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Animal’s Reformation

Page 1

by Wilder, Chiah




  Copyright © 2019 by Chiah Wilder

  Kindle Edition

  Editing by Lisa Cullinan

  Cover design by Cheeky Covers

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Please purchase only authorized additions, and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials.

  Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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  Insurgent MC Series:

  Hawk’s Property

  Jax’s Dilemma

  Chas’s Fervor

  Axe’s Fall

  Banger’s Ride

  Jerry’s Passion

  Throttle’s Seduction

  Rock’s Redemption

  An Insurgent’s Wedding

  Outlaw Xmas

  Wheelie’s Challenge

  Christmas Wish

  Insurgents MC Romance Series: Insurgents Motorcycle Club Box Set (Books 1 – 4)

  Insurgents MC Romance Series: Insurgents Motorcycle Club Box Set (Books 5 – 8)

  Night Rebels MC Series:








  Nomad Biker Romance Series:



  Steamy Contemporary Romance:

  My Sexy Boss


  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Notes from Chiah

  Author’s Note

  Other Books by Chiah Wilder


  Streams of warm water ran over Melanie Eaton’s bare back as she stood beneath the shower spray in hopes that it would calm her fraying nerves. She slowly let out a breath, fighting back the bile burning her throat. She couldn’t believe that she’d agreed to meet Hunter Lewis.

  What the hell was I thinking? I’m not ready for this. The slight tingle between her legs was an evident reminder of exactly why she’d agreed to meet her online boyfriend. It’d been so long since she’d enjoyed any male attention, and the loneliness that had permeated her life was unbearable. When Hunter had shown an interest in her, Melanie had been flattered, and over the course of four months she’d fallen in love with him. And now we’ll be spending the weekend together. As much as the thought thrilled Melanie, if she wasn’t careful, her nerves would get the better of her, and Hunter would see a trembling mess of insecurities instead of the confident and flirty woman she’d pretended to be.

  Melanie closed her eyes and leaned back against the slick tiles. Everything would be all right because Hunter was the man she’d been yearning for, and the things he said to her made her believe she was the perfect woman for him. It’ll be nice to have someone to go out with, to cook for, and to make love to. She smiled as shivers skated across her skin. But … you don’t know if he’s really who he says he is. Melanie shushed the small voice in the back of her mind—the one that had been thwarting all spontaneity in her life ever since she was a little girl. For once, she ignored it and made plans to spend a wonderful weekend with the man she loved.

  The day before, Hunter’s strong, deep, and sexy voice silenced the faint warning bells in her brain, and she’d be damned if she was going to pay attention to them now—not when she was this close to a life of happiness and love. She sighed and brushed her fingers across her breasts while she pictured Hunter’s full lips wrapped around her nipples.

  Then she heard it, a sharp indistinguishable noise over the rush of water. Her eyes snapped open and she wiped the steam off the glass doors and peered through them. Nothing. But then again, it was hard to see through the mist. These damn nerves of mine! Melanie shook her head and watched the drops of water trickle down the shower doors. Oh God! Her wet hands flattened on the tiles in an attempt to hold her balance. Did she see a shadow dart by the open doorway? A shiver sneaked up her spine. Eyes blinking, she opened the shower door a tiny bit and stared at the patch of light spilling from the bathroom onto the camel carpet in the hallway. I’m just being silly. No one’s out there. I’m sure I locked the dead bolt. For a long second, panic gripped her. Didn’t I lock it? Melanie squeezed her eyes shut, frantically trying to remember her earlier actions. I’m sure I did. Get a hold of yourself. Relax. Hunter will be here soon. The thought of meeting him for the first time helped to divert her attention from irrational fear to contained excitement.

  After turning off the water, Melanie stepped out of the stall and wrapped the large plush towel around her. When Hunter had asked her to find a small hotel for them, she’d decided to splurge and booked a small suite at one of the finer boutique hotels in Green Mountain Falls. The only requirements he’d had was that the place be small, secluded, and romantic, and she succeeded on all three points.

  Melanie ran her fingers through her long brunette hair and looked into her blue eyes reflecting in the mirror. She was pretty sure Hunter would like what he saw because she’d made it a point to send real pictures of herself, and the way he complimented her made her feel special and cherished—something she’d never felt from a man before meeting Hunter.

  She slipped on her robe then towel dried her hair, glancing at the time on the cell phone every few seconds. Hunter would be there in twenty minutes so she had to speed it up. She turned on the blowdryer, and as she ran the warm air through her hair, she heard something coming from the other room. Turning off the dryer, she stood silent and alert, her ears straining to pick up any unusual sound. There was nothing. Just the muted voices across the hall, the soft blowing of the heater fan, and the low rumble of the elevator as the doors shut. That was all … nothing out of the ordinary.

