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Forbidden Bliss

Page 10

by Ramona Gray

  “Have you and Dane always lived together?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. We met in high school, were roommates in university, and moved in together after.”

  “When, um…”

  She licked her lips, her fingers twining restlessly around each other in her lap.

  “When did we start sleeping with women together?” Her sweet face was so easy to read.

  She nodded and I put my arm along the back of the couch, secretly satisfied when she scooted a little closer and relaxed against me.

  “We’ve been doing the threesome thing since university,” I said.

  “Do you ever sleep with women separately?”

  “We used to.” I touched Naomi’s hair, amazed all over again by how soft it was. “But rarely now. I don’t remember the last time I slept with a woman without Dane there.”

  “Three years ago.” Dane joined us in the living room and sat down on the other side of Naomi. “You hooked up with her on your vacation in Hawaii.”

  “What about you?” Naomi said to Dane.

  “It’s been years,” Dane admitted. “I prefer to have Mason joining us.”

  “It’s my preference as well,” I said.

  “Have you guys ever, uh, hooked up with each other?” Naomi asked. Her face was bright red and I could almost smell her embarrassment.

  “Nah,” Dane said. “We’re only into the ladies.”

  “What happens when one of you wants to get married and have a family?” Naomi asked.

  Dane glanced at me. We’d talked about that very thing numerous times in the past. It had always been our hope that we’d find one woman who would be willing to share us. We knew it was a long shot, but the idea of living separate lives didn’t appeal to either of us.

  I was trying to think of a way to word it when Dane’s usual bluntness kicked in.

  “We want one woman to share us both. We know it isn’t traditional but that’s what we want.”

  “Oh,” Naomi said.

  I was surprised Dane hadn’t told Naomi he wanted her to share us both. My best friend was head over heels in love with her and while I understood it, hell, I was halfway to being in love with her myself, I was thankful he hadn’t said it. Naomi wouldn’t want to be with us forever. How could she? She hardly knew us. Lust didn’t equate to love.

  She was a decade younger than us and she’d barely lived her life. She deserved to go out and meet new people, explore everything the world had to offer, rather than settle down into a life of being a wife to two men. A mother to our children.

  My chest tightened. I wanted kids and so did Dane. A whole houseful of them.

  “Do you want to get married?” Dane asked.

  “Um, eventually.” Naomi fidgeted against me. “You know, when I find the right person. My original plan was to put aside enough money to get my own place so I could escape my father. After that, I was going to save up some more money and look at taking night classes. A few of the colleges have programs where you can take evening courses to get your degree.”

  “What were you thinking of taking?” I asked.

  “Interior design.” Naomi fidgeted again. “I like decorating and designing rooms and I… I think I would be good at it. Or at least, I enjoy it enough to try and make a living from it. But now I’m revising my plan.”

  “Why’s that?” I said.

  She stared at her restless fingers. “Well, I know you said it wasn’t necessary, but I want to pay back the money you gave my father. Would you be open to talking about a payment schedule? I was thinking maybe -”

  “No,” Dane said.

  Thunderclouds danced across his forehead and I could practically see the steam rolling out from his ears.

  “Dane, chill out,” I said.

  “You’re not paying us back,” Dane said. “Ever.”

  She frowned at him. “Why do you get to take away my choice in this?”

  “Because your choice is ridiculous,” Dane said.

  “Dane!” I glared at him, but Naomi was starting to giggle.

  “You’re ridiculous,” she said but her tone was soft, and her look was affectionate.

  “We don’t need the money,” Dane said. “We’ve got loads of it, more than we’ll ever spend in our lifetimes.”

  “Oh my God,” I said. “You sound like a pretentious douchebag, Dane.”

  Naomi laughed. “Seriously though, are you guys millionaires?”

  “We’ve invested well,” I said.

  “Yup,” Dane said.

  Naomi laughed again. God, I loved the sound of it. “That’s very cool.”

  I kissed her temple, inhaling the strawberry scent of her hair. “We’ve worked our asses off the last few years to get to this point and neither of us could think of a better use of the money than helping you.”

