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Watercolors: Ellison Brothers

Page 4

by Vera Roberts

  “Still no word on the only person who matters in all of this.” Ocean glanced down at his iPhone to make sure it was on and the volume was up. Now he felt like he was a lovesick teenage boy waiting to see if the girl he’d crushed on was going to return his call. “She matters more than any talking head right now.”

  “Has she gotten back to you?” Justin asked and Ocean shook his head. “Give her some time. I’m sure she’s overwhelmed by all of the attention.”

  “This is what she wanted, though,” Ocean defended his actions. “She wanted to be a politician’s wife and this comes with the territory.”

  “You’re not any politician, though.” Justin poured a cup of coffee at the bar. “You’re an Ellison. Everyone knows how Ellisons get down.”

  “Everyone thinks they know how my family is. No one knows. The truth is more boring than all of the narratives everyone keeps putting out.” Ocean replied. When he was younger, a friend showed him a news story about his father having an affair with a famous actress. Ocean simply replied it wasn’t true because the woman didn’t have the right paint job. “The only thing they have on my father are his past affairs and even then, they don’t have anything current. How much longer are people going to recycle a twenty-year old story?”

  “As long as police are gunning down black folks and your father is defending said families.” Justin took a sip of the too-hot coffee. “There’s that.”

  “There’s that.” Ocean shrugged. He checked his phone again. No word from Aaliyah. He purposely set his phone so she would be the only contact to come through. No one else mattered. “I have a flight to catch in a few hours. I need an answer from her before I leave.”

  “She’ll give you one, one way or another.” Justin reassured. “She doesn’t seem like the type to keep you hanging just because.”

  “I just need to know.” Ocean bit his fingernail. His stomach curled up into tight knots and he let out an emotional, quiet sigh. His plan sounded great in his head but it might have spectacularly backfired on him.

  If he lost Aaliyah forever, Ocean simply didn’t know what he would do.


  “I see you’re popular now,” Avery Smith boomed over the phone to his only daughter. “When’s the wedding?”

  Aaliyah shook her head as she painted her toes. She’d been up for almost two hours and it seemed the story of her and Ocean simply picked up steam. Her IG followers were now close to a million; a blistering change from the barely fifty thousand from the previous day.

  She’d received numerous phone calls and requests from many news stations and magazines asking her for an interview or any sound bite. She hadn’t returned any messages and didn’t plan to. Despite her anger towards Ocean, Aaliyah felt she needed to consult with him first. There was an innate need to protect that man, despite the heartache he’d given her. “I don’t know what to do, Daddy. He tricked me.”

  “Well, yes, that wasn’t cool. But he had the right intentions. Ocean doesn’t seem like the type of man to intentionally hurt you or manipulate your emotions.” Avery replied. “I met him once and he was a nice, good man. Good values and despite his familial relations, he came from a good background.”

  Avery never liked Aaliyah’s past boyfriends though she could admit she didn’t have the best choice of men. She dated former criminals, bad boys, variations of fuck boys, and just no good men. Ocean was the best man she’d ever dated.

  He was also the man who’d given her the worst heartbreak. “I don’t know, Daddy. This is pretty crummy of him.”

  “Pippi, this is what you wanted.” He referred to her childhood nickname. “You wanted to be a senator’s wife at one point.”

  “At one point, yes. This is different now. A lot has changed within the last couple of years.” Aaliyah reminded her father. “I have a meeting with the network this week, that is if they still want me.”

  “Oh, they’ll still want you.” Avery’s deep voice chuckled. “You singlehandedly just gave them a ratings boost and your show hasn’t even aired yet.”

  Aaliyah rolled her eyes. The reality show was supposed to be about her life and her shop. Now people were going to tune in because of her connection with Ocean. Aaliyah should’ve been ecstatic about that news, instead she was angry again.

  Once again, Ocean made a decision about her life without consulting first. Once may have been a mistake, but twice was a habit. “I should probably cancel the meeting.”