  Cinching the belt tighter around her small waist, Melanie sucked in a deep breath, grasped on to the doorjamb, and tried to look into the small living area—but all she saw was darkness. Cursing herself for not leaving a light on, she put one foot in front of the other as she made her way toward a pretty crystal f
loor lamp she’d seen when she’d first arrived. Groping the smooth glass base, she tried to find the switch as icy fear pebbled her skin. A sigh of relief escaped from her lips when her fingers finally turned it on. She held her breath in anticipation of a warm flood of light, but nothing happened. Dammit! Melanie kept turning the switch over and over as if by some miracle light would appear. Nothing. Groaning, she looked around the dim room trying to find another lamp and spotted one by the sliding glass doors. Earlier she’d gone out on the balcony and watched the town’s twinkling lights sparkle in the distance. Maybe I forgot to lock the balcony door. Of course she was being paranoid again—something that her friends and family accused her of far too often. Who would want to climb up three stories to come into her room? When she thought of it that way, it really did sound paranoid and crazy.

  Throwing her shoulders back and her head held high, she strode toward the second lamp in the room and switched it on. A golden glow filled the room, washing over the floral paintings on the sable-colored walls, the overstuffed sofa, and the glass-topped coffee table. Everything appeared normal, but why did she sense that something was out of place?

  Folding her arms around herself, she turned to look out through the sliding glass door. The lights in the distance winked at her and she focused on them in a vain attempt to alleviate the eerie feeling that someone was in the room with her.

  A wisp of warm air caressed the back of her neck and she stiffened. In the glass’s reflection, she saw someone behind her. Oh God!

  “Melanie?” a deep voice whispered.

  I know that voice. It’s … “Hunter?” She whirled around and met the penetrating gaze of the man she loved. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  He let out a rumbling chuckle and gently touched her cheek with his warm fingers, then spoke, “Is that anyway to greet your boyfriend?” A glint flashed in his eyes … or was it a twinkle?

  Something was off, but Melanie was so relieved to see him that she pushed the nagging feeling aside and grasped his hands. “I’m sorry, but you startled me. How did you get into the room?”

  “You left the door unlocked. I wanted to surprise you, so I came in.” Hunter’s gaze ran over her, and all of a sudden she felt self-conscious.

  Melanie stepped back and smoothed down her frizzing hair. “I look a mess. I lost track of the time and haven’t finished getting ready yet.”

  Hunter pulled her into him, hugging her tightly. “You look beautiful just as you are.” He backed away a bit, then cupped her chin and tilted her head back so she looked directly into his eyes. “You’re perfect. I’ve been waiting a long time for someone like you.” He dipped his head and pressed his lips on hers.

  Melanie closed her eyes and got lost in the warmth spreading through her body. She wrapped her arms around his narrow waist and relished the feel of his mouth pleasuring hers. Suddenly, he broke away and turned her toward the balcony.

  “You’re too much, my sweet. I want to take this a bit slower.”

  “Me too,” she whispered. For the longest time she’d fantasized being in his arms, feeling his lips on hers, and now that he was here, her body was tingling with desire.

  For a few seconds, she waited for him to reclaim her and pull her against him. Then he was behind her again and she leaned into him, loving the hardness of his chest, the warmth of his body against hers. One of Hunter’s arms went around her neck and she ran her fingers over it, gently tugging at the hair on his forearm. He pressed tighter across her neck and she coughed slightly, a single thread of panic weaving through her.

  “You’re hurting me,” she rasped, trying to push him away.

  “Am I, my sweet?”

  Tears streaked down her face as her throat constricted. “Please.”

  “This will calm you,” he whispered.

  A sweet medicinal smell invaded her nostrils, and before Melanie could process it, a white cloth covered her nose and mouth. What’s going on? I can’t breathe! With muffled cries, she twisted and squirmed to break free, but Hunter was too strong. She struggled to get her breath, but the more she fought, the more she breathed in the sweet substance. Chloroform? Probably. How had something so right turned into something so horribly wrong?

  As Melanie clawed at his arms, he rubbed his face against her hair. “You’re so beautiful. You’re just perfect. I love you, my sweet angel,” he kept saying as the fight in her began to wane.

  After what seemed like an eternity, the spinning room began to shrink as blackness spread in front of her vision and blocked out the lights. Her knees felt like rubber and her hands fell down by her side as she slowly slipped away.

  Melanie’s lids fluttered open. The room was dark except for the light peeking out from the bathroom. Her eyes darted around in search of Hunter but smudged outlines of the furniture were all that she could see. A warm rush of air played over her body, and she turned to stare at the rumbling heater in the corner of the room. Goosebumps prickled Melanie’s skin, and she gasped in horror realizing that she was lying on the bed naked. She tried to cover herself, but her arms wouldn’t move, and it was at that moment she knew she was in big trouble. Hunter had secured her wrists to the posts of the bed, and when she tried to move her legs, her heart sank—they were also tied up.

