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The Beast Within

Page 11

by Rachel M Raithby

  Decision made, Becca turned the truck around and headed into Old Town, for Crane and Motorcycle repairs.

  Becca knew something was wrong the second she walked in. The bike wasn’t in the main shop and when Dave walked out of his office, he was wringing his hands, nervously glancing behind himself.

  “Hey. Where’s my bike?”

  He paused. Her stomach dropped. Already, her every nerve screamed run. Becca glanced around the shop expecting Alex to appear at any moment.

  “Well, here’s the thing, Becca. You see, I…”

  Becca took a step back, knowing what Dave was going to say. “He got to you, didn’t he?” she asked, her voice a grave whisper.

  “The b-bike is stolen,” he stammered in reply.

  Becca swallowed her terror. She couldn’t spend the rest of her life living in fear. “Did you call the police?” she asked firmly.

  “He rang me. S-said to call when you were coming.”

  Becca’s fists clenched. “When?”

  Dave only stared at her, dumbfounded.

  “When did he ring you? Is he here?” she screamed.


  Every hair on the back of her neck rose in warning.

  “Of course I’m here, Becca. Did you really think you could leave me?”

  Her chest constricted, heart pounding a relentless drum to her fear. Turning, Becca took in the man of her nightmares. I’m such an idiot. I should have never stopped running.

  “Y-you need to leave now b-before my boss comes back,” Dave said from behind her.

  Becca felt anger wash over her like molten liquid. Her boots echoed off the walls as she marched toward Dave. “You’ve no idea what you’ve done. Alex Scar isn’t the type of man to thank you for your services. You’ve rained hell down on your idyllic little town.”

  Dave visibly whitened.

  “Oh, Bec, you’ve always been one for drama. Now be a good girl and come home. I promise not to hurt you…much.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you,” she ground out.

  He moved like a snake, closing the distance between them and striking her with sharp snapping movements. Catching her cheekbone, Becca felt the sting as her skin split, then the warmth of blood as it trickled down her face.

  “That’s for stealing my baby, and harming her.”

  His next blow knocked her backward into a moving table, covered in tools.

  “And that’s for killing Tony. You know, Becca, I might have let you go if you’d slipped away quietly. Instead though, you killed my man and stole my bike.”

  “That’s bullshit! You’d have never let me go.”

  Shaking his head, the smile that spread on Alex’s face was slow and cruel.

  As he rushed for her, Becca’s hand gripped around the smooth metal of a tool beneath her fingers. Swinging it hard, it connected with Alex’s skull and knocked him to the floor. Taking her split second window, Becca ran for the office, slamming the door and locking it behind her. The door on the opposite side led out the back of the building. Sitting repaired and shiny like new was Alex’s motorcycle. Rushing back inside as Alex rammed his shoulder into the locked door, Becca searched the cabinet of keys, finding the bike’s set.

  Racing from the office as Alex smashed through, she climbed on, kicking the foot peg, and slid in the key, saying a silent prayer that it would run. The bike roared to life beneath her — a sleek, lethal animal.

  Becca didn’t look back as she peeled out of the yard, gravel and dust in her wake. If she was quick, she’d make it back to Aster’s before Alex did, enabling her to grab her things and leave. She only wished she had been able to say goodbye to Aster. Her heart hurt when she pictured his face when he realized she’d fled, when she’d promised she wouldn’t.

  Why did you fall for him, Becca? Why?

  She hung up on me! Gazing at his phone, Aster first felt rage. His Minotaur surged forward, fingers briefly becoming enlarged. He closed his fists and walked quickly away from the other workers. Gritting his teeth against the beast inside, his rage dissipated, leaving a hard knot in his stomach, and an urgency to find Becca.

  Marching to his supervisor, Aster informed him of an emergency. Not giving any more explanation or waiting for permission to leave, he jogged off-site seconds later. Once away from prying eyes, Aster slipped into the trees, first ripping his T-shirt from his chest, then discarding his boots. The Minotaur took control. Skin darkening, claws descending, Aster moved with inhuman speed, and saw with crystal clarity, even within the heavily shaded forest. Every step he took brought him closer to Becca, yet the knot in his stomach only grew. It wasn’t that he thought Becca had lied. He truly believed she’d meant it when she said they’d meet as planned. But his gut said something was wrong. His instincts said run, protect.