  “No, you’re going to go to it. You’re not going to give up an opportunity because of your ex-boyfriend. That’s never been your style and it never will be.” Avery sternly warned his daughter. “You don’t know when an opportunity like this will come again. And you still don’t know if Ocean is serious.”

  “Oh, he’s serious.” Aaliyah replied with a thick stain of contempt. “I just don’t think he realizes what he’s doing. He thinks this is all a game until I get stalked and harassed by the press.”

  “I think Ocean is smart enough to know what will happen.” Avery glanced out of his window and saw a small crowd of reporters lined up in front of the garage. “He knows how to play the game.”

  “That’s the thing – he knows how to play the game; I don’t. You don’t and Mama…” Aaliyah’s mouth gaped open. Her mother must’ve been bombarded with phone calls and visits.

  “Me and your mama will be fine.” Avery glanced out of his window. The crowd of reporters had considerably grown. “Let me go deal with these people before they trample my petunias. Call Ocean back before he leaves later.”

  “Before he leaves later?” Aaliyah questioned. “You talked to him already?”

  “Who do you think told him you were here?” Avery laughed. “I’ll talk to you later, sugar.” He hung up.

  Aaliyah shook her head as she stared outside of her window. Everything started to make more sense as Ocean had the blessing of her father to contact her. He knew Aaliyah wouldn’t be mad at Avery despite her feelings towards Ocean.

  Still, the thought she was thrust into the political spotlight without even so much the proper training made Aaliyah sick to her stomach. Ocean didn’t even give her a chance to say no before he made the decision for her.

  If she was going to be the quiet, political wife who just nodded and smiled, Ocean chose the wrong one.

  The sooner he knew it, the better off the two of them were for it.


  At one point in Ocean’s life, he was lanky and dare he thought, badly-built.

  His arms and legs had no definition to them whatsoever. He did keep active by running, walking, and playing the traditional white guy pastime of Frisbee.

  When he ran for the Senate, he had to undergo a tremendous appearance change. His clothing became sharper and more expensive. His speech became more enunciated and sharper. His build, once nothing to write home about, became buff and streamlined.

  He used to use over the counter products that he could just walk into any store to purchase. Now he had designer deodorant that cost about half of someone’s mortgage in the Midwest. Expensive hair products made sure his brown bedhead looked fantastic, if all he did was just run a hand through it.

  Now all he needed was the one woman who made his heart look good.

  His parents had set him up with different women over the past couple of years. They lasted long enough to be photographed and make the gossip rounds, but nothing ever serious came out of them. If he wanted to bed one, she signed an NDA with several legal consequences so no one would ever know the sordid details.

  The NDA was Ocean’s idea. He didn’t know if Aaliyah cared enough to still pay attention but he surely didn’t want details of his sex life making its way to nightly news. It was bad enough he was followed as much as he was.

  As the minutes turned into hours, Ocean conceded Aaliyah was not going to call him. He gave it his all and that was that. She didn’t want to be a part of his life anymore and he had no choice but to respect that. At least she got a bit of publi
city for her show.

  Ocean was in the middle of an intense solo workout when he heard a knock on his door. He was so wrapped into thinking about Aaliyah, he forgot Justin had ordered him breakfast. “Coming.” He opened the door and felt his heart lodged into his throat.

  Aaliyah was there, standing behind the room service cart.

  She looked…different. Yes, different was the word. A long, honey blonde wig and completely covered from head to toe. She channeled Mary J. Blige’s “Not Gon’ Cry” video and Ocean believed that was very much her intention. She wasn’t shedding any more tears for him no matter what slick moves he pulled.

  He folded his arms and leaned against the door jamb with a smile on his face. “Room service?”

  Aaliyah shoved the cart against Ocean, who folded over. She let herself inside his suite and sat down at the dining room table. His suite was elegant with an understated class. It was in direct contrast to his current appearance. She ignored the feelings within her when she saw his sweaty, muscular frame.

