wish you were coming with us. But we all know Riz isn’t letting you go now. How did the job interview go?”

  “I got the volunteer job.” I smiled.

  “That’s great.” She pulled me in for a hug and I squeezed her back. “You’ve got the job, now go and claim your man. Put him out of his misery.”

  “What?” I asked her feeling confused.

  “We all know how he feels about you and we know you’re scared. Stop letting fear get in the way. Live life and be happy.”

  “B.” The rest of the girls called out. I was engulfed in a huge hug.

  “I’m going to miss you all so much.” I cried.

  “You can come and visit.” Tia smiled.

  “Come for a sleepover.” Naomi offered.

  “Girls night.” Sara added.

  “That sounds like fun.” I agreed.

  “The van is ready girls.” Buzz announced as he walked into the clubhouse.

  Tia and Rayna grabbed one of my hands each and we all walked outside together. I gave each one a hug again and we promised to keep in touch as much as possible. I had tears streaming down my face as I said bye to Rayna. She whistled and shouted over to Riz.

  “Yo, Riz. Your girl needs you.” She squeezed me tight one last time before stepping away and I had two very strong, warm arms wrapped around me. I relaxed into him and I knew in that moment he was exactly who I wanted and needed. I turned around in his arms so my back was to his chest and waved as the girls left the compound and headed towards their new life.


  Prez had me running around all day today on errands. I had to check in with the team at Skins and make sure everything was running smoothly. I had to get extra booze in for our party tonight and make sure the bunnies had everything cleaned and set up. A stage was brought in for the girls from skins to perform on and a DJ would be here too. I had no idea what this party was even for.

  “Hey, princess.” I started as I walked into our bedroom. “Wow, look at you.” Beauty was stood wearing a red dress that stopped at her knees and clung to her body. Her long dark hair was curled slightly, she had on red lipstick that made her lips irresistible.

  “Do I look ok?” She asked.

  “Fuck yeah. You are gorgeous.” I couldn’t stop staring at her.

  “You’d better shower, else we’ll be late.”

  “Yeah.” I shrugged off my leather cut and laid it on the bed. “Oh, how was your first day? Sorry I couldn’t take you. Prez had me running around all day.”

  “It was so great. I got to help out with Kelsey’s ballet class. She’s one talented little girl. She could have a career as a dancer.”

  She stopped talking when there was a knock at the door.

  “You get that, I’m jumping in the shower.” I kicked off my boots and headed into the bathroom, I turned the shower to hot and stripped out of the rest of my clothes, leaving them in a pile on the floor. As I was about to step into the shower I heard Beauty scream. I grabbed my gun off the sink and flew out of the door.

  I was surprised when I saw Beauty laughing and hugging someone.

  “What’s going on?” I barked. Beauty let go of Rayna and turned to me.

  “Riz!” She squealed. Covering my cock with her hand. “Rayna doesn’t want to be seeing that.”

  “Oh, Rayna does.” She smiled and winked at me.

  “If you touch it, it’s going to get bigger.” I winked at Beauty. “I thought you were in trouble. You screamed.”

  “Only because I didn’t know Ray was coming tonight.”

  “Women are crazy. I’m going to shower.” I started backing away when I heard Rayna say;

  “Wow, he must have you screaming girl with that thing.” Both girls laughed and I shut the bathroom door shaking my head. Great, now my cock was going to be the topic of conversation, at least I wasn’t small so they wouldn’t be laughing at me.

  “Riz, you ready?” Beauty called out as she walked in through the bedroom door with a glass in her hand.

  “What are you drinking?” I took the glass from her and took a sip. “Yuck. What’s that shit.”

  “Prosecco.” She took another sip and looked at me. “Is that what you’re wearing tonight?” I looked down at my outfit, I was in my usual ripped jeans, t-shirt and leather cut.

  “Yeah, same as I normally wear to a club party.”

  “This isn’t a normal club party. Here, put this on.” She handed me a pair of jeans that had no rips in them and a blue shirt.

  “Fine, I’m still wearing my leather.”

  “You wouldn’t be you, if you didn’t have your leather on.” She wrapped her arms around my neck, stood on her tiptoes and gave me a kiss. As she went to pull away I clasped hold of her head and deepened t
he kiss.

  “I’m ready now.” She whispered against my lips.

  “You’ve been ready for ages. I’m the one who held us up.”

  “No. I mean I’m ready for this.” What was she talking about? She walked over to my wardrobe and pulled something out. I stood frozen to the spot as she held hold of my properties. I was dying for her to wear my leather jacket, to show everyone that she was officially mine.

  “Ask me.” She handed me the jacket and I cleared my throat.

  “My Beauty, will you be my Old Lady?”

  “Yes.” She smiled and I held the jacket out for her to slip it on. It fit like a glove and looked fucking amazing on her.

  “Let’s skip the party.” I pulled her closer to me and devoured her.

  “We can’t skip our own party.”

  “What?” I looked at her confused.

  “Riz, this is our party. Celebrating me being your Old Lady.”

  “How long have you had this planned?” I held her close to me.

  “About a week.”

  “So, you’ve been mine for a week and I’ve been sleeping on the edge of the bed so I don’t pressure you and I could have been inside you?”

  “Yep.” She smiled.

  “I want inside you, now.” I started gathering her dress up in my hands when she took a step back.

  “You’re going to have to wait until later.”

  “Fuck, princess. I’m already hard.” I complained.

  “Just think about all your club brothers out there and their families.”

  “Yep, that did it.” She turned on her heel but before she could reach for the door I wrapped my arms around her from behind. “You’ve always been mine. I love you.” I kissed her neck and she trembled underneath me.

  “I love you too, Riz.”


  “What?” She turned her head to look at me.

  “Call me Ryder, when we’re alone. You’re the only one that gets to call me that.”

  “I love you, Ryder.”

  “Let’s get this party over with so we can celebrate together in private.”


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