  “Helping my father you mean.” Her voice was tinged with bitterness. “I really am sorry that you had to buy me like some prized cow from my own father.”

  “We didn’t,” I said. “We helped out a friend, someone we care about very much. That’s all.”

  She stared up at me, her beautiful blue eyes dark with emotion. “You guys saved my life, you know. And I won’t ever forget it.”

  Dane’s big hand wrapped around hers and squeezed. “We were happy to help, baby. Anything you need, you just ask us.”

  “I think I’m good for now,” she said.

  “Oh yeah? Because I saw your cell phone in the garbage,” I said.

  “My father paid for the plan. He’ll probably have it cancelled by this time tomorrow,” she said. “Besides, I don’t want to keep anything that he gave me.”

  “Why don’t we go out and get you a new one right now?” I stood and pulled Naomi to her feet.

  “What? No,” she said. “I didn’t mean – that is, I’m not asking you to get me a new cell phone. I can get my own phone and plan. Plus, we need to talk about what rent and grocery costs will be.”

  “You’re not paying rent. Food bill is split three ways,” I said.

  “I have to pay rent,” she said, “I can’t just -”

  “Do you have any credit history?” Dane steamrolled right over her protests. “A credit card in your name?”

  “No,” she said. I could practically see her deflating in front of us.

  “It’s hard to get a phone plan without some kind of credit score,” Dane said.

  “I’ll just buy a cheap phone and get, like, a pay as you go plan,” she said.

  “Or, you could let us buy you a better phone and add you to one of our plans while you apply for a credit card and build up your credit rating,” I said.

  She chewed at her bottom lip. I wanted to lean down and suck that bottom lip into my mouth. I wanted to take her back upstairs to the bedroom and sink myself into her exquisite pussy again.

  Instead, I said, “It’s the best plan, Naomi.”

  “It’s the plan where I owe you more money,” she said.

  “It’s a gift,” Dane said. “A thank you for giving us the best sex of our lives gift.”

  She turned a fiery shade of red. “I know that isn’t true. Someone with zero experience is not going to give you the best sex of your life.”

  Dane pulled her into his embrace, his hands reaching down to squeeze handfuls of that perfect ass. “Baby, your pussy was so tight and wet and perfect that when I came, I’m pretty sure my soul left my body for a few minutes.”

  “Jesus, you’re such a fucking cheeseball,” I said. “But the cheeseball is right, Naomi. Your pussy is outstanding.”

  “Outstanding?” Naomi burst into laughter before kissing Dane and then me. “You guys are great for a girl’s ego.”

  “Does that mean you’ll let us buy you a phone and set you up on a plan?”

  She nodded. “Yes. Thank you so much. I know I keep saying this, but I really am so thankful that you’re helping me.”

  “It’s our pleasure.” I pressed a soft kiss against her lips.

  * * *
br />   Mason

  “Look at this!” Naomi plopped down on the couch and showed me the screen of her new phone. “It has built-in ring tones. I can choose one for you and one for Dane, so I’ll know who’s calling or texting without even looking at the screen. How cool is that?”

  Her delight over the smallest things was something I loved about her. While we were out getting her a phone, Dane had managed to talk her into letting us buy her a laptop and a tablet as well, quieting her protests by pointing out she would need both for college.

  “I’m glad you like your new phone, sweetheart,” I said.

  She beamed at me, the happiness shining out of her in pure sweet waves. “I love it so much. I’ve never had such nice things in my life. You guys totally spoiled me today.”

  “You deserve to be spoiled,” I said.

  She laughed. “I don’t, but thank you for saying that. Dinner was also amazing. We didn’t really eat out a lot in my family so that was definitely a treat. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” I said.

  She studied her phone again before glancing at the doorway. “Where did Dane go?”

  I didn’t reply right away. During dinner when Naomi had excused herself to use the restroom, Dane and I had talked about tonight. I was anxious to see how Naomi would respond to sex that wasn’t strictly vanilla. Dane didn’t want to push her too far, too fast, but I argued that it was better for us to find out now if she really did like kink and if she enjoyed being dominated in bed, before we became too involved with her.