  The forest brought him no joy as he darted through the trees. Freedom meant nothing without Becca, and even with his Minotaur speed, the journey took too long.

  Shifting took some concentration. On edge and with his blood pumping with a need to find her, Aster struggled to make himself look human again. Running through the streets of Woodland Creek, wearing only his jeans, his chest covered in a fine layer of sweat, he turned onto the road that would take him to Crane’s Motorcycle and Repair.

  Hearing the distant rumble of a bike, he urged himself forward. Aster glimpsed Becca racing from Crane’s yard, dust and gravel flying into the air behind her. Seconds later, a black SUV screeched to a stop out the front of the shop, and three men clambered into it.

  “Becca!” he yelled over the roar of racing engines.

  Becca was leaving the bedroom when the sound of a rumbling engine approached out front. Rushing for the front door, Becca slid the bolt across, and ran back into the bedroom to leave the note she’d scribbled on the bed.

  One word she’d written, but in that one word, she’d poured her hopes and dreams. She shouldn’t have wasted time finding the paper and pen to start with, but whether Becca escaped or died today, she wanted to go knowing Aster had that one final word from her.

  Quietly slipping out of the back door as Alex called her name, his voice full of annoyance and a thread of excitement. Becca’s heart gave a lurch as she realized she’d only created a game for Alex to enjoy. He’d hunt her with glee, and crush her with a twisted smile on his face. She dashed across the grass, her backpack over her shoulder, her heart in her throat, and urgency pounding through her blood.

  “Boss! This way.”

  Damn it!

  Stumbling through the forest, breathing heavily and her heart racing with fear, Becca wasn’t even sure why she was going this way. She followed the same path she’d taken the day before to a spot that had brought her such joy.

  Aster found his truck parked out the front of the repair shop. Crossing the road, Aster didn’t slow down as he approached his vehicle. Wrenching the door open, he let out his breath when he found the keys still in the ignition. Starting the engine, the back tires spun as he slammed his foot on the accelerator. He turned sharply and speed after Becca and her pursuers.

  Taking the roads to his remote cabin at ridiculous speeds, urgency and anger like fire in his blood, Aster had no hope of suppressing his beast. His muscles shifted as the Minotaur pushed to the surface, the pressure in his skull from his horns immense.

  I want their blood. She’s ours, his beast snarled.

  Parking his truck across the grass next to the black SUV, he slammed it into park and leapt from the driver’s seat, not bothering to shut off the engine or close the driver’s door. Becca’s bike was discarded near the side of the cabin. Racing inside through his destroyed door, Aster’s heart thumped against his chest, each pound could be felt pulsing down his neck.

  Inside there was nothing but silence. Becca’s scent lingered in the air, fresh but not strong enough for her to still be there. First checking to see if she’d retrieved her things, Aster found Becca’s bag gone and a hastily scrawled note on his bed. Sorry. One word. Even as sh
e’d raced for her life, Becca had found the time to apologize. He didn't know if he was happy she’d thought of him or angry at her for wasting precious seconds on a note, Aster retraced his steps, heading back through his broken door and around the side of the cabin. In the back yard, he picked up Becca’s trail. Her scent so familiar it was embedded in his own skin.

  She’d crossed the grass, and headed into the trees, taking the route she’d woven through only the day before to draw. More scents mingled with hers the farther he ventured into the forest, the sound of the river ahead making it hard to pick up any footsteps.

  A scream filled the air, freezing his heart. Increasing his speed, Aster lost the grip on his beast. Shifting, the trees blurred past him as he skimmed the ground, his Minotaur a silent predator. Halting at the edge of the tree line, hidden in the shadows, Aster spotted Becca. His breath caught, his chest clenched painfully tight, and the uncontrollable rage of his beast filled every cell of his being.

  Alex Scar. Aster recalled the way she’d said his name, her voice haunted and full of untold nightmares.