  He was always attractive but the makeover Ocean went through sent shockwaves throughout Aaliyah’s petite frame. He was heart stuttering gorgeous and smelling his musky scent made Aaliyah’s sex clench in desire.

  She let out a small sigh and focused at the task. She was not going to let good dick stop her feelings. “Fuck you.”

  “I hope you will.” He closed the door behind him and walked further into the room. He stood in front of his ex and opened his breakfast plate. “Delicious.” He closed it again and stared down at her. “Hungry?”

  Aaliyah got a whiff of Ocean’s scent close to her and hoped her legs didn’t magically open. “No.” She stood her ground.

  “Are you pissed?” He smiled.

  “Very.” She replied and ignored his gorgeous smile. Ocean was a truly beautiful man and he knew it as well. “What you did wasn’t cool, O. Not cool at all.”

  Ocean sat across the table from Aaliyah and felt the intense sexual heat radiating from her. She could claim she hated him all she wanted but her body spoke differently. “But you expected it, yes?”

  “From some random paparazzo, yes.” She pointed out. “Not from someone who’s still playing games with me like I’m a PS4.”

  “So, if some random paparazzo took those photos, you would be okay with it, knowing the outcome would still be the same?” He questioned. “But I’m the asshole because I beat the paparazzi at their own game?”

  Aaliyah didn’t think of it in that manner. Maybe Ocean was doing her a favor in his own twisted way. She still didn’t appreciate it. “I woke up to the press hounding me. They still won’t leave me alone.”

  “How did you manage to get here?” He asked.

  “No one is expecting me to look like this,” Aaliyah removed the scarf and wig. She peeled off her coat and revealed a white tank top and blue jeans. “I have a friend who called me and let me know you were staying here, that’s how I knew where you were.”

  Ocean felt his heart stutter when he saw Aaliyah’s hardened nipples through her shirt. She went braless and his dick immediately sprung to action. “I could’ve told you if you called me?” His blue eyes danced.

  “This is a conversation we needed to have face-to-face.” Aaliyah pressed. “We’re not dating.”

  “You’ve made that very clear.”

  “I’m not your girlfriend.” She curtly replied.

  “Yet.” He smiled.

  “We’re not lovers.” Aaliyah hardened her eyes, though she could silently admit her body rejected that notion of never feeling Ocean again.

  “I’m trying to give you this dick but you’re playing.” He licked his top lip. “So here we are.”

  Aaliyah swallowed her sexual frustration and continued. Ocean’s blue eyes were scorching hot and glazed over her body. “O, I’m trying to be serious here.”

  “So am I.” He reached out to grab her hand. She let him hold it. “Liyah, you know I don’t play games.”

  “But you are,” she rubbed her thumb over his knuckles. His hands were soft with a touch of roughness. “This is all one big game to you.”

  “If it’s a game, please let me know what I’m going to win since the biggest prize I want just told me she doesn’t want me to win at all.” His eyes sharpened at her. “You said you were willing to give up everything to be with me. Here it is. This is your life now. You will be followed until there’s no longer a story. People who knew you from way back when are going to come out of the woodworks and talk about you, good or bad. There will be articles on the type of fruit you like to eat and why everyone should try it. You will be antagonized on things I do that will have nothing to do with your business or show.

  “If you want us to be together, Liyah, this is my life now. This will be my life until I retire or quit from public office. I’m two years into a six-year term and if you really want me to leave you alone, it stops here right now.” He held her hand within his. “I don’t want that but I’ll respect your wishes.”

  Aaliyah heavily sighed. Ocean was sincere but he also couldn’t just come back into her life as if the last several years never took place. “You want me to give up my life to become your plaything just like that.” She snapped her fingers. “That’s the real insult.”

  “When I have ever said I wanted you as my plaything?” He quietly countered. “I always said I wanted you as my wife.”