  Dane still wanted to wait, still insisted that he would be happy with just vanilla sex, but I knew him better than that. Hell, even this morning hadn’t been completely vanilla. Neither of us could help it. We wanted to dominate Naomi in the bedroom and denying what we wanted would only result in frustration for all three of us.

  “Mason?” Naomi’s soft hand rested on my thigh and my cock immediately went to half-mast. Fuck, she had no idea what her simple touch did to me.

  “He’s waiting for us in the bedroom, sweetheart.”

  Her cheeks flushed. “Why didn’t you say something earlier?”

  “Because you were excited about your new phone.”

  She chucked the phone on the couch beside her. “Screw the new phone.”

  I bellowed laughter and her timid smile turned more natural. “I didn’t actually mean that because I love the phone, but I also really want to have sex with you guys again.”

  I stood and she took my offered hand, following me out of the living room and up the stairs. My stomach was tense with nerves. What if she didn’t like what she saw when I opened the door. What if her assurances that she was willing to try kink in the bedroom was just something she had said to make us happy?

  As much as I wanted a cuffed and collared Naomi on her knees in front of me, I wouldn’t – couldn’t – do that to her if it wasn’t something she really wanted.

  We stepped into the bedroom. Dane was standing beside the bed, his normally inscrutable expression replaced with an anxiety I’d never seen on him before. Unease trickled into my belly. If Naomi wasn’t into the kink or being dominated, did Dane love her so much that he would deny who he really was? What he really wanted?

  “Dane, what’s…”

  Naomi’s soft voice trailed off as her cheeks pinked. I followed her gaze to the bed, wondering what she thought of the pink leather collar and matching cuffs sitting in front of the pillow. Wondering what she thought of the delicate but strong silver chains that were pooled on the bed in front of the cuffs.

  “Baby, are you all right?” Dane couldn’t hide his anxiety.

  “I guess it’s not just vanilla sex tonight, huh?” Naomi said.

  “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” Dane assured her.

  She turned toward me, and I smiled at her. “You don’t have to wear them, Naomi.”

  “I want to.”

  That simple statement sent my cock from half-mast straight into a throbbing painful erection.

  “C’mere, baby.” Dane’s voice had turned eager.

  She took a deep breath and dropped my hand, walking to Dane who had picked up the collar. She touched the soft leather before taking another deep breath. “How, um, how many other women have worn this?”

  “No one.” I’d moved up behind them and she twitched when I pressed a soft kiss against the back of her shoulder. “It and the cuffs are brand new.”

  “When did you buy them?” she asked Dane. “I just agreed this morning to try some, uh, kinky stuff and we’ve been together all day.”

  She studied him before turning to me. “Is he blushing?”

  I laughed. “He’s blushing.”

  Dane made a grunt of annoyance. “I don’t blush.”

  “Why is he blushing?” Naomi asked with a small smile.

  “Because he doesn’t want to admit that he bought the collar and cuffs for you about a week after you started working for him.”

  Her mouth dropped open. Mother of God, the idea of pushing her to her knees and filling that beautiful mouth with my cock was almost too difficult to resist.

  “You bought it… but, why?” she said.

  “Because I wanted to fuck you the very second I saw you,” Dane said.

  “You have such a way with words,” I said.

  Naomi was blushing and smiling. “I like how blunt he is. Until the two of you, I didn’t really think I was that pretty, my mom always said I was too fat to find a good-looking boy, so it’s nice to know you want me even if I am fat. It… it makes me feel good.”

  Without even thinking about it, I put my arm around Naomi’s waist and gave her two hard slaps to the ass. She squealed and rubbed at her butt through her jeans as Dane gave me a what the fuck look.

  “If you say unkind things about yourself, you get a spanking. Is that clear?” I said.

  “Yes,” she said.

  I spanked her again, my cock pressing against my jeans at the sound it made when my hand connected with her ass. Fuck, I wished she was naked, wished I could see the bright red of my handprint fill in on her pale ass.