  A deadly calm settled over him. Together, his halves worked in unison for the first time in a long time. Both man and beast loved Becca, and to save her, they had to work as one.

  “Alex Scar, your life is mine.” He sounded nothing human, his voice full of the barely contained power of the beast he was. Stepping from the trees, Aster might have looked human to the unsuspecting eyes, but within, his blood called for vengeance.

  Deep down she’d known there was no outrunning Alex. Even as she’d stolen his bike and raced away, she’d known he’d eventually catch her, but Becca knew there were worse things than death. As the river appeared in front of her, raging and ferocious, she knew why she’d returned to this spot. There was beauty here. Mother Nature at its wild heart, the thundering water spoke of danger, promised death. That was why she was here. If she couldn’t live in the world with Aster, she’d rather not live at all.

  Jumping, Becca went to her freedom.

  For a brief moment, Aster felt relief. Alex had caught her. He’d stopped Becca from plunging into the icy depths of the river. But then Alex threw her to the ground, kicking her like she meant nothing, and the rage returned, renewed, alight with the flames of retribution.

  Walking from the trees, his muscles quivered as he strained for control. His skull hurt as he denied his Minotaur freedom. This had to be done with care. First, Aster needed to get Becca out of Alex’s hold; then he’d let the beast free; then he’d spill blood.

  Struggling as Alex dragged her to her feet, Becca refused to let her tears fall, to acknowledge the pain steadily humming through her body. His hand closed around her throat as he forced her back flush against his body and pulled her hair to the side so he could whisper in her ear. “Now, now, Becca, you didn’t really think I’d allow you to get away that easily, did you? Oh, don’t worry, your death will come, but first I’d like a little fun, for old time’s sake.” His hand ran roughly through her hair, then dropped and stopped at her breast where he squeezed hard, causing pain.

  “Go to hell, Alex,” Becca spat, fighting against him.

  His lips touched her cheek, before he bit her neck. The sharp bite of pain caused Becca to cry out. “I’ll meet you there.”


  Becca looked up as Alex’s men stood to attention. Sucking in a breath as Aster walked from the shadow of the trees, hope surged through her.

  Alex lifted his gun, firing a single round. It hit the ground a few feet from Aster.

  “No,” Becca gasped. Strength renewed, she fought against Alex’s hold.

  “I wouldn’t step another foot, if I were you,” Alex called.

  Aster didn’t listen. Becca’s heart pounded in her chest, the sound of her blood racing through her veins deafening. Yet as Aster grew nearer, Becca realized there was something not quite right. He looked different. The set of his mouth was strained with effort, and his body trembled. Gazing into his eyes, it took all her effort not to shout in surprise. They were glowing, the copper of his irises bright and fierce. Yet even as his skin darkened before her eyes, Becca didn’t feel fear. She didn’t understand what was happening, but his presence soothed her terror, made her feel safe, even though she was held by a man holding a gun, and was surrounded by four more doing the same.

  Tightening the hold on her throat until it became difficult to breath, Alex called, “Stop where you are, otherwise pretty Becca here won’t be breathing.”

  Aster stopped.

  “Who do we have here, Becca? Replaced me so quickly? I’m hurt,” Alex said, not releasing her throat.

  Aster gazed at the man who spoke, his anger barely contained, and his body fighting to shift. Becca strained for breath as Alex continued to cut off her airways, his other hand stroking her hair as if she were a pet.

  Voice rough and breath heavy, Aster spoke, aware he had the slimmest hold on the beast inside. A beast that had been dormant for too long, a beast who’d not had the taste of fresh blood in years. “Let her go.”

  “Let her go?” he laughed back. “But she’s mine. Hasn’t she told you I own her?”

  “I said, let her go,” Aster growled, taking a few steps toward them. He could feel his blood boiling, the strength from his other half filling his veins.

  Alex’s smile faltered, a flicker of fear running over his face before his expression turned twisted and cold, showing the evil man he kept hidden. “Kill him.”

  “No,” Becca rasped, slamming her foot down on Alex’s.

