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Minecraft: Diary of a Stoic Steve Book 3 (Unofficial Minecraft Book) (The Undiscovered Minecraft World)

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by Stoic Steve

  The walk back to my house was slower this time, as the cows did not listen to me and stopped every few feet to eat or look around.

  I was forced to take a fallen branch of a tree and lead them a little forcefully to the farm. Once again, I opened the gate, but for my dismay the pigs tried to get out.

  Shoo, shoo…

  I started yelling.

  Go back inside… shoo, shoo…

  The animals scared easily and all four of them entered the farm.

  That is how I not only built a farm, but also found the animals to put in it.

  Chapter 7

  Day Six – The Importance of Water

  The first thing I did when I woke up the next morning was to go and see how my new animals were. I was happy to see that they were fine and happy to be in there. I went to cut and bring them some grass, but the problem with the water was still unsolved.

  I went to take some water for them in my bucket, but knew that I needed to find some more permanent solution. I examined carefully the terrain around the farm and chose a clear space across the clearing. On it, I built something like an open box of stone blocks. Then I used the bucket to fill it with water.


  It wasn’t an easy job to carry the water from the lake, but I knew that that was the only way. When I filled the pool I saw that it was very ugly with no ornaments, so I had the brilliant idea to craft it a little.

  I used my laser vision to do so, but unfortunately I did not aim well and ended up shooting the block and destroying the pool.

  Ohhhh, nooooooooooo…

  I shouted desperately, as now I needed to redo all the work.

  On my second trip to the lake I walked slower, as I was already tired. The day was coming to its end and I knew that sooner than later the monsters would be coming out.

  In fact, I could see something black and strange swimming in the lake. I could not see them clearly, but those strange creatures were coming and going. Each time I would come close to the water, one or two of them will swim closer and look at me with their deep black eyes.

  I was scared…

  Shoo, shoo…

  I tried to use the same tactic I used with the animals, but these monsters were not easy to scare. I needed almost ten tours to fill the pool with clean water, so I almost ran all the way to the lake.

  When the pool was filled I took the animals out of the farm and let them wonder about and drink as much water as they wanted.

  I was happy and could see that they were happy too, but the sun was going down and there was no time to lose. I closed them inside the farm once again and went inside my house. When I was closing the door, I already could hear the Zombies coming my way.

  It was going to be another long night in Mineomania for me…

  Chapter 8

  Day Six – Am I Going Crazy?

  The next morning I was still shaking from fear and exhaustion. I had spent the whole night huddled inside my house, scared and worried about what was going on outside.

  That night, for the first time I heard some strange noises, which were very similar to human cries. I had never till then heard anything that sounded like this.

  After two months in here, I am able to recognize the sounds of most of the mobs, but this one was new.

  In the morning, I exited carefully my house and looked around before jumping over the ditch filled with lava. I could see that nothing was out of place, but I also could not shake the feeling of uneasiness.

  That is when I saw him!

  A shadow passed near the farm and ran towards the woods. He, or it, I am still unsure what it was, looked a lot like me, with the exception of the eyes.

  I saw them when he reached the first trees and turned around to look at me. His eyes were glowing and seemed made of gold. I have never seen anything like them before, and I had seen plenty in here.

  That was when it hit me – I have seen the Herobrine!

  The Minecraft manual was full of stories about this mysterious creature that many insisted they have seen. My girlfriend, however, informed me from the very beginning that the Herobrine does not exist.

  How wrong was she! I just hope that one day, I will get back home and would be able to tell everyone about him.

  He looked at me for a long minute and then turned around and disappeared in the woods. I tried to remember all I had read about him – he builds pyramids and tunnels, hides from players and is very difficult to find.

  The Herobrine is not dangerous to players and usually would run in the opposite direction from them.

  If that information was correct, why did he stay here the whole night? Because, now I was sure that it was him, who made that strange noise.

  Was he dangerous? If the manual was wrong about his existence, his behaviour and his fears, maybe it was also wrong about how dangerous the Herobrine was.

  For the hundred times I was scared for my life. I had just learned how to protect myself from the other hostile mobs, what was I going to do with this one.

  First, I needed to see what was the Herobrine doing near my farm. I examined it carefully, but there was nothing out of place. The animals were still sleeping and the door was closed, as I left it the night before.

  I walked around, careful not to miss something and a new idea started to form in my mind. What if I surround my home, farm and pool of water with a high fence?

  Chapter 9

  Day Seven – The Wall

  Once I made the decision the rest was easy – first I prepared multiple stone blocks and carried them closer to the house. I tried to make them identical, but that wasn’t always easy.

  Then I took a half burned branch and started to draw a straight line from the foot of the mountain and all around my house, farm and water. I was not sure how long my wall was going to be, as the important thing was it to serve as a barrier between me and the rest of the world.

  I worked slowly, as I was constantly stopping to look around or to listen for some strange noise. The presence of the Herobrine was constantly in my mind and I could not shake the feeling that he was watching me from somewhere.

  That evening, I left my animals out of the farm to drink water and eat some fresh grass and continued with the building of the fence well after the sun was already hidden behind the mountain.

  I could not spend another night like the previous one…

  The result of my hard work was amazing. Now my home had double protection and I could let the animals out of the farm, without worrying that they might get lost.

  Oh, dad if you could see me now…

  I exclaimed, once the fence was finished and I could admire my work.


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