  “Hunter? Where are you? Why are you doing this to me?” Tears laced her quivering voice, and then she saw him emerge from the shadows. With a furrowed brow and a penetrating gaze, he moved toward her until he stopped at the side of the bed. He was naked also, and his eyes roamed up and down her body. She turned her head away in embarrassment.

  “You’re just like I pictured you would be. So beautiful. So tempting.” Hunter reached out and buried his fingers in her hair. “So soft.” He grasped her chin with his other hand and turned her face to him. Dipping his head down, he pressed his lips against hers.

  Melanie recoiled from his touch and tried to move away from him, but she couldn’t; she was helpless … and scared out of her mind.

  “Why do you rebuke me?” he whispered as he ran his hand down the length of her body then back up until it rested on her breasts. “So fucking tempting,” he muttered as he pinched her nipple. “You belong to me … body and soul. I’ve waited so long for this.”

  Melanie saw lust and evilness in his eyes. She cried out “Help! Help me!” but he quickly cupped his hand over her mouth then slapped a piece of tape over it. Her insides trembled as tears streaked her face, and then she saw it—a long knife with an ivory handle. No! This can’t be happening! Hunter loves me. Why’s he doing this? No!

  The blade of the knife was smooth and cool against her flesh. She stared at Hunter, silently pleading with him to untie her, but if he noticed her fear or discomfort, he didn’t acknowledge it. Instead, he hovered over her, his handsome face not more than an inch or two from hers. “You smell like an English garden, my sweet.” He peppered her face with feathery kisses while the knife moved across her skin.

  Melanie moaned and struggled, but each movement she made seemed to fuel his depraved lust even more, so she stopped and lay there, waiting for the inevitable. Hunter positioned himself between her legs and ran the tip of the knife gently over her private parts. Terror filled her lungs and her breathing became labored. All she could do was pray that her death would be quick.

  “I can’t get over how beautiful you are. You’re my favorite one so far.” He pressed his mouth over her nipple and sucked it tenderly.

  Melanie’s eyes widened. So far? How many women has he done this to?

  Hunter pulled away, his gleaming eyes bored into hers. “It’s time, my sweet.” He held his shaft in his hand then plunged it into her. The pain seared through her and she shut her eyes and clenched her teeth while he violently raped her. His heavy breathing filled up the room until he grunted then stopped moving. She could still feel him inside her, and she peeked out from under her barely opened eyelids as he knelt between her legs with his head thrown back.

  “So fucking good,” he

  A silver glint shone in front of her; a sliver of moonlight seemed to make the knife’s blade glow. Oh, God, no! Even though she tried to look away, she couldn’t. The shimmering blade rested on the side of her neck. Her gaze snapped up to Hunter, but he wasn’t looking at her. His focus was on the knife and a slow grin spread over his face.

  There was no pain. Just a sudden warm stream running down her skin. A metallic scent assaulted her nostrils as the blood filled her lungs. Melanie tried to cough, to scream, but her voice had been silenced forever. As the life drained out of her, she heard a feral cry coming from Hunter. He slammed into her again as his warm release spilled inside her.

  “We are now one, my sweet.”

  The pressure of his lips on hers was the last thing Melanie felt as she slipped into darkness.

  Chapter One

  Olivia opened the door to Kory’s apartment, and her heart sunk as she heard high-pitched moans greeting her. Dammit … not porn again.

  “Oh, yeah, baby … yeah … ohhh …”

  After a long day filled with screaming kids and irate parents, the last thing she wanted was to play out some porn fantasy Kory was watching. All she wanted to do was change into her comfy pajamas, make a grilled cheese sandwich, and get lost in a corny romantic comedy. Donning handcuffs and stilettos were not in her Thursday night plans. Not. At. All.

  Olivia dropped her briefcase with a thud on the kitchen table and shrugged out of her parka. She’d build a fire, curl up in front of it, and pretend not to hear all of the lusty moans blasting from Kory’s—now their—bedroom.

  “Olivia?” Kory said. From the sound of it, she could tell he was excited and that her plans for a quiet night had just been crushed.

  Fuck! “Yeah?”

  “Come on up here.” She heard more short pants and squeaks.

  Yeah … he’s excited all right. Olivia’s mouth turned downward. Since she’d moved in a month before, they’d screwed more times than they’d talked. Kory was insatiable, and half the time she was rubbing sore muscles from all the positions he kept twisting her in. It was ridiculous and it made her rethink her rashness in setting up house with him after only a few weeks of dating.


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