  Aster roared as Becca escaped Alex’s grip. Gunfire rained around them, filling the once quiet forest.

  For once, Aster intentionally let his other half out. Dropping his hold on his Minotaur, his body grew, muscles bulging to twice their size, and his head morphed, becoming angular and growing horns. The first gunman Aster snapped like a twig, the man not even putting up a fight, too stunned by what he’d seen. Bullets embedded into his skin, but to his Minotaur, they were mere pricks. He’d lost all thought, the beast inside him in full control and wanting one thing. Blood.

  Screams joined the gun fire. Blood coated the forest, forever tainted. Only one man stood between Aster and Alex. The man, black in color and tall in stature, held his gun steady, even though his knees shook.

  “What are you waiting for? SHOOT HIM,” Alex yelled as he ran for the cover of trees.

  The man Alex had left behind fired as he ran backward, but he was no match for Aster even bleeding and hit numerous times. He’d waited so long to find his female, and to find her and then have her threatened before their fragile bond had a chance to flourish caused the ancient beast inside Aster to lose its mind.

  Death. Their deaths are mine. He didn’t see faces, just objects to tear apart.

  His yell echoed off the trees, fierce and terrifying. Storming after Alex, his feet caused fine cracks in the earth with each step, then he leapt, bringing Alex to the ground. Blood coated one side of Alex’s face as he wiggled free and scrambled back, one leg dragging uselessly.

  Alex had no smart words as he met his death. He held the power no longer. Meeting his end in a bloody beating, until his face was unrecognizable, consisting of nothing but smashed bone and pulverized flesh. It was the death he deserved.

  “Aster? A-Aster?”

  Aster turned, the figure before him a haze. His fists clenched, his mind seeing red.

  Becca had followed Aster as he’d given chase after Alex. She’d been afraid for Aster, even after he’d taken bullets and killed men with inhuman strength. Yet her mind couldn’t comprehend what she was seeing. She couldn’t fathom that there may be someone more deadly than Alex Scar in the world. Alex had been the focus of her every nightmare for the past two years. She’d seen him deliver torture with glee, kill with joy, and laugh at the defenseless. Not once had she imagined he’d meet his end so quickly, with fear in his eyes and his cruel laughter dead in his throat.

  The product of her nightmares was fin
ally gone. She was free, but when she whispered Aster’s name, she saw something altogether different and terrifying. A new face would haunt her dreams now, and yet a small part of her wanted to go to the beast. Wanted to find Aster in the otherworldly depths of his eyes.

  Stumbling back, Becca’s heart stuttered as the beast that had once been Aster turned its enraged gaze on her. She slipped in the blood-soaked grass. Her heart like a jackhammer, she clambered back to her feet. “Aster, it’s me.”

  Its breaths were heavy and rapid. Its chest heaved as its muscles shook. As it took a step toward her, tears dripped down her face, but she held her ground. She’d been running for most of her adult life. It was time she stopped.

  Searching his face, Becca looked for the man she’d fallen for. “Aster, please, it’s me…B-Becca.” Her voice trembled as he towered above her. Staring up into the bull-like face, Becca could see hidden in the depths of its rage, Aster struggling to get out. “I’m safe now,” she whispered as it clenched its fists. “You kept me safe.”

  Her hand moved on its own accord. Reaching out and on her tiptoes, Becca gently cupped her hand against his face. “I’m safe now. You can come back.”

  She did not know where the instinct to touch him had come from, but as her thumb rubbed slowly, Aster began to appear, his features changing and shrinking until there was no trace of the beast who’d killed in such rage.

  “You didn’t run,” Aster rasped, his face full of wonder.

  “I’ve done enough running. I won’t anymore.”

  He dropped to his knees in a pained gasp.

  “Aster?” Her heart pounded, a different kind of fear racing through her blood. He was coated in blood, a lot of it his own. “Oh, God, you need a hospital.”

  “No,” he ground out through gritted teeth. “Help me back to the cabin.”

  How she managed to support some of his weight, she wasn’t sure. But after steadily making their way through the trees, they stumbled into the cabin. Aster collapsed the second he made it through the door.


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