  “Ouch!” She rubbed her ass again, glaring at me. “I didn’t say anything bad about myself.”

  “No, but you didn’t address me properly. Try again,” I said.

  “Yes, sir,” she said, but there was impudence in her voice.

  My hand itched. I couldn’t wait to spank that impudence out of her. Couldn’t wait to hear her moaning and begging for more. Couldn’t wait to see how wet her little pussy would be after her spanking.

  Slow down, asshole.

  I pushed my hands behind my back as Naomi stared up at Dane before lifting up her long hair. Dane’s hands were shaking as he placed the collar around her neck and buckled it. It was snug but not too tight and he handed me a cuff. Naomi held out her wrists obediently as we put a cuff around each wrist. She hadn’t said a word, but her eyes were bright, and her cheeks were flushed, and I knew her well enough now to know she was turned on.

  My cock was impossibly hard, and Dane had already stripped off his t-shirt and was unbuttoning his jeans.

  “How do they look?” Naomi said.

  “Beautiful.” Dane shoved his jeans down his legs, and I heard the audible click in Naomi’s throat when she stared at his dick.

  “Come here, baby.” Dane held out his hand to Naomi.

  As he stripped her naked, I attached the chains to the eye hooks embedded in the headboard before removing my own clothes. By the time I joined them, Dane had Naomi completely naked and his hand was between her legs.

  She moaned and wiggled, her hands clutching at his broad shoulders as I stared at her perfect ass. I was going to fuck that perfect ass in the very near future and just the thought made precum drip from my dick.

  Dane grinned at me before kissing Naomi on the mouth. “Baby, Mason needs your help.”

  She whined when he removed his hand from between her legs. His fingers were dripping wet and mor
e precum leaked out of my slit. Fuck, I needed her mouth so bad.

  Dane turned Naomi to face me. Her face was flushed and her eyes bright with need. She stared at my cock as Dane cupped her tits and tugged on her nipples. “You’re going to be our good girl and suck Mason’s cock.”

  “I’ve never, um….”

  “We know.” Dane kissed the side of her neck just above her collar.

  He pressed on her shoulders and I stepped forward as Naomi knelt, her knees sinking into the plush carpet. Dane stroked her long hair as she stared up at him.

  “Do you want a pillow to kneel on, sweetheart?” I said.

  “No, I’m good. Just a little nervous,” she said.

  “Don’t be nervous, baby,” Dane petted her hair again, “nothing you do will be wrong. I promise.”

  “Except for biting,” I said solemnly. “No biting.”

  Naomi stared wide-eyed at me and when I winked and snapped my teeth at her, she burst into sweet giggles. “No biting… got it.”

  I stepped closer until my cock was almost touching her full mouth. Ignoring my urge to just shove my dick down her throat, I gripped the base as Dane stroked Naomi’s hair. “Have a taste of Mason’s cock, baby.”

  I groaned when her soft pink tongue licked her lips. I couldn’t wait to have that tongue on my… motherfucking hell!

  I groaned, my hips jerking forward when Naomi’s tongue licked away the precum beading out of my slit. She made a startled cry, leaning back against Dane’s thighs as she stared up at me. “I – was that wrong?”

  “No,” I rasped, tightening my hand around the base of my dick to stop myself from cumming. Jesus, what the hell was wrong with me?

  “Control, Mason,” Dane said.

  “I know,” I said. Heat was rising in my cheeks. Since when the fuck did I almost cum from having a woman lick my dick?

  Not just a woman. Naomi. The girl you love.

  I took a deep breath, pushing down my inner voice. I liked Naomi a lot, but I hadn’t known her long enough to be in love. I wasn’t a fucking romantic sap like Dane.

  “Try again, baby,” Dane encouraged.

  Naomi took a deep breath as I willed myself to find the control Dane was talking about. This time, Naomi closed her mouth around the head of my cock and my head fell back, my hand fisting the shaft as Naomi sucked tentatively.


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