  Memories of buying numerous wedding magazines and window-shopping at various bridal boutiques made Aaliyah’s heart angry. “You couldn’t even dump me in person.”

  Ocean slowly blinked and watched the anger in Aaliyah’s voice overcome her beautiful facial features. He gripped her hand tighter and she didn’t let go. “I did fight for you. I wanted to quit.”

  “But you didn’t.” She let out a soft laugh to keep the tears at bay. “You didn’t because you didn’t want to. Your hunger for success was more important than our relationship.”

  “That’s not true,” he argued, “that was never true.”

  “I’m sitting here in your hotel room to hide from the paparazzi who is determined to make me a news story regardless if I want it.” She cocked her head to the side. “How is that you protecting me? Protecting us?”


  “You can’t protect me, O, and we both know this. You can’t protect me because protecting me means you would have to stand up to your father and we both know who really rules the Ellison clan.” Aaliyah snatched her hand back and stood up. “Thank you for the publicity for my show but we’re done here.” She began to walk away.

  “Have you ever known me to take no for an answer?” Ocean’s deep voice stopped Aaliyah. “Because if you know me as well as you do, this isn’t over between us. Hate to burst your bubble, but the fun has just started.”

  Aaliyah turned around and faced her ex. “Why are you doing this? You can have your pick of any woman out there! You can choose one that would look great on your arm, wouldn’t give you any problems, and will be everything an Ellison should be. Why are you doing this?”

  “Because I love you,” he said it with such authority, Aaliyah visibly shivered, “and contrary to your anger, you love me, too, and you want this to work.”

  Aaliyah hated how he read her like a librarian. “O, you’re being ridicu—”

  “I’m flying you to D.C. next month on your days off so we can talk more and it’ll give the press another story to get mad at in the meantime.” He walked up to her and cupped her head within his hands. He swept his lips over hers again and Aaliyah didn’t try to fight it.

  Heat took over Aaliyah’s body as she held onto Ocean’s muscular arms to keep from falling. Their tongues tangled and danced, and she felt his smooth hardness poke from his workout shorts. Her body tingled with unbridled pleasure and tightened when she felt Ocean reached down and cupped her ass.

  He suddenly pulled away and Aaliyah was left wanting and hungry for him. “Next month.” His voice was low and sharp. “And if you still w
ant to dump me in person, at least you had a free mini-vaca to my work. Security is already at your home and Watercolors right now fighting off the press.” He kissed her hard again and slapped her ass. “Be good, Liyah. The world is now watching us.”


  Ocean was true to his word.

  When Aaliyah arrived back home, there were two security guards waiting for her. They kept the relentless reporters at bay and allowed her to get into a chauffeured car to go to work. At Watercolors, there was more press waiting for her and more security held them back.

  Aaliyah didn’t bother to check her social media for the rest of the day and didn’t want to suddenly put any page on private or completely delete it. She also made sure to not read any comments or go to the ubiquitous gossip pages who tagged her so she could defend herself.

  Defend herself from what, she thought? There was nothing to say. Ocean’s paid photographers caught them kissing and that’s it. They weren’t dating. They weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend. They were…

  What were they, she pondered. Ocean thought he was so cute and slick waltzing back into her life as if the last several years didn’t matter at all. But when Aaliyah thought about how sweet and full his lips were on hers…

  Aaliyah shook her head. She would be damned if she was going to be caught up in Ocean again. She was left hanging with a broken heart and a wet ass, to boot. Never again. Never with him.

  Still, Aaliyah did like having security around her. She was chauffeured to work in a AMG Mercedes. She instructed her assistant, Katrina, to only take calls regarding tattoo bookings. If they were the press, they were immediately hung up on.

  Despite her wavering feelings towards Ocean, Aaliyah had an innate need to protect that man. She didn’t know if she was simply wasting her time for doing so or if she really loved him.


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